Reboot fix, possibly??
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
- Support for LUKS and/or LVM.
- Built-in error detection.
- Written entirely in Bash
- Fast Install on fast hardware _(~6min)_
#### Requirements
- `rsync` for unpacking the squashfs.
@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ _ExtPartBody1="将分区挂载在扫描位置.\n\n请确保挂载点是以斜线
# Auto partition
_PartWipeBody2="将被'wipe -Ifre'命令删除.\n\n这过程花费的时间取决于启动器的空间大小.\n\n要继续吗?"
@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ _MntConfBody="\nBevestig volgende aankoppelopties:"
_MntBody="Gebuik [Spatie] om de gewenste aankoppel-opties te (de)selecteren en controleer deze nauwkeurig. Vermijd de selectie van meerdere versies van de zelfde optie, aub."
# Autopartitionering
_PartBody1="Opgelet: ALLE data op"
_PartBody2="zal worden gewist.\n\nEr wordt eerst een boot partitie van 512MB aangemaakt, de rest van de ruimte wordt ingenomen door een tweede (root of '/') partitie.\n\nWil je verder gaan?"
_PartBody1="Opgelet:\n\nALLE data op"
_PartBody2="zal worden gewist.\n\nEr wordt eerst een vfat/fat32 boot partitie van 512MB aangemaakt, de rest van de ruimte wordt ingenomen door een tweede ext4 (root of '/') partitie"
_PartBody3="\n\nWil je verder gaan?"
#Foutmeldingen. Alle andere worden door BASH gegenereerd.
_ErrNoMount="\nPartitie(s) moet(en) eerst worden aangekoppeld\n"
@ -68,16 +68,16 @@ _MirrorSetup="\nWant the mirrorlist automatically sorted?\n\nThis will take long
_MirrorCmd="\nThe command below will be used to sort the mirrorlist, a short description of each option is provided, edit the command if needed.\n"
# window managers and packages
_WMChoice="Select WM or DE"
_WMChoice="Select WMs or DEs"
_WMChoiceBody="\nUse [Space] to (de)select window manager(s) or desktop environment(s) to install.\n\nDepending on your choice additional packages may be installed to improve the experience."
_ExtraPackages="Extra Packages"
_ExtraPackagesBody="\nUse [Space] to (de)select packages(s) to install from the list below."
_ExtraPackagesBody="\nUse [Space] to (de)select packages(s) to install from the list below.\n\nNOTE: Some packages may already be installed by your DE (if any) or added automatically depending on your choice of WM."
# login setup
_WMLogin="Select Login Type"
_LoginTypeBody="\nSelect how you want to log in to the computer, with a display manager or xinit."
_WMLoginBody="\nSelect which window manager or desktop to use for login."
_AutoLoginBody="\nDo you want to automatically log in when the computer starts?"
_LoginTypeBody="\nSelect how you want to log in to the computer, using a display manager or xinit."
_WMLoginBody="\nSelect which window manager or desktop to use as your primary login."
_AutoLoginBody="\nDo you want the new user to be automatically logged in when the computer starts?"
# Set keymap, hwclock, local and timezone
_CMapTitle="Virtual Console Keymap"
@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ _XMapBody="\nSelect the system wide keymap, this is the keyboard layout used onc
_LocaleBody="\nLocale determines the date, time, currency, and language.\n\nThe format is language_COUNTRY\n\neg. en_US: english United States\n en_GB: english Great Britain"
# Set hostname
_HostNameBody="\nA hostname is used to identify systems on the network.\n\nIt is restricted to alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).\nIt can contain hyphens (-) BUT NOT at the beggining or end."
_HostNameBody="\nEnter the hostname for the new system.\n\nA hostname is used to identify systems on the network.\n\nIt's restricted to alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).\nIt can contain hyphens (-) BUT NOT at the beggining or end."
# Create new user and set password
_UserTitle="Create New User"
_UserBody="\nEnter the name and password for your new user account.\n\nThe name must not use capital letters, contain any periods (.), end with a hyphen (-), or include any colons (:)\n\nNOTE: [Tab] to toggle between text input and buttons, or press [Enter] to accept."
_UserBody="\nEnter the name and password for your new user account.\n\nThe name must not use capital letters, contain any periods (.), end with a hyphen (-), or include any colons (:)\n\nNOTE: Use the arrow keys to switch between input fields, [Tab] to toggle between input fields and the buttons, or just press [Enter] to accept."
_UserSetBody="\nCreating user and setting groups..\n"
@ -107,38 +107,38 @@ _MntConfBody="\nConfirm the following mount options:"
# Select Device
_DevSelTitle="Select Device"
_DevSelBody="\nSelect a device from the list below.\n\nDevices (/dev) are the available drives on the system. /sda, /sdb ..."
_DevSelBody="\nSelect a device to use from the list below.\n\nDevices (/dev) are the available drives on the system. /sda, /sdb ..."
# Extra Partitions
_ExtPartBody="\nYou can now select additional partitions you want mounted, once choosen you will be asked to enter a mountpoint.\n\nSelect '$_Done' to finish the mounting step and return to the main menu."
_ExtPartBody1="\nWhere do you want the partition mounted?\n\nEnsure the name begins with a forward slash (/).\nSome examples include:"
_ExtPartBody1="\nWhere do you want the partition mounted?\n\nEnsure the name begins with a slash (/).\nSome examples include:"
# kernel
_KernelTitle="Choose Kernel"
_KernelBody="\nKeep the default linux kernel or switch to the LTS kernel?\n"
_KernelBody="\nSelect which kernel to use for the install."
# Partitioning Menu
_PartTitle="Partitioning Tool"
_PartBody="\nWhole device auto partitioning is available for beginners.\n\nUEFI systems require a vfat/fat32 partition between 100-512M in size to be mounted at /boot or /boot/efi, additionally BIOS systems using LUKS require a seperate /boot partition, between 100-512M and formatted as ext3/4."
_PartBody="\nWhole device auto partitioning is available for beginners.\n\nUEFI systems require a vfat/fat32 partition between 100-512M in size to be mounted at /boot or /boot/efi, additionally BIOS systems using LUKS require a separate /boot partition, between 100-512M and formatted as ext3 or ext4."
_PartAuto="Automatic Partitioning"
_PartWipe="Secure Wipe Device"
_PartShowTree="Show Partition Tree"
# Auto partition
_PartBody1="\nWARNING: ALL data on"
_PartBody2="will be destroyed and the following partitions will be created\n\n- A 512M partition with boot/esp flag enabled (ext4 for BIOS, vfat/fat32 for UEFI)\n- An ext4 partition using all remaining space"
_PartBody1="\nWARNING:\n\nALL data on"
_PartBody2="will be destroyed and the following partitions will be created\n\n- A 512M vfat/fat32 boot partition with boot flags enabled.\n- An ext4 partition using all remaining space"
_PartBody3="\n\nDo you want to continue?\n"
_PartWipeBody2="will be destroyed using 'wipe -Ifre'.\n\nThis process can take a long time depending on the size of the drive.\n\nDo you want to continue?\n"
# bootloader
_InstSysTitle="Install Syslinux"
_InstSysBody="\nInstall syslinux to the Master Boot Record (MBR) or to root (/)?"
_InstSysBody="\nInstall syslinux to the master boot record (MBR) or to root (/)?"
# File System
_FSTitle="Choose Filesystem"
_FSBody="\nDefault Filesystem: ext4\n\nNOTE: Not all filesystems are usable for root (/) or boot (/boot) partitions."
_FSBody="\nDefault Filesystem: ext4\n\nNOTE: Not all filesystems are usable for root (/) or boot (/boot) partitions."
_SelRootBody="\nSelect root (/) partition.\n\nThis is the partition where $DIST will be installed."
_SelBiosBody="\nDo you want to use a seperate boot partition? (required for LUKS)\n\nThis partition is where the bootloader will be installed.\n"
_SelBiosBody="\nDo you want to use a separate boot partition? (required for LUKS)\n\nThis partition is where the bootloader will be installed.\n"
_SelSwpSetup="Swap Setup"
@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ _SelSwpBody="\nSelect whether to use a swap partition, swapfile, or none.\n\nWhe
_SelSwpErr="Swap Setup Error: Must be 1(M|G) or greater, and can only contain whole numbers\n\nSize Entered:"
_SelSwpSize="\nEnter the size to use for swap.\n\nMust be greater than 1, end in either M or G, and contain only whole numbers."
_SelSwpSize="\nEnter the size to use for swap in MB or GB.\n\nFor ease of use and as an example the size has been filled in to the size of your system memory (RAM).\n\nMust be greater than 1, end in either M or G, and contain only whole numbers."
_SelUefiBody="\nSelect the system EFI boot partition.\n\nThis is a special partition used for booting modern UEFI systems. It's usually the first partition on the drive, less than 512M, and formatted as vfat/fat32."
_SelUefiBody="\nSelect the system EFI boot partition.\n\nThis is a special partition used for booting modern UEFI systems. It's usually the first partition on the drive, less than 512M, and will be formatted as vfat/fat32 if not already."
_FormUefiBody="IMPORTANT:\n\nThe EFI partition"
_FormBiosBody="IMPORTANT:\n\nThe boot partition"
_FormUefiBody2="is already correctly formatted.\n\nFor a clean install, previously existing partitions should be formatted, however this removes ALL data/bootloaders on the partition so choose carefully.\n\nDo you want to reformat the partition?\n"
_FormUefiBody2="is already formatted as vfat/fat32.\n\nFor a clean install, previously existing partitions should be reformatted, however this removes ALL data (bootloaders) on the partition so choose carefully.\n\nDo you want to reformat the partition?\n"
# LUKS / DM-Crypt / Encryption
_LuksMenuBody="\nDevices and volumes encrypted using dm_crypt cannot be accessed or seen without being first unlocked."
@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ _MntUefiBody="\nSélectionner un point de montage EFI.\n\nsystemd-boot requiert
# Partition auto
_PartBody1="AVERTISSEMENT: TOUTES les données sur"
_PartBody2="vont être effacées.\n\nUne partition de démarrage (boot) de 512MB va être créée en premier, suivie par une seconde partition (root ou '/') utilisant tout l'espace restant.\n\nSouhaitez-vous continuer ?"
_PartBody2="vont être effacées.\n\nUne vfat/fat32 partition de démarrage (boot) de 512MB va être créée en premier, suivie par une seconde ext4 partition (root ou '/') utilisant tout l'espace restant"
_PartBody3="\n\nSouhaitez-vous continuer?"
# Messages d'erreur. Tous les autres messages sont générés par BASH.
_ErrNoMount="\nLa ou les partitions doivent être montées en premier.\n"
@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ _MntUefiBody="\nVálasszUEFI csatolási pontot.\n\n'systemd-boot' megköveteli a
# Automata partícionálás
_PartBody1="Figyelmeztetés: Az összes adat a"
_PartBody2="törölve lesz.\n\nAz 512MB-os boot partíciótkell először létrehoznod, következö a (root vagy '/') partíció az összes fennmaradó hely használatba vételével.\n\nFolytatni akarod?"
_PartBody2="törölve lesz.\n\nAz 512MB-os vfat/fat32 boot partíciótkell először létrehoznod, következö a ext4 (root vagy '/') partíció az összes fennmaradó hely használatba vételével"
_PartBody3="\n\nFolytatni akarod?"
# Hibaüzenetek. Az összes többi létre lesz hozva a BASH által.
_ErrNoMount="\nA partíciót (partíciókat) csatold először.\n"
@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ _MntUefiBody="\nSelezionare mountpoint EFI.\n\nsystemd-boot richiede /boot. grub
# Partizionamento automatico
_PartBody1="Attenzione: TUTTI i dati contenuti in"
_PartBody2="saranno eliminati.\n\nVerrà creata una partizione di boot da 512MB, seguita da una seconda partizione (root o '/') usando tutto lo spazio rimanente.\n\nSi desidera continuare?"
_PartBody2="saranno eliminati.\n\nVerrà creata una vfat/fat32 partizione di boot da 512MB, seguita da una seconda ext4 partizione (root o '/') usando tutto lo spazio rimanente"
_PartBody3="\n\nSi desidera continuare?"
# Messaggi d'errore. Tutti gli altri sono generati da BASH.
_ErrNoMount="\nLa/Le partizione/i deve/devono essere montata/e per prima/e.\n"
@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ _MntUefiBody="\nSeleccione o ponto de montagem EFI.\n\nO systemd-boot requer /bo
# Particionamento automático
_PartBody1="Atenção: TODOS os dados em"
_PartBody2="serão destruídos.\n\nUma partição de boot de 512MB será criada primeito, seguida por uma segunda partição (root ou '/') utilizando todo o espaço restante.\n\nDesejar continuar?"
_PartBody2="serão destruídos.\n\nUma vfat/fat32 partição de boot de 512MB será criada primeito, seguida por uma segunda ext4 partição (root ou '/') utilizando todo o espaço restante"
_PartBody3="\n\nDesejar continuar?"
# Mensagens de erro. Todos os outros são gerados por BASH.
_ErrNoMount="\nA(s) partição(ões) deve(m) ser montada(s) primeiro.\n"
@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ _MntUefiBody="\nSelecione o ponto de montagem EFI.\n\nO systemd-boot requer /boo
# Particionamento automático
_PartBody1="Atenção: TODOS os dados em"
_PartBody2="serão destruídos.\n\nUma partição de boot de 512MB será criada primeiro, seguida por uma segunda partição (root ou '/') utilizando todo o espaço restante.\n\nDesejar continuar?"
_PartBody2="serão destruídos.\n\nUma vfat/fat32 partição de boot de 512MB será criada primeito, seguida por uma segunda ext4 partição (root ou '/') utilizando todo o espaço restante"
_PartBody3="\n\nDesejar continuar?"
# Mensagens de erro. Todos os outros são gerados por BASH.
_ErrNoMount="\nA(s) partição(ões) deve(m) ser montada(s) primeiro.\n"
@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ _MntUefiBody="\nВыберите точку монтирования EFI.\n\nsys
# Autopartition
_PartBody1="Предупреждение: ВСЕ данные на"
_PartBody2="будут уничтожены.\n\nСначала будет создан раздел boot размером 512MB, затем будет создан корневой раздел (root или '/') который использует все оставшееся место на диске.\n\nПродолжить?"
_PartBody2="будут уничтожены.\n\nСначала будет создан раздел vfat/fat32 boot размером 512MB, затем будет создан корневой раздел ext4 (root или '/') который использует все оставшееся место на диске"
# Error Messages. All others are generated by BASH.
_ErrNoMount="\nСначала нужно смонтировать раздел(ы).\n"
@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ _MntUefiBody="\nSeleccione el punto de montaje EFI.\n\nsystemd-boot requiere /bo
# Autopartición
_PartBody1="Aviso: TODA la información en "
_PartBody2="será eliminada por completo.\n\nPrimero se creará una partición de arranque de 512MB, seguida por una segunda partición (raíz o '/') que utilizará todo el espacio restante.\n\n¿Desea continuar?"
_PartBody2="será eliminada por completo.\n\nPrimero se creará una vfat/fat32 partición de arranque de 512MB, seguida por una segunda ext4 partición (raíz o '/') que utilizará todo el espacio restante"
_PartBody2="\n\n¿Desea continuar?"
# Mensajes de Error. Todos los demás son generados por BASH.
_ErrNoMount="\nPrimero se debe/n montar la/s partición/es.\n"
@ -9,132 +9,85 @@
# set -n
# immutable {
# globals {
readonly DIST="ArchLabs" # Linux distributor
readonly VER="1.7.5" # Installer version
readonly LIVE="liveuser" # Live session user
readonly MNT="/mnt/install" # Install mountpoint
readonly ERR="/tmp/errlog" # Built-in error log
readonly EFI="/sys/firmware/efi/efivars"
readonly TRN="/usr/share/archlabs/installer/lang"
readonly RUN="/run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/boot"
# immutable values
readonly VER="1.7.9" # Installer version
readonly DIST="ArchLabs" # Linux distributor
readonly LIVE="liveuser" # Live session user
readonly MNT="/mnt/install" # Install mountpoint
readonly ERR="/tmp/errlog" # Built-in error log
readonly VM="$(dmesg | grep -i "hypervisor")"
readonly SALT="$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)"
readonly SYS_MEM=$(grep 'MemTotal' /proc/meminfo | awk '{print int($2 / 1024)"M"}')
readonly LOCALES="$(awk '/\.UTF-8/ {gsub(/# .*|#/, ""); if($1) print $1 " -"}' /etc/locale.gen)"
readonly CMAPS="$(find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps -name '*.map.gz' | awk '{gsub(/\.map\.gz|.*\//, ""); print $1 " -"}')"
# mutable values
declare -g WARN=false
declare -g AUTOLOGIN=false
declare -g CONFIG_DONE=false
declare -g SEPERATE_BOOT=false
if grep -q 'GenuineIntel' /proc/cpuinfo; then
readonly UCODE="intel-ucode.img"
elif grep -q 'AuthenticAMD' /proc/cpuinfo; then
readonly UCODE="amd-ucode.img"
# create associative array for SUBZONES[zone]
declare -gA SUBZONES
for zone in America Australia Asia Atlantic Africa Europe Indian Pacific Arctic Antarctica; do
SUBZONES[$zone]="$(awk "/$zone\// {gsub(/$zone\//, \"\"); print \$3 \" \"\$1}" /usr/share/zoneinfo/"
readonly SUBZONES # make it read only
if [[ $DISPLAY && $TERM != 'linux' ]]; then
for t in termite st xterm; do
hash $t >/dev/null 2>&1 && { readonly TERM_CMD="$t"; break; }
# static string of keymap codes and respective language
readonly KEYMAPS="us English cm English gb English au English gh English za English ng English
ca French cd French gn French tg French fr French de German at German ch German es Spanish
latam Spanish br Portuguese pt Portuguese ma Arabic sy Arabic ara Arabic ua Ukrainian cz Czech
ru Russian sk Slovak nl Dutch it Italian hu Hungarian cn Chinese tw Taiwanese vn Vietnamese
kr Korean jp Japanese th Thai la Lao pl Polish se Swedish is Icelandic fi Finnish dk Danish
be Belgian in Indian al Albanian am Armenian bd Bangla ba Bosnian bg Bulgarian dz Berber
mm Burmese hr Croatian gr Greek il Hebrew ir Persian iq Iraqi af Afghani fo Faroese ge Georgian
ee Estonian kg Kyrgyz kz Kazakh lt Lithuanian mt Maltese mn Mongolian no Norwegian ro Romanian
rs Serbian si Slovenian tj Tajik lk Sinhala tr Turkish uz Uzbek ie Irish pk Urdu mv Dhivehi
epo Esperanto np Nepali et Amharic sn Wolof ml Bambara tz Swahili ke Swahili bw Tswana
ph Filipino id Indonesian my Malay tm Turkmen bt Dzongkha lv Latvian md Moldavian mao Maori
by Belarusian me Montenegrin mk Macedonian kh Khmer az Azerbaijani"
readonly KERNELS="linux - linux-lts -"
declare -Agr BMNTS=(
[UEFI-grub]="/boot/efi" [UEFI-systemd-boot]="/boot" [BIOS-grub]="/boot"
[BIOS-syslinux]="/boot" [UEFI-syslinux]="/boot"
declare -Agr BOOTLDRS=(
[BIOS]="grub ${BMNTS[BIOS-grub]} syslinux ${BMNTS[BIOS-syslinux]}"
[UEFI]="grub ${BMNTS[UEFI-grub]} systemd-boot ${BMNTS[UEFI-systemd-boot]} syslinux ${BMNTS[UEFI-syslinux]}"
declare -Agr FS_CMDS=(
[ext2]="mkfs.ext2 -q" [ext3]="mkfs.ext3 -q" [ext4]="mkfs.ext4 -q"
[f2fs]="mkfs.f2fs" [jfs]="mkfs.jfs -q" [xfs]="mkfs.xfs -f" [nilfs2]="mkfs.nilfs2 -q"
[ntfs]="mkfs.ntfs -q" [reiserfs]="mkfs.reiserfs -q" [vfat]="mkfs.vfat -F32"
declare -Agr FS_OPTS=([vfat]="" [ntfs]="" [ext2]="" [ext3]=""
[ext4]="discard - off dealloc - off nofail - off noacl - off relatime - off noatime - off nobarrier - off nodelalloc - off"
[jfs]="discard - off errors=continue - off errors=panic - off nointegrity - off"
[reiserfs]="acl - off nolog - off notail - off replayonly - off user_xattr - off"
[xfs]="discard - off filestreams - off ikeep - off largeio - off noalign - off nobarrier - off norecovery - off noquota - off wsync - off"
[nilfs2]="discard - off nobarrier - off errors=continue - off errors=panic - off order=relaxed - off order=strict - off norecovery - off"
[f2fs]="data_flush - off disable_roll_forward - off disable_ext_identify - off discard - off fastboot - off flush_merge - off inline_xattr - off inline_data - off inline_dentry - off no_heap - off noacl - off nobarrier - off noextent_cache - off noinline_data - off norecovery - off"
declare -g BT="$DIST Installer - (x86_64) - Version $VER"
declare -g ROOT_PART=""
declare -g BOOT_DEVICE=""
declare -g BOOT_PART=""
declare -g BOOTLDR=""
declare -g EXTRA_MNT=""
declare -g EXTRA_MNTS=""
declare -g SWAP_PART=""
declare -g SWAP_SIZE=""
declare -g NEWUSER=""
declare -g USER_PASS=""
declare -g ROOT_PASS=""
declare -g LOGIN_WM=""
declare -g LOGIN_TYPE=""
declare -g INSTALL_WMS=""
declare -g KERNEL=""
declare -g WM_PACKAGES=""
declare -g PACKAGES=""
declare -g MKINIT_HOOKS="shutdown"
# }
init() {
declare -g BT="$DIST Installer - (x86_64) - Version $VER"
declare -g ROOT_PART=""
declare -g BOOT_DEVICE=""
declare -g BOOT_PART=""
declare -g BOOTLDR=""
declare -g EXTRA_MNT=""
declare -g EXTRA_MNTS=""
declare -g SWAP=""
declare -g SWAP_SIZE="$SYS_MEM"
declare -g NEWUSER=""
declare -g USER_PASS=""
declare -g ROOT_PASS=""
declare -g LOGIN_WM=""
declare -g LOGIN_TYPE=""
declare -g INSTALL_WMS=""
declare -g KERNEL="linux"
declare -g WM_PACKAGES=""
declare -g EXTRA_PACKAGES=""
declare -g MKINIT_HOOKS="shutdown"
select_language() {
tput civis
local lang
lang=$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" --title " Select Language " --menu \
"\nLanguage - sprache - taal - språk - lingua - idioma - nyelv - língua\n" 0 0 0 \
"1" "English (en_**)" "2" "Español (es_ES)" \
"3" "Português [Brasil] (pt_BR)" "4" "Português (pt_PT)" \
"5" "Français (fr_FR)" "6" "Russkiy (ru_RU)" \
"7" "Italiano (it_IT)" "8" "Nederlands (nl_NL)" \
"9" "Magyar (hu_HU)" "10" "Chinese (zh_CN)")
declare -g WARN=false
declare -g AUTOLOGIN=false
declare -g CONFIG_DONE=false
declare -g SEPERATE_BOOT=false
local srcdir="/usr/share/archlabs/installer/lang"
declare -gA BCMDS=(
[syslinux]="syslinux-install_update -iam"
[grub]="grub-install --recheck --force"
[systemd-boot]="bootctl --path=/boot install"
src $srcdir/english.trans
declare -gA FILES=(
[2]="/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf /etc/default/keyboard /etc/vconsole.conf"
[3]="/etc/locale.conf /etc/default/locale"
[4]="/etc/hostname /etc/hosts"
case $lang in
1) LOC="en_US.UTF-8" ;;
2) src $srcdir/spanish.trans && LOC="es_ES.UTF-8" ;;
3) src $srcdir/p_brasil.trans && LOC="pt_BR.UTF-8" ;;
4) src $srcdir/portuguese.trans && LOC="pt_PT.UTF-8" ;;
5) src $srcdir/french.trans && LOC="fr_FR.UTF-8" ;;
6) src $srcdir/russian.trans && LOC="ru_RU.UTF-8" FONT="LatKaCyrHeb-16" ;;
7) src $srcdir/italian.trans && LOC="it_IT.UTF-8" ;;
8) src $srcdir/dutch.trans && LOC="nl_NL.UTF-8" ;;
9) src $srcdir/hungarian.trans && LOC="hu_HU.UTF-8" FONT="lat2-16" ;;
10) src $srcdir/chinese.trans && LOC="zh_CN.UTF-8" ;;
*) die 0
sed -i "s/#en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/" /etc/locale.gen
if [[ $LOC != "en_US.UTF-8" ]]; then
sed -i "s/#${LOC}/${LOC}/" /etc/locale.gen
locale-gen >/dev/null 2>&1
[[ $TERM == 'linux' ]] && setfont $FONT >/dev/null 2>&1
export LANG="$LOC"
return 0
user() {
user_creation() {
tput cnorm
local values
values="$(dialog --stdout --no-cancel --separator '~' --ok-label "Submit" --backtitle "$BT" \
@ -199,49 +152,30 @@ user() {
return 0
language() {
tput civis
local lang
lang=$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" --title " Select Language " --menu \
"\nLanguage - sprache - taal - språk - lingua - idioma - nyelv - língua\n" 0 0 0 \
"1" "English (en_**)" "2" "Español (es_ES)" \
"3" "Português [Brasil] (pt_BR)" "4" "Português (pt_PT)" \
"5" "Français (fr_FR)" "6" "Russkiy (ru_RU)" \
"7" "Italiano (it_IT)" "8" "Nederlands (nl_NL)" \
"9" "Magyar (hu_HU)" "10" "Chinese (zh_CN)")
src $TRN/english.trans
case $lang in
1) LOC="en_US.UTF-8" ;;
2) src $TRN/spanish.trans && LOC="es_ES.UTF-8" ;;
3) src $TRN/p_brasil.trans && LOC="pt_BR.UTF-8" ;;
4) src $TRN/portuguese.trans && LOC="pt_PT.UTF-8" ;;
5) src $TRN/french.trans && LOC="fr_FR.UTF-8" ;;
6) src $TRN/russian.trans && LOC="ru_RU.UTF-8" FONT="LatKaCyrHeb-16" ;;
7) src $TRN/italian.trans && LOC="it_IT.UTF-8" ;;
8) src $TRN/dutch.trans && LOC="nl_NL.UTF-8" ;;
9) src $TRN/hungarian.trans && LOC="hu_HU.UTF-8" FONT="lat2-16" ;;
10) src $TRN/chinese.trans && LOC="zh_CN.UTF-8" ;;
*) die 0
sed -i "s/#en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/" /etc/locale.gen
if [[ $LOC != "en_US.UTF-8" ]]; then
sed -i "s/#${LOC}/${LOC}/" /etc/locale.gen
locale-gen >/dev/null 2>&1
[[ $TERM == 'linux' ]] && setfont $FONT >/dev/null 2>&1
export LANG="$LOC"
return 0
keymap() {
select_keymap() {
tput civis
KEYMAP="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_PrepLayout " --menu "$_XMapBody" 20 70 12 $KEYMAPS)"
--title " $_PrepLayout " --menu "$_XMapBody" 20 70 12 \
'us' 'English' 'cm' 'English' 'gb' 'English' 'au' 'English' 'gh' 'English' \
'za' 'English' 'ng' 'English' 'ca' 'French' 'cd' 'French' 'gn' 'French' \
'tg' 'French' 'fr' 'French' 'de' 'German' 'at' 'German' 'ch' 'German' \
'es' 'Spanish' 'latam' 'Spanish' 'br' 'Portuguese' 'pt' 'Portuguese' 'ma' 'Arabic' \
'sy' 'Arabic' 'ara' 'Arabic' 'ua' 'Ukrainian' 'cz' 'Czech' 'ru' 'Russian' \
'sk' 'Slovak' 'nl' 'Dutch' 'it' 'Italian' 'hu' 'Hungarian' 'cn' 'Chinese' \
'tw' 'Taiwanese' 'vn' 'Vietnamese' 'kr' 'Korean' 'jp' 'Japanese' 'th' 'Thai' \
'la' 'Lao' 'pl' 'Polish' 'se' 'Swedish' 'is' 'Icelandic' 'fi' 'Finnish' \
'dk' 'Danish' 'be' 'Belgian' 'in' 'Indian' 'al' 'Albanian' 'am' 'Armenian' \
'bd' 'Bangla' 'ba' 'Bosnian' 'bg' 'Bulgarian' 'dz' 'Berber' 'mm' 'Burmese' \
'hr' 'Croatian' 'gr' 'Greek' 'il' 'Hebrew' 'ir' 'Persian' 'iq' 'Iraqi' \
'af' 'Afghani' 'fo' 'Faroese' 'ge' 'Georgian' 'ee' 'Estonian' 'kg' 'Kyrgyz' \
'kz' 'Kazakh' 'lt' 'Lithuanian' 'mt' 'Maltese' 'mn' 'Mongolian' 'ro' 'Romanian' \
'no' 'Norwegian' 'rs' 'Serbian' 'si' 'Slovenian' 'tj' 'Tajik' 'lk' 'Sinhala' \
'tr' 'Turkish' 'uz' 'Uzbek' 'ie' 'Irish' 'pk' 'Urdu' 'mv' 'Dhivehi' \
'np' 'Nepali' 'et' 'Amharic' 'sn' 'Wolof' 'ml' 'Bambara' 'tz' 'Swahili' \
'ke' 'Swahili' 'bw' 'Tswana' 'ph' 'Filipino' 'my' 'Malay' 'tm' 'Turkmen' \
'id' 'Indonesian' 'bt' 'Dzongkha' 'lv' 'Latvian' 'md' 'Moldavian' 'mao' 'Maori' \
'by' 'Belarusian' 'az' 'Azerbaijani' 'mk' 'Macedonian' 'kh' 'Khmer' 'epo' 'Esperanto' \
'me' 'Montenegrin')"
[[ $? != 0 || $KEYMAP == "" ]] && return 1
# when a matching console map is not available open a selection dialog
@ -261,35 +195,30 @@ keymap() {
return 0
timezone() {
select_timezone() {
# create associative array for SUBZONES[zone]
local f="/usr/share/zoneinfo/"
declare -A SUBZONES
for i in America Australia Asia Atlantic Africa Europe Indian Pacific Arctic Antarctica; do
SUBZONES[$i]="$(awk '/'"$i"'\// {gsub(/'"$i"'\//, ""); print $3, $1}' $f)"
tput civis
ZONE="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_TimeZTitle " --menu "$_TimeZBody" 20 70 10 America - Australia - \
Asia - Atlantic - Africa - Europe - Indian - Pacific - Arctic - Antarctica -)"
--title " $_TimeZTitle " --menu "$_TimeZBody" 20 70 10 \
'America' '-' 'Australia' '-' 'Asia' '-' 'Atlantic' '-' 'Africa' '-' \
'Europe' '-' 'Indian' '-' 'Pacific' '-' 'Arctic' '-' 'Antarctica' '-')"
[[ $? != 0 || $ZONE == "" ]] && return 1
SUBZONE="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_TimeZTitle " --menu "$_TimeSubZBody" 20 70 12 ${SUBZONES[$ZONE]})"
[[ $? != 0 || $SUBZONE == "" ]] && return 1
yesno "$_TimeZTitle" "$_TimeZQ $ZONE/$SUBZONE?\n" && return 0 || timezone
yesno "$_TimeZTitle" "$_TimeZQ $ZONE/$SUBZONE?\n" && return 0 || select_timezone
choose_dm() {
LOGIN_TYPE="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_WMLogin " --menu "$_LoginTypeBody" 0 0 0 \
"xinit" "Console login without a display manager" \
"lightdm" "Lightweight display manager with the gtk greeter")"
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] || return 1
if [[ $LOGIN_TYPE == 'lightdm' ]]; then
WM_PACKAGES+=" lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings accountsservice"
FILES[11]="/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf"
FILES[11]="/home/$NEWUSER/.xinitrc /home/$NEWUSER/.zprofile /home/$NEWUSER/.xprofile"
sessions() {
select_wm_or_de() {
tput civis
INSTALL_WMS="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_WMChoice " --checklist "$_WMChoiceBody\n" 0 0 0 \
"openbox" "A lightweight, powerful, and highly configurable stacking window manager" off \
@ -303,7 +232,8 @@ sessions() {
[[ $INSTALL_WMS ]] || INSTALL_WMS='openbox'
WM_NUM=$(awk '{print NF}' <<< "$INSTALL_WMS")
WM_PACKAGES="${INSTALL_WMS/dwm/}" # remove dwm as we are compiling from source
WM_PACKAGES="${INSTALL_WMS// / }" # substitute all double spaces to single
# packages needed for the selected WMs/DEs
for wm in $INSTALL_WMS; do
@ -319,40 +249,59 @@ sessions() {
if [[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ (openbox|bspwm|i3-gaps) ]]; then
WM_PACKAGES+=" archlabs-polybar archlabs-paranoid archlabs-screenlock archlabs-oblogout"
WM_PACKAGES+=" rofi termite thunar lxappearance libmpdclient jsoncpp"
WM_PACKAGES+=" rofi termite thunar archlabs-polybar archlabs-paranoid"
WM_PACKAGES+=" lxappearance libmpdclient jsoncpp archlabs-screenlock archlabs-oblogout"
elif [[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ (xfce4) ]]; then
WM_PACKAGES+=" archlabs-oblogout archlabs-screenlock archlabs-paranoid"
# choose how to log in
select_login_method || return 1
# choose which WM/DE to start at login
if (( WM_NUM == 1 )); then
if [[ $LOGIN_TYPE == 'xinit' ]]; then
if [[ $WM_NUM -eq 1 ]]; then
LOGIN_WM="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --no-cancel --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_WMLogin " --menu "$_WMLoginBody" 0 0 0 $LOGIN_CHOICES)"
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] || return 1
case $LOGIN_WM in
i3-gaps) LOGIN_WM='i3' ;;
xfce4) LOGIN_WM='startxfce4' ;;
gnome) LOGIN_WM='gnome-session' ;;
openbox) LOGIN_WM='openbox-session' ;;
cinnamon) LOGIN_WM='cinnamon-session' ;;
# autologin
yesno "$_WMLogin" "$_AutoLoginBody\n" && AUTOLOGIN=true || AUTOLOGIN=false
LOGIN_WM="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --no-cancel --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_WMLogin " --menu "$_WMLoginBody" 0 0 0 $LOGIN_CHOICES)"
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] || return 1
# choose how to log in
choose_dm || return 1
# add all the packages to the main package list
# autologin
yesno "$_WMLogin" "$_AutoLoginBody\n" && AUTOLOGIN=true || AUTOLOGIN=false
case $LOGIN_WM in
i3-gaps) LOGIN_WM='i3' ;;
xfce4) LOGIN_WM='startxfce4' ;;
gnome) LOGIN_WM='gnome-session' ;;
openbox) LOGIN_WM='openbox-session' ;;
cinnamon) LOGIN_WM='cinnamon-session' ;;
# add packages to the main package list
return 0
packages() {
select_login_method() {
LOGIN_TYPE="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_WMLogin " --menu "$_LoginTypeBody" 0 0 0 \
"xinit" "Console login without a display manager" \
"lightdm" "Lightweight display manager with the gtk greeter")"
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] || return 1
if [[ $LOGIN_TYPE == 'lightdm' ]]; then
WM_PACKAGES+=" lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings accountsservice"
EDIT_FILES[11]="/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf"
EDIT_FILES[11]="/home/$NEWUSER/.xinitrc /home/$NEWUSER/.zprofile /home/$NEWUSER/.xprofile"
select_extra_packages() {
local pkgs
pkgs="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_ExtraPackages " --checklist "$_ExtraPackagesBody\n" 0 0 30 \
@ -440,15 +389,18 @@ packages() {
([[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ dwm ]] && ! [[ $pkgs =~ ttf-hack ]]) && pkgs+=" ttf-hack"
([[ $pkgs =~ (qutebrowser|qbittorrent|kdenlive|vlc) ]] && ! [[ $pkgs =~ qt5ct ]]) && pkgs+=" qt5ct qt5-styleplugins"
PACKAGES+=" $pkgs" # add chosen packages to the main package list
PACKAGES="${PACKAGES/^ /}" # remove leading spaces from the package string
return 0
mirrors() {
select_mirrorlist_command() {
local key="5f29642060ab983b31fdf4c2935d8c56"
if hash reflector >/dev/null 2>&1; then
MIRROR_CMD="reflector --score 100 -l 50 -f 10 --sort rate --verbose"
yesno "$_MirrorTitle" "$_MirrorSetup" "Automatic" "Custom" && return 0
local ip="$(json 'ip' "check&?access_key=${key}&fields=ip")"
local c="$(json 'country_name' "${ip}?access_key=${key}&fields=country_name")"
MIRROR_CMD="reflector --country $c --score 80 --latest 40 --fastest 10 --sort rate --verbose"
@ -483,42 +435,57 @@ mirrors() {
return 0
display() {
local cmd mnt
display_system_settings() {
local cmd mnt pkgs
msgbox "$_PrepTitle" "\nConfiguration values for the current install\n\n
Root: ${ROOT_PART:-None}
Boot: ${BOOT_PART:-None}
Swap: ${SWAP:-None}
msgbox "$_PrepTitle" "\n\n---------- PARTITION CONFIGURATION ------------
Extra: ${EXTRA_MNTS:-None}
Hooks: ${MKINIT_HOOKS:-None}
Root: ${ROOT_PART:-None}
Boot: ${BOOT_PART:-None}
LVM: ${LVM:-None}
LUKS: ${LUKS:-None}
Swap: ${SWAP_PART:-None}
Size: ${SWAP_SIZE:-None}
Bootloader: ${BOOTLDR:-None}
Boot Mount: ${mnt:-None}
Boot Command: ${cmd:-None}
Extra: ${EXTRA_MNTS:-None}
Hooks: ${MKINIT_HOOKS:-None}
User: ${NEWUSER:-None}
Hostname: ${HOSTNAME:-None}
Locale: ${LOCALE:-None}
Keymap: ${KEYMAP:-None}
Timezone: ${ZONE:-None}/${SUBZONE:-None}
LVM: ${LVM:-None}
LUKS: ${LUKS:-None}
Autologin: ${AUTOLOGIN:-None}
Login: ${LOGIN_WM:-None}
Login Type: ${LOGIN_TYPE:-None}
Sessions: ${INSTALL_WMS:-None}
Kernel: ${KERNEL:-None}
Mirrors: ${MIRROR_CMD:-None}
Packages: ${EXTRA_PACKAGES:-None}\n"
---------- BOOTLOADER CONFIGURATION -----------
Loader: ${BOOTLDR:-None}
Mount: ${mnt:-None}
Command: ${cmd:-None}
------------ SYSTEM CONFIGURATION -------------
User: ${NEWUSER:-None}
Locale: ${LOCALE:-None}
Keymap: ${KEYMAP:-None}
Hostname: ${HOSTNAME:-None}
Timezone: ${ZONE:-None}/${SUBZONE:-None}
------------ LOGIN CONFIGURATION --------------
Session: ${LOGIN_WM:-None}
Autologin: ${AUTOLOGIN:-None}
Management: ${LOGIN_TYPE:-None}
------------ PACKAGES AND MIRRORS -------------
Kernel: ${KERNEL:-None}
Sessions: ${INSTALL_WMS:-None}
Mirrors: ${MIRROR_CMD:-None}
Packages: $(printq "${PACKAGES:-None}")\n"
configure() {
configure_system_settings() {
tput cnorm
HOSTNAME="$(getinput "$_ConfHost" "$_HostNameBody" "${DIST,,}")"
[[ $? != 0 || ! $HOSTNAME ]] && return 1
@ -528,21 +495,21 @@ configure() {
--title " $_ConfLocale " --menu "$_LocaleBody" 25 70 20 $LOCALES)"
[[ $? != 0 || ! $LOCALE ]] && return 1
timezone || return 1
mirrors || return 1
user || return 1
sessions || return 1
select_timezone || return 1
select_mirrorlist_command || return 1
user_creation || return 1
select_wm_or_de || return 1
tput civis
KERNEL="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_KernelTitle " --menu "$_KernelBody" 0 0 0 $KERNELS)"
--title " $_KernelTitle " --menu "$_KernelBody" 0 0 0 'linux' '-' 'linux-lts' '-')"
[[ $? != 0 || ! $KERNEL ]] && return 1
packages || return 1
select_extra_packages || return 1
return 0
configs() {
edit_system_configs() {
if [[ $CURRENT_MENU != "edit" ]]; then
elif (( SELECTED < 11 )); then
@ -551,19 +518,19 @@ configs() {
tput civis
local exitstr="Exit"
[[ $DEBUG != true ]] && exitstr+=" & Reboot"
[[ $DEBUG == true ]] && exitstr+=" & Reboot" || exitstr+=" & Reboot"
SELECTED=$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_EditTitle " --default-item $SELECTED --menu "$_EditBody" 0 0 0 \
"1" "$exitstr" "2" "Keyboard" "3" "Locale" "4" "Hostname" "5" "Sudoers" \
"6" "Mkinitcpio.conf" "7" "Fstab" "8" "Crypttab" "9" "${BOOTLDR^}" "10" "Pacman.conf" \
"11" "${LOGIN_TYPE^}")
"1" "$exitstr" "2" "Keyboard" "3" "Locale" "4" "Hostname" \
"5" "Sudoers" "6" "Mkinitcpio.conf" "7" "Fstab" "8" "Crypttab" \
"9" "${BOOTLDR^}" "10" "Pacman.conf" "11" "${LOGIN_TYPE^}")
if [[ ! $SELECTED || $SELECTED -eq 1 ]]; then
[[ $DEBUG == true ]] && die 0 || die 'reboot'
[[ $DEBUG == true ]] && { more /tmp/debug-log; die 0; } || die 'systemctl -i reboot'
local existing_files=""
for f in $(echo "${FILES[$SELECTED]}"); do
for f in $(echo "${EDIT_FILES[$SELECTED]}"); do
[[ -e ${MNT}$f ]] && existing_files+=" ${MNT}$f"
if [[ ! $existing_files ]]; then
@ -582,7 +549,7 @@ configs() {
main() {
@ -615,17 +582,14 @@ main() {
2) partition || SELECTED=1 ;;
3) luks_menu || SELECTED=2 ;;
4) lvm_menu || SELECTED=3 ;;
5) mountp || SELECTED=4 ;;
6) configure || SELECTED=5 ;;
7) display ;;
5) mount_install_partitions || SELECTED=4 ;;
6) configure_system_settings || SELECTED=5 ;;
7) display_system_settings ;;
8) install ;;
*) yesno "$_CloseInst" "$_CloseInstBody" "Exit" "Back" && die 0
# must be done first
# source all the lib files
for i in /usr/share/archlabs/installer/lib/?*.sh; do
. "$i" || { printf "\nFailed to source library file %s\n" "$i"; die 1; }
@ -640,8 +604,8 @@ esac done
# initial choices/prep
@ -8,6 +8,35 @@
# set -n
declare -gA BCMDS=(
[syslinux]="syslinux-install_update -iam"
[grub]="grub-install --recheck --force"
[systemd-boot]="bootctl --path=/boot install"
declare -Agr BMNTS=(
[UEFI-grub]="/boot/efi" [UEFI-systemd-boot]="/boot" [BIOS-grub]="/boot"
[BIOS-syslinux]="/boot" [UEFI-syslinux]="/boot"
declare -Agr BOOTLDRS=(
[BIOS]="grub ${BMNTS[BIOS-grub]} syslinux ${BMNTS[BIOS-syslinux]}"
[UEFI]="systemd-boot ${BMNTS[UEFI-systemd-boot]} grub ${BMNTS[UEFI-grub]} syslinux ${BMNTS[UEFI-syslinux]}"
declare -gA EDIT_FILES=(
[2]="/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf /etc/default/keyboard /etc/vconsole.conf"
[3]="/etc/locale.conf /etc/default/locale"
[4]="/etc/hostname /etc/hosts"
[11]="" # login files, left empty, don't know the username yet for /home/USER/FILES
prep_for_grub() {
local cfg="$MNT/etc/default/grub"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
# set -n
readonly RUN="/run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/boot"
readonly VM="$(dmesg | grep -i "hypervisor")"
install() {
# function calls prefixed with 'oneshot' will only ever be run once
# otherwise the main function can be called repeatedly
@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ install() {
# MUST be before bootloader and mkinitcpio
oneshot package_operations
# set up user login
# set up user login.. MUST be done after package operation
oneshot login_manager
# mkinitcpio and bootloader install should only be done after installing the packages
@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ install() {
oneshot create_user
# drop off the user at the config editing menu
install_base() {
@ -170,17 +173,17 @@ login_manager() {
font-name=DejaVu Sans Mono 11
position=30%,end 50%,end
if [[ $AUTOLOGIN == true ]]; then
chrun "groupadd -r nopasswdlogin && usermod -aG nopasswdlogin $NEWUSER"
sed -i '/#%PAM-1.0/ a auth sufficient user ingroup nopasswdlogin' $MNT/etc/pam.d/lightdm
sed -i "/#autologin-session=/ c autologin-session=${LOGIN_WM}" $MNT/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
sed -i "/#autologin-user=/ c autologin-user=${NEWUSER}" $MNT/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
# if [[ $AUTOLOGIN == true ]]; then
# chrun "groupadd -r nopasswdlogin && usermod -aG nopasswdlogin $LIVE"
# sed -i '/#%PAM-1.0/ a auth sufficient user ingroup nopasswdlogin' $MNT/etc/pam.d/lightdm
# sed -i "/#autologin-session=/ c autologin-session=${LOGIN_WM}" $MNT/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
# sed -i "/#autologin-user=/ c autologin-user=${NEWUSER}" $MNT/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
# fi
else # xinit login
sed -i "s/openbox-session/${LOGIN_WM}/g" $MNT/home/$LIVE/.xinitrc
if grep -q '#exec' $MNT/home/$LIVE/.zprofile; then
@ -231,7 +234,7 @@ mirrorlist_sort() {
package_operations() {
local inpkg="$EXTRA_PACKAGES" # add the packages chosen during setup
local inpkg="$PACKAGES" # add the packages chosen during setup
local rmpkg="archlabs-installer" # always remove the installer
# the LTS kernel uses different packages
@ -244,7 +247,6 @@ package_operations() {
# if the system is not a VM then remove the guest utils
[[ $VM ]] || rmpkg+=" virtualbox-guest-modules-arch virtualbox-guest-utils"
[[ $UCODE == 'amd-ucode.img' ]] && inpkg+=" amd-ucode"
# for only gnome or cinnamon we don't need the xfce provided stuff
[[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ (gnome|cinnamon) ]] && rmpkg+=" $(pacman -Qssq 'xfce4*' 2>/dev/null)"
@ -261,12 +263,12 @@ package_operations() {
# iputils, base-devel, and git are all needed and should always be installed separately
chrun "pacman -Syyu --noconfirm"
chrun "pacman -S iputils git --noconfirm; pacman -S base-devel --needed --noconfirm"
chrun "pacman -S iputils --noconfirm; pacman -S base-devel git --needed --noconfirm"
chrun "pacman -S $inpkg --needed --noconfirm"
chrun "pacman -Rs $rmpkg --noconfirm"
# for neovim copy the default vimrc and colorscheme to ~/.config/nvim
if [[ $EXTRA_PACKAGES =~ neovim ]]; then
if [[ $inpkg =~ neovim ]]; then
mkdir -p $MNT/home/$LIVE/.config/nvim
cp -f $MNT/home/$LIVE/.vimrc $MNT/home/$LIVE/.config/nvim/init.vim
cp -rf $MNT/home/$LIVE/.vim/colors $MNT/home/$LIVE/.config/nvim/colors
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ declare -g LUKS_NAME="cryptroot"
luks_open() {
modprobe -a dm-mod dm_crypt
find_partitions 'part|crypt|lvm' || return 1
tput civis
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ luks_pass() {
luks_setup() {
modprobe -a dm-mod dm_crypt
if [[ ! $ROOT_PART || $LVM ]]; then
find_partitions 'part|lvm' || return 1
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ lvm_create() {
if [[ $LUKS && $LUKS_NAME ]]; then
@ -8,296 +8,15 @@
# set -n
format() {
infobox "$_FSTitle" "\nFormatting: $1\n\nCommand: ${FS_CMDS[$2]}\n" 0
${FS_CMDS[$2]} $1 >/dev/null 2>$ERR
echeck "${FS_CMDS[$2]} $1"
readonly SYS_MEM="$(awk '/MemTotal/ {print int($2 / 1024)"M"}' /proc/meminfo)"
readonly SALT="$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)"
readonly LOCALES="$(awk '/\.UTF-8/ {gsub(/# .*|#/, ""); if($1) print $1 " -"}' /etc/locale.gen)"
readonly CMAPS="$(find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps -name '*.map.gz' | awk '{gsub(/\.map\.gz|.*\//, ""); print $1 " -"}')"
partition() {
local device
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
select_device 'root' || return 1
tput civis
local choice
choice="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" --title " $_PartTitle " \
--menu "$_PartBody" 0 0 0 "$_PartShowTree" "-" "$_PartAuto" "-" \
$( ([[ $DISPLAY ]] && hash gparted >/dev/null 2>&1) && printf "gparted -") \
"cfdisk" "-" "parted" "-" "$_PartWipe" "-")"
[[ $? != 0 || $choice == "" ]] && return 1
tput civis
if [[ $choice != "$_PartWipe" && $choice != "$_PartAuto" && $choice != "$_PartShowTree" ]]; then
clear; tput cnorm; $choice $device
elif [[ $choice == "$_PartShowTree" ]]; then
msgbox "$_PrepShowDev" "\n$(lsblk -o NAME,MODEL,TYPE,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT "$device")\n"
partition $device
elif [[ $choice == "$_PartWipe" ]]; then
yesno "$_PartWipe" "$_PartBody1 $device $_PartWipeBody2" && wipe -Ifrev $device
partition $device
# if auto_partition fails we need to re-initialize the variables, just to be sure
auto_partition $device || { init; return 1; }
decr_count() {
# remove a partition from the dialog list and decrement the number partitions left
(( $# == 1 )) || return 1
local p="$1"
PARTS="$(sed "s~${p} [0-9]*[G-M]~~; s~${p} [0-9]*\.[0-9]*[G-M]~~" <<< "$PARTS")"
(( COUNT > 0 )) && (( COUNT-- ))
return 0
enable_swap() {
if [[ $1 == "$MNT/swapfile" ]]; then
fallocate -l $SWAP_SIZE $1 2>$ERR
echeck "fallocate -l $SWAP_SIZE $1"
chmod 600 $1 2>$ERR
echeck "chmod 600 $1"
mkswap $1 >/dev/null 2>$ERR
echeck "mkswap $1"
swapon $1 >/dev/null 2>$ERR
echeck "swapon $1"
return 0
device_tree() {
tput civis
local msg
if [[ $IGNORE_DEV != "" ]]; then
awk "!/$IGNORE_DEV/"' && /disk|part|lvm|crypt|NAME/ {print $0}')"
awk '/disk|part|lvm|crypt|NAME/ {print $0}')"
msgbox "$_PrepShowDev" "$msg"
select_device() {
local dev
local msg
[[ $1 == 'boot' ]] && msg="$_DevSelTitle for bootloader\n" || unmountp
if [[ $DEV_COUNT -eq 1 && $SYS_DEVS ]]; then
DEVICE="$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "$SYS_DEVS")"
msg="\nOnly one device available$([[ $1 == 'boot' ]] && printf " for grub bootloader"):"
infobox "$_DevSelTitle" "$msg $DEVICE\n" 1
elif (( DEV_COUNT > 1 )); then
tput civis
DEVICE="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" --title " $_DevSelTitle " \
--menu "${msg}$_DevSelBody" 0 0 0 $SYS_DEVS)"
[[ $? != 0 || $DEVICE == "" ]] && return 1
msg="\nNo available devices for installation to use$([[ $1 == 'boot' ]] && printf " for grub bootloader")."
msgbox "$_ErrTitle" "$msg\n$_Exit"
die 1
# if the device selected was for grub bootloader, set the BOOT_DEVICE
# this is needed because grub uses the base device for BIOS, not the partition
[[ $1 == 'boot' ]] && BOOT_DEVICE="$DEVICE"
return 0
confirm_mount() {
local part="$1"
local mount="$2"
local msg="Partition: $part\n"
[[ $mount == "$MNT" ]] && msg+="Mountpoint: / (root)" || msg+="Mountpoint: ${mount#$MNT}"
if [[ $(mount) =~ "$mount" ]]; then
infobox "$_MntTitle" "$_MntSucc\n$msg\n" 1 && decr_count "$part"
infobox "$_MntTitle" "$_MntFail\n$msg\n" 1 && return 1
return 0
check_cryptlvm() {
local dev=""
local part="$1"
local devs="$(lsblk -lno NAME,FSTYPE,TYPE)"
# Identify if $part is "crypt" (LUKS on LVM, or LUKS alone)
if [[ $(lsblk -lno TYPE "$part") =~ 'crypt' ]]; then
LUKS=' encrypted'
for dev in $(awk '/lvm/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print "/dev/mapper/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do
if grep -q "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$(lsblk -lno NAME "$dev")"; then
LUKS_DEV="$LUKS_DEV cryptdevice=$dev:$LUKS_NAME"
LVM=' logical volume'
for dev in $(awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print "/dev/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do
if grep -q "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$(lsblk -lno NAME "$dev")"; then
LUKS_UUID="$(lsblk -lno UUID,TYPE,FSTYPE "$dev" | awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print $1}')"
elif [[ $(lsblk -lno TYPE "$part") =~ 'lvm' ]]; then
LVM=' logical volume'
for dev in $(awk '/crypt/ && /lvm2_member/ {print "/dev/mapper/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do
if grep -q "$VOLUME_NAME" <<< "$(lsblk -lno NAME "$dev")"; then
LUKS_NAME="$(sed 's~/dev/mapper/~~g' <<< "$dev")"
for dev in $(awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print "/dev/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do
if grep -q "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$(lsblk -lno NAME "$dev")"; then
LUKS_UUID="$(lsblk -lno UUID,TYPE,FSTYPE "$dev" | awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print $1}')"
LUKS=' encrypted'
auto_partition() {
local device="$1"
local size=$(lsblk -lno SIZE $device | awk 'NR == 1 {
if ($1 ~ "G") {
sub(/G/, ""); print ($1 * 1000 - 512) / 1000"G"
} else {
sub(/M/, ""); print ($1 - 512)"M"
# confirm or bail
yesno "$_PrepParts" "$_PartBody1 $device $_PartBody2 ($size)$_PartBody3" || return 0
local newtable format
if [[ $SYS == BIOS ]]; then
newtable="msdos"; format="ext4"
newtable="gpt"; format="fat32"
infobox "$_PrepParts" "\nRemoving existing partitions on $device and setting partition table to $newtable\n" 0
swapoff -a # in case the device was previously used for swap
local dev_info="$(parted -s $device print)"
# walk the partitions on the device in reverse order and delete them
for i in $(awk '/^ [1-9][0-9]?/ {print $1}' <<< "$dev_info" | sort -r); do
parted -s $device rm $i >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $(awk '/Table:/ {print $3}' <<< "$dev_info") != "$newtable" ]]; then
parted -s $device mklabel $newtable >/dev/null 2>&1
infobox "$_PrepParts" "\nCreating a 512M $format boot partition.\n" 0
if [[ $SYS == "BIOS" ]]; then
parted -s $device mkpart primary $format 1MiB 513MiB >/dev/null 2>&1
parted -s $device mkpart ESP $format 1MiB 513MiB >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 0.1
BOOT_PART=$(lsblk -lno NAME,TYPE $device | awk 'NR == 2 {print "/dev/"$1}')
if [[ $SYS == "BIOS" ]]; then
mkfs.ext4 -q $BOOT_PART >/dev/null 2>&1
mkfs.vfat -F32 $BOOT_PART >/dev/null 2>&1
infobox "$_PrepParts" "\nCreating a $size ext4 root partition.\n" 0
parted -s $device mkpart primary ext4 513MiB 100% >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 0.1
ROOT_PART=$(lsblk -lno NAME,TYPE $device | awk 'NR == 3 {print "/dev/"$1}')
mkfs.ext4 -q $ROOT_PART >/dev/null 2>&1
tput civis; sleep 0.5
msgbox "$_PrepParts" "\nAuto partitioning complete.\n\n$(lsblk $device -o NAME,MODEL,TYPE,FSTYPE,SIZE)"
mount_partition() {
local part="$1"
local mountp="${MNT}$2"
local fs="$(lsblk -lno FSTYPE $part)"
mkdir -p "$mountp"
if [[ ${FS_OPTS[$fs]} != "" && $part != "$BOOT_PART" ]] && select_mount_opts "$part" "$fs"; then
mount -o $MNT_OPTS $part "$mountp" 2>$ERR
echeck "mount -o $MNT_OPTS $part $mountp"
mount $part "$mountp" 2>$ERR
echeck "mount $part $mountp"
confirm_mount $part "$mountp" || return 1
check_cryptlvm "$part"
return 0
find_partitions() {
local str="$1"
local err=''
# string of partitions as /TYPE/PART SIZE
if [[ $IGNORE_DEV != "" ]]; then
PARTS="$(lsblk -lno TYPE,NAME,SIZE |
awk "/$str/"' && !'"/$IGNORE_DEV/"' {sub(/^part/, "/dev/");
sub(/^lvm|^crypt/, "/dev/mapper/"); print $1$2 " " $3}')"
PARTS="$(lsblk -lno TYPE,NAME,SIZE |
awk "/$str/"' {sub(/^part/, "/dev/") sub(/^lvm|^crypt/, "/dev/mapper/")
print $1$2 " " $3}')"
# number of partitions total
COUNT=$(wc -l <<< "$PARTS")
# ensure we have enough partitions for the system and action type
case $str in
'part|lvm|crypt') [[ $COUNT -eq 0 || ($SYS == 'UEFI' && $COUNT -lt 2) ]] && err="$_PartErrBody" ;;
'part|crypt') (( COUNT == 0 )) && err="$_LvmPartErrBody" ;;
'part|lvm') (( COUNT < 2 )) && err="$_LuksPartErrBody" ;;
# if there aren't enough partitions show the error message
if [[ $err ]]; then
msgbox "$_ErrTitle" "$err"
return 1
return 0
setup_boot_device() {
[[ $BOOT_PART = /dev/nvme* ]] && BOOT_DEVICE="${BOOT_PART%p[1-9]}" ||
parted -s $BOOT_DEVICE set $BOOT_PART_NUM boot on >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then
parted -s $BOOT_DEVICE set $BOOT_PART_NUM esp on >/dev/null 2>&1
return 0
mountp() {
mount_install_partitions() {
# prepare partition list PARTS for dialog
find_partitions 'part|lvm|crypt' || return 1
# remove boot partition from dialog list if we auto partitioned one
@ -305,31 +24,22 @@ mountp() {
select_root_partition || return 1
if [[ $BOOT_PART == "" ]]; then
if [[ $SYS == "UEFI" ]]; then
select_efi_partition || { BOOT_PART=""; return 1; }
elif (( $COUNT > 0 )); then
select_boot_partition || { BOOT_PART=""; return 1; }
if [[ $BOOT_PART ]]; then
infobox "$_PrepMount" "\nUsing boot partition: $BOOT_PART\n" 1
elif [[ $SYS == "UEFI" ]]; then
select_efi_partition || { BOOT_PART=""; return 1; }
elif (( $COUNT > 0 )); then
select_boot_partition || { BOOT_PART=""; return 1; }
select_boot_setup || { BOOTLDR=""; return 1; }
if [[ $BOOT_PART != "" ]]; then
infobox "$_PrepMount" "\nSetting up for the bootloader and mounting the boot partition.\n" 1
mount_partition "$BOOT_PART" "${BMNTS[$SYS-$BOOTLDR]}" || return 1
select_swap || return 1
select_extra_partitions || return 1
return 0
unmountp() {
unmount_install_partitions() {
swapoff -a
for i in $(mount | awk "/${MNT//\//\\/}/"' {print $3}' | sort -r); do
umount "$i" >/dev/null 2>&1
@ -339,26 +49,27 @@ unmountp() {
select_swap() {
# Ask user to select partition or create swapfile
tput civis
SWAP="$(dialog --backtitle "$BT" --cr-wrap --stdout --title " $_SelSwpSetup " \
SWAP_PART="$(dialog --backtitle "$BT" --cr-wrap --stdout --title " $_SelSwpSetup " \
--menu "$_SelSwpBody" 0 0 0 "$_SelSwpNone" "-" "$_SelSwpFile" "$SYS_MEM" $PARTS)"
[[ $? != 0 || $SWAP == "$_SelSwpNone" ]] && { SWAP=""; return 0; }
[[ $? != 0 || $SWAP_PART == "$_SelSwpNone" ]] && { SWAP_PART=""; return 0; }
if [[ $SWAP == "$_SelSwpFile" ]]; then
if [[ $SWAP_PART == "$_SelSwpFile" ]]; then
tput cnorm
SWAP_SIZE="$(getinput "$_SelSwpSetup" "$_SelSwpSize" "$SYS_MEM")"
[[ $? != 0 || $SWAP_SIZE == "" ]] && { SWAP=""; return 0; }
[[ $? != 0 || ! $SWAP_SIZE ]] && { SWAP_PART=""; SWAP_SIZE=""; return 0; }
while ! [[ ${SWAP_SIZE:0:1} =~ [1-9] && ${SWAP_SIZE: -1} =~ (M|G) ]]; do
msgbox "$_SelSwpSetup Error" "\n$_SelSwpErr $SWAP_SIZE\n"
SWAP_SIZE="$(getinput "$_SelSwpSetup" "$_SelSwpSize" "$SYS_MEM")"
[[ $? != 0 || $SWAP_SIZE == "" ]] && { SWAP=""; break; return 0; }
[[ $? != 0 || ! $SWAP_SIZE ]] && { SWAP_PART=""; SWAP_SIZE=""; break; return 0; }
enable_swap "$MNT/swapfile"
enable_swap "$SWAP"
decr_count "$SWAP"
enable_swap "$SWAP_PART"
decr_count "$SWAP_PART"
SWAP_SIZE="$(lsblk -lno SIZE $SWAP_PART)"
return 0
@ -407,12 +118,20 @@ select_boot_setup() {
if [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then
local ttype="i386-efi"
[[ $IS_64BIT == true ]] && ttype='x86_64-efi'
BCMDS[grub]="${BCMDS[grub]} --target=$ttype --bootloader-id=$DIST"
BCMDS[grub]+=" --target=$ttype --bootloader-id=$DIST"
BCMDS[grub]="${BCMDS[grub]} --target=i386-pc $BOOT_DEVICE"
BCMDS[grub]+=" --target=i386-pc $BOOT_DEVICE"
BCMDS[grub]="${BCMDS[grub]} && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
BCMDS[grub]+=" && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
if [[ $BOOT_PART != "" ]]; then
infobox "$_PrepMount" "\nSetting up for the bootloader and mounting the boot partition.\n" 1
mount_partition "$BOOT_PART" "${BMNTS[$SYS-$BOOTLDR]}" ||
{ src /usr/share/archlabs/installer/lib/ ; return 1; }
return 0
@ -446,9 +165,9 @@ select_filesystem() {
local fs
fs="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" --title " $_FSTitle: $part " \
--menu "\nPartition Name: ${part}$([[ $cur_fs ]] &&
--menu "\nSelect which filesystem you want to use for $part\n\nPartition Name: ${part}$([[ $cur_fs ]] &&
printf "\nExisting Filesystem: %s" "$cur_fs")$_FSBody" 0 0 0 \
$([[ $cur_fs != "" ]] && printf "%s -" "$_Skip") \
$([[ $cur_fs ]] && printf "%s -" "$_Skip") \
"ext4" "${FS_CMDS[ext4]}" "ext3" "${FS_CMDS[ext3]}" \
"ext2" "${FS_CMDS[ext2]}" "vfat" "${FS_CMDS[vfat]}" \
"ntfs" "${FS_CMDS[ntfs]}" "f2fs" "${FS_CMDS[f2fs]}" \
@ -491,7 +210,7 @@ select_boot_partition() {
BOOT_PART="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_PrepMount " --menu "$_SelBiosBody" 0 0 0 "$_Skip" "-" $PARTS)"
if [[ $BOOT_PART == "$_Skip" || $BOOT_PART == "" ]]; then
if [[ $BOOT_PART == "$_Skip" || ! $BOOT_PART ]]; then
if grep -q 'ext[34]' <<< "$(fsck -N "$BOOT_PART")"; then
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
# vim:ft=sh:fdm=marker:fmr={,}
# archlabs installer library script file
# this file is not meant to be run directly
# sourcing this file in a non bash shell is not advised
# set -n
declare -Agr FS_CMDS=(
[ext2]="mkfs.ext2 -q" [ext3]="mkfs.ext3 -q" [ext4]="mkfs.ext4 -q"
[f2fs]="mkfs.f2fs" [jfs]="mkfs.jfs -q" [xfs]="mkfs.xfs -f" [nilfs2]="mkfs.nilfs2 -q"
[ntfs]="mkfs.ntfs -q" [reiserfs]="mkfs.reiserfs -q" [vfat]="mkfs.vfat -F32"
declare -Agr FS_OPTS=([vfat]="" [ntfs]="" [ext2]="" [ext3]=""
[ext4]="discard - off dealloc - off nofail - off noacl - off relatime - off noatime - off nobarrier - off nodelalloc - off"
[jfs]="discard - off errors=continue - off errors=panic - off nointegrity - off"
[reiserfs]="acl - off nolog - off notail - off replayonly - off user_xattr - off"
[xfs]="discard - off filestreams - off ikeep - off largeio - off noalign - off nobarrier - off norecovery - off noquota - off wsync - off"
[nilfs2]="discard - off nobarrier - off errors=continue - off errors=panic - off order=relaxed - off order=strict - off norecovery - off"
[f2fs]="data_flush - off disable_roll_forward - off disable_ext_identify - off discard - off fastboot - off flush_merge - off inline_xattr - off inline_data - off inline_dentry - off no_heap - off noacl - off nobarrier - off noextent_cache - off noinline_data - off norecovery - off"
format() {
infobox "$_FSTitle" "\nFormatting: $1\n\nCommand: ${FS_CMDS[$2]}\n" 0
${FS_CMDS[$2]} $1 >/dev/null 2>$ERR
echeck "${FS_CMDS[$2]} $1"
partition() {
local device
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
select_device 'root' || return 1
tput civis
local choice
choice="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" --title " $_PartTitle " \
--menu "$_PartBody" 0 0 0 "$_PartShowTree" "-" "$_PartAuto" "-" \
$( ([[ $DISPLAY ]] && hash gparted >/dev/null 2>&1) && printf "gparted -") \
"cfdisk" "-" "parted" "-" "$_PartWipe" "-")"
[[ $? != 0 || $choice == "" ]] && return 1
tput civis
if [[ $choice != "$_PartWipe" && $choice != "$_PartAuto" && $choice != "$_PartShowTree" ]]; then
clear; tput cnorm; $choice $device
elif [[ $choice == "$_PartShowTree" ]]; then
msgbox "$_PrepShowDev" "\n$(lsblk -o NAME,MODEL,TYPE,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT "$device")\n"
partition $device
elif [[ $choice == "$_PartWipe" ]]; then
yesno "$_PartWipe" "$_PartBody1 $device $_PartWipeBody2" && wipe -Ifrev $device
partition $device
# if auto_partition fails we need to empty the partition variables
auto_partition $device || { ROOT_PART=""; BOOT_PART=""; BOOT_DEVICE=""; return 1; }
decr_count() {
# remove a partition from the dialog list and decrement the number partitions left
(( $# == 1 )) || return 1
local p="$1"
PARTS="$(sed "s~${p} [0-9]*[G-M]~~; s~${p} [0-9]*\.[0-9]*[G-M]~~" <<< "$PARTS")"
(( COUNT > 0 )) && (( COUNT-- ))
return 0
enable_swap() {
if [[ $1 == "$MNT/swapfile" && $SWAP_SIZE ]]; then
fallocate -l $SWAP_SIZE $1 2>$ERR
echeck "fallocate -l $SWAP_SIZE $1"
chmod 600 $1 2>$ERR
echeck "chmod 600 $1"
mkswap $1 >/dev/null 2>$ERR
echeck "mkswap $1"
swapon $1 >/dev/null 2>$ERR
echeck "swapon $1"
return 0
device_tree() {
tput civis
local msg
if [[ $IGNORE_DEV != "" ]]; then
awk "!/$IGNORE_DEV/"' && /disk|part|lvm|crypt|NAME/ {print $0}')"
awk '/disk|part|lvm|crypt|NAME/ {print $0}')"
msgbox "$_PrepShowDev" "$msg"
select_device() {
local dev
local msg
[[ $1 == 'boot' ]] && msg="$_DevSelTitle for bootloader\n" || unmount_install_partitions
if [[ $DEV_COUNT -eq 1 && $SYS_DEVS ]]; then
DEVICE="$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "$SYS_DEVS")"
msg="\nOnly one device available$([[ $1 == 'boot' ]] && printf " for bootloader"):"
infobox "$_DevSelTitle" "$msg $DEVICE\n" 1
elif (( DEV_COUNT > 1 )); then
tput civis
DEVICE="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" --title " $_DevSelTitle " \
--menu "${msg}$_DevSelBody" 0 0 0 $SYS_DEVS)"
[[ $? != 0 || $DEVICE == "" ]] && return 1
msg="\nNo available devices to use$([[ $1 == 'boot' ]] && printf " for bootloader")."
msgbox "$_ErrTitle" "$msg\n$_Exit"
die 1
# if the device selected was for bootloader, set the BOOT_DEVICE
[[ $1 == 'boot' ]] && BOOT_DEVICE="$DEVICE"
return 0
confirm_mount() {
local part="$1"
local mount="$2"
local msg="Partition: $part\n"
[[ $mount == "$MNT" ]] && msg+="Mountpoint: / (root)" || msg+="Mountpoint: ${mount#$MNT}"
if [[ $(mount) =~ "$mount" ]]; then
infobox "$_MntTitle" "$_MntSucc\n$msg\n" 1 && decr_count "$part"
infobox "$_MntTitle" "$_MntFail\n$msg\n" 1 && return 1
return 0
check_cryptlvm() {
local dev=""
local part="$1"
local devs="$(lsblk -lno NAME,FSTYPE,TYPE)"
# Identify if $part is "crypt" (LUKS on LVM, or LUKS alone)
if [[ $(lsblk -lno TYPE "$part") =~ 'crypt' ]]; then
LUKS=' encrypted'
for dev in $(awk '/lvm/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print "/dev/mapper/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do
if grep -q "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$(lsblk -lno NAME "$dev")"; then
LUKS_DEV="$LUKS_DEV cryptdevice=$dev:$LUKS_NAME"
LVM=' logical volume'
for dev in $(awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print "/dev/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do
if grep -q "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$(lsblk -lno NAME "$dev")"; then
LUKS_UUID="$(lsblk -lno UUID,TYPE,FSTYPE "$dev" | awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print $1}')"
elif [[ $(lsblk -lno TYPE "$part") =~ 'lvm' ]]; then
LVM=' logical volume'
for dev in $(awk '/crypt/ && /lvm2_member/ {print "/dev/mapper/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do
if grep -q "$VOLUME_NAME" <<< "$(lsblk -lno NAME "$dev")"; then
LUKS_NAME="$(sed 's~/dev/mapper/~~g' <<< "$dev")"
for dev in $(awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print "/dev/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do
if grep -q "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$(lsblk -lno NAME "$dev")"; then
LUKS_UUID="$(lsblk -lno UUID,TYPE,FSTYPE "$dev" | awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print $1}')"
LUKS=' encrypted'
auto_partition() {
local device="$1"
local size=$(lsblk -lno SIZE $device | awk 'NR == 1 {
if ($1 ~ "G") {
sub(/G/, ""); print ($1 * 1000 - 512) / 1000"G"
} else {
sub(/M/, ""); print ($1 - 512)"M"
local msg="$_PartBody2"
local newtable="gpt"; local format="fat32";
if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' ]]; then
msg="$(sed 's|vfat/fat32|ext4|' <<< "$msg")"
# confirm or bail
yesno "$_PrepParts" "$_PartBody1 $device $msg ($size)$_PartBody3" || return 0
infobox "$_PrepParts" "\nRemoving existing partitions on $device and setting partition table to $newtable\n" 1
swapoff -a # in case the device was previously used for swap
local dev_info="$(parted -s $device print)"
# walk the partitions on the device in reverse order and delete them
for i in $(awk '/^ [1-9][0-9]?/ {print $1}' <<< "$dev_info" | sort -r); do
parted -s $device rm $i >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $(awk '/Table:/ {print $3}' <<< "$dev_info") != "$newtable" ]]; then
parted -s $device mklabel $newtable >/dev/null 2>&1
infobox "$_PrepParts" "\nCreating a 512M $format boot partition.\n" 1
if [[ $SYS == "BIOS" ]]; then
parted -s $device mkpart primary $format 1MiB 513MiB >/dev/null 2>&1
parted -s $device mkpart ESP $format 1MiB 513MiB >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 0.1
BOOT_PART=$(lsblk -lno NAME,TYPE $device | awk 'NR == 2 {print "/dev/"$1}')
if [[ $SYS == "BIOS" ]]; then
mkfs.ext4 -q $BOOT_PART >/dev/null 2>&1
mkfs.vfat -F32 $BOOT_PART >/dev/null 2>&1
infobox "$_PrepParts" "\nCreating a $size ext4 root partition.\n" 0
parted -s $device mkpart primary ext4 513MiB 100% >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 0.1
ROOT_PART=$(lsblk -lno NAME,TYPE $device | awk 'NR == 3 {print "/dev/"$1}')
mkfs.ext4 -q $ROOT_PART >/dev/null 2>&1
tput civis; sleep 0.5
msgbox "$_PrepParts" "\nAuto partitioning complete.\n\n$(lsblk -o NAME,MODEL,TYPE,FSTYPE,SIZE $device)"
mount_partition() {
local part="$1"
local mountp="${MNT}$2"
local fs="$(lsblk -lno FSTYPE $part)"
mkdir -p "$mountp"
if [[ ${FS_OPTS[$fs]} != "" && $part != "$BOOT_PART" ]] && select_mount_opts "$part" "$fs"; then
mount -o $MNT_OPTS $part "$mountp" 2>$ERR
echeck "mount -o $MNT_OPTS $part $mountp"
mount $part "$mountp" 2>$ERR
echeck "mount $part $mountp"
confirm_mount $part "$mountp" || return 1
check_cryptlvm "$part"
return 0
find_partitions() {
local str="$1"
local err=''
# string of partitions as /TYPE/PART SIZE
if [[ $IGNORE_DEV != "" ]]; then
PARTS="$(lsblk -lno TYPE,NAME,SIZE |
awk "/$str/"' && !'"/$IGNORE_DEV/"' {sub(/^part/, "/dev/");
sub(/^lvm|^crypt/, "/dev/mapper/"); print $1$2 " " $3}')"
PARTS="$(lsblk -lno TYPE,NAME,SIZE |
awk "/$str/"' {sub(/^part/, "/dev/") sub(/^lvm|^crypt/, "/dev/mapper/")
print $1$2 " " $3}')"
# number of partitions total
COUNT=$(wc -l <<< "$PARTS")
# ensure we have enough partitions for the system and action type
case $str in
'part|lvm|crypt') [[ $COUNT -eq 0 || ($SYS == 'UEFI' && $COUNT -lt 2) ]] && err="$_PartErrBody" ;;
'part|crypt') (( COUNT == 0 )) && err="$_LvmPartErrBody" ;;
'part|lvm') (( COUNT < 2 )) && err="$_LuksPartErrBody" ;;
# if there aren't enough partitions show the error message
if [[ $err ]]; then
msgbox "$_ErrTitle" "$err"
return 1
return 0
setup_boot_device() {
[[ $BOOT_PART = /dev/nvme* ]] && BOOT_DEVICE="${BOOT_PART%p[1-9]}" ||
parted -s $BOOT_DEVICE set $BOOT_PART_NUM boot on >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then
parted -s $BOOT_DEVICE set $BOOT_PART_NUM esp on >/dev/null 2>&1
return 0
@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ ssd() {
die() {
tput cnorm; unmountp; sleep 1
tput cnorm
pgrep -f "$TERM_CMD -e tail" && pkill -f "$TERM_CMD -e tail"
[[ $1 =~ [0-9] ]] && exit $1 || $1
@ -65,6 +66,22 @@ infobox() {
sleep ${sec:-2}
printq() {
local str="$@"
if [[ ${#str} -gt $(( ${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)} / 2 )) ]]; then
q=$(awk '{print int(NF / 4)}' <<< "$str")
str="$(awk '{
for (i=1;i<'"$q"';i++) { pkgs1=pkgs1" "$i }
for (i='"$q"';i<'"$((q * 2))"';i++) { pkgs2=pkgs2" "$i }
for (i='"$((q * 2))"';i<'"$((q * 3))"';i++) { pkgs3=pkgs3" "$i }
for (i='"$((q * 3))"';i<NF;i++) { pkgs4=pkgs4" "$i }
printf "%s\n %s\n %s\n %s", pkgs1, pkgs2, pkgs3, pkgs4
}' <<< "$str")"
printf "%s\n" "$str"
devices() {
IGNORE_DEV="$(lsblk -lno NAME,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/\/run\/archiso\/bootmnt/ {sub(/[1-9]/, ""); print $1}')"
if [[ $IGNORE_DEV ]]; then
@ -77,17 +94,25 @@ devices() {
sysid() {
declare -g IS_64BIT=false
local efidir="/sys/firmware/efi"
if grep -q 'GenuineIntel' /proc/cpuinfo; then
declare -g UCODE="intel-ucode.img"
elif grep -q 'AuthenticAMD' /proc/cpuinfo; then
declare -g UCODE="amd-ucode.img"
if grep -qi 'apple' /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor; then
modprobe -r -q efivars
modprobe -q efivarfs
declare -g IS_64BIT=false
if [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ]]; then
if [[ -d $efidir ]]; then
[[ $(cat /sys/firmware/efi/fw_platform_size) == 64 ]] && IS_64BIT=true
[[ $(cat $efidir/fw_platform_size) == 64 ]] && IS_64BIT=true
grep -q $efidir/efivars <<< "$(mount)" || mount -t efivarfs efivarfs $efidir/efivars
@ -124,7 +149,7 @@ echeck() {
msg="$([[ $err == "" ]] && printf "%s" "$msg")\n$_ErrChoice"
if [[ -e /tmp/debug-log && $TERM == 'linux' ]]; then
msg="$([[ $err == "" ]] && printf "%s" "$msg")\n$_ErrChoiceConsole"
yesno "$_ErrTitle" "$msg" "Exit & Open Log" "Ignore & Continue" && { less /tmp/debug-log; die 0; }
yesno "$_ErrTitle" "$msg" "Exit & Open Log" "Ignore & Continue" && { more /tmp/debug-log; die 0; }
yesno "$_ErrTitle" "$msg" "Exit & Shutdown" "Ignore & Continue" && die 'shutdown -h now'
@ -138,17 +163,16 @@ icheck() {
yesno() {
# usage: yesno <title> <text> [<yes_label> <no_label> [<no>]]
# three options: one --default-no and custom labels, one just custom labels, and one basic.
tput civis
if [[ $# -eq 5 && $5 == "no" ]]; then
# option for default no using custom labels
dialog --cr-wrap --backtitle "$BT" --defaultno --title " $1 " \
--yes-label "$3" --no-label "$4" --yesno "$2\n" 0 0
elif [[ $# -eq 4 ]]; then
# option for custom labels with standard default yes
dialog --cr-wrap --backtitle "$BT" --title " $1 " --yes-label "$3" \
--no-label "$4" --yesno "$2\n" 0 0
# basic yes no without custom labels and default yes
dialog --cr-wrap --backtitle "$BT" --title " $1 " --yesno "$2\n" 0 0
@ -158,10 +182,10 @@ debug() {
exec 3>| /tmp/debug-log
if [[ $DISPLAY && $TERM != 'linux' ]]; then
if [[ $TERM_CMD == 'st' ]]; then
$TERM_CMD -e tail -f /tmp/debug-log &
if hash 'termite' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
termite -e "tail -f /tmp/debug-log" &
$TERM_CMD -e "tail -f /tmp/debug-log" &
xterm -e "tail -f /tmp/debug-log" &
Reference in New Issue
Block a user