- add logo + checkmark + warning
- add params
- render on param "render"
- custom dialog logo function call fix
- main logo function call fix
- update winutiltaskbaritem to use new images
- invoke ico directly
- invoke ico only at shortcut creation
- remove "ConvertTo-Icon" Function file
- removed image from xaml
- added stackpanel to xaml
- added functions to create viewbox with image
- added logic to add image via code to xaml & customdialog
- changed title color for customdialog
- remove webinvokes for assets from main.ps1
TODO: convert images into bitmap base64 string & add them directly into invoke-WinUtiltaskbaritem.ps1
* fixes
- change fontsize back to 12
- add correct handling of windows
- removed double click handling of winutil
* readd double click
* fixes
- argument passing on elevation & to windev script
- remove shell output of log
* improve compile -run
- added $args param for args that get passed to winutil
- improved starting new Shell logic
* fix: compile's run logic
- removed old logic
- fixed command to run in new shell
- replaced $args with $arg
* fix: logs & border
- move log start to after admin elevation
- fix color of border on fixed tweaks button.
* fix: MicrowinInjectDrivers's Margin
- use theme value instead of custom value
* change microwin checkbox margin
- set cutom microwin checkbox margin due to cut off content
* fix layouting of nav bar
- replace strange collumndefinition to fix bugs, make sense and look better
* rename $arg to $Arguments
* change maxresolution from 1380 to 1280
* Improve 'Invoke-WPFPresets.ps1' Public Function as well as Simple Optimizations
* Simple Optimization by providing more info to 'Invoke-WPFPresets.ps1' function calls inside 'Invoke-WPFButton.ps1'
* Fix some logic issue in 'Invoke-WPFPresets.ps1' Public Function
* Rename Button Names to more clear and Make them follow CamelCase Naming
* Re-order some logic in 'main.ps1' script
* Use 'Write-Host' instead of 'Write-Warning' in 'main.ps1' script to make sure the output is seen in different environments
This'll make sure that the output is displayed in PowerShell 5 developing environments, and when outputing Warnings/Errors in Runspaces.