mirror of
synced 2025-01-21 04:07:42 -06:00
07 16 2023 testing (#895)
* Fix Security Updates not getting set * Ndu Fix - Task Manager issue * Ndu Fix 2 * Create edge.ps1 * Update edge.ps1 * Update edge.ps1 * Update edge.ps1 * Update edge.ps1 * Update edge.ps1 * Update edge.ps1 * Update inputXML.xaml * Edge Removal Progress * edge removal * edge removal
This commit is contained in:
@ -1778,7 +1778,7 @@
"Path": "HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\ControlSet001\\Services\\Ndu",
"OriginalValue": "1",
"name": "Start",
"value": "4",
"value": "2",
"type": "Dword"
@ -2195,59 +2195,11 @@
"WPFEssTweaksRemoveEdge": {
"InvokeScript": [
# Stop Edge Task
Stop-Process -Name \"msedge\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#:: Standalone script by padsalatushal Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/padsalatushal/Edge-Removal/main/edge.bat
# Uninstall - Edge
$edgePath = \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application\"
if (Test-Path $edgePath) {
$edgeVersions = Get-ChildItem $edgePath -Directory
foreach ($version in $edgeVersions) {
$installerPath = Join-Path $version.FullName \"Installer\"
if (Test-Path $installerPath) {
Set-Location -Path $installerPath | Out-Null
if (Test-Path \"setup.exe\") {
Write-Host \"Removing Microsoft Edge\"
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath \"setup.exe\" -ArgumentList \"--uninstall --system-level --force-uninstall\"
curl.exe -s \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil/main/edgeremoval.bat\" -o $ENV:temp\\edgeremoval.bat
Start-Process $ENV:temp\\edgeremoval.bat
# Uninstall - EdgeWebView
$edgeWebViewPath = \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\EdgeWebView\\Application\"
if (Test-Path $edgeWebViewPath) {
$edgeWebViewVersions = Get-ChildItem $edgeWebViewPath -Directory
foreach ($version in $edgeWebViewVersions) {
$installerPath = Join-Path $version.FullName \"Installer\"
if (Test-Path $installerPath) {
Set-Location -Path $installerPath | Out-Null
if (Test-Path \"setup.exe\") {
Write-Host \"Removing EdgeWebView\"
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath \"setup.exe\" -ArgumentList \"--uninstall --msedgewebview --system-level --force-uninstall\"
# Delete Edge desktop icon, from all users
$users = Get-ChildItem -Path \"C:\\Users\" -Directory
foreach ($user in $users) {
$desktopPath = Join-Path -Path $user.FullName -ChildPath \"Desktop\"
Remove-Item -Path \"$desktopPath\\edge.lnk\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path \"$desktopPath\\Microsoft Edge.lnk\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Delete additional files
if (Test-Path \"C:\\Windows\\System32\\MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe\") {
$edgeFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path \"C:\\Windows\\System32\" -Filter \"MicrosoftEdge*\" -File
foreach ($file in $edgeFiles) {
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $file.Directory.FullName -ChildPath $file.Name
takeown.exe /F \"$filePath\" > $null
icacls.exe \"$filePath\" /inheritance:e /grant \"$env:UserName:(OI)(CI)F\" /T /C > $null
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
"UndoScript": [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
@(set "0=%~f0"^)#) & powershell -nop -c iex([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)) & exit /b
#:: made by padsalatushal source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/padsalatushal/Edge-Removal/main/edge.bat
sp 'HKCU:\Volatile Environment' 'Edge_Removal' @'
$also_remove_webview = 1
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = 'Edge Removal '
## targets
$remove_win32 = @("Microsoft Edge","Microsoft Edge Update"); $remove_appx = @("MicrosoftEdge")
if ($also_remove_webview -eq 1) {$remove_win32 += "Microsoft EdgeWebView"; $remove_appx += "Win32WebViewHost"}
## enable admin privileges
$D1=[uri].module.gettype('System.Diagnostics.Process')."GetM`ethods"(42) |where {$_.Name -eq 'SetPrivilege'} #`:no-ev-warn
'SeSecurityPrivilege','SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege','SeBackupPrivilege','SeRestorePrivilege'|foreach {$D1.Invoke($null, @("$_",2))}
## set useless policies
foreach ($p in 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies','HKLM\SOFTWARE') {
cmd /c "reg add ""$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate"" /f /v InstallDefault /d 0 /t reg_dword >nul 2>nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate"" /f /v Install{56EB18F8-B008-4CBD-B6D2-8C97FE7E9062} /d 0 /t reg_dword >nul 2>nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate"" /f /v Install{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5} /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul 2>nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate"" /f /v DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul 2>nul"
## clear win32 uninstall block
foreach ($hk in 'HKCU','HKLM') {foreach ($wow in '','\Wow6432Node') {foreach ($i in $remove_win32) {
cmd /c "reg delete ""$hk\SOFTWARE${wow}\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$i"" /f /v NoRemove >nul 2>nul"
## find all Edge setup.exe and gather BHO paths
$setup = @(); $bho = @(); $bho += "$env:ProgramData\ie_to_edge_stub.exe"; $bho += "$env:Public\ie_to_edge_stub.exe"
"LocalApplicationData","ProgramFilesX86","ProgramFiles" |foreach {
$setup += dir $($([Environment]::GetFolderPath($_)) + '\Microsoft\Edge*\setup.exe') -rec -ea 0
$bho += dir $($([Environment]::GetFolderPath($_)) + '\Microsoft\Edge*\ie_to_edge_stub.exe') -rec -ea 0
## shut edge down
foreach ($p in 'MicrosoftEdgeUpdate','chredge','msedge','edge','msedgewebview2','Widgets') { kill -name $p -force -ea 0 }
## use dedicated C:\Scripts path due to Sigma rules FUD
$DIR = "$env:SystemDrive\Scripts"; $null = mkdir $DIR -ea 0
## export OpenWebSearch innovative redirector
foreach ($b in $bho) { if (test-path $b) { try {copy $b "$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe" -force -ea 0} catch{} } }
## clear appx uninstall block and remove
$provisioned = get-appxprovisionedpackage -online; $appxpackage = get-appxpackage -allusers
$store = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore'; $store_reg = $store.replace(':','')
$users = @('S-1-5-18'); if (test-path $store) {$users += $((dir $store |where {$_ -like '*S-1-5-21*'}).PSChildName)}
foreach ($choice in $remove_appx) { if ('' -eq $choice.Trim()) {continue}
foreach ($appx in $($provisioned |where {$_.PackageName -like "*$choice*"})) {
$PackageFamilyName = ($appxpackage |where {$_.Name -eq $appx.DisplayName}).PackageFamilyName; $PackageFamilyName
cmd /c "reg add ""$store_reg\Deprovisioned\$PackageFamilyName"" /f >nul 2>nul"
cmd /c "dism /online /remove-provisionedappxpackage /packagename:$($appx.PackageName) >nul 2>nul"
#powershell -nop -c remove-appxprovisionedpackage -packagename "'$($appx.PackageName)'" -online 2>&1 >''
foreach ($appx in $($appxpackage |where {$_.PackageFullName -like "*$choice*"})) {
$inbox = (gp "$store\InboxApplications\*$($appx.Name)*" Path).PSChildName
$PackageFamilyName = $appx.PackageFamilyName; $PackageFullName = $appx.PackageFullName; $PackageFullName
foreach ($app in $inbox) {cmd /c "reg delete ""$store_reg\InboxApplications\$app"" /f >nul 2>nul" }
cmd /c "reg add ""$store_reg\Deprovisioned\$PackageFamilyName"" /f >nul 2>nul"
foreach ($sid in $users) {cmd /c "reg add ""$store_reg\EndOfLife\$sid\$PackageFullName"" /f >nul 2>nul"}
cmd /c "dism /online /set-nonremovableapppolicy /packagefamily:$PackageFamilyName /nonremovable:0 >nul 2>nul"
powershell -nop -c "remove-appxpackage -package '$PackageFullName' -AllUsers" 2>&1 >''
foreach ($sid in $users) {cmd /c "reg delete ""$store_reg\EndOfLife\$sid\$PackageFullName"" /f >nul 2>nul"}
## shut edge down, again
foreach ($p in 'MicrosoftEdgeUpdate','chredge','msedge','edge','msedgewebview2','Widgets') { kill -name $p -force -ea 0 }
## brute-run found Edge setup.exe with uninstall args
$purge = '--uninstall --system-level --force-uninstall'
if ($also_remove_webview -eq 1) { foreach ($s in $setup) { try{ start -wait $s -args "--msedgewebview $purge" } catch{} } }
foreach ($s in $setup) { try{ start -wait $s -args "--msedge $purge" } catch{} }
## prevent latest cumulative update (LCU) failing due to non-matching EndOfLife Edge entries
foreach ($i in $remove_appx) {
dir "$store\EndOfLife" -rec -ea 0 |where {$_ -like "*${i}*"} |foreach {cmd /c "reg delete ""$($_.Name)"" /f >nul 2>nul"}
dir "$store\Deleted\EndOfLife" -rec -ea 0 |where {$_ -like "*${i}*"} |foreach {cmd /c "reg delete ""$($_.Name)"" /f >nul 2>nul"}
## extra cleanup
$desktop = $([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')); $appdata = $([Environment]::GetFolderPath('ApplicationData'))
del "$appdata\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Tombstones\Microsoft Edge.lnk" -force -ea 0
del "$appdata\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Microsoft Edge.lnk" -force -ea 0
del "$desktop\Microsoft Edge.lnk" -force -ea 0
## add OpenWebSearch to redirect microsoft-edge: anti-competitive links to the default browser
$IFEO = 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options'
$MSEP = ($env:ProgramFiles,${env:ProgramFiles(x86)})[[Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem] + '\Microsoft\Edge\Application'
$MIN = ('--headless','--width 1 --height 1')[([environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build) -gt 25179]
$CMD = "$env:systemroot\system32\conhost.exe $MIN" # AveYo: minimize prompt - see Terminal issue #13914
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge /f /ve /d URL:microsoft-edge >nul"
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge /f /v ""URL Protocol"" /d """" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge /f /v NoOpenWith /d """" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge\shell\open\command /f /ve /d ""$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe %1"" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\MSEdgeHTM /f /v NoOpenWith /d """" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\MSEdgeHTM\shell\open\command /f /ve /d ""$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe %1"" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\ie_to_edge_stub.exe"" /f /v UseFilter /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\0"" /f /v FilterFullPath /d ""$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe"" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\0"" /f /v Debugger /d ""$CMD $DIR\OpenWebSearch.cmd"" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\msedge.exe"" /f /v UseFilter /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\msedge.exe\0"" /f /v FilterFullPath /d ""$MSEP\msedge.exe"" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\msedge.exe\0"" /f /v Debugger /d ""$CMD $DIR\OpenWebSearch.cmd"" >nul"
$OpenWebSearch = @$
@title OpenWebSearch Redux & echo off & set ?= open start menu web search, widgets links or help in your chosen browser
for /f %%E in ('"prompt $E$S& for %%e in (1) do rem"') do echo;%%E[2t 2>nul & rem AveYo: minimize prompt
call :reg_var "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\https\UserChoice" ProgID ProgID
if /i "%ProgID%" equ "MSEdgeHTM" echo;Default browser is set to Edge! Change it or remove OpenWebSearch script. & pause & exit /b
call :reg_var "HKCR\%ProgID%\shell\open\command" "" Browser
set Choice=& for %%. in (%Browser%) do if not defined Choice set "Choice=%%~."
call :reg_var "HKCR\MSEdgeMHT\shell\open\command" "" FallBack
set "Edge=" & for %%. in (%FallBack%) do if not defined Edge set "Edge=%%~."
set "URI=" & set "URL=" & set "NOOP=" & set "PassTrough=%Edge:msedge=edge%"
set "CLI=%CMDCMDLINE:"=``% "
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*ie_to_edge_stub.exe`` =%"
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*ie_to_edge_stub.exe =%"
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*msedge.exe`` =%"
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*msedge.exe =%"
set "FIX=%CLI:~-1%"
if defined CLI if "%FIX%"==" " set "CLI=%CLI:~0,-1%"
if defined CLI set "RED=%CLI:microsoft-edge=%"
if defined CLI set "URL=%CLI:http=%"
if defined CLI set "ARG=%CLI:``="%"
if "%CLI%" equ "%RED%" (set NOOP=1) else if "%CLI%" equ "%URL%" (set NOOP=1)
if defined NOOP if exist "%PassTrough%" start "" "%PassTrough%" %ARG%
if defined NOOP exit /b
set "URL=%CLI:*microsoft-edge=%"
set "URL=http%URL:*http=%"
set "FIX=%URL:~-2%"
if defined URL if "%FIX%"=="``" set "URL=%URL:~0,-2%"
call :dec_url
start "" "%Choice%" "%URL%"
:reg_var [USAGE] call :reg_var "HKCU\Volatile Environment" value-or-"" variable [extra options]
set {var}=& set {reg}=reg query "%~1" /v %2 /z /se "," /f /e& if %2=="" set {reg}=reg query "%~1" /ve /z /se "," /f /e
for /f "skip=2 tokens=* delims=" %%V in ('%{reg}% %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 2^>nul') do if not defined {var} set "{var}=%%V"
if not defined {var} (set {reg}=& set "%~3="& exit /b) else if %2=="" set "{var}=%{var}:*) =%"& rem AveYo: v3
if not defined {var} (set {reg}=& set "%~3="& exit /b) else set {reg}=& set "%~3=%{var}:*) =%"& set {var}=& exit /b
:dec_url brute url percent decoding
set ".=%URL:!=}%"&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion& rem brute url percent decoding
set ".=!.:%%={!" &set ".=!.:{3A=:!" &set ".=!.:{2F=/!" &set ".=!.:{3F=?!" &set ".=!.:{23=#!" &set ".=!.:{5B=[!" &set ".=!.:{5D=]!"
set ".=!.:{40=@!"&set ".=!.:{21=}!" &set ".=!.:{24=$!" &set ".=!.:{26=&!" &set ".=!.:{27='!" &set ".=!.:{28=(!" &set ".=!.:{29=)!"
set ".=!.:{2A=*!"&set ".=!.:{2B=+!" &set ".=!.:{2C=,!" &set ".=!.:{3B=;!" &set ".=!.:{3D==!" &set ".=!.:{25=%%!"&set ".=!.:{20= !"
set ".=!.:{=%%!" &rem set ",=!.:%%=!" & if "!,!" neq "!.!" endlocal& set "URL=%.:}=!%" & call :dec_url
endlocal& set "URL=%.:}=!%" & exit /b
rem done
[io.file]::WriteAllText("$DIR\OpenWebSearch.cmd", $OpenWebSearch) >''
## cleanup
$cleanup = gp 'Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Volatile*' Edge_Removal -ea 0
if ($cleanup) {rp $cleanup.PSPath Edge_Removal -force -ea 0}
write-host -nonew -fore green -back black "`n EDGE REMOVED!";
## TEsdss
## ask to run script as admin
'@.replace("$@","'@").replace("@$","@'") -force -ea 0;
$A = '-nop -noe -c & {iex((gp ''Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Volatile*'' Edge_Removal -ea 0)[0].Edge_Removal)}'
start powershell -args $A -verb runas
Highlight Text (
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ function Invoke-WPFUpdatessecurity {
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" -Name "NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers" -Type DWord -Value 1
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" -Name "AUPowerManagement" -Type DWord -Value 0
Write-Host "Disabled driver offering through Windows Update"
If (!(Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings")) {
New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" -Force | Out-Null
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" -Name "BranchReadinessLevel" -Type DWord -Value 20
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" -Name "DeferFeatureUpdatesPeriodInDays" -Type DWord -Value 365
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" -Name "DeferQualityUpdatesPeriodInDays " -Type DWord -Value 4
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
Author : Chris Titus @christitustech
Runspace Author: @DeveloperDurp
GitHub : https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech
Version : 23.07.15
Version : 23.07.19
Start-Transcript $ENV:TEMP\Winutil.log -Append
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
# variable to sync between runspaces
$sync = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$sync.PSScriptRoot = $PSScriptRoot
$sync.version = "23.07.15"
$sync.version = "23.07.19"
$sync.configs = @{}
$sync.ProcessRunning = $false
@ -1990,6 +1990,9 @@ function Invoke-WPFUpdatessecurity {
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" -Name "NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers" -Type DWord -Value 1
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" -Name "AUPowerManagement" -Type DWord -Value 0
Write-Host "Disabled driver offering through Windows Update"
If (!(Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings")) {
New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" -Force | Out-Null
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" -Name "BranchReadinessLevel" -Type DWord -Value 20
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" -Name "DeferFeatureUpdatesPeriodInDays" -Type DWord -Value 365
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" -Name "DeferQualityUpdatesPeriodInDays " -Type DWord -Value 4
@ -2462,7 +2465,7 @@ $inputXML = '<Window x:Class="WinUtility.MainWindow"
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksDiskCleanup" Content="Run Disk Cleanup" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Runs Disk Cleanup on Drive C: and removes old Windows Updates."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksLoc" Content="Disable Location Tracking" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Disables Location Tracking...DUH!"/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksHome" Content="Disable Homegroup" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Disables HomeGroup - Windows 11 doesn''t have this, it was awful."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksStorage" Content="Disable Storage Sense" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Storage Sense is supposed to delete temp files automatically, but often runs at wierd times and mostly doesn''t do much. Although when it was introduced in Win 10 (1809 Version) it deleted people''s documents... So there is that."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksStorage" Content="Disable Storage Sense" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Storage Sense deletes temp files automatically."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksHiber" Content="Disable Hibernation" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Hibernation is really meant for laptops as it saves whats in memory before turning the pc off. It really should never be used, but some people are lazy and rely on it. Don''t be like Bob. Bob likes hibernation."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksDVR" Content="Disable GameDVR" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="GameDVR is a Windows App that is a dependancy for some Store Games. I''ve never met someone that likes it, but it''s there for the XBOX crowd."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksServices" Content="Set Services to Manual" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Turns a bunch of system services to manual that don''t need to be running all the time. This is pretty harmless as if the service is needed, it will simply start on demand."/>
@ -5081,7 +5084,7 @@ $sync.configs.tweaks = '{
"Path": "HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\ControlSet001\\Services\\Ndu",
"OriginalValue": "1",
"name": "Start",
"value": "4",
"value": "2",
"type": "Dword"
@ -5498,59 +5501,161 @@ $sync.configs.tweaks = '{
"WPFEssTweaksRemoveEdge": {
"InvokeScript": [
# Stop Edge Task
Stop-Process -Name \"msedge\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#:: Standalone script by padsalatushal Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/padsalatushal/Edge-Removal/main/edge.bat
sp ''HKCU:\Volatile Environment'' ''Edge_Removal'' @''
# Uninstall - Edge
$edgePath = \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application\"
if (Test-Path $edgePath) {
$edgeVersions = Get-ChildItem $edgePath -Directory
foreach ($version in $edgeVersions) {
$installerPath = Join-Path $version.FullName \"Installer\"
if (Test-Path $installerPath) {
Set-Location -Path $installerPath | Out-Null
if (Test-Path \"setup.exe\") {
Write-Host \"Removing Microsoft Edge\"
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath \"setup.exe\" -ArgumentList \"--uninstall --system-level --force-uninstall\"
$also_remove_webview = 1
# Uninstall - EdgeWebView
$edgeWebViewPath = \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\EdgeWebView\\Application\"
if (Test-Path $edgeWebViewPath) {
$edgeWebViewVersions = Get-ChildItem $edgeWebViewPath -Directory
foreach ($version in $edgeWebViewVersions) {
$installerPath = Join-Path $version.FullName \"Installer\"
if (Test-Path $installerPath) {
Set-Location -Path $installerPath | Out-Null
if (Test-Path \"setup.exe\") {
Write-Host \"Removing EdgeWebView\"
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath \"setup.exe\" -ArgumentList \"--uninstall --msedgewebview --system-level --force-uninstall\"
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = ''Edge Removal ''
## targets
$remove_win32 = @("Microsoft Edge","Microsoft Edge Update"); $remove_appx = @("MicrosoftEdge")
if ($also_remove_webview -eq 1) {$remove_win32 += "Microsoft EdgeWebView"; $remove_appx += "Win32WebViewHost"}
## enable admin privileges
$D1=[uri].module.gettype(''System.Diagnostics.Process'')."GetM`ethods"(42) |where {$_.Name -eq ''SetPrivilege''} #`:no-ev-warn
''SeSecurityPrivilege'',''SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege'',''SeBackupPrivilege'',''SeRestorePrivilege''|foreach {$D1.Invoke($null, @("$_",2))}
## set useless policies
foreach ($p in ''HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies'',''HKLM\SOFTWARE'') {
cmd /c "reg add ""$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate"" /f /v InstallDefault /d 0 /t reg_dword >nul 2>nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate"" /f /v Install{56EB18F8-B008-4CBD-B6D2-8C97FE7E9062} /d 0 /t reg_dword >nul 2>nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate"" /f /v Install{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5} /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul 2>nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$p\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate"" /f /v DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul 2>nul"
## clear win32 uninstall block
foreach ($hk in ''HKCU'',''HKLM'') {foreach ($wow in '''',''\Wow6432Node'') {foreach ($i in $remove_win32) {
cmd /c "reg delete ""$hk\SOFTWARE${wow}\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$i"" /f /v NoRemove >nul 2>nul"
## find all Edge setup.exe and gather BHO paths
$setup = @(); $bho = @(); $bho += "$env:ProgramData\ie_to_edge_stub.exe"; $bho += "$env:Public\ie_to_edge_stub.exe"
"LocalApplicationData","ProgramFilesX86","ProgramFiles" |foreach {
$setup += dir $($([Environment]::GetFolderPath($_)) + ''\Microsoft\Edge*\setup.exe'') -rec -ea 0
$bho += dir $($([Environment]::GetFolderPath($_)) + ''\Microsoft\Edge*\ie_to_edge_stub.exe'') -rec -ea 0
## shut edge down
foreach ($p in ''MicrosoftEdgeUpdate'',''chredge'',''msedge'',''edge'',''msedgewebview2'',''Widgets'') { kill -name $p -force -ea 0 }
## use dedicated C:\Scripts path due to Sigma rules FUD
$DIR = "$env:SystemDrive\Scripts"; $null = mkdir $DIR -ea 0
## export OpenWebSearch innovative redirector
foreach ($b in $bho) { if (test-path $b) { try {copy $b "$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe" -force -ea 0} catch{} } }
## clear appx uninstall block and remove
$provisioned = get-appxprovisionedpackage -online; $appxpackage = get-appxpackage -allusers
$store = ''HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore''; $store_reg = $store.replace('':'','''')
$users = @(''S-1-5-18''); if (test-path $store) {$users += $((dir $store |where {$_ -like ''*S-1-5-21*''}).PSChildName)}
foreach ($choice in $remove_appx) { if ('''' -eq $choice.Trim()) {continue}
foreach ($appx in $($provisioned |where {$_.PackageName -like "*$choice*"})) {
$PackageFamilyName = ($appxpackage |where {$_.Name -eq $appx.DisplayName}).PackageFamilyName; $PackageFamilyName
cmd /c "reg add ""$store_reg\Deprovisioned\$PackageFamilyName"" /f >nul 2>nul"
cmd /c "dism /online /remove-provisionedappxpackage /packagename:$($appx.PackageName) >nul 2>nul"
#powershell -nop -c remove-appxprovisionedpackage -packagename "''$($appx.PackageName)''" -online 2>&1 >''''
foreach ($appx in $($appxpackage |where {$_.PackageFullName -like "*$choice*"})) {
$inbox = (gp "$store\InboxApplications\*$($appx.Name)*" Path).PSChildName
$PackageFamilyName = $appx.PackageFamilyName; $PackageFullName = $appx.PackageFullName; $PackageFullName
foreach ($app in $inbox) {cmd /c "reg delete ""$store_reg\InboxApplications\$app"" /f >nul 2>nul" }
cmd /c "reg add ""$store_reg\Deprovisioned\$PackageFamilyName"" /f >nul 2>nul"
foreach ($sid in $users) {cmd /c "reg add ""$store_reg\EndOfLife\$sid\$PackageFullName"" /f >nul 2>nul"}
cmd /c "dism /online /set-nonremovableapppolicy /packagefamily:$PackageFamilyName /nonremovable:0 >nul 2>nul"
powershell -nop -c "remove-appxpackage -package ''$PackageFullName'' -AllUsers" 2>&1 >''''
foreach ($sid in $users) {cmd /c "reg delete ""$store_reg\EndOfLife\$sid\$PackageFullName"" /f >nul 2>nul"}
## shut edge down, again
foreach ($p in ''MicrosoftEdgeUpdate'',''chredge'',''msedge'',''edge'',''msedgewebview2'',''Widgets'') { kill -name $p -force -ea 0 }
## brute-run found Edge setup.exe with uninstall args
$purge = ''--uninstall --system-level --force-uninstall''
if ($also_remove_webview -eq 1) { foreach ($s in $setup) { try{ start -wait $s -args "--msedgewebview $purge" } catch{} } }
foreach ($s in $setup) { try{ start -wait $s -args "--msedge $purge" } catch{} }
## prevent latest cumulative update (LCU) failing due to non-matching EndOfLife Edge entries
foreach ($i in $remove_appx) {
dir "$store\EndOfLife" -rec -ea 0 |where {$_ -like "*${i}*"} |foreach {cmd /c "reg delete ""$($_.Name)"" /f >nul 2>nul"}
dir "$store\Deleted\EndOfLife" -rec -ea 0 |where {$_ -like "*${i}*"} |foreach {cmd /c "reg delete ""$($_.Name)"" /f >nul 2>nul"}
## extra cleanup
$desktop = $([Environment]::GetFolderPath(''Desktop'')); $appdata = $([Environment]::GetFolderPath(''ApplicationData''))
del "$appdata\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Tombstones\Microsoft Edge.lnk" -force -ea 0
del "$appdata\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Microsoft Edge.lnk" -force -ea 0
del "$desktop\Microsoft Edge.lnk" -force -ea 0
# Delete Edge desktop icon, from all users
$users = Get-ChildItem -Path \"C:\\Users\" -Directory
foreach ($user in $users) {
$desktopPath = Join-Path -Path $user.FullName -ChildPath \"Desktop\"
Remove-Item -Path \"$desktopPath\\edge.lnk\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path \"$desktopPath\\Microsoft Edge.lnk\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
## add OpenWebSearch to redirect microsoft-edge: anti-competitive links to the default browser
$IFEO = ''HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options''
$MSEP = ($env:ProgramFiles,${env:ProgramFiles(x86)})[[Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem] + ''\Microsoft\Edge\Application''
$MIN = (''--headless'',''--width 1 --height 1'')[([environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build) -gt 25179]
$CMD = "$env:systemroot\system32\conhost.exe $MIN" # AveYo: minimize prompt - see Terminal issue #13914
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge /f /ve /d URL:microsoft-edge >nul"
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge /f /v ""URL Protocol"" /d """" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge /f /v NoOpenWith /d """" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\microsoft-edge\shell\open\command /f /ve /d ""$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe %1"" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\MSEdgeHTM /f /v NoOpenWith /d """" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add HKCR\MSEdgeHTM\shell\open\command /f /ve /d ""$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe %1"" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\ie_to_edge_stub.exe"" /f /v UseFilter /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\0"" /f /v FilterFullPath /d ""$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe"" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\0"" /f /v Debugger /d ""$CMD $DIR\OpenWebSearch.cmd"" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\msedge.exe"" /f /v UseFilter /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\msedge.exe\0"" /f /v FilterFullPath /d ""$MSEP\msedge.exe"" >nul"
cmd /c "reg add ""$IFEO\msedge.exe\0"" /f /v Debugger /d ""$CMD $DIR\OpenWebSearch.cmd"" >nul"
$OpenWebSearch = @$
@title OpenWebSearch Redux & echo off & set ?= open start menu web search, widgets links or help in your chosen browser
for /f %%E in (''"prompt $E$S& for %%e in (1) do rem"'') do echo;%%E[2t 2>nul & rem AveYo: minimize prompt
call :reg_var "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\https\UserChoice" ProgID ProgID
if /i "%ProgID%" equ "MSEdgeHTM" echo;Default browser is set to Edge! Change it or remove OpenWebSearch script. & pause & exit /b
call :reg_var "HKCR\%ProgID%\shell\open\command" "" Browser
set Choice=& for %%. in (%Browser%) do if not defined Choice set "Choice=%%~."
call :reg_var "HKCR\MSEdgeMHT\shell\open\command" "" FallBack
set "Edge=" & for %%. in (%FallBack%) do if not defined Edge set "Edge=%%~."
set "URI=" & set "URL=" & set "NOOP=" & set "PassTrough=%Edge:msedge=edge%"
set "CLI=%CMDCMDLINE:"=``% "
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*ie_to_edge_stub.exe`` =%"
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*ie_to_edge_stub.exe =%"
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*msedge.exe`` =%"
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*msedge.exe =%"
set "FIX=%CLI:~-1%"
if defined CLI if "%FIX%"==" " set "CLI=%CLI:~0,-1%"
if defined CLI set "RED=%CLI:microsoft-edge=%"
if defined CLI set "URL=%CLI:http=%"
if defined CLI set "ARG=%CLI:``="%"
if "%CLI%" equ "%RED%" (set NOOP=1) else if "%CLI%" equ "%URL%" (set NOOP=1)
if defined NOOP if exist "%PassTrough%" start "" "%PassTrough%" %ARG%
if defined NOOP exit /b
set "URL=%CLI:*microsoft-edge=%"
set "URL=http%URL:*http=%"
set "FIX=%URL:~-2%"
if defined URL if "%FIX%"=="``" set "URL=%URL:~0,-2%"
call :dec_url
start "" "%Choice%" "%URL%"
:reg_var [USAGE] call :reg_var "HKCU\Volatile Environment" value-or-"" variable [extra options]
set {var}=& set {reg}=reg query "%~1" /v %2 /z /se "," /f /e& if %2=="" set {reg}=reg query "%~1" /ve /z /se "," /f /e
for /f "skip=2 tokens=* delims=" %%V in (''%{reg}% %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 2^>nul'') do if not defined {var} set "{var}=%%V"
if not defined {var} (set {reg}=& set "%~3="& exit /b) else if %2=="" set "{var}=%{var}:*) =%"& rem AveYo: v3
if not defined {var} (set {reg}=& set "%~3="& exit /b) else set {reg}=& set "%~3=%{var}:*) =%"& set {var}=& exit /b
:dec_url brute url percent decoding
set ".=%URL:!=}%"&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion& rem brute url percent decoding
set ".=!.:%%={!" &set ".=!.:{3A=:!" &set ".=!.:{2F=/!" &set ".=!.:{3F=?!" &set ".=!.:{23=#!" &set ".=!.:{5B=[!" &set ".=!.:{5D=]!"
set ".=!.:{40=@!"&set ".=!.:{21=}!" &set ".=!.:{24=$!" &set ".=!.:{26=&!" &set ".=!.:{27=''!" &set ".=!.:{28=(!" &set ".=!.:{29=)!"
set ".=!.:{2A=*!"&set ".=!.:{2B=+!" &set ".=!.:{2C=,!" &set ".=!.:{3B=;!" &set ".=!.:{3D==!" &set ".=!.:{25=%%!"&set ".=!.:{20= !"
set ".=!.:{=%%!" &rem set ",=!.:%%=!" & if "!,!" neq "!.!" endlocal& set "URL=%.:}=!%" & call :dec_url
endlocal& set "URL=%.:}=!%" & exit /b
rem done
[io.file]::WriteAllText("$DIR\OpenWebSearch.cmd", $OpenWebSearch) >''''
## cleanup
$cleanup = gp ''Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Volatile*'' Edge_Removal -ea 0
if ($cleanup) {rp $cleanup.PSPath Edge_Removal -force -ea 0}
write-host -nonew -fore green -back black "`n EDGE REMOVED!";
## TEsdss
## ask to run script as admin
''@.replace("$@","''@").replace("@$","@''") -force -ea 0;
$A = ''-nop -noe -c & {iex((gp ''''Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Volatile*'''' Edge_Removal -ea 0)[0].Edge_Removal)}''
start powershell -args $A -verb runas
# Delete additional files
if (Test-Path \"C:\\Windows\\System32\\MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe\") {
$edgeFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path \"C:\\Windows\\System32\" -Filter \"MicrosoftEdge*\" -File
foreach ($file in $edgeFiles) {
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $file.Directory.FullName -ChildPath $file.Name
takeown.exe /F \"$filePath\" > $null
icacls.exe \"$filePath\" /inheritance:e /grant \"$env:UserName:(OI)(CI)F\" /T /C > $null
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
"UndoScript": [
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksDiskCleanup" Content="Run Disk Cleanup" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Runs Disk Cleanup on Drive C: and removes old Windows Updates."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksLoc" Content="Disable Location Tracking" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Disables Location Tracking...DUH!"/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksHome" Content="Disable Homegroup" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Disables HomeGroup - Windows 11 doesn't have this, it was awful."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksStorage" Content="Disable Storage Sense" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Storage Sense is supposed to delete temp files automatically, but often runs at wierd times and mostly doesn't do much. Although when it was introduced in Win 10 (1809 Version) it deleted people's documents... So there is that."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksStorage" Content="Disable Storage Sense" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Storage Sense deletes temp files automatically."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksHiber" Content="Disable Hibernation" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Hibernation is really meant for laptops as it saves whats in memory before turning the pc off. It really should never be used, but some people are lazy and rely on it. Don't be like Bob. Bob likes hibernation."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksDVR" Content="Disable GameDVR" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="GameDVR is a Windows App that is a dependancy for some Store Games. I've never met someone that likes it, but it's there for the XBOX crowd."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFEssTweaksServices" Content="Set Services to Manual" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Turns a bunch of system services to manual that don't need to be running all the time. This is pretty harmless as if the service is needed, it will simply start on demand."/>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user