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synced 2025-01-21 04:07:42 -06:00
winget fix (#952)
* winget fix * Compile Winutil --------- Co-authored-by: ChrisTitusTech <ChrisTitusTech@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,62 +38,8 @@ function Install-WinUtilWinget {
Write-Host "Running Alternative Installer and Direct Installing"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$apiLatestUrl = 'https://api.github.com/repos/microsoft/winget-cli/releases/latest'
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
# Hide the progress bar of Invoke-WebRequest
$oldProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$desktopAppInstaller = @{
fileName = 'Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle'
url = $(((Invoke-WebRequest $apiLatestUrl -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json).assets | Where-Object { $_.name -match '^Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle$' }).browser_download_url)
hash = $(Get-LatestHash)
$vcLibsUwp = @{
fileName = 'Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx'
url = 'https://aka.ms/Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx'
hash = '6602159c341bafea747d0edf15669ac72df8817299fbfaa90469909e06794256'
$uiLibs = @{
nupkg = @{
fileName = 'microsoft.ui.xaml.2.7.0.nupkg'
url = 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/Microsoft.UI.Xaml/2.7.0'
hash = "422FD24B231E87A842C4DAEABC6A335112E0D35B86FAC91F5CE7CF327E36A591"
uwp = @{
fileName = 'Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7.appx'
$uiLibs.uwp.file = $PWD.Path + '\' + $uiLibs.uwp.fileName
$uiLibs.uwp.zipPath = '*/x64/*/' + $uiLibs.uwp.fileName
$dependencies = @($desktopAppInstaller, $vcLibsUwp, $uiLibs.nupkg)
foreach ($dependency in $dependencies) {
$dependency.file = $dependency.fileName
Invoke-WebRequest $dependency.url -OutFile $dependency.file
$uiLibs.nupkg.file = $PSScriptRoot + '\' + $uiLibs.nupkg.fileName
Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$uiLibs.nupkg.zip = [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($uiLibs.nupkg.file)
$uiLibs.nupkg.zipUwp = $uiLibs.nupkg.zip.Entries | Where-Object { $_.FullName -like $uiLibs.uwp.zipPath }
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToFile($uiLibs.nupkg.zipUwp, $uiLibs.uwp.file, $true)
Add-AppxPackage -Path $desktopAppInstaller.file -DependencyPath $vcLibsUwp.file,$uiLibs.uwp.file
Remove-Item $desktopAppInstaller.file
Remove-Item $vcLibsUwp.file
Remove-Item $uiLibs.nupkg.file
Remove-Item $uiLibs.uwp.file
Write-Host "WinGet installed!" -ForegroundColor Green
$ProgressPreference = $oldProgressPreference
Start-Process -Verb runas -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList "irm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil/main/winget.ps1 | iex"
Write-Host "Winget Installed"
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
Updates Path Variables for the current session
function Update-EnvironmentVariables {
foreach($level in "Machine","User") {
[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables($level).GetEnumerator() | % {
# For Path variables, append the new values, if they're not already in there
if($_.Name -match 'Path$') {
$_.Value = ($((Get-Content "Env:$($_.Name)") + ";$($_.Value)") -split ';' | Select-Object -unique) -join ';'
} | Set-Content -Path { "Env:$($_.Name)" }
@ -1,86 +1,487 @@
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$apiLatestUrl = 'https://api.github.com/repos/microsoft/winget-cli/releases/latest'
$tempFolder = $env:TEMP
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
.VERSION 2.0.2
.GUID 3b581edb-5d90-4fa1-ba15-4f2377275463
function Update-EnvironmentVariables {
foreach($level in "Machine","User") {
[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables($level).GetEnumerator() | % {
# For Path variables, append the new values, if they're not already in there
if($_.Name -match 'Path$') {
$_.Value = ($((Get-Content "Env:$($_.Name)") + ";$($_.Value)") -split ';' | Select -unique) -join ';'
.AUTHOR asheroto, 1ckov, MisterZeus, ChrisTitusTech
.TAGS PowerShell Windows winget win get install installer fix script
.PROJECTURI https://github.com/asheroto/winget-install
[Version 0.0.1] - Initial Release.
[Version 0.0.2] - Implemented function to get the latest version of winget and its license.
[Version 0.0.3] - Signed file for PSGallery.
[Version 0.0.4] - Changed URI to grab latest release instead of releases and preleases.
[Version 0.0.5] - Updated version number of dependencies.
[Version 1.0.0] - Major refactor code, see release notes for more information.
[Version 1.0.1] - Fixed minor bug where version 2.8 was hardcoded in URL.
[Version 1.0.2] - Hardcoded UI Xaml version 2.8.4 as a failsafe in case the API fails. Added CheckForUpdates, Version, Help functions. Various bug fixes.
[Version 1.0.3] - Added error message to catch block. Fixed bug where appx package was not being installed.
[Version 1.0.4] - MisterZeus optimized code for readability.
[Version 2.0.0] - Major refactor. Reverted to UI.Xaml 2.7.3 for stability. Adjusted script to fix install issues due to winget changes (thank you ChrisTitusTech). Added in all architecture support.
[Version 2.0.1] - Renamed repo and URL references from winget-installer to winget-install. Added extra space after the last line of output.
[Version 2.0.2] - Adjusted CheckForUpdates to include Install-Script instructions and extra spacing.
Downloads the latest version of winget, its dependencies, and installs everything. PATH variable is adjusted after installation. Reboot required after installation.
The Install-winget function automates the process of installing the winget package manager. It downloads the latest version of winget and its required dependencies from the source. After downloading, the function installs winget and updates the PATH environment variable to include directories necessary for winget's operation.
This function is designed to be straightforward and easy to use, removing the hassle of manually downloading, installing, and configuring winget. To make the newly installed winget available for use, a system reboot may be required after the execution of this function. This function should be run with administrative privileges.
Displays the version of the script.
Displays the help information for the script.
.PARAMETER CheckForUpdate
Checks for updates of the script.
Version : 2.0.2
Created by : asheroto
Project Site: https://github.com/asheroto/winget-install
param (
# Version
$CurrentVersion = '2.0.2'
$RepoOwner = 'asheroto'
$RepoName = 'winget-install'
# Versions
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Suppress progress bar (makes downloading super fast)
# Check if -Version is specified
if ($Version.IsPresent) {
exit 0
# Help
if ($Help) {
Get-Help -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source -Full
exit 0
# If user runs "winget-install -Verbose", output their PS and Host info.
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose') -and $PSBoundParameters['Verbose']) {
function Get-GitHubRelease {
Fetches the latest release information of a GitHub repository.
This function uses the GitHub API to get information about the latest release of a specified repository, including its version and the date it was published.
The GitHub username of the repository owner.
The name of the repository.
Get-GitHubRelease -Owner "asheroto" -Repo "winget-install"
This command retrieves the latest release version and published datetime of the winget-install repository owned by asheroto.
param (
try {
$url = "https://api.github.com/repos/$Owner/$Repo/releases/latest"
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -ErrorAction Stop
$latestVersion = $response.tag_name
$publishedAt = $response.published_at
# Convert UTC time string to local time
$UtcDateTime = [DateTime]::Parse($publishedAt, [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::RoundtripKind)
$PublishedLocalDateTime = $UtcDateTime.ToLocalTime()
LatestVersion = $latestVersion
PublishedDateTime = $PublishedLocalDateTime
} | Set-Content -Path { "Env:$($_.Name)" }
function Get-LatestUrl {
((Invoke-WebRequest $apiLatestUrl -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json).assets | Where-Object { $_.name -match '^Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle$' }).browser_download_url
function Get-LatestHash {
$shaUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest $apiLatestUrl -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json).assets | Where-Object { $_.name -match '^Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.txt$' }).browser_download_url
$shaFile = Join-Path -Path $tempFolder -ChildPath 'Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.txt'
$WebClient.DownloadFile($shaUrl, $shaFile)
Get-Content $shaFile
# Hide the progress bar of Invoke-WebRequest
$oldProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$desktopAppInstaller = @{
fileName = 'Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle'
url = $(Get-LatestUrl)
hash = $(Get-LatestHash)
$vcLibsUwp = @{
fileName = 'Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx'
url = 'https://aka.ms/Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx'
hash = '6602159c341bafea747d0edf15669ac72df8817299fbfaa90469909e06794256'
$uiLibs = @{
nupkg = @{
fileName = 'microsoft.ui.xaml.2.7.0.nupkg'
url = 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/Microsoft.UI.Xaml/2.7.0'
hash = "422FD24B231E87A842C4DAEABC6A335112E0D35B86FAC91F5CE7CF327E36A591"
uwp = @{
fileName = 'Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7.appx'
} catch {
Write-Error "Unable to check for updates.`nError: $_"
exit 1
$uiLibs.uwp.file = $PWD.Path + '\' + $uiLibs.uwp.fileName
$uiLibs.uwp.zipPath = '*/x64/*/' + $uiLibs.uwp.fileName
$dependencies = @($desktopAppInstaller, $vcLibsUwp, $uiLibs.nupkg)
# Generates a section divider for easy reading of the output.
function Write-Section($text) {
Prints a text block surrounded by a section divider for enhanced output readability.
foreach ($dependency in $dependencies) {
$dependency.file = $dependency.fileName
iwr $dependency.url -OutFile $dependency.file
This function takes a string input and prints it to the console, surrounded by a section divider made of hash characters. It is designed to enhance the readability of console output.
The text to be printed within the section divider.
Write-Section "Downloading Files..."
This command prints the text "Downloading Files..." surrounded by a section divider.
Write-Output ""
Write-Output ("#" * ($text.Length + 4))
Write-Output "# $text #"
Write-Output ("#" * ($text.Length + 4))
Write-Output ""
$uiLibs.nupkg.file = $PSScriptRoot + '\' + $uiLibs.nupkg.fileName
Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$uiLibs.nupkg.zip = [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($uiLibs.nupkg.file)
$uiLibs.nupkg.zipUwp = $uiLibs.nupkg.zip.Entries | Where-Object { $_.FullName -like $uiLibs.uwp.zipPath }
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToFile($uiLibs.nupkg.zipUwp, $uiLibs.uwp.file, $true)
function Get-NewestLink($match) {
Retrieves the download URL of the latest release asset that matches a specified pattern from the GitHub repository.
Add-AppxPackage -Path $desktopAppInstaller.file -DependencyPath $vcLibsUwp.file,$uiLibs.uwp.file
This function uses the GitHub API to get information about the latest release of the winget-cli repository. It then retrieves the download URL for the release asset that matches a specified pattern.
rm $desktopAppInstaller.file
rm $vcLibsUwp.file
rm $uiLibs.nupkg.file
rm $uiLibs.uwp.file
Write-Host "WinGet installed!" -ForegroundColor Green
$ProgressPreference = $oldProgressPreference
# winget install Microsoft.WindowsTerminal
# winget install ubuntu
The pattern to match in the asset names.
Get-NewestLink "msixbundle"
This command retrieves the download URL for the latest release asset with a name that contains "msixbundle".
$uri = "https://api.github.com/repos/microsoft/winget-cli/releases/latest"
Write-Verbose "Getting information from $uri"
$get = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $uri -Method Get -ErrorAction stop
Write-Verbose "Getting latest release..."
$data = $get.assets | Where-Object name -Match $match
return $data.browser_download_url
function Update-PathEnvironmentVariable {
Updates the PATH environment variable with a new path for both the User and Machine levels.
The function will add a new path to the PATH environment variable, making sure it is not a duplicate.
If the new path is already in the PATH variable, the function will skip adding it.
This function operates at both User and Machine levels.
The new directory path to be added to the PATH environment variable.
Update-PathEnvironmentVariable -NewPath "C:\NewDirectory"
This command will add the directory "C:\NewDirectory" to the PATH variable at both the User and Machine levels.
foreach ($Level in "Machine", "User") {
# Get the current PATH variable
$path = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $Level)
# Check if the new path is already in the PATH variable
if (!$path.Contains($NewPath)) {
Write-Output "Adding $NewPath to PATH variable for $Level..."
# Add the new path to the PATH variable
$path = ($path + ";" + $NewPath).Split(';') | Select-Object -Unique
$path = $path -join ';'
# Set the new PATH variable
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $path, $Level)
} else {
Write-Output "$NewPath already present in PATH variable for $Level, skipping."
function Handle-Error {
Handles common errors that may occur during an installation process.
This function takes an ErrorRecord object and checks for certain known error codes.
Depending on the error code, it writes appropriate warning messages or throws the error.
.PARAMETER ErrorRecord
The ErrorRecord object that represents the error that was caught. This object contains
information about the error, including the exception that was thrown.
try {
# Some code that may throw an error...
} catch {
Handle-Error $_
This example shows how you might use the Handle-Error function in a try-catch block.
If an error occurs in the try block, the catch block catches it and calls Handle-Error,
passing the error (represented by the $_ variable) to the function.
# Store current value
$OriginalErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
# Set to silently continue
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
if ($ErrorRecord.Exception.Message -match '0x80073D06') {
Write-Warning "Higher version already installed."
Write-Warning "That's okay, continuing..."
} elseif ($ErrorRecord.Exception.Message -match '0x80073CF0') {
Write-Warning "Same version already installed."
Write-Warning "That's okay, continuing..."
} elseif ($ErrorRecord.Exception.Message -match '0x80073D02') {
# Stop execution and return the ErrorRecord so that the calling try/catch block throws the error
Write-Warning "Resources modified are in-use. Try closing Windows Terminal / PowerShell / Command Prompt and try again."
Write-Warning "If the problem persists, restart your computer."
return $ErrorRecord
} else {
# For other errors, we should stop the execution and return the ErrorRecord so that the calling try/catch block throws the error
return $ErrorRecord
# Reset to original value
$ErrorActionPreference = $OriginalErrorActionPreference
# Check for updates
if ($CheckForUpdates) {
$Data = Get-GitHubRelease -Owner $RepoOwner -Repo $RepoName
if ($Data.LatestVersion -gt $CurrentVersion) {
Write-Output "`nA new version of $RepoName is available.`n"
Write-Output "Current version: $CurrentVersion."
Write-Output "Latest version: $($Data.LatestVersion)."
Write-Output "Published at: $($Data.PublishedDateTime).`n"
Write-Output "You can download the latest version from https://github.com/$RepoOwner/$RepoName/releases`n"
Write-Output "Or you can run the following command to update:"
Write-Output "Install-Script winget-install -Force`n"
} else {
Write-Output "`n$RepoName is up to date.`n"
Write-Output "Current version: $CurrentVersion."
Write-Output "Latest version: $($Data.LatestVersion)."
Write-Output "Published at: $($Data.PublishedDateTime)."
Write-Output "`nRepository: https://github.com/$RepoOwner/$RepoName/releases`n"
exit 0
try {
# Using temp directory for downloads
$tempFolder = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
# Determine architecture
$cpuArchitecture = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor).Architecture
# 0 - x86, 9 - x64, 5 - ARM, 12 - ARM64
switch ($cpuArchitecture) {
0 { $arch = "x86" }
9 { $arch = "x64" }
5 { $arch = "arm" }
12 { $arch = "arm64" }
default { throw "Unknown CPU architecture detected." }
# VCLibs
# Vars
$vcLibsVersion = "14.00"
$vcLibs = @{
url = "https://aka.ms/Microsoft.VCLibs.$arch.$($vcLibsVersion).Desktop.appx"
# Output
Write-Section "Downloading & installing ${arch} VCLibs..."
switch ($cpuArchitecture) {
0 { $arch = "x86" }
9 { $arch = "x64" }
5 { $arch = "arm" }
12 { $arch = "arm64" }
default { throw "Unknown CPU architecture detected." }
# VCLibs
# Vars
$vcLibsVersion = "14.00"
$vcLibs = @{
url = "https://aka.ms/Microsoft.VCLibs.$arch.$($vcLibsVersion).Desktop.appx"
# Output
Write-Section "Downloading & installing ${arch} VCLibs..."
Write-Output "URL: $($vcLibs.url)"
# Try to install VCLibs
try {
# Add-AppxPackage will throw an error if the app is already installed or higher version installed, so we need to catch it and continue
Add-AppxPackage $vcLibs.url -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
$errorHandled = Handle-Error $_
if ($null -ne $errorHandled) {
throw $errorHandled
$errorHandled = $null
# UI.Xaml
# Vars
$uiXamlNupkgVersion = "2.7.3"
$uiXamlAppxFileVersion = "2.7"
$uiXaml = @{
url = "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/Microsoft.UI.Xaml/$uiXamlNupkgVersion"
appxFolder = "tools/AppX/$arch/Release/"
appxFilename = "Microsoft.UI.Xaml.$uiXamlAppxFileVersion.appx"
nupkgFilename = Join-Path -Path $tempFolder -ChildPath "Microsoft.UI.Xaml.$uiXamlNupkgVersion.nupkg"
nupkgFolder = Join-Path -Path $tempFolder -ChildPath "Microsoft.UI.Xaml.$uiXamlNupkgVersion"
# Output
Write-Section "Downloading & installing ${arch} UI.Xaml..."
Write-Output "Downloading: $($uiXaml.url)"
Write-Output "Saving as: $($uiXaml.nupkgFilename)"
# Downloads from URL, saves as nupkg
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uiXaml.url -OutFile $uiXaml.nupkgFilename
# Extracts the nupkg file
Write-Output "Extracting into: $($uiXaml.nupkgFolder)`n"
Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
# Extracts the nupkg file
Write-Output "Extracting into: $($uiXaml.nupkgFolder)`n"
Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
# Check if folder exists and delete if needed
if (Test-Path -Path $uiXaml.nupkgFolder) {
Remove-Item -Path $uiXaml.nupkgFolder -Recurse
[IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($uiXaml.nupkgFilename, $uiXaml.nupkgFolder)
# Install XAML
Write-Output "Installing ${arch} XAML..."
$XamlAppxFolder = Join-Path -Path $uiXaml.nupkgFolder -ChildPath $uiXaml.appxFolder
$XamlAppxPath = Join-Path -Path $XamlAppxFolder -ChildPath $uiXaml.appxFilename
Write-Output "Installing Appx Packages in: $XamlAppxFolder"
# For each appx file in the folder, try to install it
Get-ChildItem -Path $XamlAppxPath -Filter *.appx | ForEach-Object {
try {
Write-Output "Installing Appx Package: $($_.Name)"
# Add-AppxPackage will throw an error if the app is already installed
# or a higher version is installed, so we need to catch it and continue
Add-AppxPackage $_.FullName -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
$errorHandled = Handle-Error $_
if ($null -ne $errorHandled) {
throw $errorHandled
$errorHandled = $null
# winget
# Download winget
Write-Section "Downloading winget..."
Write-Output "Retrieving download URL for winget from GitHub..."
$wingetUrl = Get-NewestLink("msixbundle")
$wingetPath = Join-Path -Path $tempFolder -ChildPath "winget.msixbundle"
$wingetLicenseUrl = Get-NewestLink("License1.xml")
$wingetLicensePath = Join-Path -Path $tempFolder -ChildPath "license1.xml"
Write-Output "`nDownloading: $wingetUrl"
Write-Output "Saving as: $wingetPath"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $wingetUrl -OutFile $wingetPath
Write-Output "`nDownloading: $wingetLicenseUrl"
Write-Output "Saving as: $wingetLicensePath"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $wingetLicenseUrl -OutFile $wingetLicensePath
# Install winget
Write-Section "Installing winget..."
Write-Output "wingetPath: $wingetPath"
Write-Output "wingetLicensePath: $wingetLicensePath"
# Try to install winget
try {
# Add-AppxPackage will throw an error if the app is already installed or higher version installed, so we need to catch it and continue
Add-AppxPackage -Path $wingetPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} catch {
$errorHandled = Handle-Error $_
if ($null -ne $errorHandled) {
throw $errorHandled
$errorHandled = $null
# Add the WindowsApps directory to the PATH variable
Write-Section "Checking and adding WindowsApps directory to PATH variable for current user if not present..."
$WindowsAppsPath = [IO.Path]::Combine([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("LOCALAPPDATA"), "Microsoft", "WindowsApps")
Update-PathEnvironmentVariable -NewPath $WindowsAppsPath
# Cleanup
Write-Section "Cleaning up..."
Remove-Item -Path $uiXaml.nupkgFilename
Remove-Item -Path $uiXaml.nupkgFolder -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path $wingetPath
Remove-Item -Path $wingetLicensePath
# Finished
Write-Section "Installation complete!"
Write-Output "If winget doesn't work right now, you may need to restart your computer.`n"
} catch {
# Error handling
Write-Section "WARNING! An error occurred during installation!"
Write-Warning "Something went wrong. If messages above don't help and the problem persists,"
Write-Warning "Please open an issue at https://github.com/$RepoOwner/$RepoName/issues`n"
# If it's not 0x80073D02 (resources in use), show error
if ($_.Exception.Message -notmatch '0x80073D02') {
Write-Warning "Line number : $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"
Write-Warning "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)`n"
@ -319,62 +319,8 @@ function Install-WinUtilWinget {
Write-Host "Running Alternative Installer and Direct Installing"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$apiLatestUrl = 'https://api.github.com/repos/microsoft/winget-cli/releases/latest'
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
# Hide the progress bar of Invoke-WebRequest
$oldProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$desktopAppInstaller = @{
fileName = 'Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle'
url = $(((Invoke-WebRequest $apiLatestUrl -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json).assets | Where-Object { $_.name -match '^Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle$' }).browser_download_url)
hash = $(Get-LatestHash)
$vcLibsUwp = @{
fileName = 'Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx'
url = 'https://aka.ms/Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx'
hash = '6602159c341bafea747d0edf15669ac72df8817299fbfaa90469909e06794256'
$uiLibs = @{
nupkg = @{
fileName = 'microsoft.ui.xaml.2.7.0.nupkg'
url = 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/Microsoft.UI.Xaml/2.7.0'
hash = "422FD24B231E87A842C4DAEABC6A335112E0D35B86FAC91F5CE7CF327E36A591"
uwp = @{
fileName = 'Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7.appx'
$uiLibs.uwp.file = $PWD.Path + '\' + $uiLibs.uwp.fileName
$uiLibs.uwp.zipPath = '*/x64/*/' + $uiLibs.uwp.fileName
$dependencies = @($desktopAppInstaller, $vcLibsUwp, $uiLibs.nupkg)
foreach ($dependency in $dependencies) {
$dependency.file = $dependency.fileName
Invoke-WebRequest $dependency.url -OutFile $dependency.file
$uiLibs.nupkg.file = $PSScriptRoot + '\' + $uiLibs.nupkg.fileName
Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$uiLibs.nupkg.zip = [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($uiLibs.nupkg.file)
$uiLibs.nupkg.zipUwp = $uiLibs.nupkg.zip.Entries | Where-Object { $_.FullName -like $uiLibs.uwp.zipPath }
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToFile($uiLibs.nupkg.zipUwp, $uiLibs.uwp.file, $true)
Add-AppxPackage -Path $desktopAppInstaller.file -DependencyPath $vcLibsUwp.file,$uiLibs.uwp.file
Remove-Item $desktopAppInstaller.file
Remove-Item $vcLibsUwp.file
Remove-Item $uiLibs.nupkg.file
Remove-Item $uiLibs.uwp.file
Write-Host "WinGet installed!" -ForegroundColor Green
$ProgressPreference = $oldProgressPreference
Start-Process -Verb runas -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList "irm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil/main/winget.ps1 | iex"
Write-Host "Winget Installed"
@ -992,24 +938,6 @@ function Test-WinUtilPackageManager {
return $false
Updates Path Variables for the current session
function Update-EnvironmentVariables {
foreach($level in "Machine","User") {
[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables($level).GetEnumerator() | % {
# For Path variables, append the new values, if they're not already in there
if($_.Name -match 'Path$') {
$_.Value = ($((Get-Content "Env:$($_.Name)") + ";$($_.Value)") -split ';' | Select-Object -unique) -join ';'
} | Set-Content -Path { "Env:$($_.Name)" }
Function Update-WinUtilProgramWinget {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user