mirror of
synced 2025-01-21 12:17:44 -06:00
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
Author : Chris Titus @christitustech
Runspace Author: @DeveloperDurp
GitHub : https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech
Version : 24.01.15
Version : 24.01.25
param (
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
# Variable to sync between runspaces
$sync = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$sync.PSScriptRoot = $PSScriptRoot
$sync.version = "24.01.15"
$sync.version = "24.01.25"
$sync.configs = @{}
$sync.ProcessRunning = $false
@ -452,6 +452,15 @@ Function Get-WinUtilToggleStatus {
return $false
if($ToggleSwitch -eq "WPFToggleSnapFlyout"){
$hidesnap = (Get-ItemProperty -path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced').EnableSnapAssistFlyout
if($hidesnap -eq 0){
return $false
return $true
if($ToggleSwitch -eq "WPFToggleMouseAcceleration"){
$MouseSpeed = (Get-ItemProperty -path 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Mouse').MouseSpeed
$MouseThreshold1 = (Get-ItemProperty -path 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Mouse').MouseThreshold1
@ -558,7 +567,7 @@ Function Install-WinUtilProgramWinget {
Write-Progress -Activity "$manage Applications" -Status "$manage $Program $($x + 1) of $count" -PercentComplete $($x/$count*100)
if($manage -eq "Installing"){
Start-Process -FilePath winget -ArgumentList "install -e --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements --silent $Program" -NoNewWindow -Wait
Start-Process -FilePath winget -ArgumentList "install -e --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements --scope=machine --silent $Program" -NoNewWindow -Wait
if($manage -eq "Uninstalling"){
Start-Process -FilePath winget -ArgumentList "uninstall -e --purge --force --silent $Program" -NoNewWindow -Wait
@ -1599,6 +1608,40 @@ function Invoke-WinUtilShowExt {
Write-Warning $psitem.Exception.StackTrace
function Invoke-WinUtilSnapFlyout {
Disables/Enables Snap Assist Flyout on startup
Indicates whether to enable or disable Snap Assist Flyout on startup
if ($Enabled -eq $false){
Write-Host "Enabling Snap Assist Flyout On startup"
$value = 1
else {
Write-Host "Disabling Snap Assist Flyout On startup"
$value = 0
# taskkill.exe /F /IM "explorer.exe"
$Path = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced"
taskkill.exe /F /IM "explorer.exe"
Set-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name EnableSnapAssistFlyout -Value $value
Start-Process "explorer.exe"
Catch [System.Security.SecurityException] {
Write-Warning "Unable to set $Path\$Name to $Value due to a Security Exception"
Catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
Write-Warning $psitem.Exception.ErrorRecord
Write-Warning "Unable to set $Name due to unhandled exception"
Write-Warning $psitem.Exception.StackTrace
function Invoke-WinUtilTweaks {
@ -2663,7 +2706,7 @@ function Invoke-WPFGetIso {
# @ChrisTitusTech please copy this wiki and change the link below to your copy of the wiki
Write-Error "Failed to mount the image. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
Write-Error "This is NOT winutil's problem, your ISO might be corrupt, or there is a problem on the system"
Write-Error "Please refer to this wiki for more details https://github.com/KonTy/winutil/wiki/Error-in-Winutil-MicroWin-during-ISO-mounting"
Write-Error "Please refer to this wiki for more details https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil/blob/main/wiki/Error-in-Winutil-MicroWin-during-ISO-mounting%2Cmd"
# storing off values in hidden fields for further steps
@ -3330,7 +3373,7 @@ function Invoke-WPFPresets {
$CheckBoxesToCheck = $sync.configs.preset.$preset
$CheckBoxes = $sync.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Value -is [System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox] }
$CheckBoxes = $sync.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Value -is [System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox] -and $_.Name -notlike "WPFToggle*" }
Write-Debug "Getting checkboxes to set $($CheckBoxes.Count)"
$CheckBoxesToCheck | ForEach-Object {
@ -3510,6 +3553,7 @@ function Invoke-WPFToggle {
"WPFToggleNumLock" {Invoke-WinUtilNumLock $(Get-WinUtilToggleStatus WPFToggleNumLock)}
"WPFToggleVerboseLogon" {Invoke-WinUtilVerboseLogon $(Get-WinUtilToggleStatus WPFToggleVerboseLogon)}
"WPFToggleShowExt" {Invoke-WinUtilShowExt $(Get-WinUtilToggleStatus WPFToggleShowExt)}
"WPFToggleSnapFlyout" {Invoke-WinUtilSnapFlyout $(Get-WinUtilToggleStatus WPFToggleSnapFlyout)}
"WPFToggleMouseAcceleration" {Invoke-WinUtilMouseAcceleration $(Get-WinUtilToggleStatus WPFToggleMouseAcceleration)}
@ -4881,6 +4925,11 @@ $inputXML = '<Window x:Class="WinUtility.MainWindow"
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleShowExt" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<Label Content="Snap Assist Flyout" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="If enabled then File extensions (e.g., .txt, .jpg) are visible." />
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleSnapFlyout" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<Label Content="Mouse Acceleration" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="If Enabled then Cursor movement is affected by the speed of your physical mouse movements."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleMouseAcceleration" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
@ -5184,7 +5233,7 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"category": "Browsers",
"panel": "0",
"content": "Floorp",
"link": "https://github.com/Floorp-Projects/Floorp",
"link": "https://floorp.app/",
"description": "Floorp is an open-source web browser project that aims to provide a simple and fast browsing experience."
"WPFInstalllibrewolf": {
@ -5250,6 +5299,96 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"link": "https://www.chatterino.com/",
"description": "Chatterino is a chat client for Twitch chat that offers a clean and customizable interface for a better streaming experience."
"WPFInstallgoogledrive": {
"winget": "Google.Drive",
"choco": "googledrive",
"category": "Utilities",
"panel": "4",
"content": "Google Drive",
"link": "https://www.google.com/drive/",
"description": "File syncing across devices all tied to your google account"
"WPFInstallsynctrayzor": {
"winget": "SyncTrayzor.SyncTrayzor",
"choco": "synctrayzor",
"category": "Utilities",
"panel": "4",
"content": "Synctrayzor",
"link": "https://github.com/canton7/SyncTrayzor/",
"description": "Windows tray utility / filesystem watcher / launcher for Syncthing"
"WPFInstallauthy": {
"winget": "Twilio.Authy",
"choco": "authy-desktop",
"category": "Utilities",
"panel": "4",
"content": "Authy",
"link": "https://authy.com/",
"description": "Simple and cross-platform 2FA app"
"WPFInstallbleachbit": {
"winget": "BleachBit.BleachBit",
"choco": "bleachbit",
"category": "Utilities",
"panel": "4",
"content": "BleachBit",
"link": "https://www.bleachbit.org/",
"description": "Clean Your System and Free Disk Space"
"WPFInstallespanso": {
"winget": "Espanso.Espanso",
"choco": "espanso",
"category": "Utilities",
"panel": "4",
"content": "Espanso",
"link": "https://espanso.org/",
"description": "Cross-platform and open-source Text Expander written in Rust"
"WPFInstallpdf24creator": {
"winget": "geeksoftwareGmbH.PDF24Creator",
"choco": "pdf24",
"category": "Document",
"panel": "1",
"content": "PDF24 creator",
"link": "https://tools.pdf24.org/en/",
"description": "Free and easy-to-use online/desktop PDF tools that make you more productive"
"WPFInstalllazygit": {
"winget": "JesseDuffield.lazygit",
"choco": "lazygit",
"category": "Development",
"panel": "1",
"content": "Lazygit",
"link": "https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/",
"description": "Simple terminal UI for git commands"
"WPFInstallwezterm": {
"winget": "wez.wezterm",
"choco": "wezterm",
"category": "Development",
"panel": "1",
"content": "Wezterm",
"link": "https://wezfurlong.org/wezterm/index.html",
"description": "WezTerm is a powerful cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer"
"WPFInstallripgrep": {
"winget": "BurntSushi.ripgrep.MSVC",
"choco": "ripgrep",
"category": "Utilities",
"panel": "4",
"content": "Ripgrep",
"link": "https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/",
"description": "Fast and powerful commandline search tool"
"WPFInstallfzf": {
"winget": "junegunn.fzf",
"choco": "fzf",
"category": "Utilities",
"panel": "4",
"content": "Fzf",
"link": "https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/",
"description": "A command-line fuzzy finder"
"WPFInstalldiscord": {
"winget": "Discord.Discord",
"choco": "discord",
@ -5265,7 +5404,7 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"category": "Communications",
"panel": "0",
"content": "Ferdium",
"link": "https://www.ferdiapp.com/",
"link": "https://ferdium.org/",
"description": "Ferdium is a messaging application that combines multiple messaging services into a single app for easy management."
"WPFInstallguilded": {
@ -5664,6 +5803,15 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"link": "https://code.visualstudio.com/",
"description": "Visual Studio Code is a free, open-source code editor with support for multiple programming languages."
"WPFInstallanaconda3": {
"winget": "Anaconda.Anaconda3",
"choco": "anaconda3",
"category": "Development",
"panel": "1",
"content": "Anaconda",
"link": "https://www.anaconda.com/products/distribution",
"description": "Anaconda is a distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing."
"WPFInstallvscodium": {
"winget": "Git.Git;VSCodium.VSCodium",
"choco": "vscodium",
@ -5995,7 +6143,7 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"panel": "2",
"content": "Prism Launcher",
"description": "Prism Launcher is a game launcher and manager designed to provide a clean and intuitive interface for organizing and launching your games.",
"link": "https://prismlauncher.com/"
"link": "https://prismlauncher.org/"
"WPFInstallsidequest": {
"winget": "SideQuestVR.SideQuest",
@ -6186,6 +6334,15 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"description": "Windows Terminal is a modern, fast, and efficient terminal application for command-line users, supporting multiple tabs, panes, and more.",
"link": "https://aka.ms/terminal"
"WPFInstallpowerbi": {
"winget": "Microsoft.PowerBI",
"choco": "powerbi",
"category": "Microsoft Tools",
"panel": "2",
"content": "Power BI",
"description": "Create stunning reports and visualizations with Power BI Desktop. It puts visual analytics at your fingertips with intuitive report authoring. Drag-and-drop to place content exactly where you want it on the flexible and fluid canvas. Quickly discover patterns as you explore a single unified view of linked, interactive visualizations.",
"link": "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/products/power-bi/"
"WPFInstallaimp": {
"winget": "AIMP.AIMP",
"choco": "aimp",
@ -6222,15 +6379,33 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"description": "Clementine is a modern music player and library organizer, supporting various audio formats and online radio services.",
"link": "https://www.clementine-player.org/"
"WPFInstallclipgrab": {
"winget": "na",
"choco": "clipgrab",
"WPFInstallytdlp": {
"winget": "yt-dlp.yt-dlp",
"choco": "yt-dlp",
"category": "Multimedia Tools",
"panel": "3",
"content": "Clipgrab",
"description": "Clipgrab is a free downloader and converter for YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and many other online video sites.",
"link": "https://clipgrab.org/"
"content": "Yt-dlp",
"description": "Command-line tool that allows you to download videos from YouTube and other supported sites. It is an improved version of the popular youtube-dl.",
"link": "https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp"
"WPFInstallvideomass": {
"winget": "GianlucaPernigotto.Videomass",
"choco": "na",
"category": "Multimedia Tools",
"panel": "3",
"content": "Videomass",
"description": "Videomass by GianlucaPernigotto is a cross-platform GUI for FFmpeg, streamlining multimedia file processing with batch conversions and user-friendly features.",
"link": "https://github.com/jeanslack/Videomass"
"WPFInstallffmpeg": {
"winget": "Gyan.FFmpeg",
"choco": "ffmpeg-full",
"category": "Multimedia Tools",
"panel": "3",
"content": "Ffmpeg full",
"description": "FFmpeg is a powerful multimedia processing tool that enables users to convert, edit, and stream audio and video files with a vast range of codecs and formats.",
"link": "https://ffmpeg.org/"
"WPFInstallcopyq": {
"winget": "hluk.CopyQ",
"choco": "copyq",
@ -6498,7 +6673,7 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"category": "Multimedia Tools",
"panel": "3",
"content": "Strawberry (Music Player)",
"link": "https://strawberry.rocks/",
"link": "https://github.com/strawberrymusicplayer/strawberry/",
"description": "Strawberry is an open-source music player that focuses on music collection management and audio quality. It supports various audio formats and features a clean user interface."
"WPFInstalltidal": {
@ -6861,14 +7036,14 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"link": "https://www.voidtools.com/",
"description": "Everything Search is a fast and efficient file search utility for Windows."
"WPFInstallfiles": {
"winget": "YairAichenbaum.Files",
"WPFInstallfileconverter": {
"winget": "AdrienAllard.FileConverter",
"choco": "files",
"category": "Utilities",
"panel": "4",
"content": "Files File Explorer",
"link": "https://www.yairaichenbaum.com/files",
"description": "Files is a feature-rich file explorer providing a user-friendly interface for file management."
"content": "File Converter",
"link": "https://file-converter.org/",
"description": "File Converter is a very simple tool which allows you to convert and compress one or several file(s) using the context menu in windows explorer."
"WPFInstallflux": {
"winget": "flux.flux",
@ -7214,12 +7389,12 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"WPFInstalltwinkletray": {
"winget": "xanderfrangos.twinkletray",
"choco": "na",
"choco": "twinkle-tray",
"category": "Utilities",
"panel": "4",
"content": "Twinkle Tray",
"link": "https://github.com/xanderfrangos/TwinkleTray",
"description": "Twinkle Tray is a small utility that allows you to customize the system tray icons on your Windows taskbar."
"link": "https://twinkletray.com/",
"description": "Twinkle Tray lets you easily manage the brightness levels of multiple monitors."
"WPFInstallwindirstat": {
"winget": "WinDirStat.WinDirStat",
@ -7232,11 +7407,11 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"WPFInstallwingetui": {
"winget": "SomePythonThings.WingetUIStore",
"choco": "na",
"choco": "wingetui",
"category": "Utilities",
"panel": "4",
"content": "WingetUI",
"link": "https://github.com/lostindark/WingetUIStore",
"link": "https://github.com/marticliment/WingetUI",
"description": "WingetUI is a graphical user interface for Microsoft''s Windows Package Manager (winget)."
"WPFInstallwiztree": {
@ -7272,7 +7447,7 @@ $sync.configs.applications = '{
"category": "Utilities",
"panel": "4",
"content": "WiseToys",
"link": "https://www.wisecleaner.com/wisetoys.html",
"link": "https://toys.wisecleaner.com/",
"description": "WiseToys is a set of utilities and tools designed to enhance and optimize your Windows experience."
"WPFInstallxdm": {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user