2024-07-26 15:15:01 -05:00
function Invoke-Preprocessing {
A function that does Code Formatting using RegEx , useful when trying to force specific coding standard ( s ) to a project .
. PARAMETER ThrowExceptionOnEmptyFilesList
A switch which 'll throw an exception upon not finding any files inside the provided ' WorkingDir ' .
. PARAMETER SkipExcludedFilesValidation
A switch to stop file path validation on 'ExcludedFiles' list .
. PARAMETER ExcludedFiles
A list of file paths which 're *relative to* ' WorkingDir ' Folder, every item in the list can be pointing to File (doesn' t end with '\' ) or Directory ( ends with '\' ) or None-Existing File / Directory .
By default , it checks if everyitem exists , and throws an exception if one or more are not found ( None-Existing ) , if you want to skip this validation , please consider providing the '-SkipExcludedFilesValidation' switch to skip this check .
. PARAMETER WorkingDir
The folder to search inside recursively for files which 're going to be Preprocessed (Code Formatted), unless they' re found in 'ExcludedFiles' List .
Note : The path should be absolute , NOT relative .
. PARAMETER ProgressStatusMessage
The status message used when displaying the progress bar , which 's done through PowerShell ' Write-Progress ' Cmdlet .
This ' s a Required Parameter , as the information displayed to terminal is useful when running this function ,
which might take less than 1 sec to minutes depending on project ' s scale & hardware performance .
. PARAMETER ProgressActivity
The activity message used when displaying the progress bar , which 's done through PowerShell ' Write-Progress ' Cmdlet ,
This 's an Optional Parameter, default value is ' Preprocessing ', used in combination with ' ProgressStatusMessage ' Parameter Value .
Invoke-Preprocessing -WorkingDir " DRIVE:\Path\To\Folder\ " -ExcludedFiles @ ( 'file.txt' , '.\.git\' , '*.png' ) -ProgressStatusMessage " Doing Preprocessing "
Calls 'Invoke-Preprocessing' function using Named Paramters , with 'WorkingDir' ( Mandatory Parameter ) which 's used as the base folder when searching for files recursively (using ' Get-ChildItem '), other two paramters are, in order from right to left, the Optional ' ExcludeFiles ', which can be a path to a file, folder, or pattern-matched (like ' * . png '), and the ' ProgressStatusMessage ', which' s used in Progress Bar .
Invoke-Preprocessing -WorkingDir " DRIVE:\Path\To\Folder\ " -ExcludedFiles @ ( 'file.txt' , '.\.git\' , '*.png' ) -ProgressStatusMessage " Doing Preprocessing " -ProgressActivity " Re-Formatting Code "
Same as Example No . 1 , but uses 'ProgressActivity' which ' s used in Progress Bar .
Invoke-Preprocessing -ThrowExceptionOnEmptyFilesList -WorkingDir " DRIVE:\Path\To\Folder\ " -ExcludedFiles @ ( 'file.txt' , '.\.git\' , '*.png' ) -ProgressStatusMessage " Doing Preprocessing "
Same as Example No . 1 , but will throw an exception when 'Invoke-Preprocessing' function doesn't find any files in 'WorkingDir' ( not including 'ExcludedFiles' list ) .
Invoke-Preprocessing -Skip -WorkingDir " DRIVE:\Path\To\Folder\ " -ExcludedFiles @ ( 'file.txt' , '.\.git\' , '*.png' ) -ProgressStatusMessage " Doing Preprocessing "
Same as Example No . 1 , but uses '-SkipExcludedFilesValidation' , which 'll skip the validation step for ' ExcludedFiles ' list. This can be useful when ' ExcludedFiles ' list is generated from another function, or from unreliable source (you can' t guarantee every item in list is a valid path ) , but you want to silently continue through the function .
param (
[ Parameter ( position = 0 ) ]
[ switch ] $SkipExcludedFilesValidation ,
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[ Parameter ( position = 1 ) ]
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[ switch ] $ThrowExceptionOnEmptyFilesList ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory , position = 2 ) ]
[ ValidateScript ( { [ System.IO.Path ] :: IsPathRooted ( $_ ) } ) ]
[ string ] $WorkingDir ,
[ Parameter ( position = 3 ) ]
[ string[] ] $ExcludedFiles ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory , position = 4 ) ]
[ string ] $ProgressStatusMessage ,
[ Parameter ( position = 5 ) ]
[ string ] $ProgressActivity = " Preprocessing "
if ( -NOT ( Test-Path -PathType Container -Path " $WorkingDir " ) ) {
throw " [Invoke-Preprocessing] Invalid Paramter Value for 'WorkingDir', passed value: ' $WorkingDir '. Either the path is a File or Non-Existing/Invlid, please double check your code. "
if ( ( -NOT ( $ExcludedFiles . Count -eq 0 ) ) -AND ( -NOT $SkipExcludedFilesValidation ) ) {
ForEach ( $excludedFile in $ExcludedFiles ) {
$filePath = " $( ( $WorkingDir -replace ( '\\$' , '' ) ) + '\' + ( $excludedFile -replace ( '\.\\' , '' ) ) ) "
if ( -NOT ( Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path " $filePath " -File ) ) {
throw " [Invoke-Preprocessing] File Path & File Pattern was not found ' $filePath ', use '-SkipExcludedFilesValidation' switch to skip this check. "
$files = Get-ChildItem $WorkingDir -Recurse -Exclude $ExcludedFiles -File
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$numOfFiles = $files . Count
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if ( $numOfFiles -eq 0 ) {
if ( $ThrowExceptionOnEmptyFilesList ) {
throw " [Invoke-Preprocessing] Found 0 Files to Preprocess inside 'WorkingDir' Directory and '-ThrowExceptionOnEmptyFilesList' Switch is provided, value of 'WorkingDir': ' $WorkingDir '. "
} else {
return # Do an early return, there's nothing else to do
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for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $numOfFiles ; $i + + ) {
$file = $files [ $i ]
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# If the file is in Exclude List, don't proceed to check/modify said file.
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$fileIsExcluded = $False
for ( $j = 0 ; $j -lt $excludedFiles . Count ; $j + + ) {
$excluded = $excludedFiles [ $j ]
$strToCompare = ( $excluded ) -replace ( '^\.\\' , '' )
if ( $file . FullName . Contains ( " $strToCompare " ) ) {
$fileIsExcluded = $True
if ( $fileIsExcluded ) {
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# make more formatting rules, and document them in WinUtil Official Documentation
( Get-Content -Raw " $file " ) . TrimEnd ( ) `
-replace ( '\t' , ' ' ) `
2024-07-27 17:37:00 -05:00
-replace ( '\)\s*\{' , ') {' ) `
-replace ( '(?<keyword>if|for|foreach)\s*(?<condition>\([\s\S]\))\s*\{' , '${keyword} ${condition} {' ) `
-replace ( '\}\s*elseif\s*(?<condition>\([\s\S]\))\s*\{' , '} elseif ${condition} {' ) `
-replace ( '\}\s*else\s*\{' , '} else {' ) `
-replace ( 'Try\s*\{' , 'try {' ) `
-replace ( 'Catch\s*\{' , 'catch {' ) `
-replace ( '\}\s*Catch' , '} catch' ) `
-replace ( '\}\s*Catch\s*(?<exceptions>(\[.*?\]\s*(\,)?\s*)+)\s*\{' , '} catch ${exceptions} {' ) `
-replace ( '\}\s*Catch\s*(?<exceptions>\[.*?\])\s*\{' , '} catch ${exceptions} {' ) `
-replace ( '(?<parameter_type>\[.*?\])\s*(?<str_after_type>\$.*?(,|\s*\)))' , '${parameter_type}${str_after_type}' ) `
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| Set-Content " $file "
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Write-Progress -Activity $ProgressActivity -Status " $ProgressStatusMessage - Finished $i out of $numOfFiles " -PercentComplete ( ( $i / $numOfFiles ) * 100 )
Write-Progress -Activity $ProgressActivity -Status " $ProgressStatusMessage - Finished Task Successfully " -Completed