2024-07-26 09:25:15 -05:00
function Invoke-Preprocessing {
2024-07-25 21:30:53 -05:00
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory , position = 0 ) ]
[ string ] $ProgressStatusMessage ,
[ Parameter ( position = 1 ) ]
[ string ] $ProgressActivity = " Pre-Processing "
2024-07-26 09:25:15 -05:00
# We can do Pre-processing on this script file, but by excluding it we're avoiding possible weird behavior,
# like future runs of this tool being different then previous ones, as the script has modified it self before (one or more times).
2024-07-25 22:42:45 -05:00
# Note:
# There's way too many possible edge cases, not to mention there's no Unit Testing for these tools.. which's a Good Recipe for a Janky/Sensitive Script.
# Also, the '.\' isn't necessary, I just like adding them :D (You can remove it, and it should work just fine)
$excludedFiles = @ ( '.\.git\' , '.\.gitignore' , '.\.gitattributes' , '.\.github\CODEOWNERS' , '.\LICENSE' , '.\winutil.ps1' , '.\tools\Do-PreProcessing.ps1' , '.\docs\changelog.md' , '*.png' , '*.jpg' , '*.jpeg' , '*.exe' )
2024-07-25 21:30:53 -05:00
2024-07-25 21:36:58 -05:00
$files = Get-ChildItem $sync . PSScriptRoot -Recurse -Exclude $excludedFiles -Attributes ! Directory
2024-07-25 21:30:53 -05:00
$numOfFiles = $files . Count
for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $numOfFiles ; $i + + ) {
$file = $files [ $i ]
2024-07-25 22:42:45 -05:00
2024-07-26 09:25:15 -05:00
# If the file is in Exclude List, don't proceed to check/modify said file.
2024-07-25 22:42:45 -05:00
$fileIsExcluded = $False
for ( $j = 0 ; $j -lt $excludedFiles . Count ; $j + + ) {
$excluded = $excludedFiles [ $j ]
$strToCompare = ( $excluded ) -replace ( '^\.\\' , '' )
if ( $file . FullName . Contains ( " $strToCompare " ) ) {
$fileIsExcluded = $True
if ( $fileIsExcluded ) {
2024-07-25 21:30:53 -05:00
# make more formatting rules, and document them in WinUtil Official Documentation
( Get-Content -Raw " $file " ) . TrimEnd ( ) `
-replace ( '\t' , ' ' ) `
-replace ( '\)\{' , ') {' ) `
-replace ( '\)\r?\n\s*{' , ') {' ) `
2024-07-25 22:51:46 -05:00
-replace ( 'Try(\s*)?\{' , 'try {' ) `
2024-07-25 21:30:53 -05:00
-replace ( 'try\r?\n\s*\{' , 'try {' ) `
-replace ( '}\r?\n\s*catch' , '} catch' ) `
2024-07-25 22:51:46 -05:00
-replace ( '\}(\s*)?Catch' , '} catch' ) `
2024-07-25 21:30:53 -05:00
| Set-Content " $file "
Write-Progress -Activity $ProgressActivity -Status " $ProgressStatusMessage - Finished $i out of $numOfFiles " -PercentComplete ( ( $i / $numOfFiles ) * 100 )
Write-Progress -Activity $ProgressActivity -Status " $ProgressStatusMessage - Finished Task Successfully " -Completed