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Rough workflow

  1. Snapshot the names of your current working branches to branches.list file:

  2. Note current aosp tag in .repo/manifests/default.xml, update it to desired new tag and then create a local commit for the change (aosp-merger script checks for any uncommitted changes in the .repo/manifests git repo).

  3. Create a staging branch and merge in the new AOSP tag:

    ./lineage/scripts/aosp-merger/ merge \<oldaosptag> \<newaosptag>

    (where oldaosptag is the original AOSP tag that was in .repo/manifests/default.xml)

    • Example invocation:

      ./lineage/scripts/aosp-merger/ merge android-8.0.0_r3 android-8.0.0_r30
  4. Every project in your tree should now be one of:

    • <newaosptag> if the project was tracking AOSP
    • a staging branch if the project was a fork from AOSP (check merged_repos.txt for status and whether there are conflicts to resolve)
    • the default repo lineage branch for .repo/manifests/snippets.xml projects
  5. Restore your local branches and merge in the staging branch:

    ./lineage/scripts/aosp-merger/ \<nameofstagingbranch>
    • Example invocation:

      ./lineage/scripts/aosp-merger/ staging/lineage-15.0_merge-android-8.0.0_r30
  6. Build, install, boot, verify, etc.


  • Make it work for rebase (I'm sure it'll need fixups).
  • Instead of merging the staging branch into your local branch (if you have one), create a new branch for the local+staging merge.