Clean up boot, move funtion to file it's used in

This commit is contained in:
natemaia 2018-09-15 13:44:52 -07:00
parent 989a952751
commit b5fa475863
5 changed files with 161 additions and 164 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$(readlink -f ${0%/*})"
hash git >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "This requires git installed"; exit 1; }
git clone --depth=1
echo; echo "This requires root privileges"
sudo mkdir -pv /usr/share/archlabs/{docs,lib,lang}
sudo cp -fv $SCRIPT_DIR/src/archlabs-installer /usr/bin/
sudo cp -fv $SCRIPT_DIR/src/lib/*.sh /usr/share/archlabs/lib/
sudo cp -fv $SCRIPT_DIR/lang/*.trans /usr/share/archlabs/lang/
sudo cp -fv $SCRIPT_DIR/{LICENSE,} /usr/share/archlabs/docs/
echo; echo "Install complete"
echo "Root access is needed to continue"
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/archlabs/installer/lang
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/archlabs/installer/lib
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/archlabs/installer/docs
sudo cp -fv installer/src/archlabs-installer /usr/bin/
sudo cp -fv installer/src/lib/*.sh /usr/share/archlabs/installer/lib/
sudo cp -fv installer/lang/*.trans /usr/share/archlabs/installer/lang/
sudo cp -fv installer/{LICENSE,} /usr/share/archlabs/installer/docs/
echo "Install complete"

View File

@ -12,25 +12,19 @@
# immutable variables {
readonly DIST="ArchLabs" # Linux distributor
readonly VER="1.6.73" # Installer version
readonly VER="1.6.74" # Installer version
readonly LIVE="liveuser" # Live session user
readonly MNT="/mnt/install" # Install mountpoint
readonly ERR="/tmp/errlog" # Built-in error log
readonly EFI="/sys/firmware/efi/efivars"
readonly TRN="/usr/share/archlabs/installer/lang"
readonly RUN="/run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/boot"
readonly VM="$(dmesg | grep -i "hypervisor")"
readonly KBD="$(find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps -name '*.map.gz')"
readonly LOCALES="$(awk '/\.UTF-8/ {gsub(/# .*|#/, ""); if($1) print $1 " -"}' /etc/locale.gen)"
readonly CONSOLE_MAPS="$(awk '{gsub(/\.map\.gz|.*\//, ""); print $1 " -"}' <<< "$KBD")"
readonly SYS_MEM=$(grep 'MemTotal' /proc/meminfo | awk '{print int($2 / 1024)}')
readonly IGNORE_DEV="$(lsblk -lno NAME,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/\/run\/archiso\/bootmnt/ {sub(/[1-9]/, ""); print $1}')"
if [[ $IGNORE_DEV ]]; then
@ -41,9 +35,9 @@ fi
readonly DEV_COUNT="$(wc -l <<< "$SYS_DEVS")"
if [[ $(grep 'GenuineIntel' /proc/cpuinfo) ]]; then
if grep -q 'GenuineIntel' /proc/cpuinfo; then
readonly UCODE="intel-ucode.img"
elif [[ $(grep 'AuthenticAMD' /proc/cpuinfo) ]]; then
elif grep -q 'AuthenticAMD' /proc/cpuinfo; then
readonly UCODE="amd-ucode.img"
@ -52,11 +46,10 @@ declare -gA SUBZONES
for zone in America Australia Asia Atlantic Africa Europe Indian Pacific Arctic Antarctica; do
SUBZONES[$zone]="$(awk "/$zone\// {gsub(/$zone\//, \"\"); print \$3 \" \"\$1}" /usr/share/zoneinfo/"
readonly SUBZONES # make it read only
if [[ $DISPLAY && $TERM != 'linux' ]]; then
for t in st termite xterm; do
for t in termite st xterm; do
hash $t >/dev/null 2>&1 && { readonly TERM_CMD="$t"; break; }
@ -73,8 +66,7 @@ af Afghani fo Faroese ge Georgian ee Estonian kg Kyrgyz kz Kazakh lt Lithuanian
mn Mongolian no Norwegian ro Romanian rs Serbian si Slovenian tj Tajik lk Sinhala tr Turkish
uz Uzbek ie Irish pk Urdu mv Dhivehi epo Esperanto np Nepali et Amharic sn Wolof ml Bambara
tz Swahili ke Swahili bw Tswana ph Filipino id Indonesian my Malay tm Turkmen bt Dzongkha
lv Latvian md Moldavian mao Maori by Belarusian me Montenegrin mk Macedonian kh Khmer
az Azerbaijani"
lv Latvian md Moldavian mao Maori by Belarusian me Montenegrin mk Macedonian kh Khmer az Azerbaijani"
declare -Agr BMNTS=(
[UEFI-grub]="/boot/efi" [UEFI-systemd-boot]="/boot" [BIOS-grub]="/boot"
@ -149,7 +141,10 @@ init_variables() {
source_file() {
. $1 2>/dev/null && return 0 || { echo -e "\nFailed to source library file $1"; die 1; }
if ! . $1 2>/dev/null; then
echo -e "\nFailed to source library file $1"; die 1
return 0
user_setup() {
@ -183,7 +178,7 @@ user_setup() {
if [[ $pass == "" || "$pass" != "$pass2" || "$rpass" != "$rpass2" ]]; then
# password was left empty or doesn't match
if [[ $pass == "" ]]; then
msgbox "$_ErrTitle" "\nUser $_Password CANNOT be left empty.\n$_TryAgain"
msgbox "$_ErrTitle" "\nUser password CANNOT be left empty.\n$_TryAgain"
elif [[ "$rpass" != "$rpass2" ]]; then
msgbox "$_ErrTitle" "$_RootPassErr\n$_TryAgain"
@ -251,7 +246,6 @@ setup_keymap() {
# when a matching console map is not available open a selection dialog
if ! [[ $CONSOLE_MAPS =~ "$KEYMAP -" ]]; then
tput civis
CONSOLE_MAP="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_CMapTitle " --menu "$_CMapBody" 20 70 12 $CONSOLE_MAPS)"
[[ $? != 0 || $CONSOLE_MAP == "" ]] && return 1
@ -362,7 +356,7 @@ extra_packages() {
"emacs" "An extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor" off \
"neovim" "A fork of Vim aiming to improve user experience, plugins, and GUIs." off \
"mousepad" "A simple text editor" off \
"urxvt" "A unicode enabled rxvt-clone terminal emulator" off \
"rxvt-unicode" "A unicode enabled rxvt-clone terminal emulator" off \
"termite" "A minimal VTE-based terminal emulator" off \
"tilix" "A tiling terminal emulator for Linux using GTK+ 3" off \
"terminator" "Terminal emulator that supports tabs and grids" off \
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@ extra_packages() {
"pcmanfm" "A fast and lightweight file manager based in Lxde" off \
"gnome-disk-utility" "Disk Management Utility" off \
"gnome-system-monitor" "View current processes and monitor system state" off \
"steam steam-native-runtime" "A popular game distribution platform by Valve" off \
"steam" "A popular game distribution platform by Valve" off \
"vlc" "A free and open source cross-platform multimedia player" off \
"mpd" "A flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music" off \
"ncmpcpp" "An mpd client and almost exact clone of ncmpc with some new features" off \
@ -427,10 +421,14 @@ extra_packages() {
[[ $pkgs =~ mpd ]] && pkgs="$pkgs mpc"
[[ $pkgs =~ mupdf ]] && pkgs="$pkgs mupdf-tools"
[[ $pkgs =~ qt5ct ]] && pkgs="$pkgs qt5-styleplugins"
[[ $pkgs =~ steam ]] && pkgs="$pkgs steam-native-runtime"
[[ $pkgs =~ zathura ]] && pkgs="$pkgs zathura-pdf-poppler"
[[ $pkgs =~ noto-fonts ]] && pkgs="$pkgs noto-fonts-emoji"
[[ $pkgs =~ cairo-dock ]] && pkgs="$pkgs cairo-dock-plug-ins"
[[ $pkgs =~ kdenlive ]] && pkgs="$pkgs kdebase-runtime dvdauthor frei0r-plugins breeze breeze-gtk"
if [[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ dwm ]] && ! [[ $pkgs =~ ttf-hack ]]; then
pkgs="$pkgs ttf-hack"
if [[ $pkgs =~ (qutebrowser|qbittorrent|kdenlive|vlc) ]] && ! [[ $pkgs =~ qt5ct ]]; then
pkgs="$pkgs qt5ct qt5-styleplugins"
@ -553,7 +551,7 @@ edit_configs() {
[[ -e ${MNT}$f ]] && existing_files="$existing_files ${MNT}$f"
if [[ $existing_files != "" ]]; then
if [[ $existing_files ]]; then
vim -O $existing_files
msgbox "$_ErrTitle" "$_NoFileErr"

View File

@ -6,49 +6,6 @@
# this file is not meant to be run directly
# sourcing this file in a non bash shell is not advised
select_boot_setup() {
# choose bootloader and by extension mountpoint (if needed)
tput civis
BOOTLDR="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_PrepMount " --menu "$_MntBootBody" 0 0 0 ${BOOTLDRS[$SYS]})"
[[ $? != 0 || $BOOTLDR == "" ]] && return 1
if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' && $BOOTLDR == 'grub' && $BOOT_DEVICE == "" ]]; then
# grub on BIOS needs an install device, NOT partition eg. /dev/sda
select_device 'boot' || return 1
if [[ $BOOTLDR == 'systemd-boot' ]]; then
elif [[ $BOOTLDR == 'syslinux' ]]; then
if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' ]]; then
BCMDS[$BOOTLDR]="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_InstSysTitle " --menu "$_InstSysBody" 0 0 0 \
"syslinux-install_update -iam" "Install to MBR (Master Boot Record)" \
"syslinux-install_update -i" "Install to root partition (/)")"
[[ $? != 0 || ${BCMDS[$BOOTLDR]} == "" ]] && return 1
BCMDS[syslinux]="efibootmgr -c -d $BOOT_DEVICE -p $BOOT_PART_NUM -l /EFI/syslinux/syslinux.efi -L $DIST"
if [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then
local ttype
[[ $IS_64BIT != true ]] && ttype='i386-efi' || ttype='x86_64-efi'
BCMDS[grub]="${BCMDS[grub]} --target=$ttype --bootloader-id=$DIST"
BCMDS[grub]="${BCMDS[grub]} --target=i386-pc $BOOT_DEVICE"
BCMDS[grub]="${BCMDS[grub]} && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
return 0
shim_secure_boot() {
# still a W.I.P
local shim_file="shim64.efi"
@ -192,13 +149,15 @@ install_bootloader() {
# remove old UEFI boot entries
[[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]] && find $MNT${BMNTS[$SYS-$BOOTLDR]}/EFI/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 \
-name '[aA][rR][cC][hH][lL]abs' -type d -exec rm -rf '{}' \; >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then
find ${MNT}${BMNTS[$SYS-$BOOTLDR]}/EFI/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 \
-name '[aA][rR][cC][hH][lL]abs' -type d -exec rm -rf '{}' \; >/dev/null 2>&1
# sets up the bootloader configs
# sets up the bootloader configs and BCMD (boot command)
# run the bootloader command
# install/setup the bootloader by running the BCMD (boot command)
chroot_cmd "${BCMDS[$BOOTLDR]}" 2>$ERR
check_for_errors "${BCMDS[$BOOTLDR]}"

View File

@ -7,33 +7,37 @@
# sourcing this file in a non bash shell is not advised
install_main() {
# unpack the whole filesystem to install directory $MNT
clear && tput cnorm
# unpack the file system
oneshot install_base
# generate /etc/fstab and touch it up if we used a swapfile
genfstab -U $MNT > $MNT/etc/fstab 2>$ERR
check_for_errors "genfstab -U $MNT > $MNT/etc/fstab"
# touch up /etc/fstab if we used a swapfile
[[ -f $MNT/swapfile ]] && sed -i "s~${MNT}~~" $MNT/etc/fstab
# update the mirrorlist
# MUST be done before updating or it may be slow
local cmdtail="--verbose --save $MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
$MIRROR_CMD $cmdtail || reflector --score 100 -l 50 -f 10 --sort rate $cmdtail
# update the mirrorlist.. MUST be done before updating or it may be slow
$MIRROR_CMD --verbose --save $MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist ||
reflector --score 100 -l 50 -f 10 --sort rate --verbose --save $MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
oneshot update_system # MUST be before bootloader and mkinitcpio
# MUST be before bootloader and mkinitcpio
oneshot package_operations
[[ $LOGIN_TYPE == 'lightdm' ]] && oneshot setup_lightdm
# set up user login
oneshot login_manager
# MUST be done after installing the packages
chroot_cmd "hwclock --systohc --utc" || chroot_cmd "hwclock --systohc --utc --directisa"
oneshot create_user
oneshot create_user # create the user last to avoid referencing multiple $HOME locations
return 0
install_base() {
tput cnorm
echo -e "\nUnpacking base file system --- Total: ~ 2.8G\n\n"
rsync -ah --info=progress2 /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs/ $MNT/
@ -61,7 +65,7 @@ EndSection
# copy the kernel image fofr the regular kernel
# copy the kernel image for the regular kernel
[[ $KERNEL != 'linux-lts' ]] && cp -f $RUN/x86_64/vmlinuz $MNT/boot/vmlinuz-linux
# copy CPU micro-code if set. manufacturer_ucode.img -> manufacturer-ucode.img
@ -114,137 +118,126 @@ EOF
create_user() {
local _home="$MNT/home/$LIVE"
local service="$MNT/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d"
# set root password
chroot_cmd "echo 'root:$ROOT_PASS' | chpasswd"
# edit the required files in /etc/ to swap the liveuser account name
# edit the group and passwd files in /etc/ to swap the liveuser account
sed -i "s/${LIVE}/${NEWUSER}/g" $MNT/etc/{group,gshadow,passwd,shadow}
# fix up some user files that reference the liveuser
sed -i "s/${LIVE}/${NEWUSER}/g" $MNT/home/$LIVE/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks \
# set standard groups for the new user
local groups="rfkill,wheel,network,lp,storage,power,video,audio,lp,autologin"
if [[ $LOGIN_TYPE == 'lightdm' ]]; then
[[ $AUTOLOGIN == true ]] && groups="$groups,nopasswdlogin"
rm -rf $_home/.{zprofile,xinitrc}
rm -rf $service
if [[ $AUTOLOGIN == true ]]; then
sed -i "s/${LIVE}/${NEWUSER}/g" $service/autologin.conf
rm -rf $service
sed -i "s/openbox-session/${LOGIN_WM}/g" $_home/.xinitrc
sed -i '/archlabs-installer/d' $_home/.zprofile
cat >> $_home/.zprofile << EOF
[[ -z \$DISPLAY && \$XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && exec startx -- vt1 &>/dev/null
sed -i "s/${LIVE}/${NEWUSER}/g" $_home/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks $_home/.mozilla/firefox/archlabs.default/{prefs,sessionstore}.js
! [[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ openbox ]] && rm -rf $_home/.config/{openbox,skippy-xd,jgmenu,conky,tint2}
! [[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ bspwm ]] && rm -rf $_home/.config/{bspwm,sxhkd}
! [[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ i3-gaps ]] && rm -rf $_home/.config/i3
[[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ bspwm ]] || rm -rf $MNT/home/$LIVE/.config/{bspwm,sxhkd}
[[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ i3-gaps ]] || rm -rf $MNT/home/$LIVE/.config/i3
[[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ openbox ]] || rm -rf $MNT/home/$LIVE/.config/{openbox,skippy-xd,jgmenu,conky,tint2}
chroot_cmd "mv -f /home/$LIVE /home/$NEWUSER"
chroot_cmd "usermod -aG $groups $NEWUSER"
chroot_cmd "usermod -aG rfkill,wheel,network,lp,storage,power,video,audio,lp,autologin $NEWUSER"
chroot_cmd "echo '$NEWUSER:$USER_PASS' | chpasswd"
chroot_cmd "chown -Rf $NEWUSER:users /home/$NEWUSER"
return 0
run_mkinitcpio() {
local add=""
# setup a keyfile for LUKS.. Only when choosing grub and system is UEFI
[[ $LUKS -eq 1 && $LVM != 1 && $SYS == 'UEFI' && $BOOTLDR == 'grub' ]] && luks_keyfile
[[ $LUKS -eq 1 && $LVM -eq 0 && $SYS == 'UEFI' && $BOOTLDR == 'grub' ]] && luks_keyfile
# new hooks needed in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf if we used LUKS and/or LVM
local add
(( LVM == 1 )) && add="lvm2"
(( LUKS == 1 )) && add="encrypt$([[ $add ]] && echo -n " $add")"
sed -i "s/block filesystems/block ${add} filesystems ${MKINIT_HOOKS}/g" $MNT/etc/mkinitcpio.conf
local conf="$MNT/etc/mkinitcpio.conf"
sed -i "s/block filesystems/block ${add} filesystems ${MKINIT_HOOKS}/g" $conf
tput civis
chroot_cmd "mkinitcpio -p $KERNEL" 2>$ERR
check_for_errors "mkinitcpio -p $KERNEL"
return 0
update_system() {
tput cnorm
local inpkg="base-devel git"
local rmpkg="archlabs-installer"
local vbx="virtualbox-guest-modules-arch"
package_operations() {
local inpkg="$EXTRA_PACKAGES" # add the packages chosen during setup
local rmpkg="archlabs-installer" # always remove the installer
local vbx="virtualbox-guest-modules-arch" # save retyping this multiple times
# the LTS kernel uses different packages
if [[ $KERNEL == 'linux-lts' ]]; then
rmpkg="$rmpkg $vbx linux"
if [[ $VM ]]; then
inpkg="$inpkg virtualbox-guest-dkms linux-lts-headers"
rmpkg="$rmpkg virtualbox-guest-utils"
inpkg="$inpkg linux-lts"
# if the system is a VM then install the needed packages otherwise remove the guest utils
[[ $VM ]] && inpkg="$inpkg virtualbox-guest-dkms linux-lts-headers" || rmpkg="$rmpkg virtualbox-guest-utils"
elif ! [[ $VM ]]; then
# if the system is not a VM then remove the guest utils
rmpkg="$rmpkg $vbx virtualbox-guest-utils"
# for gnome and cinnamon we don't need the xfce provided stuff
# for only gnome or cinnamon we don't need the xfce provided stuff
[[ $INSTALL_WMS == 'gnome' || $INSTALL_WMS == 'cinnamon' ]] && rmpkg="$(pacman -Qssq 'xfce4*' 2>/dev/null)"
# when not using grub bootloader remove it's package and configurations
if [[ $BOOTLDR != 'grub' ]]; then
rmpkg="$rmpkg grub"
rm -f $MNT/etc/default/grub
find $MNT/boot/ -name 'grub*' -exec rm -rf '{}' \; >/dev/null 2>&1
elif [[ $BOOTLDR != 'syslinux' ]]; then
# do the same when not using syslinux as the bootloader
find $MNT/boot/ -name 'syslinux*' -exec rm -rf '{}' \; >/dev/null 2>&1
local install="pacman -S $inpkg $EXTRA_PACKAGES --needed --noconfirm"
# iputils, base-devel, and git are all needed and should always be installed separately
local base="pacman -S iputils git --noconfirm; pacman -S base-devel --needed --noconfirm"
local install="pacman -S $inpkg --needed --noconfirm"
local remove="pacman -Rs $rmpkg --noconfirm"
chroot_cmd "pacman -Syyu --noconfirm; pacman -S iputils --noconfirm; $install; $remove" 2>/dev/null
chroot_cmd "pacman -Syyu --noconfirm; $base; $install; $remove" 2>/dev/null
# for neovim copy the default vimrc and colorscheme to ~/.config/nvim
if [[ $EXTRA_PACKAGES =~ neovim ]]; then
mkdir -p $MNT/home/$LIVE/.config/nvim
cp -f $MNT/home/$LIVE/.vimrc $MNT/home/$LIVE/.config/nvim/init.vim
cp -rf $MNT/home/$LIVE/.vim/colors $MNT/home/$LIVE/.config/nvim/colors
# install and setup dwm
if [[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ dwm ]]; then
mkdir -pv $MNT/home/$LIVE/suckless
for prog in dwm st dmenu; do
local cmd="git clone$prog /home/$LIVE/suckless/$prog"
chroot_cmd "$cmd; cd /home/$LIVE/suckless/$prog && make clean install && make clean"
for prog in dwm dmenu st; do
chroot_cmd "git clone$prog /home/$LIVE/suckless/$prog && cd /home/$LIVE/suckless/$prog"
[[ -e $MNT/home/$LIVE/suckless/$prog/config.h ]] && rm -f $MNT/home/$LIVE/suckless/$prog/config.h
chroot_cmd "make clean install && make clean"
return 0
setup_lightdm() {
local cfg="$MNT/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf"
login_manager() {
if [[ $LOGIN_TYPE == 'lightdm' ]]; then
rm -rf $MNT/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d
for file in $MNT/home/$LIVE/.{xinitrc,zprofile}; do
awk '{if($0 && $0 !~ "^#") print "# "$0; else print $0}' $file > $file
chroot_cmd 'systemctl enable lightdm.service && systemctl set-default'
cat > $MNT/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf << EOF
# LightDM GTK+ Configuration
chroot_cmd 'systemctl enable lightdm.service && systemctl set-default'
sed -i '/#background=/ c background=/usr/share/backgrounds/archlabs/archlabs.jpg' $cfg
sed -i '/#theme-name=/ c theme-name=ArchLabs-dARK' $cfg
sed -i '/#icon-theme-name=/ c icon-theme-name=ArchLabs-Dark' $cfg
sed -i '/#position=/ c position=34%,end 66%,end' $cfg
sed -i '/#font-name=/ c font-name=DejaVu Sans Mono 11' $cfg
sed -i '/\[greeter]/ a default-user-image=/usr/share/icons/ArchLabs-Dark/64x64/places/distributor-logo-archlabs.png' $cfg
sed -i '/\[greeter]/ a active-monitor=0' $cfg
if [[ $AUTOLOGIN == true ]]; then
chroot_cmd 'groupadd -r nopasswdlogin'
sed -i '/#%PAM-1.0/ a auth sufficient user ingroup nopasswdlogin' $MNT/etc/pam.d/lightdm
sed -i "/#autologin-session=/ c autologin-session=${LOGIN_WM}" $MNT/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
sed -i "/#autologin-user=/ c autologin-user=${NEWUSER}" $MNT/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
font-name=DejaVu Sans Mono 11
position=30%,end 50%,end
if [[ $AUTOLOGIN == true ]]; then
chroot_cmd "groupadd -r nopasswdlogin && usermod -aG nopasswdlogin $NEWUSER"
sed -i '/#%PAM-1.0/ a auth sufficient user ingroup nopasswdlogin' $MNT/etc/pam.d/lightdm
sed -i "/#autologin-session=/ c autologin-session=${LOGIN_WM}" $MNT/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
sed -i "/#autologin-user=/ c autologin-user=${NEWUSER}" $MNT/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
else # xinit login
sed -i "s/openbox-session/${LOGIN_WM}/g" $MNT/home/$LIVE/.xinitrc
sed -i 's|exec sudo archlabs-installer|exec startx -- vt1 &>/dev/null|' $MNT/home/$LIVE/.zprofile
if [[ $AUTOLOGIN == true ]]; then
sed -i "s/${LIVE}/${NEWUSER}/g" $MNT/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf
rm -rf $MNT/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d

View File

@ -376,6 +376,47 @@ select_swap() {
return 0
select_boot_setup() {
# choose bootloader and by extension mountpoint (if needed)
tput civis
BOOTLDR="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_PrepMount " --menu "$_MntBootBody" 0 0 0 ${BOOTLDRS[$SYS]})"
[[ $? != 0 || $BOOTLDR == "" ]] && return 1
# grub on BIOS needs an install device, NOT partition eg. /dev/sda
if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' && $BOOTLDR == 'grub' && $BOOT_DEVICE == "" ]]; then
select_device 'boot' || return 1
if [[ $BOOTLDR == 'systemd-boot' ]]; then
elif [[ $BOOTLDR == 'syslinux' ]]; then
if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' ]]; then
BCMDS[$BOOTLDR]="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_InstSysTitle " --menu "$_InstSysBody" 0 0 0 \
"syslinux-install_update -iam" "Install to MBR (Master Boot Record)" \
"syslinux-install_update -i" "Install to root partition (/)")"
[[ $? != 0 || ${BCMDS[$BOOTLDR]} == "" ]] && return 1
BCMDS[syslinux]="efibootmgr -c -d $BOOT_DEVICE -p $BOOT_PART_NUM -l /EFI/syslinux/syslinux.efi -L $DIST"
if [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then
local ttype
[[ $IS_64BIT != true ]] && ttype='i386-efi' || ttype='x86_64-efi'
BCMDS[grub]="${BCMDS[grub]} --target=$ttype --bootloader-id=$DIST"
BCMDS[grub]="${BCMDS[grub]} --target=i386-pc $BOOT_DEVICE"
BCMDS[grub]="${BCMDS[grub]} && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
return 0
select_mount_opts() {
local part="$1"
local fs="$2"