Update/overhaul mirror_cmd() function to not rely on reflector

This commit is contained in:
natemaia 2018-10-20 03:20:19 -07:00
parent e6bbc6a999
commit ad8af90d43
7 changed files with 128 additions and 94 deletions

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# immutable variables {
readonly DIST="ArchLabs" # Linux distributor
readonly VER="1.6.77" # Installer version
readonly VER="1.6.78" # Installer version
readonly LIVE="liveuser" # Live session user
readonly MNT="/mnt/install" # Install mountpoint
readonly ERR="/tmp/errlog" # Built-in error log
@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ readonly RUN="/run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/boot"
readonly SALT="$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)"
readonly VM="$(dmesg | grep -i "hypervisor")"
readonly KBD="$(find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps -name '*.map.gz')"
readonly LOCALES="$(awk '/\.UTF-8/ {gsub(/# .*|#/, ""); if($1) print $1 " -"}' /etc/locale.gen)"
readonly CONSOLE_MAPS="$(awk '{gsub(/\.map\.gz|.*\//, ""); print $1 " -"}' <<< "$KBD")"
readonly SYS_MEM=$(grep 'MemTotal' /proc/meminfo | awk '{print int($2 / 1024)}')
readonly CONSOLE_MAPS="$(find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps -name '*.map.gz' | awk '{gsub(/\.map\.gz|.*\//, ""); print $1 " -"}')"
readonly SYS_MEM=$(grep 'MemTotal' /proc/meminfo | awk '{print int($2 / 1024)"M"}')
readonly IGNORE_DEV="$(lsblk -lno NAME,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/\/run\/archiso\/bootmnt/ {sub(/[1-9]/, ""); print $1}')"
if [[ $IGNORE_DEV ]]; then
@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ init_variables() {
declare -g EXTRA_MNT=""
declare -g EXTRA_MNTS=""
declare -g SWAP="none"
declare -g SWAP_SIZE="${SYS_MEM}M"
declare -g SWAP_SIZE="$SYS_MEM"
declare -g NEWUSER=""
declare -g USER_PASS=""
declare -g ROOT_PASS=""
@ -115,7 +114,6 @@ init_variables() {
declare -g WM_PACKAGES=""
declare -g EXTRA_PACKAGES=""
declare -g MKINIT_HOOKS="shutdown"
declare -g MIRROR_CMD="reflector --score 100 -l 50 -f 10 --sort rate"
declare -g IS_64BIT=false
declare -g AUTOLOGIN=false
@ -142,13 +140,10 @@ init_variables() {
source_file() {
if ! . $1 2>/dev/null; then
echo -e "\nFailed to source library file $1"; die 1
return 0
. $1 2>/dev/null || { printf "\nFailed to source library file %s" "$1"; die 1; }
user_setup() {
user_creation() {
tput cnorm
local values
values="$(dialog --stdout --no-cancel --separator '~' --ok-label "Submit" --backtitle "$BT" \
@ -204,7 +199,7 @@ user_setup() {
# recursively loop back unless the user cancels
user_setup || return 1
user_creation || return 1
@ -228,17 +223,17 @@ select_language() {
case $lang in
1) LOC="en_US.UTF-8" ;;
2) source_file $TRN/spanish.trans && LOC="es_ES.UTF-8" ;;
3) source_file $TRN/p_brasil.trans && LOC="pt_BR.UTF-8" ;;
4) source_file $TRN/portuguese.trans && LOC="pt_PT.UTF-8" ;;
5) source_file $TRN/french.trans && LOC="fr_FR.UTF-8" ;;
6) source_file $TRN/russian.trans && LOC="ru_RU.UTF-8" FONT="LatKaCyrHeb-16" ;;
7) source_file $TRN/italian.trans && LOC="it_IT.UTF-8" ;;
8) source_file $TRN/dutch.trans && LOC="nl_NL.UTF-8" ;;
9) source_file $TRN/hungarian.trans && LOC="hu_HU.UTF-8" FONT="lat2-16" ;;
10) source_file $TRN/chinese.trans && LOC="zh_CN.UTF-8" ;;
*) die 0
1) LOC="en_US.UTF-8" ;;
2) source_file $TRN/spanish.trans && LOC="es_ES.UTF-8" ;;
3) source_file $TRN/p_brasil.trans && LOC="pt_BR.UTF-8" ;;
4) source_file $TRN/portuguese.trans && LOC="pt_PT.UTF-8" ;;
5) source_file $TRN/french.trans && LOC="fr_FR.UTF-8" ;;
6) source_file $TRN/russian.trans && LOC="ru_RU.UTF-8" FONT="LatKaCyrHeb-16" ;;
7) source_file $TRN/italian.trans && LOC="it_IT.UTF-8" ;;
8) source_file $TRN/dutch.trans && LOC="nl_NL.UTF-8" ;;
9) source_file $TRN/hungarian.trans && LOC="hu_HU.UTF-8" FONT="lat2-16" ;;
10) source_file $TRN/chinese.trans && LOC="zh_CN.UTF-8" ;;
*) die 0
sed -i "s/#en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/" /etc/locale.gen
@ -447,40 +442,53 @@ extra_packages() {
pkgs="$pkgs qt5ct qt5-styleplugins"
EXTRA_PACKAGES="$EXTRA_PACKAGES$([[ $pkgs ]] && echo -n " $pkgs")"
EXTRA_PACKAGES="$EXTRA_PACKAGES$([[ $pkgs ]] && printf " %s" "$pkgs")"
return 0
mirrorlist_cmd() {
MIRROR_CMD="reflector --score 100 -l 50 -f 10 --sort rate"
yesno "$_MirrorTitle" "$_MirrorSetup" "Automatic" "Custom" && return 0
local key="5f29642060ab983b31fdf4c2935d8c56"
local ip="$(curl -s "http://api.ipstack.com/check&fields=ip&?access_key=${key}" |
val_from_json 'ip')"
infobox "$_MirrorTitle" "\nGathering mirror countries..\n" 0
local countries
countries="$(reflector --list-countries | awk 'NF > 1 {print $1 " -"}')"
if hash reflector >/dev/null 2>&1; then
MIRROR_CMD="reflector --score 100 -l 50 -f 10 --sort rate"
yesno "$_MirrorTitle" "$_MirrorSetup" "Automatic" "Custom" && return 0
if [[ $countries != "" ]]; then
tput civis
local country
country="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --no-cancel --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_MirrorTitle " --menu "$_MirrorCountry" 22 70 10 $countries)"
MIRROR_CMD="reflector --country $country --score 80 --latest 40 --fastest 10 --sort rate"
local c="$(curl -s "http://api.ipstack.com/${ip}?access_key=${key}&fields=country_name" |
val_from_json 'country_name')"
if [[ $c != "" ]]; then
MIRROR_CMD="reflector --country $c --score 80 --latest 40 --fastest 10 --sort rate"
local ref=" --score n Limit the list to the n servers with the highest score.
tput cnorm
MIRROR_CMD="$(dialog --cr-wrap --no-cancel --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_MirrorTitle " --inputbox "$_MirrorCmd\n
--score n Limit the list to the n servers with the highest score.
--latest n Limit the list to the n most recently synchronized servers.
--fastest n Return the n fastest mirrors that meet the other criteria.
--sort {age,rate,country,score,delay}
'age': Last server synchronization;
'rate': Download rate;
'country': Server location;
'score': MirrorStatus score;
'delay': MirrorStatus delay."
'age': Last server synchronization;
'rate': Download rate;
'country': Server location;
'score': MirrorStatus score;
'delay': MirrorStatus delay.\n" 0 0 "$MIRROR_CMD")"
local c="$(curl -s "http://api.ipstack.com/${ip}?access_key=${key}&fields=country_code" |
val_from_json 'country_code')"
tput cnorm
MIRROR_CMD="$(dialog --cr-wrap --no-cancel --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_MirrorTitle " --inputbox "$_MirrorCmd\n\n$ref\n" 0 0 "$cmd")"
local w="https://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist"
if [[ $c != "" ]]; then
if [[ $c =~ (CA|US) ]]; then
MIRROR_CMD="curl -s '$w/?country=US&country=CA&protocol=https&use_mirror_status=on'"
MIRROR_CMD="curl -s '$w/?country=${c}&protocol=https&use_mirror_status=on'"
MIRROR_CMD="curl -s '$w/?country=US&country=CA&country=NZ&country=GB&country=AU&protocol=https&use_mirror_status=on'"
return 0
@ -531,11 +539,11 @@ configure_install() {
setup_timezone || return 1
mirrorlist_cmd || return 1
user_setup || return 1
user_creation || return 1
window_manager || return 1
local msg="\nUse the current Linux kernel or the LTS kernel?\n"
yesno 'Choose Kernel' "$msg" 'Current' 'LTS' && KERNEL='linux' || KERNEL='linux-lts'
yesno 'Choose Kernel' "\nUse the current kernel or the LTS kernel?\n" 'Current' 'LTS' &&
KERNEL='linux' || KERNEL='linux-lts'
extra_packages || return 1

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
# this file is not meant to be run directly
# sourcing this file in a non bash shell is not advised
# set -n
uefi_boot_fallback() {
# some UEFI firmware requires a directory in the ESP and a generic bootx64.efi
# see: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB#UEFI
@ -53,21 +55,21 @@ prep_for_systemd-boot() {
[[ $ROOT_PART =~ /dev/mapper ]] || ROOT_PART_ID="PART$ROOT_PART_ID"
# create the boot entry configs
mkdir -p $MNT/boot/loader/entries
cat > $MNT/boot/loader/loader.conf << EOF
mkdir -p ${MNT}${BOOT_MNTS[$SYS-$BOOTLDR]}/loader/entries
cat > ${MNT}${BOOT_MNTS[$SYS-$BOOTLDR]}/loader/loader.conf << EOF
default $DIST
timeout 5
editor no
cat > $MNT/boot/loader/entries/${DIST}.conf << EOF
cat > ${MNT}${BOOT_MNTS[$SYS-$BOOTLDR]}/loader/entries/${DIST}.conf << EOF
title $DIST Linux
linux /vmlinuz-${KERNEL}$([[ $UCODE ]] && echo -en "\ninitrd /$UCODE")
linux /vmlinuz-${KERNEL}$([[ $UCODE ]] && printf "\ninitrd %s" "/$UCODE")
initrd /initramfs-$KERNEL.img
options root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && echo -n "$LUKS_DEV")rw
options root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && printf "%s " "$LUKS_DEV")rw
# add pacman hook to update the bootloader when systemd receives an update
mkdir -p $MNT/pacman.d/hooks
cat > $MNT/pacman.d/hooks/systemd-boot.hook << EOF
mkdir -p $MNT/etc/pacman.d/hooks
cat > $MNT/etc/pacman.d/hooks/systemd-boot.hook << EOF
Type = Package
Operation = Upgrade
@ -85,11 +87,11 @@ EOF
prep_for_syslinux() {
if [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then
local cfgdir="$MNT/boot/EFI/syslinux"
local cfgdir="${MNT}${BOOT_MNTS[$SYS-$BOOTLDR]}/EFI/syslinux"
local cfgsrcdir="/usr/lib/syslinux/efi32/"
[[ $IS_64BIT == true ]] && cfgsrcdir="/usr/lib/syslinux/efi64/"
local cfgdir="$MNT/boot/syslinux"
local cfgdir="$MNT${BOOT_MNTS[$SYS-$BOOTLDR]}/syslinux"
local cfgsrcdir="/usr/lib/syslinux/bios/"
@ -106,16 +108,16 @@ DEFAULT $DIST
LINUX ../vmlinuz-$KERNEL
APPEND root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && echo -n "$LUKS_DEV ")rw
APPEND root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && printf "%s " "$LUKS_DEV")rw
INITRD ../initramfs-$KERNEL.img
$([[ $UCODE ]] && echo -en "\nINITRD ../$UCODE")
$([[ $UCODE ]] && printf "\nINITRD %s" "../$UCODE")
LABEL ${DIST}fallback
MENU LABEL $DIST Linux Fallback
LINUX ../vmlinuz-$KERNEL
APPEND root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && echo -n "$LUKS_DEV ")rw
APPEND root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && printf "%s " "$LUKS_DEV")rw
INITRD ../initramfs-$KERNEL-fallback.img
$([[ $UCODE ]] && echo -en "\nINITRD ../$UCODE")
$([[ $UCODE ]] && printf "\nINITRD %s" "../$UCODE")
return 0
@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ EOF
install_bootloader() {
# not an LVM we can use the UUID for booting otherwise use the partition label
if ! [[ $ROOT_PART =~ /dev/mapper ]]; then
ROOT_PART_ID="UUID=$(blkid -s PARTUUID $ROOT_PART | sed 's/.*=//g; s/"//g')"
ROOT_PART_ID="UUID=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value $ROOT_PART)"

View File

@ -6,8 +6,13 @@
# this file is not meant to be run directly
# sourcing this file in a non bash shell is not advised
# set -n
install_main() {
clear && tput cnorm
# function calls prefixed with 'oneshot' will only ever be run once
# otherwise the main function can be called repeatedly
tput cnorm
# unpack the file system
oneshot install_base
@ -18,8 +23,14 @@ install_main() {
[[ -f $MNT/swapfile ]] && sed -i "s~${MNT}~~" $MNT/etc/fstab
# update the mirrorlist.. MUST be done before updating or it may be slow
$MIRROR_CMD --verbose --save $MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist ||
reflector --score 100 -l 50 -f 10 --sort rate --verbose --save $MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
printf "%s\n\n" "Sorting the mirrorlist"
if hash reflector >/dev/null 2>&1; then
$MIRROR_CMD --save $MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist ||
reflector --score 100 -l 50 -f 10 --sort rate --save $MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
{ eval $MIRROR_CMD || curl -s 'https://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/all/'; } |
sed -e 's/^#Server/Server/' -e '/^#/d' | rankmirrors -n 10 - >$MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# MUST be before bootloader and mkinitcpio
oneshot package_operations
@ -27,24 +38,25 @@ install_main() {
# set up user login
oneshot login_manager
# MUST be done after installing the packages
# mkinitcpio and bootloader install should only be done after installing the packages
# and updating the mirrorlist, otherwise the chosen kernel may not be fully set up
# hwclock setup, falls back to setting --directisa if the default fails
chroot_cmd "hwclock --systohc --utc" || chroot_cmd "hwclock --systohc --utc --directisa"
oneshot create_user # create the user last to avoid referencing multiple $HOME locations
# create the user last to avoid referencing multiple $HOME locations for liveuser/newuser
oneshot create_user
return 0
install_base() {
echo -e "\nUnpacking base file system --- Total: ~ 2.8G\n\n"
printf "\nUnpacking base file system --- Total: ~ 2.8G\n\n"
rsync -ah --info=progress2 /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs/ $MNT/
# remove archiso init files and clean up install files
rm -rf $MNT/etc/sudoers.d/g_wheel
rm -f $MNT/etc/mkinitcpio-archiso.conf
rm -f $MNT/etc/polkit-1/rules.d/49-nopasswd_global.rules
rm -rf $MNT/etc/{sudoers.d/g_wheel,mkinitcpio-archiso.conf,polkit-1/rules.d/49-nopasswd_global.rules}
find $MNT/usr/lib/initcpio -name 'archiso*' -type f -exec rm '{}' \;
# cleanup system permissions
@ -106,7 +118,7 @@ KEYMAP=$CONSOLE_MAP
# set the hostname
echo "$HOSTNAME" > $MNT/etc/hostname
printf "%s\n" "$HOSTNAME" > $MNT/etc/hostname
cat > $MNT/etc/hosts << EOF localhost $HOSTNAME
@ -148,7 +160,7 @@ run_mkinitcpio() {
# new hooks needed in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf if we used LUKS and/or LVM
(( LVM == 1 )) && add="lvm2"
(( LUKS == 1 )) && add="encrypt$([[ $add ]] && echo -n " $add")"
(( LUKS == 1 )) && add="encrypt$([[ $add ]] && printf " %s" "$add")"
sed -i "s/block filesystems/block ${add} filesystems ${MKINIT_HOOKS}/g" $MNT/etc/mkinitcpio.conf
chroot_cmd "mkinitcpio -p $KERNEL" 2>$ERR

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
# this file is not meant to be run directly
# sourcing this file in a non bash shell is not advised
# set -n
declare -g LUKS=0
declare -g LUKS_DEV=""
declare -g LUKS_PART=""
@ -150,9 +152,7 @@ luks_keycmd() {
luks_show() {
tput civis
sleep 0.5
echo -e "$_LuksEncryptSucc" > /tmp/.devlist
lsblk -o NAME,TYPE,FSTYPE,SIZE $LUKS_PART >> /tmp/.devlist
dialog --cr-wrap --backtitle "$BT" --title " $_LuksEncrypt " --textbox /tmp/.devlist 0 0
msgbox "$_LuksEncrypt" "${_LuksEncryptSucc}\n$(lsblk $LUKS_PART -o NAME,MODEL,TYPE,FSTYPE,SIZE)"
luks_menu() {
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ luks_keyfile() {
if [[ ! -e $MNT/crypto_keyfile.bin ]]; then
infobox "$_LuksKeyFileTitle" "$_LuksKeyFileCreate" 0
echo -e "$_LuksKeyFileCreate"
printf "$_LuksKeyFileCreate"
local n
n="$(lsblk -lno NAME,UUID,TYPE | awk "/$LUKS_UUID/"' && /part|crypt|lvm/ {print $1}')"

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
# this file is not meant to be run directly
# sourcing this file in a non bash shell is not advised
# set -n
declare -g LVM=0
declare -g VOL_GROUP_MB=0
declare -g GROUP_PARTS=0

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
# this file is not meant to be run directly
# sourcing this file in a non bash shell is not advised
# set -n
## Partition functions ##
@ -232,7 +234,7 @@ select_device() {
if [[ $DEV_COUNT -eq 1 && $SYS_DEVS ]]; then
DEVICE="$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "$SYS_DEVS")"
msg="\nOnly one device available$([[ $1 == 'boot' ]] && echo -n " for grub bootloader"):"
msg="\nOnly one device available$([[ $1 == 'boot' ]] && printf " for grub bootloader"):"
infobox "$_DevSelTitle" "$msg $DEVICE\n" 1
elif (( DEV_COUNT > 1 )); then
tput civis
@ -240,8 +242,7 @@ select_device() {
--menu "${msg}$_DevSelBody" 0 0 0 $SYS_DEVS)"
[[ $? != 0 || $DEVICE == "" ]] && return 1
msg="\nNo available devices for installation to use$([[ $1 == 'boot' ]] &&
echo -n " for grub bootloader")."
msg="\nNo available devices for installation to use$([[ $1 == 'boot' ]] && printf " for grub bootloader")."
msgbox "$_ErrTitle" "$msg\n$_Exit"
die 1
@ -264,10 +265,11 @@ edit_partitions() {
local choice
choice="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" \
--title " $_PartTitle " --menu "$_PartBody" 0 0 0 "$_PartAuto" "-" \
$( ([[ $DISPLAY ]] && hash gparted >/dev/null 2>&1) && echo -n "gparted -") "cfdisk" "-"\
"parted" "-" "$_PartWipe" "-")"
$( ([[ $DISPLAY ]] && hash gparted >/dev/null 2>&1) && printf "gparted -") \
"cfdisk" "-" "parted" "-" "$_PartWipe" "-")"
[[ $? != 0 || $choice == "" ]] && return 1
clear; tput cnorm
tput cnorm
if [[ $choice != "$_PartWipe" && $choice != "$_PartAuto" ]]; then
$choice $device
@ -325,17 +327,17 @@ select_swap() {
# Ask user to select partition or create swapfile
tput civis
SWAP="$(dialog --backtitle "$BT" --cr-wrap --stdout --title " $_SelSwpSetup " \
--menu "$_SelSwpBody" 0 0 0 "$_SelSwpNone" "-" "$_SelSwpFile" "${SYS_MEM}M" $PARTS)"
--menu "$_SelSwpBody" 0 0 0 "$_SelSwpNone" "-" "$_SelSwpFile" "$SYS_MEM" $PARTS)"
[[ $? != 0 || $SWAP == "$_SelSwpNone" ]] && return 0
if [[ $SWAP == "$_SelSwpFile" ]]; then
tput cnorm
SWAP_SIZE="$(getinput "$_SelSwpSetup" "$_SelSwpSize" "${SYS_MEM}M")"
SWAP_SIZE="$(getinput "$_SelSwpSetup" "$_SelSwpSize" "$SYS_MEM")"
[[ $? != 0 || $SWAP_SIZE == "" ]] && return 1
while ! [[ ${SWAP_SIZE:0:1} =~ [1-9] && ${SWAP_SIZE: -1} =~ (M|G) ]]; do
msgbox "$_SelSwpSetup Error" "\n$_SelSwpErr $SWAP_SIZE\n"
SWAP_SIZE="$(getinput "$_SelSwpSetup" "$_SelSwpSize" "${SYS_MEM}M")"
SWAP_SIZE="$(getinput "$_SelSwpSetup" "$_SelSwpSize" "$SYS_MEM")"
[[ $? != 0 || $SWAP_SIZE == "" ]] && { break; return 1; }
@ -415,8 +417,8 @@ select_filesystem() {
local fs
fs="$(dialog --cr-wrap --stdout --backtitle "$BT" --title " $_FSTitle: $part " \
--menu "\nPartition: ${part}$([[ $cur_fs != "" ]] &&
echo -en "\nCurrent: ${cur_fs}")\n$_FSBody" 0 0 0 \
$([[ $cur_fs != "" ]] && echo -n "$_Skip -") \
printf "\nCurrent: %s" "$cur_fs")\n$_FSBody" 0 0 0 \
$([[ $cur_fs != "" ]] && printf "%s -" "$_Skip") \
"ext4" "${FS_CMDS[ext4]}" "ext3" "${FS_CMDS[ext3]}" \
"ext2" "${FS_CMDS[ext2]}" "vfat" "${FS_CMDS[vfat]}" \
"ntfs" "${FS_CMDS[ntfs]}" "f2fs" "${FS_CMDS[f2fs]}" \
@ -481,7 +483,9 @@ select_root_partition() {
decr_count "$LUKS_PART"
elif (( LVM == 1 )); then
(( LUKS == 1 )) && decr_count "$LUKS_PART"
for part in $(echo "$GROUP_PARTS"); do decr_count "$part"; done
for part in $(echo "$GROUP_PARTS"); do
decr_count "$part"
@ -494,7 +498,7 @@ select_root_partition() {
--title " $_PrepMount " --menu "$_SelRootBody" 0 0 0 $PARTS)"
[[ $? != 0 || $ROOT_PART == "" ]] && return 1
local msg="\nUsing $([[ $LUKS -eq 1 ]] && echo -n "encrypted ")root partition:"
local msg="\nUsing $([[ $LUKS -eq 1 ]] && printf "encrypted ")root partition:"
infobox "$_PrepMount" "$msg $ROOT_PART\n" 1

View File

@ -6,10 +6,16 @@
# this file is not meant to be run directly
# sourcing this file in a non bash shell is not advised
# set -n
chroot_cmd() {
arch-chroot $MNT /bin/bash -c "$1"
val_from_json() {
python3 -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['$1'])"
identify_system() {
if grep -qi 'apple' /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor; then
modprobe -r -q efivars
@ -53,9 +59,9 @@ check_for_errors() {
err="$(sed 's/[^[:print:]]//g; s/\[[0-9\;:]*\?m//g; s/==> //g; s/] ERROR:/]\nERROR:/g' "$ERR")"
[[ $err != "" ]] && msgbox "$_ErrTitle" "$msg\n\nWith the following error message:\n\n$err"
msg="$([[ $err == "" ]] && echo -n "$msg")\n$_ErrChoice"
msg="$([[ $err == "" ]] && printf "%s" "$msg")\n$_ErrChoice"
if [[ -e /tmp/debug-log && $TERM == 'linux' ]]; then
msg="$([[ $err == "" ]] && echo -n "$msg")\n$_ErrChoiceConsole"
msg="$([[ $err == "" ]] && printf "%s" "$msg")\n$_ErrChoiceConsole"
yesno "$_ErrTitle" "$msg" "Exit & Open Log" "Ignore & Continue" && { less /tmp/debug-log; die 0; }
yesno "$_ErrTitle" "$msg" "Exit & Shutdown" "Ignore & Continue" && die 'shutdown -h now'
@ -89,7 +95,7 @@ getinput() {
answer="$(dialog --cr-wrap --max-input 63 --stdout --no-cancel \
--backtitle "$BT" --title " $1 " --inputbox "$2" 0 0 "$3")"
[[ $? != 0 || $answer == "" ]] && return 1
echo "$answer"
printf "$answer"
msgbox() {
@ -133,7 +139,7 @@ die() {
sigint() {
echo -e "\n** CTRL-C caught"
printf "\n** CTRL-C caught"
die 1