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synced 2025-01-21 20:27:43 -06:00
* move logic to json template - remove Invoke-WPFToggle.ps1 - generalize Get-WinUtilToggleStatus - add bingsearch reg key for testing - use Invoke-WinUtilTweaks for actions - replace Add-Click with checked & unchecked to make undo work * add reg params for toggles into tweaks.json - add all reg keys to tweaks.json into existing toggle entry - remove unneeded scripts * fix HKU - load HKU if needed (for tweaks & GetToggleStatus) - remove unneeded Invoke-WinUtilNumLock - has loaded HKU does not load/not stay loaded * add a lot of error handling * Bugfix: New-PSDrive seems to return the "hku" itself so weirdly gets prepended to the return value so the result becomes ("hku", $false). In powershell pretty much every variable that exists is interpreted as $true so the toggle for numlock got incorrectly checked * globally fix HKU error & minimize console feedback - fix HKU issue globally - remove some console logs, change some others to write-debug * update Explorerrefresh - change Invoke-WinUtilExplorerRefresh to handle refresh and restart - add restart logic to window snapping Flyout & Suggestions - rename Invoke-WinUtilExplorerRefresh to Invoke-WinUtilExplorerUpdate * add explorer restart where needed to take effect add explorer restart logic for hidden files + Fileextension toggles * fix missing theme change logic in darkmode toggle * fix window snapping - fix issue defining WindowArrangementActive as dword instead of string * fix bing search - switch bing search enabled/disabled values * add a little bit of error handling - add error handling for Get-WinUtilToggleStatus --------- Co-authored-by: Marterich <47688561+Marterich@users.noreply.github.com>
336 lines
15 KiB
336 lines
15 KiB
function Invoke-WPFUIElements {
Adds UI elements to a specified Grid in the WinUtil GUI based on a JSON configuration.
.PARAMETER configVariable
The variable/link containing the JSON configuration.
.PARAMETER targetGridName
The name of the grid to which the UI elements should be added.
.PARAMETER columncount
The number of columns to be used in the Grid. If not provided, a default value is used based on the panel.
Invoke-WPFUIElements -configVariable $sync.configs.applications -targetGridName "install" -columncount 5
Future me/contributer: If possible please wrap this into a runspace to make it load all panels at the same time.
[Parameter(Mandatory, position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory, position=1)]
[Parameter(Mandatory, position=2)]
$window = $sync["Form"]
$theme = $sync.Form.Resources
$borderstyle = $window.FindResource("BorderStyle")
$HoverTextBlockStyle = $window.FindResource("HoverTextBlockStyle")
$ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle = $window.FindResource("ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle")
if (!$borderstyle -or !$HoverTextBlockStyle -or !$ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle) {
throw "Failed to retrieve Styles using 'FindResource' from main window element."
$targetGrid = $window.FindName($targetGridName)
if (!$targetGrid) {
throw "Failed to retrieve Target Grid by name, provided name: $targetGrid"
# Clear existing ColumnDefinitions and Children
$targetGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Clear() | Out-Null
$targetGrid.Children.Clear() | Out-Null
# Add ColumnDefinitions to the target Grid
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $columncount; $i++) {
$colDef = New-Object Windows.Controls.ColumnDefinition
$colDef.Width = New-Object Windows.GridLength(1, [Windows.GridUnitType]::Star)
$targetGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add($colDef) | Out-Null
# Convert PSCustomObject to Hashtable
$configHashtable = @{}
$configVariable.PSObject.Properties.Name | ForEach-Object {
$configHashtable[$_] = $configVariable.$_
$organizedData = @{}
# Iterate through JSON data and organize by panel and category
foreach ($entry in $configHashtable.Keys) {
$entryInfo = $configHashtable[$entry]
# Create an object for the application
$entryObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = $entry
Order = $entryInfo.order
Category = $entryInfo.Category
Content = $entryInfo.Content
Choco = $entryInfo.choco
Winget = $entryInfo.winget
Panel = if ($entryInfo.Panel) { $entryInfo.Panel } else { "0" }
Link = $entryInfo.link
Description = $entryInfo.description
Type = $entryInfo.type
ComboItems = $entryInfo.ComboItems
Checked = $entryInfo.Checked
ButtonWidth = $entryInfo.ButtonWidth
if (-not $organizedData.ContainsKey($entryObject.Panel)) {
$organizedData[$entryObject.Panel] = @{}
if (-not $organizedData[$entryObject.Panel].ContainsKey($entryObject.Category)) {
$organizedData[$entryObject.Panel][$entryObject.Category] = @()
# Store application data in an array under the category
$organizedData[$entryObject.Panel][$entryObject.Category] += $entryObject
# Only apply the logic for distributing entries across columns if the targetGridName is "appspanel"
if ($targetGridName -eq "appspanel") {
$panelcount = 0
$entrycount = $configHashtable.Keys.Count + $organizedData["0"].Keys.Count
$maxcount = [Math]::Round($entrycount / $columncount + 0.5)
# Iterate through 'organizedData' by panel, category, and application
$count = 0
foreach ($panelKey in ($organizedData.Keys | Sort-Object)) {
# Create a Border for each column
$border = New-Object Windows.Controls.Border
$border.VerticalAlignment = "Stretch"
[System.Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetColumn($border, $panelcount)
$border.style = $borderstyle
$targetGrid.Children.Add($border) | Out-Null
# Create a StackPanel inside the Border
$stackPanel = New-Object Windows.Controls.StackPanel
$stackPanel.Background = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Transparent
$stackPanel.SnapsToDevicePixels = $true
$stackPanel.VerticalAlignment = "Stretch"
$border.Child = $stackPanel
# Add Windows Version label if this is the updates panel
if ($targetGridName -eq "updatespanel") {
$windowsVersion = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").ProductName
$versionLabel = New-Object Windows.Controls.Label
$versionLabel.Content = "Windows Version: $windowsVersion"
$versionLabel.FontSize = $theme.FontSize
$versionLabel.HorizontalAlignment = "Left"
$stackPanel.Children.Add($versionLabel) | Out-Null
foreach ($category in ($organizedData[$panelKey].Keys | Sort-Object)) {
if ($targetGridName -eq "appspanel" -and $columncount -gt 0) {
$panelcount2 = [Int](($count) / $maxcount - 0.5)
if ($panelcount -eq $panelcount2) {
# Create a new Border for the new column
$border = New-Object Windows.Controls.Border
$border.VerticalAlignment = "Stretch"
[System.Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetColumn($border, $panelcount)
$border.style = $borderstyle
$targetGrid.Children.Add($border) | Out-Null
# Create a new StackPanel inside the Border
$stackPanel = New-Object Windows.Controls.StackPanel
$stackPanel.Background = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Transparent
$stackPanel.SnapsToDevicePixels = $true
$stackPanel.VerticalAlignment = "Stretch"
$border.Child = $stackPanel
$label = New-Object Windows.Controls.Label
$label.Content = $category -replace ".*__", ""
$label.FontSize = $theme.HeadingFontSize
$label.FontFamily = $theme.HeaderFontFamily
$stackPanel.Children.Add($label) | Out-Null
$sync[$category] = $label
# Sort entries by Order and then by Name, but only display Name
$entries = $organizedData[$panelKey][$category] | Sort-Object Order, Name
foreach ($entryInfo in $entries) {
if ($targetGridName -eq "appspanel" -and $columncount -gt 0) {
$panelcount2 = [Int](($count) / $maxcount - 0.5)
if ($panelcount -eq $panelcount2) {
# Create a new Border for the new column
$border = New-Object Windows.Controls.Border
$border.VerticalAlignment = "Stretch"
[System.Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetColumn($border, $panelcount)
$border.style = $borderstyle
$targetGrid.Children.Add($border) | Out-Null
# Create a new StackPanel inside the Border
$stackPanel = New-Object Windows.Controls.StackPanel
$stackPanel.Background = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Transparent
$stackPanel.SnapsToDevicePixels = $true
$stackPanel.VerticalAlignment = "Stretch"
$border.Child = $stackPanel
switch ($entryInfo.Type) {
"Toggle" {
$dockPanel = New-Object Windows.Controls.DockPanel
$checkBox = New-Object Windows.Controls.CheckBox
$checkBox.Name = $entryInfo.Name
$checkBox.HorizontalAlignment = "Right"
$dockPanel.Children.Add($checkBox) | Out-Null
$checkBox.Style = $ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle
$label = New-Object Windows.Controls.Label
$label.Content = $entryInfo.Content
$label.ToolTip = $entryInfo.Description
$label.HorizontalAlignment = "Left"
$label.FontSize = $theme.FontSize
$label.SetResourceReference([Windows.Controls.Control]::ForegroundProperty, "MainForegroundColor")
$dockPanel.Children.Add($label) | Out-Null
$stackPanel.Children.Add($dockPanel) | Out-Null
$sync[$entryInfo.Name] = $checkBox
$sync[$entryInfo.Name].IsChecked = (Get-WinUtilToggleStatus $entryInfo.Name)
[System.Object]$Sender = $args[0]
Invoke-WinUtilTweaks $sender.name
[System.Object]$Sender = $args[0]
Invoke-WinUtiltweaks $sender.name -undo $true
"ToggleButton" {
$toggleButton = New-Object Windows.Controls.ToggleButton
$toggleButton.Name = $entryInfo.Name
$toggleButton.Name = "WPFTab" + ($stackPanel.Children.Count + 1) + "BT"
$toggleButton.HorizontalAlignment = "Left"
$toggleButton.Height = $theme.TabButtonHeight
$toggleButton.Width = $theme.TabButtonWidth
$toggleButton.SetResourceReference([Windows.Controls.Control]::BackgroundProperty, "ButtonInstallBackgroundColor")
$toggleButton.SetResourceReference([Windows.Controls.Control]::ForegroundProperty, "MainForegroundColor")
$toggleButton.FontWeight = [Windows.FontWeights]::Bold
$textBlock = New-Object Windows.Controls.TextBlock
$textBlock.FontSize = $theme.TabButtonFontSize
$textBlock.Background = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Transparent
$textBlock.SetResourceReference([Windows.Controls.Control]::ForegroundProperty, "ButtonInstallForegroundColor")
$underline = New-Object Windows.Documents.Underline
$underline.Inlines.Add($entryInfo.name -replace "(.).*", "`$1")
$run = New-Object Windows.Documents.Run
$run.Text = $entryInfo.name -replace "^.", ""
$toggleButton.Content = $textBlock
$stackPanel.Children.Add($toggleButton) | Out-Null
$sync[$entryInfo.Name] = $toggleButton
"Combobox" {
$horizontalStackPanel = New-Object Windows.Controls.StackPanel
$horizontalStackPanel.Orientation = "Horizontal"
$horizontalStackPanel.Margin = "0,5,0,0"
$label = New-Object Windows.Controls.Label
$label.Content = $entryInfo.Content
$label.HorizontalAlignment = "Left"
$label.VerticalAlignment = "Center"
$label.FontSize = $theme.ButtonFontSize
$horizontalStackPanel.Children.Add($label) | Out-Null
$comboBox = New-Object Windows.Controls.ComboBox
$comboBox.Name = $entryInfo.Name
$comboBox.Height = $theme.ButtonHeight
$comboBox.Width = $theme.ButtonWidth
$comboBox.HorizontalAlignment = "Left"
$comboBox.VerticalAlignment = "Center"
$comboBox.Margin = $theme.ButtonMargin
foreach ($comboitem in ($entryInfo.ComboItems -split " ")) {
$comboBoxItem = New-Object Windows.Controls.ComboBoxItem
$comboBoxItem.Content = $comboitem
$comboBoxItem.FontSize = $theme.ButtonFontSize
$comboBox.Items.Add($comboBoxItem) | Out-Null
$horizontalStackPanel.Children.Add($comboBox) | Out-Null
$stackPanel.Children.Add($horizontalStackPanel) | Out-Null
$comboBox.SelectedIndex = 0
$sync[$entryInfo.Name] = $comboBox
"Button" {
$button = New-Object Windows.Controls.Button
$button.Name = $entryInfo.Name
$button.Content = $entryInfo.Content
$button.HorizontalAlignment = "Left"
$button.Margin = $theme.ButtonMargin
$button.FontSize = $theme.ButtonFontSize
if ($entryInfo.ButtonWidth) {
$button.Width = $entryInfo.ButtonWidth
$stackPanel.Children.Add($button) | Out-Null
$sync[$entryInfo.Name] = $button
default {
$horizontalStackPanel = New-Object Windows.Controls.StackPanel
$horizontalStackPanel.Orientation = "Horizontal"
$checkBox = New-Object Windows.Controls.CheckBox
$checkBox.Name = $entryInfo.Name
$checkBox.Content = $entryInfo.Content
$checkBox.FontSize = $theme.FontSize
$checkBox.ToolTip = $entryInfo.Description
$checkBox.Margin = $theme.CheckBoxMargin
if ($entryInfo.Checked -eq $true) {
$checkBox.IsChecked = $entryInfo.Checked
$horizontalStackPanel.Children.Add($checkBox) | Out-Null
if ($entryInfo.Link) {
$textBlock = New-Object Windows.Controls.TextBlock
$textBlock.Name = $checkBox.Name + "Link"
$textBlock.Text = "(?)"
$textBlock.ToolTip = $entryInfo.Link
$textBlock.Style = $HoverTextBlockStyle
$horizontalStackPanel.Children.Add($textBlock) | Out-Null
$sync[$textBlock.Name] = $textBlock
$stackPanel.Children.Add($horizontalStackPanel) | Out-Null
$sync[$entryInfo.Name] = $checkBox