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synced 2025-01-15 09:20:36 -06:00
* Replace Tabs with Spaces to follow the conventions
* Add Preprocessing in Compiler
* Compile from Anywhere you want - Running 'Compile.ps1' Works in any directory you call it from
* Code Formatting Changes
* Result of Preprocessing Step in 'Compile.ps1' Script - Remove Trailing Whitespace Characters
* Make Preprocessing more advanced
* Move Preprocessing to a separate script file
* Make Self Modification impossible for 'tools/Do-PreProcessing.ps1' Script - Make the workingdir same as sync.PSScriptRoot for consistency
* Revert commit b5dffd671f
* Patched a Bug of some Excluded Files not actually get excluded in 'Get-ChildItem' PS Cmdlet
* Update Replace Regex for Code Formatting in 'Do-PreProcessing' Script Tool
* Rename 'Do-PreProcessing' to 'Invoke-Preprocessing' - Update some Comments
* Make 'Invoke-Preprocessing' Modular - Update RegEx to handle more cases - Update Documentation - Add Validations & Useful feedback upon error
* Replace Tabs with Spaces to follow the conventions - 'applications.json' File
* Code Formatting Changes - 'Copy-Files' Private Function
* Update Replace Regex for Code Formatting in 'Invoke-Preprocessing' Script Tool
* Replace Tabs with Spaces to follow the conventions - Make 'ExcludedFiles' validation step check all filepaths before finally checking if any has failed
* Result of 'Invoke-Preprocessing' Script
* Update Replace Regex for Code Formatting in 'Invoke-Preprocessing' Script Tool
97 lines
3.8 KiB
97 lines
3.8 KiB
function Invoke-WinUtilTweaks {
Invokes the function associated with each provided checkbox
The checkbox to invoke
Indicates whether to undo the operation contained in the checkbox
.PARAMETER KeepServiceStartup
Indicates whether to override the startup of a service with the one given from WinUtil,
or to keep the startup of said service, if it was changed by the user, or another program, from its default value.
$undo = $false,
$KeepServiceStartup = $true
Write-Debug "Tweaks: $($CheckBox)"
if($undo) {
$Values = @{
Registry = "OriginalValue"
ScheduledTask = "OriginalState"
Service = "OriginalType"
ScriptType = "UndoScript"
} else {
$Values = @{
Registry = "Value"
ScheduledTask = "State"
Service = "StartupType"
OriginalService = "OriginalType"
ScriptType = "InvokeScript"
if($sync.configs.tweaks.$CheckBox.ScheduledTask) {
$sync.configs.tweaks.$CheckBox.ScheduledTask | ForEach-Object {
Write-Debug "$($psitem.Name) and state is $($psitem.$($values.ScheduledTask))"
Set-WinUtilScheduledTask -Name $psitem.Name -State $psitem.$($values.ScheduledTask)
if($sync.configs.tweaks.$CheckBox.service) {
Write-Debug "KeepServiceStartup is $KeepServiceStartup"
$sync.configs.tweaks.$CheckBox.service | ForEach-Object {
$changeservice = $true
# The check for !($undo) is required, without it the script will throw an error for accessing unavailable memeber, which's the 'OriginalService' Property
if($KeepServiceStartup -AND !($undo)) {
try {
# Check if the service exists
$service = Get-Service -Name $psitem.Name -ErrorAction Stop
if(!($service.StartType.ToString() -eq $psitem.$($values.OriginalService))) {
Write-Debug "Service $($service.Name) was changed in the past to $($service.StartType.ToString()) from it's original type of $($psitem.$($values.OriginalService)), will not change it to $($psitem.$($values.service))"
$changeservice = $false
} catch [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceNotFoundException] {
Write-Warning "Service $($psitem.Name) was not found"
if($changeservice) {
Write-Debug "$($psitem.Name) and state is $($psitem.$($values.service))"
Set-WinUtilService -Name $psitem.Name -StartupType $psitem.$($values.Service)
if($sync.configs.tweaks.$CheckBox.registry) {
$sync.configs.tweaks.$CheckBox.registry | ForEach-Object {
Write-Debug "$($psitem.Name) and state is $($psitem.$($values.registry))"
Set-WinUtilRegistry -Name $psitem.Name -Path $psitem.Path -Type $psitem.Type -Value $psitem.$($values.registry)
if($sync.configs.tweaks.$CheckBox.$($values.ScriptType)) {
$sync.configs.tweaks.$CheckBox.$($values.ScriptType) | ForEach-Object {
Write-Debug "$($psitem) and state is $($psitem.$($values.ScriptType))"
$Scriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create($psitem)
Invoke-WinUtilScript -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -Name $CheckBox
if(!$undo) {
if($sync.configs.tweaks.$CheckBox.appx) {
$sync.configs.tweaks.$CheckBox.appx | ForEach-Object {
Write-Debug "UNDO $($psitem.Name)"
Remove-WinUtilAPPX -Name $psitem