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synced 2024-12-31 10:14:26 -06:00
* Add Progress bar to some stuff https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.shell.taskbariteminfo?view=windowsdesktop-8.0 * add function to manage taskbar item changed from manually setting the taskbar overlay, progressvalue and progress state to setting them through a function * add description feature * use Dispatcher.Invoke * restructure, fix, additions * fix merge conflicts * add check to progresses * remove progress from wiget & choco install * fix * polish * fix * Update functions/private/Set-WinUtilTaskbarItem.ps1 Co-authored-by: Mr.k <mineshtine28546271@gmail.com> * fix syntax * Update functions/private/Set-WinUtilTaskbarItem.ps1 Co-authored-by: Mr.k <mineshtine28546271@gmail.com> * rework - add overlay presets - rework image saving & converting - removed popup after uninstalling applications * fix description of function * undo winutil * remove check.png * Update functions/private/Set-WinUtilTaskbarItem.ps1 Co-authored-by: Mr.k <mineshtine28546271@gmail.com> * Update functions/private/Set-WinUtilTaskbarItem.ps1 Co-authored-by: Mr.k <mineshtine28546271@gmail.com> * rework assets directory & its usage * fixes - ability to set no overlay added - added relative path to winutildir * hotfix * last fixes * add comment * remove trailing whitespaces THX to Mr.K :) * renamed checkmark & added warning * last fixes remove bitmap remove unneeded "| out-null" * hotfix for new commit --------- Co-authored-by: Mr.k <mineshtine28546271@gmail.com>
103 lines
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103 lines
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function Install-WinUtilProgramChoco {
Manages the provided programs using Chocolatey
.PARAMETER ProgramsToInstall
A list of programs to manage
The action to perform on the programs, can be either 'Installing' or 'Uninstalling'
The triple quotes are required any time you need a " in a normal script block.
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
[String]$manage = "Installing"
$x = 0
$count = $ProgramsToInstall.Count
# This check isn't really necessary, as there's a couple of checks before this Private Function gets called, but just to make sure ;)
if($count -le 0) {
throw "Private Function 'Install-WinUtilProgramChoco' expected Parameter 'ProgramsToInstall' to be of size 1 or greater, instead got $count,`nPlease double check your code and re-compile WinUtil."
Write-Progress -Activity "$manage Applications" -Status "Starting" -PercentComplete 0
Write-Host "==========================================="
Write-Host "-- Configuring Chocolatey pacakages ---"
Write-Host "==========================================="
Foreach ($Program in $ProgramsToInstall){
Write-Progress -Activity "$manage Applications" -Status "$manage $($Program.choco) $($x + 1) of $count" -PercentComplete $($x/$count*100)
if($manage -eq "Installing"){
write-host "Starting install of $($Program.choco) with Chocolatey."
$tryUpgrade = $false
$installOutputFilePath = "$env:TEMP\Install-WinUtilProgramChoco.install-command.output.txt"
New-Item -ItemType File -Path $installOutputFilePath
$chocoInstallStatus = $(Start-Process -FilePath "choco" -ArgumentList "install $($Program.choco) -y" -Wait -PassThru -RedirectStandardOutput $installOutputFilePath).ExitCode
if(($chocoInstallStatus -eq 0) -AND (Test-Path -Path $installOutputFilePath)) {
$keywordsFound = Get-Content -Path $installOutputFilePath | Where-Object {$_ -match "reinstall" -OR $_ -match "already installed"}
if ($keywordsFound) {
$tryUpgrade = $true
# TODO: Implement the Upgrade part using 'choco upgrade' command, this will make choco consistent with WinGet, as WinGet tries to Upgrade when you use the install command.
if ($tryUpgrade) {
throw "Automatic Upgrade for Choco isn't implemented yet, a feature to make it consistent with WinGet, the install command using choco simply failed because $($Program.choco) is already installed."
if(($chocoInstallStatus -eq 0) -AND ($tryUpgrade -eq $false)){
Write-Host "$($Program.choco) installed successfully using Chocolatey."
$sync.form.Dispatcher.Invoke([action]{ Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -state "Normal" -value ($x/$count) })
} else {
Write-Host "Failed to install $($Program.choco) using Chocolatey, Chocolatey output:`n`n$(Get-Content -Path $installOutputFilePath)."
$sync.form.Dispatcher.Invoke([action]{ Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -state "Error" -value ($x/$count) })
} catch {
Write-Host "Failed to install $($Program.choco) due to an error: $_"
$sync.form.Dispatcher.Invoke([action]{ Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -state "Error" -value ($x/$count) })
if($manage -eq "Uninstalling"){
write-host "Starting uninstall of $($Program.choco) with Chocolatey."
$uninstallOutputFilePath = "$env:TEMP\Install-WinUtilProgramChoco.uninstall-command.output.txt"
New-Item -ItemType File -Path $uninstallOutputFilePath
$chocoUninstallStatus = $(Start-Process -FilePath "choco" -ArgumentList "uninstall $($Program.choco) -y" -Wait -PassThru).ExitCode
if($chocoUninstallStatus -eq 0){
Write-Host "$($Program.choco) uninstalled successfully using Chocolatey."
$sync.form.Dispatcher.Invoke([action]{ Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -state "Normal" -value ($x/$count) })
} else {
Write-Host "Failed to uninstall $($Program.choco) using Chocolatey, Chocolatey output:`n`n$(Get-Content -Path $uninstallOutputFilePath)."
$sync.form.Dispatcher.Invoke([action]{ Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -state "Error" -value ($x/$count) })
} catch {
Write-Host "Failed to uninstall $($Program.choco) due to an error: $_"
$sync.form.Dispatcher.Invoke([action]{ Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -state "Error" -value ($x/$count) })
Write-Progress -Activity "$manage Applications" -Status "Finished" -Completed
# Cleanup leftovers files
if(Test-Path -Path $installOutputFilePath){ Remove-Item -Path $installOutputFilePath }
if(Test-Path -Path $uninstallOutputFilePath){ Remove-Item -Path $uninstallOutputFilePath }