Mr.k 14d6d07dc7
Fixing an issue related to winget install & Improving winget uninstall command (#1662)
* Add the argument '--accept-source-agreements' to the Uninstall command of Winget

Added '--accept-source-agreements' to insure that the Package Uninstall process is completely unattended.

* Improve the Wording of the 'WPFInstall' function and 'inputXML.xaml' file
2024-03-21 16:00:07 -07:00

45 lines
1.3 KiB

Function Install-WinUtilProgramWinget {
Manages the provided programs using Winget
.PARAMETER ProgramsToInstall
A list of programs to manage
The action to perform on the programs, can be either 'Installing' or 'Uninstalling'
The triple quotes are required any time you need a " in a normal script block.
$manage = "Installing"
$x = 0
$count = $($ProgramsToInstall -split ",").Count
Write-Progress -Activity "$manage Applications" -Status "Starting" -PercentComplete 0
Foreach ($Program in $($ProgramsToInstall -split ",")){
Write-Progress -Activity "$manage Applications" -Status "$manage $Program $($x + 1) of $count" -PercentComplete $($x/$count*100)
if($manage -eq "Installing"){
Start-Process -FilePath winget -ArgumentList "install -e --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements --scope=machine --silent $Program" -NoNewWindow -Wait
if($manage -eq "Uninstalling"){
Start-Process -FilePath winget -ArgumentList "uninstall -e --accept-source-agreements --purge --force --silent $Program" -NoNewWindow -Wait
Write-Progress -Activity "$manage Applications" -Status "Finished" -Completed