
79 lines
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Function Invoke-WPFUltimatePerformance {
Creates or removes the Ultimate Performance power scheme
Indicates whether to enable or disable the Ultimate Performance power scheme
if($state -eq "Enabled"){
# Define the name and GUID of the power scheme
$powerSchemeName = "Ultimate Performance"
$powerSchemeGuid = "e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61"
# Get all power schemes
$schemes = powercfg /list | Out-String -Stream
# Check if the power scheme already exists
$ultimateScheme = $schemes | Where-Object { $_ -match $powerSchemeName }
if ($null -eq $ultimateScheme) {
Write-Host "Power scheme '$powerSchemeName' not found. Adding..."
# Add the power scheme
powercfg /duplicatescheme $powerSchemeGuid
powercfg -attributes SUB_SLEEP 7bc4a2f9-d8fc-4469-b07b-33eb785aaca0 -ATTRIB_HIDE
powercfg -setactive $powerSchemeGuid
powercfg -change -monitor-timeout-ac 0
Write-Host "Power scheme added successfully."
else {
Write-Host "Power scheme '$powerSchemeName' already exists."
elseif($state -eq "Disabled"){
# Define the name of the power scheme
$powerSchemeName = "Ultimate Performance"
# Get all power schemes
$schemes = powercfg /list | Out-String -Stream
# Find the scheme to be removed
$ultimateScheme = $schemes | Where-Object { $_ -match $powerSchemeName }
# If the scheme exists, remove it
if ($null -ne $ultimateScheme) {
# Extract the GUID of the power scheme
$guid = ($ultimateScheme -split '\s+')[3]
if($null -ne $guid){
Write-Host "Found power scheme '$powerSchemeName' with GUID $guid. Removing..."
# Remove the power scheme
powercfg /delete $guid
Write-Host "Power scheme removed successfully."
else {
Write-Host "Could not find GUID for power scheme '$powerSchemeName'."
else {
Write-Host "Power scheme '$powerSchemeName' not found."
Write-Warning $psitem.Exception.Message