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synced 2024-12-31 18:24:27 -06:00
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function Show-OnlyCheckedApps {
Toggle between showing only the actively selected apps on the Install Tab and hiding everything else and displaying every app.
If no apps are selected, dont do anything
Expects a List of appKeys that are selected at the moment
If not provided, or empty, the function exits without any visual change to the ui
Show-OnlyCheckedApps -appKeys $sync.SelectedApps
Show-OnlyCheckedApps -appKeys ("WPFInstallChrome", "WPFInstall7zip")
param (
# If no apps are selected, do not allow switching to show only selected
if (($false -eq $sync.ShowOnlySelected) -and ($appKeys.Length -eq 0)) {
Write-Host "No apps selected"
$sync.wpfselectedfilter.IsChecked = $false
$sync.ShowOnlySelected = -not $sync.ShowOnlySelected
if ($sync.ShowOnlySelected) {
$sync.Buttons | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "ShowSelectedAppsButton"} | ForEach-Object {
$_.Content = "Show All"
$sync.ItemsControl.Items | Foreach-Object {
# Search for App Container and set them to visible
if ($_.Tag -like "CategoryWrapPanel_*") {
$_.Visibility = [Windows.Visibility]::Visible
# Iterate through all the apps in the container and set them to visible if they are in the appKeys array
$_.Children | ForEach-Object {
if ($appKeys -contains $_.Tag) {
$_.Visibility = [Windows.Visibility]::Visible
else {
$_.Visibility = [Windows.Visibility]::Collapsed
else {
# Set all other items to collapsed
$_.Visibility = [Windows.Visibility]::Collapsed
} else {
$sync.Buttons | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "ShowSelectedAppsButton"} | ForEach-Object {
$_.Content = "Show Selected"
Set-CategoryVisibility -Category "*"