2024-05-11 21:02:10 +00:00

111 lines
11 KiB

<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<Border Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0">
<StackPanel Background="{MainBackgroundColor}" SnapsToDevicePixels="True">
<Label Content="Essential Tweaks" FontSize="16"/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksRestorePoint" Content="Create Restore Point" IsChecked="True" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Creates a restore point at runtime in case a revert is needed from WinUtil modifications"/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksEndTaskOnTaskbar" Content="Enable End Task With Right Click" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Enables option to end task when right clicking a program in the taskbar"/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksOO" Content="Run OO Shutup" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Runs OO Shutup and applies the recommended Tweaks."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksTele" Content="Disable Telemetry" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Disables Microsoft Telemetry. Note: This will lock many Edge Browser settings. Microsoft spies heavily on you when using the Edge browser."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksWifi" Content="Disable Wifi-Sense" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Wifi Sense is a spying service that phones home all nearby scanned wifi networks and your current geo location."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksAH" Content="Disable Activity History" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="This erases recent docs, clipboard, and run history."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksDeleteTempFiles" Content="Delete Temporary Files" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Erases TEMP Folders"/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksDiskCleanup" Content="Run Disk Cleanup" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Runs Disk Cleanup on Drive C: and removes old Windows Updates."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksLoc" Content="Disable Location Tracking" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Disables Location Tracking...DUH!"/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksDebloatAdobe" Content="Debloat Adobe" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Manages Adobe Services, Adobe Desktop Service, and Acrobat Updates"/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksBlockAdobeNet" Content="Block Adobe Networking" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Reduce user interruptions by selectively blocking connections to Adobe&#39;s activation and telemetry servers. "/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksStorage" Content="Disable Storage Sense" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Storage Sense deletes temp files automatically."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksHome" Content="Disable Homegroup" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Disables HomeGroup - HomeGroup is a password-protected home networking service that lets you share your stuff with other PCs that are currently running and connected to your network."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksDVR" Content="Disable GameDVR" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="GameDVR is a Windows App that is a dependency for some Store Games. I&#39;ve never met someone that likes it, but it&#39;s there for the XBOX crowd."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksHiber" Content="Disable Hibernation" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Hibernation is really meant for laptops as it saves what&#39;s in memory before turning the pc off. It really should never be used, but some people are lazy and rely on it. Don&#39;t be like Bob. Bob likes hibernation."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksTeredo" Content="Disable Teredo" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Teredo network tunneling is a ipv6 feature that can cause additional latency."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksServices" Content="Set Services to Manual" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Turns a bunch of system services to manual that don&#39;t need to be running all the time. This is pretty harmless as if the service is needed, it will simply start on demand."/>
<Label Content="Advanced Tweaks - CAUTION" FontSize="16"/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksDisplay" Content="Set Display for Performance" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Sets the system preferences to performance. You can do this manually with sysdm.cpl as well."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksUTC" Content="Set Time to UTC (Dual Boot)" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Essential for computers that are dual booting. Fixes the time sync with Linux Systems."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksDisableNotifications" Content="Disable Notification Tray/Calendar" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Disables all Notifications INCLUDING Calendar"/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksDeBloat" Content="Remove ALL MS Store Apps - NOT RECOMMENDED" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="USE WITH CAUTION!!!!! This will remove ALL Microsoft store apps other than the essentials to make winget work. Games installed by MS Store ARE INCLUDED!"/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksRemoveCopilot" Content="Disables Microsoft Copilot" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Disables MS Copilot AI built into Windows since 23H2."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksRemoveEdge" Content="Remove Microsoft Edge - NOT RECOMMENDED" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Removes MS Edge when it gets reinstalled by updates."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksRemoveOnedrive" Content="Remove OneDrive" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Copies OneDrive files to Default Home Folders and Uninstalls it."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksRightClickMenu" Content="Set Classic Right-Click Menu " Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Great Windows 11 tweak to bring back good context menus when right clicking things in explorer."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksEnableipsix" Content="Enable IPv6" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Enables IPv6."/>
<CheckBox Name="WPFTweaksDisableipsix" Content="Disable IPv6" Margin="5,0" ToolTip="Disables IPv6."/>
<Button Name="WPFOOSUbutton" Content="Customize OO Shutup Tweaks" HorizontalAlignment = "Left" Width="220" Margin="5" Padding="20,5" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,5,0,0">
<Label Content="DNS" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<ComboBox Name="WPFchangedns" Height="32" Width="186" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="5,5">
<ComboBoxItem IsSelected="True" Content="Default"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="DHCP"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="Google"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="Cloudflare"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="Cloudflare_Malware"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="Cloudflare_Malware_Adult"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="Level3"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="Open_DNS"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="Quad9"/>
</StackPanel><Button Name="WPFTweaksbutton" Content="Run Tweaks" HorizontalAlignment = "Left" Width="160" Margin="5" Padding="20,5" />
<Button Name="WPFUndoall" Content="Undo Selected Tweaks" HorizontalAlignment = "Left" Width="160" Margin="5" Padding="20,5" />
<Border Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1">
<StackPanel Background="{MainBackgroundColor}" SnapsToDevicePixels="True">
<Label Content="Customize Preferences" FontSize="16"/>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleDarkMode" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<Label Content="Dark Theme" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="Enable/Disable Dark Mode." />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleBingSearch" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<Label Content="Bing Search in Start Menu" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="If enable then includes web search results from Bing in your Start Menu search." />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleNumLock" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<Label Content="NumLock on Startup" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="Toggle the Num Lock key state when your computer starts." />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleVerboseLogon" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<Label Content="Verbose Logon Messages" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="Show detailed messages during the login process for troubleshooting and diagnostics." />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleShowExt" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<Label Content="Show File Extensions" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="If enabled then File extensions (e.g., .txt, .jpg) are visible." />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleSnapWindow" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<Label Content="Snap Window" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="If enabled you can align windows by dragging them. | Relogin Required" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleSnapFlyout" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<Label Content="Snap Assist Flyout" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="If enabled then Snap preview is disabled when maximize button is hovered." />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleSnapSuggestion" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<Label Content="Snap Assist Suggestion" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="If enabled then you will get suggestions to snap other applications in the left over spaces." />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleMouseAcceleration" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<Label Content="Mouse Acceleration" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="If Enabled then Cursor movement is affected by the speed of your physical mouse movements." />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleTaskbarWidgets" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<Label Content="Taskbar Widgets" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="If Enabled then Widgets Icon in Taskbar will be shown." />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<CheckBox Name="WPFToggleStickyKeys" Style="{StaticResource ColorfulToggleSwitchStyle}" Margin="2.5,0"/>
<Label Content="Sticky Keys" Style="{StaticResource labelfortweaks}" ToolTip="If Enabled then Sticky Keys is activated - Sticky keys is an accessibility feature of some graphical user interfaces which assists users who have physical disabilities or help users reduce repetitive strain injury." />
<Label Content="Performance Plans" FontSize="16"/>
<Button Name="WPFAddUltPerf" Content="Add and Activate Ultimate Performance Profile" HorizontalAlignment = "Left" Width="300" Margin="5" Padding="20,5" />
<Button Name="WPFRemoveUltPerf" Content="Remove Ultimate Performance Profile" HorizontalAlignment = "Left" Width="300" Margin="5" Padding="20,5" />
<Label Content="Shortcuts" FontSize="16"/>
<Button Name="WPFWinUtilShortcut" Content="Create WinUtil Shortcut" HorizontalAlignment = "Left" Width="300" Margin="5" Padding="20,5" />