function Install-WinUtilProgramChoco { <# .SYNOPSIS Manages the provided programs using Chocolatey .PARAMETER ProgramsToInstall A list of programs to manage .PARAMETER manage The action to perform on the programs, can be either 'Installing' or 'Uninstalling' .NOTES The triple quotes are required any time you need a " in a normal script block. #> param( $ProgramsToInstall, $manage = "Installing" ) $x = 0 $count = $ProgramsToInstall.Count Write-Progress -Activity "$manage Applications" -Status "Starting" -PercentComplete 0 Write-Host "===========================================" Write-Host "-- insstalling Chocolatey pacakages ---" Write-Host "===========================================" Foreach ($Program in $ProgramsToInstall){ Write-Progress -Activity "$manage Applications" -Status "$manage $($Program.choco) $($x + 1) of $count" -PercentComplete $($x/$count*100) if($manage -eq "Installing"){ write-host "Starting install of $($Program.choco) with Chocolatey." try{ $chocoStatus = $(Start-Process -FilePath "choco" -ArgumentList "install $($Program.choco) -y" -Wait -PassThru).ExitCode if($chocoStatus -eq 0){ Write-Host "$($Program.choco) installed successfully using Chocolatey." continue } else { Write-Host "Failed to install $($Program.choco) using Chocolatey." } Write-Host "Failed to install $($Program.choco)." } catch { Write-Host "Failed to install $($Program.choco) due to an error: $_" } } if($manage -eq "Uninstalling"){ throw "not yet implemented"; } $X++ } Write-Progress -Activity "$manage Applications" -Status "Finished" -Completed return; }