function Get-LocalizedYesNo { <# .SYNOPSIS This function runs choice.exe and captures its output to extract yes no in a localized Windows .DESCRIPTION The function retrieves the output of the command 'cmd /c "choice nul"' and converts the default output for Yes and No in the localized format, such as "Yes=, No=". .EXAMPLE $yesNoArray = Get-LocalizedYesNo Write-Host "Yes=$($yesNoArray[0]), No=$($yesNoArray[1])" #> # Run choice and capture its options as output # The output shows the options for Yes and No as "[Y,N]?" in the (partitially) localized format. # eg. English: [Y,N]? # Dutch: [Y,N]? # German: [J,N]? # French: [O,N]? # Spanish: [S,N]? # Italian: [S,N]? # Russian: [Y,N]? $line = cmd /c "choice nul" $charactersArray = @() $regexPattern = '([a-zA-Z])' $charactersArray = [regex]::Matches($line, $regexPattern) | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[1].Value } Write-Debug "According to takeown.exe local Yes is $charactersArray[0]" # Return the array of characters return $charactersArray }