function Invoke-WPFInstallUpgrade { <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes the function that upgrades all installed programs using winget #> switch ($sync.DownloadEngine){ "Chocolatey"{ Install-WinUtilChoco $chocoUpgradeStatus = (Start-Process "choco" -ArgumentList "upgrade all -y" -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow).ExitCode if ($chocoUpgradeStatus -eq 0){ Write-Host "Upgrade Successful" } else{ Write-Host "Error Occured. Return Code: $chocoUpgradeStatus" } } default{ if((Test-WinUtilPackageManager -winget) -eq "not-installed") { return } if(Get-WinUtilInstallerProcess -Process $global:WinGetInstall) { $msg = "[Invoke-WPFInstallUpgrade] Install process is currently running. Please check for a powershell window labeled 'Winget Install'" [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($msg, "Winutil", [System.Windows.MessageBoxButton]::OK, [System.Windows.MessageBoxImage]::Warning) return } # Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -state "Indeterminate" Update-WinUtilProgramWinget Write-Host "===========================================" Write-Host "-- Updates started ---" Write-Host "-- You can close this window if desired ---" Write-Host "===========================================" } } }