{ "SortbyCategory": { "Content": "Category", "Category": "___Sort by", "Type": "RadioButton", "GroupName": "SortAppsByGroup", "Checked": true, "Order": "1", "Description": "" }, "SortbyAlphabet": { "Content": "Alphabetical Order", "Category": "___Sort by", "Type": "RadioButton", "GroupName": "SortAppsByGroup", "Checked": false, "Order": "2", "Description": "" }, "WingetRadioButton": { "Content": "Winget", "Category": "__Package Manager", "Type": "RadioButton", "GroupName": "PackageManagerGroup", "Checked": true, "Order": "1", "Description": "Use Winget for package management" }, "ChocoRadioButton": { "Content": "Chocolatey", "Category": "__Package Manager", "Type": "RadioButton", "GroupName": "PackageManagerGroup", "Checked": false, "Order": "2", "Description": "Use Chocolatey for package management" }, "autofallback": { "Content": "Auto Fallback", "Category": "__Package Manager", "Checked": true, "Order": "3", "Description": "If the selected package manager fails, automatically switch to the other one" }, "DefaultScope": { "Content": "Default", "Category": "_Installation Scope", "Type": "RadioButton", "GroupName": "InstallationScopeGroup", "Checked": true, "Order": "1", "Description": "Use the default scope of the application" }, "UserScope": { "Content": "User", "Category": "_Installation Scope", "Type": "RadioButton", "GroupName": "InstallationScopeGroup", "Checked": false, "Order": "2", "Description": "If possible, install the application only for the current user" }, "GlobalMachineScope": { "Content": "Global (Machine)", "Category": "_Installation Scope", "Type": "RadioButton", "GroupName": "InstallationScopeGroup", "Checked": false, "Order": "3", "Description": "If possible, install the application globally for all users" } }