function Invoke-WinUtilFeatureInstall { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts all the values from the tweaks.json and routes them to the appropriate function #> param( $CheckBox ) $sync["Form"].taskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = "Normal" $sync["Form"].taskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 1 # Get amount of affected features & scripts $CheckBox | ForEach-Object { if($sync.configs.feature.$psitem.feature){ Foreach( $feature in $sync.configs.feature.$psitem.feature ){ Try{ Write-Host "Installing $feature" Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $feature -All -NoRestart } Catch{ if ($psitem.Exception.Message -like "*requires elevation*"){ Write-Warning "Unable to Install $feature due to permissions. Are you running as admin?" } else{ $sync["Form"].taskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = "Error" Write-Warning "Unable to Install $feature due to unhandled exception" Write-Warning $psitem.Exception.StackTrace } } } } if($sync.configs.feature.$psitem.InvokeScript){ Foreach( $script in $sync.configs.feature.$psitem.InvokeScript ){ Try{ $Scriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create($script) Write-Host "Running Script for $psitem" Invoke-Command $scriptblock -ErrorAction stop } Catch{ if ($psitem.Exception.Message -like "*requires elevation*"){ Write-Warning "Unable to Install $feature due to permissions. Are you running as admin?" } else{ $sync["Form"].taskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = "Error" Write-Warning "Unable to Install $feature due to unhandled exception" Write-Warning $psitem.Exception.StackTrace } } } } } if ($sync["Form"].taskbarItemInfo.ProgressState -ne "Error"){ $sync["Form"].taskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = "None" } }