function Invoke-WinUtilUninstallPSProfile { <# .SYNOPSIS # Uninstalls the CTT PowerShell profile then restores the original profile. #> Invoke-WPFRunspace -ArgumentList $PROFILE -DebugPreference $DebugPreference -ScriptBlock { # Remap the automatic built-in $PROFILE variable to the parameter named $PSProfile. param ($PSProfile) # Helper function used to uninstall a specific Nerd Fonts font package. function Uninstall-NerdFonts { # Define the parameters block for the Uninstall-NerdFonts function. param ( [string]$FontsPath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts", [string]$FontFamilyName = "CaskaydiaCoveNerdFont" ) # Get the list of installed fonts as specified by the FontFamilyName parameter. $Fonts = Get-ChildItem $FontsPath -Recurse -Filter "*.ttf" | Where-Object { $_.Name -match $FontFamilyName } # Check if the specified fonts are currently installed on the system. if ($Fonts) { # Let the user know that the Nerd Fonts are currently being uninstalled. Write-Host "===> Uninstalling: Nerd Fonts... <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Loop over the font files and remove each installed font file one-by-one. $Fonts | ForEach-Object { # Check if the font file exists on the disk before attempting to remove it. if (Test-Path "$($_.FullName)") { # Remove the found font files from the disk; uninstalling the font. Remove-Item "$($_.FullName)" } } } # Let the user know that the Nerd Fonts package has been uninstalled from the system. if (-not $Fonts) { Write-Host "===> Successfully Uninstalled: Nerd Fonts. <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } # Check if Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile is currently available in the PowerShell profile folder. if (Test-Path $PSProfile -PathType Leaf) { # Set the GitHub repo path used for looking up the name of Chris Titus Tech's powershell-profile repo. $GitHubRepoPath = "ChrisTitusTech/powershell-profile" # Get the unique identifier used to test for the presence of Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile. $PSProfileIdentifier = (Invoke-RestMethod "$GitHubRepoPath").full_name # Check if Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile is currently installed in the PowerShell profile folder. if ((Get-Content $PSProfile) -match $PSProfileIdentifier) { # Attempt to uninstall Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile from the PowerShell profile folder. try { # Get the content of the backup PowerShell profile and store it in-memory. $PSProfileContent = Get-Content "$PSProfile.bak" # Store the flag used to check if OhMyPosh is in use by the backup PowerShell profile. $OhMyPoshInUse = $PSProfileContent -match "oh-my-posh init" # Check if OhMyPosh is not currently in use by the backup PowerShell profile. if (-not $OhMyPoshInUse) { # If OhMyPosh is currently installed attempt to uninstall it from the system. if (Get-Command oh-my-posh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { # Let the user know that OhMyPosh is currently being uninstalled from their system. Write-Host "===> Uninstalling: OhMyPosh... <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Attempt to uninstall OhMyPosh from the system with the WinGet package manager. winget uninstall -e --id JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh } } else { # Let the user know that the uninstallation of OhMyPosh has been skipped because it is in use. Write-Host "===> Skipped Uninstall: OhMyPosh In-Use. <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } catch { # Let the user know that an error was encountered when uninstalling OhMyPosh. Write-Host "Failed to uninstall OhMyPosh. Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } # Attempt to uninstall the specified Nerd Fonts package from the system. try { # Specify the directory that the specified font package will be uninstalled from. [string]$FontsPath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts" # Specify the name of the font package that is to be uninstalled from the system. [string]$FontFamilyName = "CaskaydiaCoveNerdFont" # Call the function used to uninstall the specified Nerd Fonts package from the system. Uninstall-NerdFonts -FontsPath $FontsPath -FontFamilyName $FontFamilyName } catch { # Let the user know that an error was encountered when uninstalling Nerd Fonts. Write-Host "Failed to uninstall Nerd Fonts. Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } # Attempt to uninstall the Terminal-Icons PowerShell module from the system. try { # Get the content of the backup PowerShell profile and store it in-memory. $PSProfileContent = Get-Content "$PSProfile.bak" # Store the flag used to check if Terminal-Icons is in use by the backup PowerShell profile. $TerminalIconsInUse = $PSProfileContent -match "Import-Module" -and $PSProfileContent -match "Terminal-Icons" # Check if Terminal-Icons is not currently in use by the backup PowerShell profile. if (-not $TerminalIconsInUse) { # If Terminal-Icons is currently installed attempt to uninstall it from the system. if (Get-Module -ListAvailable Terminal-Icons) { # Let the user know that Terminal-Icons is currently being uninstalled from their system. Write-Host "===> Uninstalling: Terminal-Icons... <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Attempt to uninstall Terminal-Icons from the system with Uninstall-Module. Uninstall-Module -Name Terminal-Icons } } else { # Let the user know that the uninstallation of Terminal-Icons has been skipped because it is in use. Write-Host "===> Skipped Uninstall: Terminal-Icons In-Use. <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } catch { # Let the user know that an error was encountered when uninstalling Terminal-Icons. Write-Host "Failed to uninstall Terminal-Icons. Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } # Attempt to uninstall the Zoxide application from the system. try { # Get the content of the backup PowerShell profile and store it in-memory. $PSProfileContent = Get-Content "$PSProfile.bak" # Store the flag used to check if Zoxide is in use by the backup PowerShell profile. $ZoxideInUse = $PSProfileContent -match "zoxide init" # Check if Zoxide is not currently in use by the backup PowerShell profile. if (-not $ZoxideInUse) { # If Zoxide is currently installed attempt to uninstall it from the system. if (Get-Command zoxide -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { # Let the user know that Zoxide is currently being uninstalled from their system. Write-Host "===> Uninstalling: Zoxide... <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Attempt to uninstall Zoxide from the system with the WinGet package manager. winget uninstall -e --id ajeetdsouza.zoxide } } else { # Let the user know that the uninstallation of Zoxide been skipped because it is in use. Write-Host "===> Skipped Uninstall: Zoxide In-Use. <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } catch { # Let the user know that an error was encountered when uninstalling Zoxide. Write-Host "Failed to uninstall Zoxide. Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } # Attempt to uninstall the CTT PowerShell profile from the system. try { # Try and remove the CTT PowerShell Profile file from the disk with Remove-Item. Remove-Item $PSProfile # Let the user know that the CTT PowerShell profile has been uninstalled from the system. Write-Host "Profile has been uninstalled. Please restart your shell to reflect the changes!" -ForegroundColor Magenta } catch { # Let the user know that an error was encountered when uninstalling the profile. Write-Host "Failed to uninstall profile. Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } # Attempt to move the user's original PowerShell profile backup back to its original location. try { # Check if the backup PowerShell profile exists before attempting to restore the backup. if (Test-Path "$PSProfile.bak") { # Restore the backup PowerShell profile and move it to its original location. Move-Item "$PSProfile.bak" $PSProfile # Let the user know that their PowerShell profile backup has been successfully restored. Write-Host "===> Restored Profile Backup. <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } catch { # Let the user know that an error was encountered when restoring the profile backup. Write-Host "Failed to restore profile backup. Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } # Silently cleanup the oldprofile.ps1 file that was created when the CTT PowerShell profile was installed. Remove-Item "$env:USERPROFILE\oldprofile.ps1" | Out-Null # Silently cleanup the $PSProfile.hash file that was created when the CTT PowerShell profile was installed. Remove-Item "$PSProfile.hash" | Out-Null } else { # Let the user know that the CTT PowerShell profile is not installed and that the uninstallation was skipped. Write-Host "===> Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell Profile Not Found. Skipped Uninstallation. <===" -ForegroundColor Magenta } } else { # Let the user know that no PowerShell profile was found and that the uninstallation was skipped. Write-Host "===> No PowerShell Profile Found. Skipped Uninstallation. <===" -ForegroundColor Magenta } } }