# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Set the maximum number of threads for the RunspacePool to the number of threads on the machine $maxthreads = [int]$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS # Create a new session state for parsing variables into our runspace $hashVars = New-object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList 'sync',$sync,$Null $InitialSessionState = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault() # Add the variable to the session state $InitialSessionState.Variables.Add($hashVars) # Get every private function and add them to the session state $functions = (Get-ChildItem function:\).where{$_.name -like "*winutil*" -or $_.name -like "*WPF*"} foreach ($function in $functions) { $functionDefinition = Get-Content function:\$($function.name) $functionEntry = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateFunctionEntry -ArgumentList $($function.name), $functionDefinition $initialSessionState.Commands.Add($functionEntry) } # Create the runspace pool $sync.runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool( 1, # Minimum thread count $maxthreads, # Maximum thread count $InitialSessionState, # Initial session state $Host # Machine to create runspaces on ) # Open the RunspacePool instance $sync.runspace.Open() # Create classes for different exceptions class WingetFailedInstall : Exception { [string]$additionalData WingetFailedInstall($Message) : base($Message) {} } class ChocoFailedInstall : Exception { [string]$additionalData ChocoFailedInstall($Message) : base($Message) {} } class GenericException : Exception { [string]$additionalData GenericException($Message) : base($Message) {} } $inputXML = $inputXML -replace 'mc:Ignorable="d"', '' -replace "x:N", 'N' -replace '^ [char]0xF08C if (($msg -eq 0x001A) -and $sync.ThemeButton.Content -eq [char]0xF08C) { $currentTime = [datetime]::Now if ($currentTime - $lastThemeChangeTime -gt $debounceInterval) { Invoke-WinutilThemeChange -theme "Auto" $script:lastThemeChangeTime = $currentTime $handled = $true } } return 0 }) }) Invoke-WinutilThemeChange -init $true # Load the configuration files $noimage = "https://images.emojiterra.com/google/noto-emoji/unicode-15/color/512px/1f4e6.png" $noimage = [Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage]::new([Uri]::new($noimage)) $sync.configs.applicationsHashtable = @{} $sync.configs.applications.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $sync.configs.applicationsHashtable[$_.Name] = $_.Value } # Now call the function with the final merged config Invoke-WPFUIElements -configVariable $sync.configs.appnavigation -targetGridName "appscategory" -columncount 1 # Add logic to handle click to the ToggleView Button on the Install Tab $sync.WPFToggleView.Add_Click({ $sync.CompactView = -not $sync.CompactView Update-AppTileProperties if ($sync.SearchBar.Text -eq "") { Set-CategoryVisibility -Category "*" } }) Invoke-WPFUIApps -Apps $sync.configs.applicationsHashtable -targetGridName "appspanel" Invoke-WPFUIElements -configVariable $sync.configs.tweaks -targetGridName "tweakspanel" -columncount 2 Invoke-WPFUIElements -configVariable $sync.configs.feature -targetGridName "featurespanel" -columncount 2 #=========================================================================== # Store Form Objects In PowerShell #=========================================================================== $xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | ForEach-Object {$sync["$("$($psitem.Name)")"] = $sync["Form"].FindName($psitem.Name)} #Persist the Chocolatey preference across winutil restarts $ChocoPreferencePath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\winutil\preferChocolatey.ini" $sync.ChocoRadioButton.Add_Checked({New-Item -Path $ChocoPreferencePath -Force }) $sync.ChocoRadioButton.Add_Unchecked({Remove-Item $ChocoPreferencePath -Force}) if (Test-Path $ChocoPreferencePath) { $sync.ChocoRadioButton.IsChecked = $true } $sync.autofallback.IsEnabled = $false $sync.autofallback.Opacity = 0.5 $sync.autofallback.ToolTip = "This feature is currently under development." [System.Windows.Controls.ToolTipService]::SetShowOnDisabled($sync.autofallback, $true) $sync.keys | ForEach-Object { if($sync.$psitem) { if($($sync["$psitem"].GetType() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) -eq "ToggleButton") { $sync["$psitem"].Add_Click({ [System.Object]$Sender = $args[0] Invoke-WPFButton $Sender.name }) } if($($sync["$psitem"].GetType() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) -eq "Button") { $sync["$psitem"].Add_Click({ [System.Object]$Sender = $args[0] Invoke-WPFButton $Sender.name }) } if ($($sync["$psitem"].GetType() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) -eq "TextBlock") { if ($sync["$psitem"].Name.EndsWith("Link")) { $sync["$psitem"].Add_MouseUp({ [System.Object]$Sender = $args[0] Start-Process $Sender.ToolTip -ErrorAction Stop Write-Debug "Opening: $($Sender.ToolTip)" }) } } } } #=========================================================================== # Setup background config #=========================================================================== # Load computer information in the background Invoke-WPFRunspace -ScriptBlock { try { $oldProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $sync.ConfigLoaded = $False $sync.ComputerInfo = Get-ComputerInfo $sync.ConfigLoaded = $True } finally{ $ProgressPreference = "Continue" } } | Out-Null #=========================================================================== # Setup and Show the Form #=========================================================================== # Print the logo Invoke-WPFFormVariables $sync.CompactView = $false $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileWidth = [double]::NaN $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileCompactVisibility = [Windows.Visibility]::Visible $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileFontSize = [double]16 $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileMargins = [Windows.Thickness]5 $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileBorderThickness = [Windows.Thickness]0 function Update-AppTileProperties { if ($sync.CompactView -eq $true) { $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileWidth = [double]::NaN $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileCompactVisibility = [Windows.Visibility]::Collapsed $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileFontSize = [double]12 $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileMargins = [Windows.Thickness]2 $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileBorderThickness = [Windows.Thickness]0 } else { $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileWidth = $sync.ItemsControl.ActualWidth -20 $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileCompactVisibility = [Windows.Visibility]::Visible $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileFontSize = [double]16 $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileMargins = [Windows.Thickness]5 $sync.Form.Resources.AppTileBorderThickness = [Windows.Thickness]1 } } # We need to update the app tile properties when the form is resized because to fill a WrapPanel update the width of the elemenmt manually (afaik) $sync.Form.Add_SizeChanged({ Update-AppTileProperties }) # Progress bar in taskbaritem > Set-WinUtilProgressbar $sync["Form"].TaskbarItemInfo = New-Object System.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -state "None" # Set the titlebar $sync["Form"].title = $sync["Form"].title + " " + $sync.version # Set the commands that will run when the form is closed $sync["Form"].Add_Closing({ $sync.runspace.Dispose() $sync.runspace.Close() [System.GC]::Collect() }) # Attach the event handler to the Click event $sync.SearchBarClearButton.Add_Click({ $sync.SearchBar.Text = "" $sync.SearchBarClearButton.Visibility = "Collapsed" }) # add some shortcuts for people that don't like clicking $commonKeyEvents = { if ($sync.ProcessRunning -eq $true) { return } if ($_.Key -eq "Escape") { $sync.SearchBar.SelectAll() $sync.SearchBar.Text = "" $sync.SearchBarClearButton.Visibility = "Collapsed" return } # don't ask, I know what I'm doing, just go... if (($_.Key -eq "Q" -and $_.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers -eq "Ctrl")) { $this.Close() } if ($_.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers -eq "Alt") { if ($_.SystemKey -eq "I") { Invoke-WPFButton "WPFTab1BT" } if ($_.SystemKey -eq "T") { Invoke-WPFButton "WPFTab2BT" } if ($_.SystemKey -eq "C") { Invoke-WPFButton "WPFTab3BT" } if ($_.SystemKey -eq "U") { Invoke-WPFButton "WPFTab4BT" } if ($_.SystemKey -eq "M") { Invoke-WPFButton "WPFTab5BT" } if ($_.SystemKey -eq "P") { Write-Host "Your Windows Product Key: $((Get-WmiObject -query 'select * from SoftwareLicensingService').OA3xOriginalProductKey)" } } # shortcut for the filter box if ($_.Key -eq "F" -and $_.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers -eq "Ctrl") { if ($sync.SearchBar.Text -eq "Ctrl-F to filter") { $sync.SearchBar.SelectAll() $sync.SearchBar.Text = "" } $sync.SearchBar.Focus() } } $sync["Form"].Add_PreViewKeyDown($commonKeyEvents) $sync["Form"].Add_MouseLeftButtonDown({ # Hide Settings and Theme Popup on click anywhere else if ($sync.SettingsButton.IsOpen -or $sync.ThemePopup.IsOpen) { $sync.SettingsPopup.IsOpen = $false $sync.ThemePopup.IsOpen = $false } $sync["Form"].DragMove() }) $sync["Form"].Add_MouseDoubleClick({ if ($_.OriginalSource -is [System.Windows.Controls.Grid] -or $_.OriginalSource -is [System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel]) { if ($sync["Form"].WindowState -eq [Windows.WindowState]::Normal) { $sync["Form"].WindowState = [Windows.WindowState]::Maximized } else{ $sync["Form"].WindowState = [Windows.WindowState]::Normal } } }) $sync["Form"].Add_Deactivated({ Write-Debug "WinUtil lost focus" # Hide Settings and Theme Popup on Winutil Focus Loss if ($sync.SettingsButton.IsOpen -or $sync.ThemePopup.IsOpen) { $sync.SettingsPopup.IsOpen = $false $sync.ThemePopup.IsOpen = $false } }) $sync["Form"].Add_ContentRendered({ try { [void][Window] } catch { Add-Type @" using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class Window { [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam); [DllImport("user32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, out RECT lpRect); [DllImport("user32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool MoveWindow(IntPtr handle, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool redraw); [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern int GetSystemMetrics(int nIndex); }; public struct RECT { public int Left; // x position of upper-left corner public int Top; // y position of upper-left corner public int Right; // x position of lower-right corner public int Bottom; // y position of lower-right corner } "@ } foreach ($proc in (Get-Process).where{ $_.MainWindowTitle -and $_.MainWindowTitle -like "*titus*" }) { # Check if the process's MainWindowHandle is valid if ($proc.MainWindowHandle -ne [System.IntPtr]::Zero) { Write-Debug "MainWindowHandle: $($proc.Id) $($proc.MainWindowTitle) $($proc.MainWindowHandle)" $windowHandle = $proc.MainWindowHandle } else { Write-Warning "Process found, but no MainWindowHandle: $($proc.Id) $($proc.MainWindowTitle)" } } $rect = New-Object RECT [Window]::GetWindowRect($windowHandle, [ref]$rect) $width = $rect.Right - $rect.Left $height = $rect.Bottom - $rect.Top Write-Debug "UpperLeft:$($rect.Left),$($rect.Top) LowerBottom:$($rect.Right),$($rect.Bottom). Width:$($width) Height:$($height)" # Load the Windows Forms assembly Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms $primaryScreen = [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen # Check if the primary screen is found if ($primaryScreen) { # Extract screen width and height for the primary monitor $screenWidth = $primaryScreen.Bounds.Width $screenHeight = $primaryScreen.Bounds.Height # Print the screen size Write-Debug "Primary Monitor Width: $screenWidth pixels" Write-Debug "Primary Monitor Height: $screenHeight pixels" # Compare with the primary monitor size if ($width -gt $screenWidth -or $height -gt $screenHeight) { Write-Debug "The specified width and/or height is greater than the primary monitor size." [void][Window]::MoveWindow($windowHandle, 0, 0, $screenWidth, $screenHeight, $True) } else { Write-Debug "The specified width and height are within the primary monitor size limits." } } else { Write-Debug "Unable to retrieve information about the primary monitor." } Invoke-WPFTab "WPFTab1BT" $sync["Form"].Focus() # maybe this is not the best place to load and execute config file? # maybe community can help? if ($PARAM_CONFIG) { Invoke-WPFImpex -type "import" -Config $PARAM_CONFIG if ($PARAM_RUN) { while ($sync.ProcessRunning) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Write-Host "Applying tweaks..." Invoke-WPFtweaksbutton while ($sync.ProcessRunning) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Write-Host "Installing features..." Invoke-WPFFeatureInstall while ($sync.ProcessRunning) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Write-Host "Installing applications..." while ($sync.ProcessRunning) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Invoke-WPFInstall Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Write-Host "Done." } } }) # Add event handlers for the RadioButtons $sync["ISOdownloader"].add_Checked({ $sync["ISORelease"].Visibility = [System.Windows.Visibility]::Visible $sync["ISOLanguage"].Visibility = [System.Windows.Visibility]::Visible }) $sync["ISOmanual"].add_Checked({ $sync["ISORelease"].Visibility = [System.Windows.Visibility]::Collapsed $sync["ISOLanguage"].Visibility = [System.Windows.Visibility]::Collapsed }) $sync["ISORelease"].Items.Add("24H2") | Out-Null $sync["ISORelease"].SelectedItem = "24H2" $sync["ISOLanguage"].Items.Add("System Language ($(Get-FidoLangFromCulture -langName $((Get-Culture).Name)))") | Out-Null if ($currentCulture -ne "English International") { $sync["ISOLanguage"].Items.Add("English International") | Out-Null } if ($currentCulture -ne "English") { $sync["ISOLanguage"].Items.Add("English") | Out-Null } if ($sync["ISOLanguage"].Items.Count -eq 1) { $sync["ISOLanguage"].IsEnabled = $false } $sync["ISOLanguage"].SelectedIndex = 0 $sync["SearchBar"].Add_TextChanged({ if ($sync.SearchBar.Text -ne "") { $sync.SearchBarClearButton.Visibility = "Visible" } else { $sync.SearchBarClearButton.Visibility = "Collapsed" } switch ($sync.currentTab) { "Install" { Find-AppsByNameOrDescription -SearchString $sync.SearchBar.Text } } }) $sync["Form"].Add_Loaded({ param($e) $sync.Form.MinWidth = "1000" $sync["Form"].MaxWidth = [Double]::PositiveInfinity $sync["Form"].MaxHeight = [Double]::PositiveInfinity }) $NavLogoPanel = $sync["Form"].FindName("NavLogoPanel") $NavLogoPanel.Children.Add((Invoke-WinUtilAssets -Type "logo" -Size 25)) | Out-Null # Initialize the hashtable $winutildir = @{} # Set the path for the winutil directory $winutildir["path"] = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\winutil\" [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($winutildir["path"]) | Out-Null $winutildir["logo.ico"] = $winutildir["path"] + "cttlogo.ico" if (Test-Path $winutildir["logo.ico"]) { $sync["logorender"] = $winutildir["logo.ico"] } else { $sync["logorender"] = (Invoke-WinUtilAssets -Type "Logo" -Size 90 -Render) } $sync["checkmarkrender"] = (Invoke-WinUtilAssets -Type "checkmark" -Size 512 -Render) $sync["warningrender"] = (Invoke-WinUtilAssets -Type "warning" -Size 512 -Render) Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -overlay "logo" $sync["Form"].Add_Activated({ Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -overlay "logo" }) # Define event handler for ThemeButton click $sync["ThemeButton"].Add_Click({ if ($sync.ThemePopup.IsOpen) { $sync.ThemePopup.IsOpen = $false } else{ $sync.ThemePopup.IsOpen = $true } $sync.SettingsPopup.IsOpen = $false }) # Define event handlers for menu items $sync["AutoThemeMenuItem"].Add_Click({ $sync.ThemePopup.IsOpen = $false Invoke-WinutilThemeChange -theme "Auto" $_.Handled = $false }) # Define event handlers for menu items $sync["DarkThemeMenuItem"].Add_Click({ $sync.ThemePopup.IsOpen = $false Invoke-WinutilThemeChange -theme "Dark" $_.Handled = $false }) # Define event handlers for menu items $sync["LightThemeMenuItem"].Add_Click({ $sync.ThemePopup.IsOpen = $false Invoke-WinutilThemeChange -theme "Light" $_.Handled = $false }) # Define event handler for button click $sync["SettingsButton"].Add_Click({ Write-Debug "SettingsButton clicked" if ($sync.SettingsPopup.IsOpen) { $sync.SettingsPopup.IsOpen = $false } else{ $sync.SettingsPopup.IsOpen = $true } $sync.ThemePopup.IsOpen = $false $_.Handled = $false }) # Define event handlers for menu items $sync["ImportMenuItem"].Add_Click({ # Handle Import menu item click Write-Debug "Import clicked" $sync["SettingsPopup"].IsOpen = $false Invoke-WPFImpex -type "import" $_.Handled = $false }) $sync["ExportMenuItem"].Add_Click({ # Handle Export menu item click Write-Debug "Export clicked" $sync["SettingsPopup"].IsOpen = $false Invoke-WPFImpex -type "export" $_.Handled = $false }) $sync["AboutMenuItem"].Add_Click({ # Handle Export menu item click Write-Debug "About clicked" $sync["SettingsPopup"].IsOpen = $false $authorInfo = @" Author : @christitustech Runspace : @DeveloperDurp MicroWin : @KonTy GitHub : ChrisTitusTech/winutil Version : $($sync.version) "@ Show-CustomDialog -Message $authorInfo -LogoSize $LogoSize }) $sync["SponsorMenuItem"].Add_Click({ # Handle Export menu item click Write-Debug "Sponsors clicked" $sync["SettingsPopup"].IsOpen = $false $authorInfo = @" Current sponsors for ChrisTitusTech: "@ $authorInfo += "`n" try { # Call the function to get the sponsors $sponsors = Invoke-WinUtilSponsors # Append the sponsors to the authorInfo $sponsors | ForEach-Object { $authorInfo += "$_`n" } } catch { $authorInfo += "An error occurred while fetching or processing the sponsors: $_`n" } Show-CustomDialog -Message $authorInfo -EnableScroll $true }) $sync["Form"].ShowDialog() | out-null Stop-Transcript