# Add and Activate Ultimate Performance Profile Last Updated: 2024-08-07 !!! info The Development Documentation is auto generated for every compilation of WinUtil, meaning a part of it will always stay up-to-date. **Developers do have the ability to add custom content, which won't be updated automatically.** <!-- BEGIN CUSTOM CONTENT --> <!-- END CUSTOM CONTENT --> <details> <summary>Preview Code</summary> ```json { "Content": "Add and Activate Ultimate Performance Profile", "category": "Performance Plans", "panel": "2", "Order": "a080_", "Type": "Button", "ButtonWidth": "300", "link": "https://christitustech.github.io/winutil/dev/tweaks/Performance-Plans/AddUltPerf" } ``` </details> ## Function: Invoke-WPFUltimatePerformance ```powershell Function Invoke-WPFUltimatePerformance { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates or removes the Ultimate Performance power scheme .PARAMETER State Indicates whether to enable or disable the Ultimate Performance power scheme #> param($State) try { # Check if Ultimate Performance plan is installed $ultimatePlan = powercfg -list | Select-String -Pattern "Ultimate Performance" if($state -eq "Enable") { if ($ultimatePlan) { Write-Host "Ultimate Performance plan is already installed." } else { Write-Host "Installing Ultimate Performance plan..." powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61 Write-Host "> Ultimate Performance plan installed." } # Set the Ultimate Performance plan as active $ultimatePlanGUID = (powercfg -list | Select-String -Pattern "Ultimate Performance").Line.Split()[3] powercfg -setactive $ultimatePlanGUID Write-Host "Ultimate Performance plan is now active." } elseif($state -eq "Disable") { if ($ultimatePlan) { # Extract the GUID of the Ultimate Performance plan $ultimatePlanGUID = $ultimatePlan.Line.Split()[3] # Set a different power plan as active before deleting the Ultimate Performance plan $balancedPlanGUID = (powercfg -list | Select-String -Pattern "Balanced").Line.Split()[3] powercfg -setactive $balancedPlanGUID # Delete the Ultimate Performance plan powercfg -delete $ultimatePlanGUID Write-Host "Ultimate Performance plan has been uninstalled." Write-Host "> Balanced plan is now active." } else { Write-Host "Ultimate Performance plan is not installed." } } } catch { Write-Warning $psitem.Exception.Message } } ``` <!-- BEGIN SECOND CUSTOM CONTENT --> <!-- END SECOND CUSTOM CONTENT --> [View the JSON file](https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil/tree/main/config/tweaks.json)