function Do-PreProcessing { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, position=0)] [string]$ProgressStatusMessage, [Parameter(position=1)] [string]$ProgressActivity = "Pre-Processing" ) # We could do Pre-processing on this script file, but by excluding it.. we could possible weird behavior, # like future runs of this tool being different then previous ones, as the script has modified it self before one or more times. # # Note: # There's way too many possible edge cases, not to mention there's no Unit Testing for these tools.. which's a Good Recipe for a Janky/Sensitive Script. # Also, the '.\' isn't necessary, I just like adding them :D (You can remove it, and it should work just fine) $excludedFiles = @('.\.git\', '.\.gitignore', '.\.gitattributes', '.\.github\CODEOWNERS', '.\LICENSE', '.\winutil.ps1', '.\tools\Do-PreProcessing.ps1', '.\docs\', '*.png', '*.jpg', '*.jpeg', '*.exe') $files = Get-ChildItem $sync.PSScriptRoot -Recurse -Exclude $excludedFiles -Attributes !Directory $numOfFiles = $files.Count for ($i = 0; $i -lt $numOfFiles; $i++) { $file = $files[$i] # Make sure the file isn't in Excluded Files List $fileIsExcluded = $False for ($j = 0; $j -lt $excludedFiles.Count; $j++) { $excluded = $excludedFiles[$j] $strToCompare = ($excluded) -replace ('^\.\\', '') if ($file.FullName.Contains("$strToCompare")) { $fileIsExcluded = $True break } } if ($fileIsExcluded) { continue } # TODO: # make more formatting rules, and document them in WinUtil Official Documentation (Get-Content -Raw "$file").TrimEnd() ` -replace ('\t', ' ') ` -replace ('\)\{', ') {') ` -replace ('\)\r?\n\s*{', ') {') ` -replace ('Try \{', 'try {') ` -replace ('try\{', 'try {') ` -replace ('try\r?\n\s*\{', 'try {') ` -replace ('}\r?\n\s*catch', '} catch') ` -replace ('\} Catch', '} catch') ` | Set-Content "$file" Write-Progress -Activity $ProgressActivity -Status "$ProgressStatusMessage - Finished $i out of $numOfFiles" -PercentComplete (($i/$numOfFiles)*100) } Write-Progress -Activity $ProgressActivity -Status "$ProgressStatusMessage - Finished Task Successfully" -Completed }