function Invoke-WinUtilInstallPSProfile { <# .SYNOPSIS Backs up your original profile then installs and applies the CTT PowerShell profile. #> Invoke-WPFRunspace -ArgumentList $PROFILE -DebugPreference $DebugPreference -ScriptBlock { # Remap the automatic built-in $PROFILE variable to the parameter named $PSProfile. param ($PSProfile) function Invoke-PSSetup { # Define the URL used to download Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile. $url = "" # Get the file hash for the user's current PowerShell profile. $OldHash = Get-FileHash $PSProfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Download Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile to the 'TEMP' folder. Invoke-RestMethod $url -OutFile "$env:TEMP/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1" # Get the file hash for Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile. $NewHash = Get-FileHash "$env:TEMP/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1" # Store the file hash of Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile. if (!(Test-Path "$PSProfile.hash")) { $NewHash.Hash | Out-File "$PSProfile.hash" } # Check if the new profile's hash doesn't match the old profile's hash. if ($NewHash.Hash -ne $OldHash.Hash) { # Check if oldprofile.ps1 exists and use it as a profile backup source. if (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\oldprofile.ps1") { Write-Host "===> Backup File Exists... <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "===> Moving Backup File... <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow Copy-Item "$env:USERPROFILE\oldprofile.ps1" "$PSProfile.bak" Write-Host "===> Profile Backup: Done. <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { # If oldprofile.ps1 does not exist use $PSProfile as a profile backup source. # Check if the profile backup file has not already been created on the disk. if ((Test-Path $PSProfile) -and (-not (Test-Path "$PSProfile.bak"))) { # Let the user know their PowerShell profile is being backed up. Write-Host "===> Backing Up Profile... <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Copy the user's current PowerShell profile to the backup file path. Copy-Item -Path $PSProfile -Destination "$PSProfile.bak" # Let the user know the profile backup has been completed successfully. Write-Host "===> Profile Backup: Done. <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } # Let the user know Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile is being installed. Write-Host "===> Installing Profile... <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Start a new hidden PowerShell instance because setup.ps1 does not work in runspaces. Start-Process -FilePath "pwsh" -ArgumentList "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -Command `"Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest `'`')`"" -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait # Let the user know Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile has been installed successfully. Write-Host "Profile has been installed. Please restart your shell to reflect the changes!" -ForegroundColor Magenta # Let the user know Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile has been setup successfully. Write-Host "===> Finished Profile Setup <===" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { # Let the user know Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell profile is already fully up-to-date. Write-Host "Profile is up to date" -ForegroundColor Magenta } } # Check if PowerShell Core is currently installed as a program and is available as a command. if (Get-Command "pwsh" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { # Check if the version of PowerShell Core currently in use is version 7 or higher. if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7) { # Invoke the PowerShell Profile setup script to install Chris Titus Tech's PowerShell Profile. Invoke-PSSetup } else { # Let the user know that PowerShell 7 is installed but is not currently in use. Write-Host "This profile requires Powershell 7, which is currently installed but not used!" -ForegroundColor Red # Load the necessary .NET library required to use Windows Forms to show dialog boxes. Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms # Display the message box asking if the user wants to install PowerShell 7 or not. $question = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show( "Profile requires Powershell 7, which is currently installed but not used! Do you want to install the profile for Powershell 7?", "Question", [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::YesNo, [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Question ) # Proceed with the installation and setup of the profile as the user pressed the 'Yes' button. if ($question -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Yes) { Invoke-PSSetup } else { # Let the user know the setup of the profile will not proceed as they pressed the 'No' button. Write-Host "Not proceeding with the profile setup!" -ForegroundColor Magenta } } } else { # Let the user know that the profile requires PowerShell Core but it is not currently installed. Write-Host "This profile requires Powershell Core, which is currently not installed!" -ForegroundColor Red } } }