function Invoke-WinutilThemeChange { <# .SYNOPSIS Toggles between light and dark themes for a Windows utility application. .DESCRIPTION This function toggles the theme of the user interface between 'Light' and 'Dark' modes, modifying various UI elements such as colors, margins, corner radii, font families, etc. If the '-init' switch is used, it initializes the theme based on the system's current dark mode setting. .PARAMETER init A switch parameter. If set to $true, the function initializes the theme based on the system’s current dark mode setting. .EXAMPLE Invoke-WinutilThemeChange # Toggles the theme between 'Light' and 'Dark'. .EXAMPLE Invoke-WinutilThemeChange -init # Initializes the theme based on the system's dark mode and applies the shared theme. #> param ( [switch]$init = $false, [string]$theme ) function Set-WinutilTheme { <# .SYNOPSIS Applies the specified theme to the application's user interface. .DESCRIPTION This internal function applies the given theme by setting the relevant properties like colors, font families, corner radii, etc., in the UI. It uses the 'Set-ThemeResourceProperty' helper function to modify the application's resources. .PARAMETER currentTheme The name of the theme to be applied. Common values are "Light", "Dark", or "shared". #> param ( [string]$currentTheme ) function Set-ThemeResourceProperty { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets a specific UI property in the application's resources. .DESCRIPTION This helper function sets a property (e.g., color, margin, corner radius) in the application's resources, based on the provided type and value. It includes error handling to manage potential issues while setting a property. .PARAMETER Name The name of the resource property to modify (e.g., "MainBackgroundColor", "ButtonBackgroundMouseoverColor"). .PARAMETER Value The value to assign to the resource property (e.g., "#FFFFFF" for a color). .PARAMETER Type The type of the resource, such as "ColorBrush", "CornerRadius", "GridLength", or "FontFamily". #> param($Name, $Value, $Type) try { # Set the resource property based on its type $sync.Form.Resources[$Name] = switch ($Type) { "ColorBrush" { [Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush]::new($Value) } "Color" { # Convert hex string to RGB values $hexColor = $Value.TrimStart("#") $r = [Convert]::ToInt32($hexColor.Substring(0,2), 16) $g = [Convert]::ToInt32($hexColor.Substring(2,2), 16) $b = [Convert]::ToInt32($hexColor.Substring(4,2), 16) [Windows.Media.Color]::FromRgb($r, $g, $b) } "CornerRadius" { [System.Windows.CornerRadius]::new($Value) } "GridLength" { [System.Windows.GridLength]::new($Value) } "Thickness" { # Parse the Thickness value (supports 1, 2, or 4 inputs) $values = $Value -split "," switch ($values.Count) { 1 { [System.Windows.Thickness]::new([double]$values[0]) } 2 { [System.Windows.Thickness]::new([double]$values[0], [double]$values[1]) } 4 { [System.Windows.Thickness]::new([double]$values[0], [double]$values[1], [double]$values[2], [double]$values[3]) } } } "FontFamily" { [Windows.Media.FontFamily]::new($Value) } "Double" { [double]$Value } default { $Value } } } catch { # Log a warning if there's an issue setting the property Write-Warning "Failed to set property $($Name): $_" } } # Retrieve all theme properties from the theme configuration $themeProperties = $sync.configs.themes.$currentTheme.PSObject.Properties foreach ($_ in $themeProperties) { # Apply properties that deal with colors if ($_.Name -like "*color*") { Set-ThemeResourceProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value -Type "ColorBrush" # For certain color properties, also set complementary values (e.g., BorderColor -> CBorderColor) This is required because e.g DropShadowEffect requires a and not a object if ($_.Name -in @("BorderColor", "ButtonBackgroundMouseoverColor")) { Set-ThemeResourceProperty -Name "C$($_.Name)" -Value $_.Value -Type "Color" } } # Apply corner radius properties elseif ($_.Name -like "*Radius*") { Set-ThemeResourceProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value -Type "CornerRadius" } # Apply row height properties elseif ($_.Name -like "*RowHeight*") { Set-ThemeResourceProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value -Type "GridLength" } # Apply thickness or margin properties elseif (($_.Name -like "*Thickness*") -or ($_.Name -like "*margin")) { Set-ThemeResourceProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value -Type "Thickness" } # Apply font family properties elseif ($_.Name -like "*FontFamily*") { Set-ThemeResourceProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value -Type "FontFamily" } # Apply any other properties as doubles (numerical values) else { Set-ThemeResourceProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value -Type "Double" } } } $LightPreferencePath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\winutil\LightTheme.ini" $DarkPreferencePath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\winutil\DarkTheme.ini" if ($init) { Set-WinutilTheme -currentTheme "shared" if (Test-Path $LightPreferencePath) { $theme = "Light" } elseif (Test-Path $DarkPreferencePath) { $theme = "Dark" } else { $theme = "Auto" } } switch ($theme) { "Auto" { $systemUsesDarkMode = Get-WinUtilToggleStatus WPFToggleDarkMode if ($systemUsesDarkMode){ Set-WinutilTheme -currentTheme "Dark" } else{ Set-WinutilTheme -currentTheme "Light" } $themeButtonIcon = [char]0xF08C Remove-Item $LightPreferencePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item $DarkPreferencePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } "Dark" { Set-WinutilTheme -currentTheme $theme $themeButtonIcon = [char]0xE708 $null = New-Item $DarkPreferencePath -Force Remove-Item $LightPreferencePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } "Light" { Set-WinutilTheme -currentTheme $theme $themeButtonIcon = [char]0xE706 $null = New-Item $LightPreferencePath -Force Remove-Item $DarkPreferencePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } # Update the theme selector button with the appropriate icon $ThemeButton = $sync.Form.FindName("ThemeButton") $ThemeButton.Content = [string]$themeButtonIcon }