Function Invoke-WPFUltimatePerformance { <# .SYNOPSIS Enables or disables the Ultimate Performance power scheme based on its GUID. .PARAMETER State Specifies whether to "Enable" or "Disable" the Ultimate Performance power scheme. #> param($State) try { # GUID of the Ultimate Performance power plan $ultimateGUID = "e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61" if ($State -eq "Enable") { # Duplicate the Ultimate Performance power plan using its GUID $duplicateOutput = powercfg /duplicatescheme $ultimateGUID $guid = $null $nameFromFile = "ChrisTitus - Ultimate Power Plan" $description = "Ultimate Power Plan, added via WinUtils" # Extract the new GUID from the duplicateOutput foreach ($line in $duplicateOutput) { if ($line -match "\b[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\b") { $guid = $matches[0] # $matches[0] will contain the first match, which is the GUID Write-Output "GUID: $guid has been extracted and stored in the variable." break } } } if (-not $guid) { Write-Output "No GUID found in the duplicateOutput. Check the output format." exit 1 } # Change the name of the power plan and set its description $changeNameOutput = powercfg /changename $guid "$nameFromFile" "$description" Write-Output "The power plan name and description have been changed. Output:" Write-Output $changeNameOutput # Set the duplicated Ultimate Performance plan as active $setActiveOutput = powercfg /setactive $guid Write-Output "The power plan has been set as active. Output:" Write-Output $setActiveOutput Write-Host "> Ultimate Performance plan installed and set as active." } elseif ($State -eq "Disable") { # Check if the Ultimate Performance plan is installed by GUID $installedPlan = powercfg -list | Select-String -Pattern $ultimateGUID if ($installedPlan) { # Extract the GUID of the installed Ultimate Performance plan $ultimatePlanGUID = $installedPlan.Line.Split()[3] # Set a different power plan as active before deleting the Ultimate Performance plan $balancedPlanGUID = (powercfg -list | Select-String -Pattern "Balanced").Line.Split()[3] powercfg -setactive $balancedPlanGUID # Delete the Ultimate Performance plan by GUID powercfg -delete $ultimatePlanGUID Write-Host "Ultimate Performance plan has been uninstalled." Write-Host "> Balanced plan is now active." } else { Write-Host "Ultimate Performance plan is not installed." } } } catch { Write-Error "Error occurred: $_" } }