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Merge fc53ca802b into ce1ef2a519 2024-11-03 14:34:56 +00:00
Improve 'Invoke-WPFPopup' by @MyDrift-user
Thanks for the improvements :)
2024-11-03 17:25:42 +03:00
Merge branch 'main' into ui-ux/update-to-look-and-feel-of-the-ui 2024-11-03 17:24:50 +03:00

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@ -1,91 +1,54 @@
function Invoke-WPFPopup { function Invoke-WPFPopup {
param ( param (
[Parameter(position=0)] [ValidateSet("Show", "Hide", "Toggle")]
[ValidateSet("Show","Hide","Toggle", ErrorMessage="Action '{0}' is not part of the valid set '{1}'.")]
[string]$Action = "", [string]$Action = "",
[string[]]$Popups = @(), [string[]]$Popups = @(),
[ValidateScript({ [ValidateScript({
$PossibleActions = @("Show", "Hide", "Toggle") $invalid = $_.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Value -notin @("Show", "Hide", "Toggle") }
[hashtable]$UnExpectedPairs = @{} if ($invalid) {
Foreach ($pair in $_.GetEnumerator()) { throw "Found invalid Popup-Action pair(s): " + ($invalid | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Key) = $($_.Value)" } -join "; ")
$key = $pair.Name
$value = $pair.Value
if (-not ($value -in $PossibleActions)) {
$UnExpectedPairs.Add("$key", "$value")
} }
if ($UnExpectedPairs.Count -gt 0) {
$UnExpectedPairsAsString = "@{"
Foreach ($pair in $UnExpectedPairs.GetEnumerator()) { $UnExpectedPairsAsString += "`"$($pair.Name)`" = `"$($pair.Value)`"; " }
$UnExpectedPairsAsString = $UnExpectedPairsAsString -replace (';\s*$', '')
$UnExpectedPairsAsString += "}"
throw "Found Unexpected pair(s), these Popup & Action pair(s) are: $UnExpectedPairsAsString"
# Return true for passing validation checks
$true $true
})] })]
[hashtable]$PopupActionTable = @{} [hashtable]$PopupActionTable = @{}
) )
if ($PopupActionTable.Count -eq 0 -and $Action -eq "" -and $Popups.Count -eq 0) { if (-not $PopupActionTable.Count -and (-not $Action -or -not $Popups.Count)) {
throw [GenericException]::new("No Parameter was provided, please use either 'PopupActionTable' on its own, or use 'Action' and 'Popups' on their own, depending on your use case.") throw "Provide either 'PopupActionTable' or both 'Action' and 'Popups'."
if ($PopupActionTable.Count -gt 0 -and ($Action -ne "" -or $Popups.Count -gt 0)) {
throw [GenericException]::new("Only use 'PopupActionTable' on its own, or use 'Action' and 'Popups' on their own, depending on your use case.")
} }
$PopupsNotFound = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new($Popups.Count) if ($PopupActionTable.Count -and ($Action -or $Popups.Count)) {
throw "Use 'PopupActionTable' on its own, or 'Action' with 'Popups'."
if ($PopupActionTable.Count -gt 0) { # Collect popups and actions
Foreach ($popupActionPair in $PopupActionTable.GetEnumerator()) { $PopupsToProcess = if ($PopupActionTable.Count) {
$popup = $popupActionPair.Name + "Popup" $PopupActionTable.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "$($_.Key)Popup"; Action = $_.Value } }
$action = $popupActionPair.Value
if ($sync.$popup -eq $null) {
$PopupsNotFound.Add("$popup") | Out-Null
switch ($action) {
'Show' { $actionAsBool = $true }
'Hide' { $actionAsBool = $false }
'Toggle' { $actionAsBool = -not $sync.$popup.IsOpen }
default { throw [GenericException]::new("Action can only be `"Show`" or `"Hide`" or `"Toggle`".") }
$sync.$popup.IsOpen = $actionAsBool
} else { } else {
if ($Action -eq "" -or $Popups.Count -eq 0) { $Popups | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "$_`Popup"; Action = $Action } }
throw [GenericException]::new("Please provide both the 'Action' and 'Popups' Parameters, with the appropriate values foreach parameter.")
} }
Foreach ($popup in $Popups) {
$popup += "Popup" $PopupsNotFound = @()
if ($sync.$popup -eq $null) {
$PopupsNotFound.Add("$popup") | Out-Null # Apply actions
foreach ($popupEntry in $PopupsToProcess) {
$popupName = $popupEntry.Name
if (-not $sync.$popupName) {
$PopupsNotFound += $popupName
continue continue
} }
switch ($action) {
'Show' { $actionAsBool = $true } $sync.$popupName.IsOpen = switch ($popupEntry.Action) {
'Hide' { $actionAsBool = $false } "Show" { $true }
'Toggle' { $actionAsBool = -not $sync.$popup.IsOpen } "Hide" { $false }
default { throw [GenericException]::new("Action can only be `"Show`" or `"Hide`" or `"Toggle`".") } "Toggle" { -not $sync.$popupName.IsOpen }
$sync.$popup.IsOpen = $actionAsBool
} }
} }
if ($PopupsNotFound.Count -gt 0) { if ($PopupsNotFound.Count -gt 0) {
$PopupsNotFoundAsString = "@(" throw "Could not find the following popups: $($PopupsNotFound -join ', ')"
Foreach ($popupNotFound in $PopupsNotFound) {
$PopupsNotFoundAsString += "$popupNotFound"
$PopupsNotFoundAsString += ", "
$PopupsNotFoundAsString = $PopupsNotFoundAsString -replace (',\s*$', '')
$PopupsNotFoundAsString += ")"
throw [GenericException]::new("Could not find $PopupsNotFoundAsString Popups in `$sync variable.")
} }
} }