diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index bf6953ad..e7a817c7 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -7,12 +7,5 @@ Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost.dll winutil.exe.config winutil.pdb *.zip -package.psd1 -/.idea/ -.vs/ProjectSettings.json -.vs/slnx.sqlite -.vs/VSWorkspaceState.json -.vs/winutil/FileContentIndex/eb340bad-4fa2-4d04-a61a-74ed6a04cdd9.vsidx -.vs/winutil/FileContentIndex/read.lock -.vs/winutil/v17/.suo -/out/ +.vs/ +*.psd* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/applications.json b/config/applications.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b4f67cda --- /dev/null +++ b/config/applications.json @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +{ + "install": { + "Installadobe": { + "winget": "Adobe.Acrobat.Reader.64-bit" + }, + "Installadvancedip": { + "winget": "Famatech.AdvancedIPScanner" + }, + "Installanydesk": { + "winget": "AnyDeskSoftwareGmbH.AnyDesk" + }, + "Installatom": { + "winget": "GitHub.Atom" + }, + "Installaudacity": { + "winget": "Audacity.Audacity" + }, + "Installautohotkey": { + "winget": "Lexikos.AutoHotkey" + }, + "Installbitwarden": { + "winget": "Bitwarden.Bitwarden" + }, + "Installblender": { + "winget": "BlenderFoundation.Blender" + }, + "Installbrave": { + "winget": "BraveSoftware.BraveBrowser" + }, + "Installchrome": { + "winget": "Google.Chrome" + }, + "Installchromium": { + "winget": "eloston.ungoogled-chromium" + }, + "Installcpuz": { + "winget": "CPUID.CPU-Z" + }, + "Installdiscord": { + "winget": "Discord.Discord" + }, + "Installeartrumpet": { + "winget": "File-New-Project.EarTrumpet" + }, + "Installepicgames": { + "winget": "EpicGames.EpicGamesLauncher" + }, + "Installesearch": { + "winget": "voidtools.Everything" + }, + "Installetcher": { + "winget": "Balena.Etcher" + }, + "Installfirefox": { + "winget": "Mozilla.Firefox" + }, + "Installflameshot": { + "winget": "Flameshot.Flameshot" + }, + "Installfoobar": { + "winget": "PeterPawlowski.foobar2000" + }, + "Installgimp": { + "winget": "GIMP.GIMP" + }, + "Installgithubdesktop": { + "winget": "Git.Git;GitHub.GitHubDesktop" + }, + "Installgog": { + "winget": "GOG.Galaxy" + }, + "Installgpuz": { + "winget": "TechPowerUp.GPU-Z" + }, + "Installgreenshot": { + "winget": "Greenshot.Greenshot" + }, + "Installhandbrake": { + "winget": "HandBrake.HandBrake" + }, + "Installhexchat": { + "winget": "HexChat.HexChat" + }, + "Installhwinfo": { + "winget": "REALiX.HWiNFO" + }, + "Installimageglass": { + "winget": "DuongDieuPhap.ImageGlass" + }, + "Installinkscape": { + "winget": "Inkscape.Inkscape" + }, + "Installjava16": { + "winget": "AdoptOpenJDK.OpenJDK.16" + }, + "Installjava18": { + "winget": "Oracle.JDK.18" + }, + "Installjava8": { + "winget": "AdoptOpenJDK.OpenJDK.8" + }, + "Installjetbrains": { + "winget": "JetBrains.Toolbox" + }, + "Installkeepass": { + "winget": "KeePassXCTeam.KeePassXC" + }, + "Installlibrewolf": { + "winget": "LibreWolf.LibreWolf" + }, + "Installmalwarebytes": { + "winget": "Malwarebytes.Malwarebytes" + }, + "Installmatrix": { + "winget": "Element.Element" + }, + "Installmpc": { + "winget": "clsid2.mpc-hc" + }, + "Installmremoteng": { + "winget": "mRemoteNG.mRemoteNG" + }, + "Installnodejs": { + "winget": "OpenJS.NodeJS" + }, + "Installnodejslts": { + "winget": "OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS" + }, + "Installnotepadplus": { + "winget": "Notepad++.Notepad++" + }, + "Installnvclean": { + "winget": "TechPowerUp.NVCleanstall" + }, + "Installobs": { + "winget": "OBSProject.OBSStudio" + }, + "Installobsidian": { + "winget": "Obsidian.Obsidian" + }, + "Installpowertoys": { + "winget": "Microsoft.PowerToys" + }, + "Installputty": { + "winget": "PuTTY.PuTTY" + }, + "Installpython3": { + "winget": "Python.Python.3" + }, + "Installrevo": { + "winget": "RevoUninstaller.RevoUninstaller" + }, + "Installrufus": { + "winget": "Rufus.Rufus" + }, + "Installsevenzip": { + "winget": "7zip.7zip" + }, + "Installsharex": { + "winget": "ShareX.ShareX" + }, + "Installsignal": { + "winget": "OpenWhisperSystems.Signal" + }, + "Installskype": { + "winget": "Microsoft.Skype" + }, + "Installslack": { + "winget": "SlackTechnologies.Slack" + }, + "Installspotify": { + "winget": "Spotify.Spotify" + }, + "Installsteam": { + "winget": "Valve.Steam" + }, + "Installsublime": { + "winget": "SublimeHQ.SublimeText.4" + }, + "Installsumatra": { + "winget": "SumatraPDF.SumatraPDF" + }, + "Installteams": { + "winget": "Microsoft.Teams" + }, + "Installteamviewer": { + "winget": "TeamViewer.TeamViewer" + }, + "Installterminal": { + "winget": "Microsoft.WindowsTerminal" + }, + "Installtreesize": { + "winget": "JAMSoftware.TreeSize.Free" + }, + "Installttaskbar": { + "winget": "TranslucentTB.TranslucentTB" + }, + "Installvisualstudio": { + "winget": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.Community" + }, + "Installvivaldi": { + "winget": "VivaldiTechnologies.Vivaldi" + }, + "Installvlc": { + "winget": "VideoLAN.VLC" + }, + "Installvoicemeeter": { + "winget": "VB-Audio.Voicemeeter" + }, + "Installvscode": { + "winget": "Git.Git;Microsoft.VisualStudioCode" + }, + "Installvscodium": { + "winget": "Git.Git;VSCodium.VSCodium" + }, + "Installwindirstat": { + "winget": "WinDirStat.WinDirStat" + }, + "Installscp": { + "winget": "WinSCP.WinSCP" + }, + "Installwireshark": { + "winget": "WiresharkFoundation.Wireshark" + }, + "Installzoom": { + "winget": "Zoom.Zoom" + }, + "Installlibreoffice": { + "winget": "TheDocumentFoundation.LibreOffice" + }, + "Installshell": { + "winget": "Nilesoft.Shell" + }, + "Installklite": { + "winget": "CodecGuide.K-LiteCodecPack.Standard" + }, + "Installsandboxie": { + "winget": "Sandboxie.Plus" + }, + "Installprocesslasso": { + "winget": "BitSum.ProcessLasso" + }, + "Installwinmerge": { + "winget": "WinMerge.WinMerge" + }, + "Installdotnet3": { + "winget": "Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.3_1" + }, + "Installdotnet5": { + "winget": "Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.5" + }, + "Installdotnet6": { + "winget": "Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.6" + }, + "Installvc2015_64": { + "winget": "Microsoft.VC++2015-2022Redist-x64" + }, + "Installvc2015_32": { + "winget": "Microsoft.VC++2015-2022Redist-x86" + }, + "Installfoxpdf": { + "winget": "Foxit.PhantomPDF" + }, + "Installonlyoffice": { + "winget": "ONLYOFFICE.DesktopEditors" + }, + "Installflux": { + "winget": "flux.flux" + }, + "Installitunes": { + "winget": "Apple.iTunes" + }, + "Installcider": { + "winget": "CiderCollective.Cider" + }, + "Installjoplin": { + "winget": "Joplin.Joplin" + }, + "Installopenoffice": { + "winget": "Apache.OpenOffice" + }, + "Installrustdesk": { + "winget": "RustDesk.RustDesk" + }, + "Installjami": { + "winget": "SFLinux.Jami" + }, + "Installjdownloader": { + "winget": "AppWork.JDownloader" + } + } +} diff --git a/config/feature.json b/config/feature.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..113f231e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/feature.json @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +{ + "Featuresdotnet": [ + "NetFx4-AdvSrvs", + "NetFx3" + ], + "Featureshyperv": [ + "HypervisorPlatform", + "Microsoft-Hyper-V-All", + "Microsoft-Hyper-V", + "Microsoft-Hyper-V-Tools-All", + "Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell", + "Microsoft-Hyper-V-Hypervisor", + "Microsoft-Hyper-V-Services", + "Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-Clients" + ], + "Featureslegacymedia": [ + "WindowsMediaPlayer", + "MediaPlayback", + "DirectPlay", + "LegacyComponents" + ], + "Featurewsl": [ + "VirtualMachinePlatform", + "Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux" + ], + "Featurenfs": [ + "ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly", + "ClientForNFS-Infrastructure", + "NFS-Administration" + ] +} diff --git a/config/helperscript.ps1 b/config/helperscript.ps1 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f99a760 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/helperscript.ps1 @@ -0,0 +1,333 @@ +#This file is meant to assist in building out the json files inside this folder. + +<# + Applications.json + ----------------- + This file holds all the winget commands to install the applications. + It also has the ablity to expact to other frameworks (IE Choco). + You can also add multiple winget commands by seperating them with ; + + The structure of the json is as follows + +{ + "install": { + "Name of Button": { + "winget": "Winget command" + }, +} + +Example: + +{ + "install": { + "Installadobe": { + "winget": "Adobe.Acrobat.Reader.64-bit" + }, + "Installadvancedip": { + "winget": "Famatech.AdvancedIPScanner" + } + } +} + +#> + +#Modify the variables and run his code. It will import the current file and add your addition. From there you can create a pull request. + +$NameofButton = "" +$WingetCommand = "" + +$ButtonToAdd = New-Object psobject +$jsonfile = Get-Content ./config/applications.json | ConvertFrom-Json + +#remove if already exists +if($jsonfile.install.$NameofButton){ + $jsonfile.install.psobject.Properties.remove($NameofButton) +} + +Add-Member -InputObject $ButtonToAdd -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Winget" -Value $WingetCommand +Add-Member -InputObject $jsonfile.install -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $NameofButton -Value $ButtonToAdd + +$jsonfile | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File ./config/applications.json + +<# + feature.json + ----------------- + This file holds all the windows commands to install specefic features (IE Hyper-v) + + The structure of the json is as follows + +{ + "Name of Button": [ + "Array of", + "commands" + ] +} + +Example: +{ + "Featurewsl": [ + "VirtualMachinePlatform", + "Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux" + ], + "Featurenfs": [ + "ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly", + "ClientForNFS-Infrastructure", + "NFS-Administration" + ] +} +#> + +#Modify the variables and run his code. It will import the current file and add your addition. From there you can create a pull request. + +$NameofButton = "" +$commands = @( + +) + +$jsonfile = Get-Content ./config/feature.json | ConvertFrom-Json + +#remove if already exists +if($jsonfile.$NameofButton){ + $jsonfile.psobject.Properties.remove($NameofButton) +} + +Add-Member -InputObject $jsonfile -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $NameofButton -Value $commands + +$jsonfile | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File ./config/feature.json + +<# + preset.json + ----------------- + This file holds all check boxes you wish to check when clicking a preset button in the tweaks section. + + The structure of the json is as follows + +{ + "Name of Button": [ + "Array of", + "checkboxes to check" + ] +} + +Example: +{ + "laptop": [ + "EssTweaksAH", + "EssTweaksDVR", + "EssTweaksHome", + "EssTweaksLoc", + "EssTweaksOO", + "EssTweaksRP", + "EssTweaksServices", + "EssTweaksStorage", + "EssTweaksTele", + "EssTweaksWifi", + "MiscTweaksLapPower", + "MiscTweaksLapNum" + ], + "minimal": [ + "EssTweaksHome", + "EssTweaksOO", + "EssTweaksRP", + "EssTweaksServices", + "EssTweaksTele" + ] +} +#> + +#Modify the variables and run his code. It will import the current file and add your addition. From there you can create a pull request. + +$NameofButton = "" +$commands = @( + +) + +$jsonfile = Get-Content ./config/preset.json | ConvertFrom-Json + +#remove if already exists +if($jsonfile.$NameofButton){ + $jsonfile.psobject.Properties.remove($NameofButton) +} + +Add-Member -InputObject $jsonfile -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $NameofButton -Value $commands + +$jsonfile | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File ./config/preset.json + +<# + tweaks.json + ----------------- + This file holds all the tweaks needed to make modifications to windows. This file is the most complicated so modify with care. + + The structure of the json is as follows + +{ + "Name of button": { + "registry" : [ + { + "Path": "Path in registry", + "Name": "Name of Registry key", + "Type": "Item type", + "Value": "Value to modify", + "OriginalValue": "value to reset" + } + ], + "service" : [ + { + "Name": "Name of service", + "StartupType": "Startup type to set", + "OriginalType": "Startup type to reset" + } + ], + "ScheduledTask" : [ + { + "Name": "Path to scheduled task", + "State": "State to set", + "OriginalState": "State to reset" + } + ], + "appx": [ + List of appx, + files to uninstall + ], + "InvokeScript": [ + "Script to make modifications not possible with the above types + Special care needs to be taken here as converting from json to a scriptblock + can cause weird issues. Please look at the example below to get an idea of how things should work" + ], + "UndoScript": [ + "Same as above however is meant to undo what you did above" + ] + } +} + +Example: + +{ + EssTweaksAH": { + "registry" : [ + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System", + "Name": "EnableActivityFeed", + "Type": "DWord", + "Value": "0", + "OriginalValue": "1" + }, + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System", + "Name": "PublishUserActivities", + "Type": "DWord", + "Value": "0", + "OriginalValue": "1" + } + ] + }, + "EssTweaksHome": { + "service" : [ + { + "Name": "HomeGroupListener", + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic" + }, + { + "Name": "HomeGroupProvider", + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic" + } + ] + }, + "EssTweaksTele": { + "ScheduledTask" : [ + { + "Name": "Microsoft\\Windows\\Application Experience\\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser", + "State": "Disabled", + "OriginalState": "Enabled" + }, + { + "Name": "Microsoft\\Windows\\Application Experience\\ProgramDataUpdater", + "State": "Disabled", + "OriginalState": "Enabled" + } + ] + }, + "EssTweaksDeBloat": { + "appx": [ + "Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer", + "Microsoft.AppConnector" + ] + }, + "EssTweaksOO": { + "InvokeScript": [ + "Import-Module BitsTransfer + Start-BitsTransfer -Source \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChrisTitusTech/win10script/master/ooshutup10.cfg\" -Destination C:\\Windows\\Temp\\ooshutup10.cfg + Start-BitsTransfer -Source \"https://dl5.oo-software.com/files/ooshutup10/OOSU10.exe\" -Destination C:\\Windows\\Temp\\OOSU10.exe + C:\\Windows\\Temp\\OOSU10.exe C:\\Windows\\Temp\\ooshutup10.cfg /quiet" + ] + } +} + +#> + +#Modify the variables and run his code. It will import the current file and add your addition. From there you can create a pull request. +#Make sure to uncomment the sections you which to add. + +$NameofButton = "" + +#$Registry = @( +# #to add more repeat this seperated by a comma +# @{ +# Path = "" +# Name = "" +# Type = "" +# Value = "" +# OriginalValue = "" +# } +#) + +#$Service = @( +# #to add more repeat this seperated by a comma +# @{ +# Name = "" +# StartupType = "" +# OriginalType = "" +# } +#) + +#$ScheduledTask = @( +# #to add more repeat this seperated by a comma +# @{ +# Name = "" +# State = "" +# OriginalState = "" +# } +#) + +#$Appx = @( +# "" +#) + +#$InvokeScript = @( +# "" +#) + +#$UndoScript = @( +# "" +#) + +$ButtonToAdd = New-Object psobject +$jsonfile = Get-Content ./config/tweaks.json | ConvertFrom-Json + +#remove if already exists +if($jsonfile.$NameofButton){ + $jsonfile.psobject.Properties.remove($NameofButton) +} + +if($Registry){Add-Member -InputObject $ButtonToAdd -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "registry" -Value $Registry} +if($Service){Add-Member -InputObject $ButtonToAdd -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "service" -Value $Service} +if($ScheduledTask){Add-Member -InputObject $ButtonToAdd -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ScheduledTask" -Value $ScheduledTask} +if($Appx){Add-Member -InputObject $ButtonToAdd -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Appx" -Value $Appx} +if($InvokeScript){Add-Member -InputObject $ButtonToAdd -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "InvokeScript" -Value $InvokeScript} +if($UndoScript){Add-Member -InputObject $ButtonToAdd -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "UndoScript" -Value $UndoScript} + +Add-Member -InputObject $jsonfile -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $NameofButton -Value $ButtonToAdd + +($jsonfile | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5).replace('\r\n',"`r`n") | Out-File ./config/tweaks.json diff --git a/config/preset.json b/config/preset.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9abbd4d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/preset.json @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +{ + "desktop": [ + "EssTweaksAH", + "EssTweaksDVR", + "EssTweaksHiber", + "EssTweaksHome", + "EssTweaksLoc", + "EssTweaksOO", + "EssTweaksRP", + "EssTweaksServices", + "EssTweaksStorage", + "EssTweaksTele", + "EssTweaksWifi", + "MiscTweaksPower", + "MiscTweaksNum" + ], + "laptop": [ + "EssTweaksAH", + "EssTweaksDVR", + "EssTweaksHome", + "EssTweaksLoc", + "EssTweaksOO", + "EssTweaksRP", + "EssTweaksServices", + "EssTweaksStorage", + "EssTweaksTele", + "EssTweaksWifi", + "MiscTweaksLapPower", + "MiscTweaksLapNum" + ], + "minimal": [ + "EssTweaksHome", + "EssTweaksOO", + "EssTweaksRP", + "EssTweaksServices", + "EssTweaksTele" + ] +} diff --git a/config/tweaks.json b/config/tweaks.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee84fdb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/tweaks.json @@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@ +{ + "EssTweaksAH": { + "registry": [ + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System", + "Name": "EnableActivityFeed", + "Type": "DWord", + "Value": "0", + "OriginalValue": "1" + }, + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System", + "Name": "PublishUserActivities", + "Type": "DWord", + "Value": "0", + "OriginalValue": "1" + }, + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System", + "Name": "UploadUserActivities", + "Type": "DWord", + "Value": "0", + "OriginalValue": "1" + } + ] + }, + "EssTweaksDVR": { + "registry": [ + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\System\\GameConfigStore", + "Name": "GameDVR_DXGIHonorFSEWindowsCompatible", + "Type": "Hex", + "Value": "00000000", + "OriginalValue": "1" + }, + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\System\\GameConfigStore", + "Name": "GameDVR_HonorUserFSEBehaviorMode", + "Type": "Hex", + "Value": "00000000", + "OriginalValue": "1" + }, + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\System\\GameConfigStore", + "Name": "GameDVR_EFSEFeatureFlags", + "Type": "Hex", + "Value": "00000000", + "OriginalValue": "1" + }, + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\System\\GameConfigStore", + "Name": "GameDVR_Enabled", + "Type": "Hex", + "Value": "00000000", + "OriginalValue": "1" + } + ] + }, + "EssTweaksHiber": { + "registry": [ + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Power", + "Name": "GameDVR_DXGIHonorFSEWindowsCompatible", + "Type": "Dword", + "Value": "0", + "OriginalValue": "1" + }, + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\FlyoutMenuSettings", + "Name": "GameDVR_HonorUserFSEBehaviorMode", + "Type": "Dword", + "Value": "0", + "OriginalValue": "1" + } + ] + }, + "EssTweaksHome": { + "service": [ + { + "Name": "HomeGroupListener", + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic" + }, + { + "Name": "HomeGroupProvider", + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic" + } + ] + }, + "EssTweaksLoc": { + "registry": [ + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\CapabilityAccessManager\\ConsentStore\\location", + "Name": "Value", + "Type": "String", + "Value": "Deny", + "OriginalValue": "Allow" + }, + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Sensor\\Overrides\\{BFA794E4-F964-4FDB-90F6-51056BFE4B44}", + "Name": "SensorPermissionState", + "Type": "Dword", + "Value": "0", + "OriginalValue": "1" + }, + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\lfsvc\\Service\\Configuration", + "Name": "Status", + "Type": "Dword", + "Value": "0", + "OriginalValue": "1" + }, + { + "Path": "HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\Maps", + "Name": "AutoUpdateEnabled", + "Type": "Dword", + "Value": "0", + "OriginalValue": "1" + } + ] + }, + "EssTweaksServices": { + "service": [ + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "DiagTrack" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "DPS" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "dmwappushservice" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "lfsvc" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "MapsBroker" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "NetTcpPortSharing" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "RemoteAccess" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "RemoteRegistry" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "SharedAccess" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "TrkWks" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "WMPNetworkSvc" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "WSearch" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "XblAuthManager" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "XblGameSave" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "XboxNetApiSvc" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "XboxGipSvc" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "ndu" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "WerSvc" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "Fax" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "fhsvc" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "gupdate" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "gupdatem" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "stisvc" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "AJRouter" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "MSDTC" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "WpcMonSvc" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "PhoneSvc" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "PrintNotify" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "PcaSvc" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "WPDBusEnum" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "seclogon" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "SysMain" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "lmhosts" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "wisvc" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "FontCache" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "RetailDemo" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": "Automatic", + "Name": "ALG" + }, + { + "StartupType": "Manual", + "OriginalType": 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