mirror of
synced 2025-01-15 09:20:36 -06:00
enhance asset mgmt
- invoke ico directly - invoke ico only at shortcut creation - remove "ConvertTo-Icon" Function file - removed image from xaml - added stackpanel to xaml - added functions to create viewbox with image - added logic to add image via code to xaml & customdialog - changed title color for customdialog - remove webinvokes for assets from main.ps1 TODO: convert images into bitmap base64 string & add them directly into invoke-WinUtiltaskbaritem.ps1
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
"TabRowHeightInPixels": "50",
"TabRowHeightInPixels": "50",
"IconFontSize": "14",
"IconFontSize": "14",
"IconButtonSize": "35",
"IconButtonSize": "35",
"WinUtilIconSize": "Auto",
"SettingsIconFontSize": "18",
"SettingsIconFontSize": "18",
"CloseIconFontSize": "18",
"CloseIconFontSize": "18",
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
function ConvertTo-Icon {
This function will convert BMP, GIF, EXIF, JPG, PNG and TIFF to ICO file
.PARAMETER bitmapPath
The file path to bitmap image to make '.ico' file out of.
Supported file types according to Microsoft Documentation is the following:
The file path to write the new '.ico' resource.
.PARAMETER overrideIconFile
An optional boolean Parameter that makes the function overrides
the Icon File Path if the file exists. Defaults to $true.
try {
ConvertTo-Icon -bitmapPath "$env:TEMP\cttlogo.png" -iconPath "$env:TEMP\cttlogo.ico"
} catch [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] {
# Handle the thrown exception here...
This Example makes a '.ico' file at "$env:TEMP\cttlogo.ico" File Path using the bitmap file
found in "$env:TEMP\cttlogo.png", the function overrides the '.ico' File if it's found.
this function will throw a FileNotFound Exception at the event of not finding the provided bitmap File Path.
try {
ConvertTo-Icon "$env:TEMP\cttlogo.png" "$env:TEMP\cttlogo.ico"
} catch [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] {
# Handle the thrown exception here...
This Example is the same as Example 1, but uses Positional Parameters instead.
if (Test-Path "$env:TEMP\cttlogo.png") {
ConvertTo-Icon -bitmapPath "$env:TEMP\cttlogo.png" -iconPath "$env:TEMP\cttlogo.ico"
This Example is same as Example 1, but checks if the bitmap File exists before calling 'ConvertTo-Icon' Function.
This's the recommended way of using this function, as it doesn't require any try-catch blocks.
try {
ConvertTo-Icon -bitmapPath "$env:TEMP\cttlogo.png" -iconPath "$env:TEMP\cttlogo.ico" -overrideIconFile $false
} catch [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] {
# Handle the thrown exception here...
This Example make use of '-overrideIconFile' Optional Parameter, the default for this parameter is $true.
By doing '-overrideIconFile $false', the 'ConvertTo-Icon' function will raise an exception that needs to be catched throw a 'catch' Code Block,
otherwise it'll crash the running PowerShell instance/process.
[Parameter(Mandatory, position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory, position=1)]
[bool]$overrideIconFile = $true
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
if (Test-Path $bitmapPath) {
if ((Test-Path $iconPath) -AND ($overrideIconFile -eq $false)) {
Write-Host "[ConvertTo-Icon] Icon File is found at '$iconPath', and the 'overrideIconFile' Parameter is set to '$overrideIconFile'. Skipping the bitmap to icon convertion..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Load bitmap file into memory, and make an Icon version out of it
$b = [System.Drawing.Bitmap]::FromFile($bitmapPath)
$icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::FromHandle($b.GetHicon())
# Create the folder for the new icon file if it doesn't exists
$iconFolder = (New-Object System.IO.FileInfo($iconPath)).Directory.FullName
[System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($iconFolder) | Out-Null
# Write the Icon File and do some cleaning-up
$file = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($iconPath, 'OpenOrCreate')
} else {
throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "[ConvertTo-Icon] The provided bitmap File Path is not found at '$bitmapPath'."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
function Invoke-WinUtilLogoviewbox {
param ($Size)
# Create the Viewbox and set its size
$LogoViewbox = New-Object Windows.Controls.Viewbox
$LogoViewbox.Width = $Size
$LogoViewbox.Height = $Size
# Define a scale factor for the content inside the Canvas
$scaleFactor = $Size / 100
# Part 1
$LogoPathData1 = @"
M 18.00,14.00
C 18.00,14.00 45.00,27.74 45.00,27.74
45.00,27.74 57.40,34.63 57.40,34.63
57.40,34.63 59.00,43.00 59.00,43.00
59.00,43.00 59.00,83.00 59.00,83.00
55.35,81.66 46.99,77.79 44.72,74.79
41.17,70.10 42.01,59.80 42.00,54.00
42.00,51.62 42.20,48.29 40.98,46.21
38.34,41.74 25.78,38.60 21.28,33.79
16.81,29.02 18.00,20.20 18.00,14.00 Z
$LogoPath1 = New-Object Windows.Shapes.Path
$LogoPath1.Data = [Windows.Media.Geometry]::Parse($LogoPathData1)
$LogoPath1.Fill = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Blue # Set fill color for left part
# Part 2
$LogoPathData2 = @"
M 107.00,14.00
C 109.01,19.06 108.93,30.37 104.66,34.21
100.47,37.98 86.38,43.10 84.60,47.21
83.94,48.74 84.01,51.32 84.00,53.00
83.97,57.04 84.46,68.90 83.26,72.00
81.06,77.70 72.54,81.42 67.00,83.00
67.00,83.00 67.00,43.00 67.00,43.00
67.00,43.00 67.99,35.63 67.99,35.63
67.99,35.63 80.00,28.26 80.00,28.26
80.00,28.26 107.00,14.00 107.00,14.00 Z
$LogoPath2 = New-Object Windows.Shapes.Path
$LogoPath2.Data = [Windows.Media.Geometry]::Parse($LogoPathData2)
$LogoPath2.Fill = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Blue # Set fill color for right part
# Part 3
$LogoPathData3 = @"
M 20.00,46.00
C 22.36,47.14 29.67,50.71 31.01,52.63
32.17,54.30 31.99,57.04 32.00,59.00
32.04,65.41 31.35,72.16 34.56,78.00
39.19,86.45 47.10,89.04 55.00,93.31
57.55,94.69 61.10,97.20 64.00,97.22
66.50,97.24 69.77,95.36 72.00,94.25
77.42,91.55 85.51,87.78 89.82,83.68
95.56,78.20 96.96,70.59 97.00,63.00
97.01,60.24 96.59,54.63 98.02,52.39
99.80,49.60 104.95,47.87 108.00,47.00
108.00,47.00 108.00,67.00 108.00,67.00
107.90,87.69 97.10,93.85 81.00,103.00
77.51,104.98 67.66,110.67 64.00,110.52
61.33,110.41 56.55,107.53 54.00,106.25
47.21,102.83 37.63,98.57 32.04,93.68
17.88,81.28 20.00,62.88 20.00,46.00 Z
$LogoPath3 = New-Object Windows.Shapes.Path
$LogoPath3.Data = [Windows.Media.Geometry]::Parse($LogoPathData3)
$LogoPath3.Fill = [Windows.Media.Brushes]::Gray # Set fill color for bottom part
# Create a Canvas to hold the paths
$LogoCanvas = New-Object Windows.Controls.Canvas
$LogoCanvas.Width = 100
$LogoCanvas.Height = 100
# Apply a scale transform to the Canvas content
$scaleTransform = New-Object Windows.Media.ScaleTransform($scaleFactor, $scaleFactor)
$LogoCanvas.LayoutTransform = $scaleTransform
# Add the paths to the Canvas
$LogoCanvas.Children.Add($LogoPath1) | Out-Null
$LogoCanvas.Children.Add($LogoPath2) | Out-Null
$LogoCanvas.Children.Add($LogoPath3) | Out-Null
# Add the Canvas to the Viewbox
$LogoViewbox.Child = $LogoCanvas
return $LogoViewbox
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function Show-CustomDialog {
$buttonBackgroundColor = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.ButtonInstallBackgroundColor
$buttonBackgroundColor = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.ButtonInstallBackgroundColor
$buttonForegroundColor = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.ButtonInstallForegroundColor
$buttonForegroundColor = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.ButtonInstallForegroundColor
$shadowColor = [Windows.Media.ColorConverter]::ConvertFromString("#AAAAAAAA")
$shadowColor = [Windows.Media.ColorConverter]::ConvertFromString("#AAAAAAAA")
$logocolor = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.ButtonBackgroundPressedColor
$logocolor = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.LabelboxForegroundColor
# Create a custom dialog window
# Create a custom dialog window
$dialog = New-Object Windows.Window
$dialog = New-Object Windows.Window
@ -128,73 +128,15 @@ function Show-CustomDialog {
[Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($stackPanel, 0) # Set the row to the second row (0-based index)
[Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($stackPanel, 0) # Set the row to the second row (0-based index)
$viewbox = New-Object Windows.Controls.Viewbox
$viewbox.Width = $IconSize
$viewbox.Height = $IconSize
# Combine the paths into a single string
# $cttLogoPath = @"
# M174 1094 c-4 -14 -4 -55 -2 -92 3 -57 9 -75 41 -122 41 -60 45 -75 22 -84 -25 -9 -17 -21 30 -44 l45 -22 0 -103 c0 -91 3 -109 26 -155 30 -60 65 -87 204 -157 l95 -48 110 58 c184 96 205 127 205 293 l0 108 45 22 c47 23 55 36 30 46 -22 8 -18 30 9 63 13 16 34 48 46 71 20 37 21 52 15 116 l-6 73 -69 -23 c-38 -12 -137 -59 -220 -103 -82 -45 -160 -81 -171 -81 -12 0 -47 15 -78 34 -85 51 -239 127 -309 151 l-62 22 -6 -23z m500 -689 c20 -8 36 -19 36 -24 0 -18 -53 -51 -80 -51 -28 0 -80 33 -80 51 0 10 55 38 76 39 6 0 28 -7 48 -15z
# M177 711 c-19 -88 4 -242 49 -318 43 -74 107 -127 232 -191 176 -90 199 -84 28 7 -169 91 -214 129 -258 220 -29 58 -32 74 -37 190 -4 90 -8 116 -14 92z
# M1069 610 c-4 -131 -5 -137 -38 -198 -43 -79 -89 -119 -210 -181 -53 -27 -116 -61 -141 -76 -74 -43 -6 -20 115 40 221 109 296 217 294 425 -1 144 -16 137 -20 -10z
# "@
$cttLogoPath = @"
M 18.00,14.00
C 18.00,14.00 45.00,27.74 45.00,27.74
45.00,27.74 57.40,34.63 57.40,34.63
57.40,34.63 59.00,43.00 59.00,43.00
59.00,43.00 59.00,83.00 59.00,83.00
55.35,81.66 46.99,77.79 44.72,74.79
41.17,70.10 42.01,59.80 42.00,54.00
42.00,51.62 42.20,48.29 40.98,46.21
38.34,41.74 25.78,38.60 21.28,33.79
16.81,29.02 18.00,20.20 18.00,14.00 Z
M 107.00,14.00
C 109.01,19.06 108.93,30.37 104.66,34.21
100.47,37.98 86.38,43.10 84.60,47.21
83.94,48.74 84.01,51.32 84.00,53.00
83.97,57.04 84.46,68.90 83.26,72.00
81.06,77.70 72.54,81.42 67.00,83.00
67.00,83.00 67.00,43.00 67.00,43.00
67.00,43.00 67.99,35.63 67.99,35.63
67.99,35.63 80.00,28.26 80.00,28.26
80.00,28.26 107.00,14.00 107.00,14.00 Z
M 19.00,46.00
C 21.36,47.14 28.67,50.71 30.01,52.63
31.17,54.30 30.99,57.04 31.00,59.00
31.04,65.41 30.35,72.16 33.56,78.00
38.19,86.45 46.10,89.04 54.00,93.31
56.55,94.69 60.10,97.20 63.00,97.22
65.50,97.24 68.77,95.36 71.00,94.25
76.42,91.55 84.51,87.78 88.82,83.68
94.56,78.20 95.96,70.59 96.00,63.00
96.01,60.24 95.59,54.63 97.02,52.39
98.80,49.60 103.95,47.87 107.00,47.00
107.00,47.00 107.00,67.00 107.00,67.00
106.90,87.69 96.10,93.85 80.00,103.00
76.51,104.98 66.66,110.67 63.00,110.52
60.33,110.41 55.55,107.53 53.00,106.25
46.21,102.83 36.63,98.57 31.04,93.68
16.88,81.28 19.00,62.88 19.00,46.00 Z
# Add SVG path
$svgPath = New-Object Windows.Shapes.Path
$svgPath.Data = [Windows.Media.Geometry]::Parse($cttLogoPath)
$svgPath.Fill = $logocolor # Set fill color to white
# Add SVG path to Viewbox
$viewbox.Child = $svgPath
# Add SVG path to the stack panel
# Add SVG path to the stack panel
$stackPanel.Children.Add((Invoke-WinUtilLogoviewbox -Size 25))
# Add "Winutil" text
# Add "Winutil" text
$winutilTextBlock = New-Object Windows.Controls.TextBlock
$winutilTextBlock = New-Object Windows.Controls.TextBlock
$winutilTextBlock.Text = "Winutil"
$winutilTextBlock.Text = "Winutil"
$winutilTextBlock.FontSize = $HeaderFontSize
$winutilTextBlock.FontSize = $HeaderFontSize
$winutilTextBlock.Foreground = $logocolor
$winutilTextBlock.Foreground = $logocolor
$winutilTextBlock.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(10, 5, 10, 5) # Add margins around the text block
$winutilTextBlock.Margin = New-Object Windows.Thickness(10, 10, 10, 5) # Add margins around the text block
# Add TextBlock for information with text wrapping and margins
# Add TextBlock for information with text wrapping and margins
$messageTextBlock = New-Object Windows.Controls.TextBlock
$messageTextBlock = New-Object Windows.Controls.TextBlock
@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ function Invoke-WPFShortcut {
$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut($FileBrowser.FileName)
$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut($FileBrowser.FileName)
$Shortcut.TargetPath = $shell
$Shortcut.TargetPath = $shell
$Shortcut.Arguments = $shellArgs
$Shortcut.Arguments = $shellArgs
if (-NOT (Test-Path -Path $winutildir["logo.ico"])) {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://christitus.com/images/logo-full.ico" -OutFile $winutildir["logo.ico"]
if (Test-Path -Path $winutildir["logo.ico"]) {
if (Test-Path -Path $winutildir["logo.ico"]) {
$shortcut.IconLocation = $winutildir["logo.ico"]
$shortcut.IconLocation = $winutildir["logo.ico"]
@ -445,35 +445,20 @@ $sync["Form"].Add_Loaded({
$sync["Form"].MaxHeight = [Double]::PositiveInfinity
$sync["Form"].MaxHeight = [Double]::PositiveInfinity
$NavLogoPanel = $sync["Form"].FindName("NavLogoPanel")
$NavLogoPanel.Children.Add((Invoke-WinUtilLogoviewbox -Size 25)) | Out-Null
# Initialize the hashtable
# Initialize the hashtable
$winutildir = @{}
$winutildir = @{}
# Set the path for the winutil directory
# Set the path for the winutil directory
$winutildir["path"] = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\winutil\"
$winutildir["path"] = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\winutil\"
if (-NOT (Test-Path -Path $winutildir["path"])) {
[System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($winutildir["path"]) | Out-Null
New-Item -Path $winutildir["path"] -ItemType Directory
# Set the path for the logo and checkmark images
$winutildir["logo.png"] = $winutildir["path"] + "cttlogo.png"
$winutildir["logo.ico"] = $winutildir["path"] + "cttlogo.ico"
$winutildir["logo.ico"] = $winutildir["path"] + "cttlogo.ico"
if (-NOT (Test-Path -Path $winutildir["logo.png"])) {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://christitus.com/images/logo-full.png" -OutFile $winutildir["logo.png"]
if (-NOT (Test-Path -Path $winutildir["logo.ico"])) {
ConvertTo-Icon -bitmapPath $winutildir["logo.png"] -iconPath $winutildir["logo.ico"]
$winutildir["checkmark.png"] = $winutildir["path"] + "checkmark.png"
$winutildir["warning.png"] = $winutildir["path"] + "warning.png"
if (-NOT (Test-Path -Path $winutildir["checkmark.png"])) {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://christitus.com/images/checkmark.png" -OutFile $winutildir["checkmark.png"]
if (-NOT (Test-Path -Path $winutildir["warning.png"])) {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://christitus.com/images/warning.png" -OutFile $winutildir["warning.png"]
#$sync["Form"].Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::ExtractAssociatedIcon($winutildir["logo.ico"]).ToBitmap()
#$sync["logo.svg"] = [System.Drawing.Bitmap]::FromStream([System.IO.MemoryStream]::new([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($sync["icon.svg"])))
Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -overlay "logo"
Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -overlay "logo"
@ -522,10 +507,10 @@ Version : <a href="https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil/releases/tag/$($sy
$FontSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogFontSize
$FontSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogFontSize
$HeaderFontSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogFontSizeHeader
$HeaderFontSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogFontSizeHeader
$IconSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogIconSize
$LogoSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogLogoSize
$Width = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogWidth
$Width = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogWidth
$Height = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogHeight
$Height = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogHeight
Show-CustomDialog -Message $authorInfo -Width $Width -Height $Height -FontSize $FontSize -HeaderFontSize $HeaderFontSize -IconSize $IconSize
Show-CustomDialog -Message $authorInfo -Width $Width -Height $Height -FontSize $FontSize -HeaderFontSize $HeaderFontSize -LogoSize $LogoSize
@ -548,10 +533,10 @@ $sync["SponsorMenuItem"].Add_Click({
$FontSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogFontSize
$FontSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogFontSize
$HeaderFontSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogFontSizeHeader
$HeaderFontSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogFontSizeHeader
$IconSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogIconSize
$LogoSize = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogLogoSize
$Width = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogWidth
$Width = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogWidth
$Height = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogHeight
$Height = $sync.configs.themes.$ctttheme.CustomDialogHeight
Show-CustomDialog -Message $authorInfo -Width $Width -Height $Height -FontSize $FontSize -HeaderFontSize $HeaderFontSize -IconSize $IconSize -EnableScroll $true
Show-CustomDialog -Message $authorInfo -Width $Width -Height $Height -FontSize $FontSize -HeaderFontSize $HeaderFontSize -LogoSize $LogoSize -EnableScroll $true
$sync["Form"].ShowDialog() | out-null
$sync["Form"].ShowDialog() | out-null
@ -649,8 +649,8 @@
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<DockPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Background="{MainBackgroundColor}" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Grid.Row="0" Width="Auto">
<DockPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Background="{MainBackgroundColor}" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Grid.Row="0" Width="Auto">
<Image Height="{WinUtilIconSize}" Width="{WinUtilIconSize}" Name="WPFIcon"
<StackPanel Name="NavLogoPanel" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Background="{MainBackgroundColor}" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Margin="10,0,20,0">
SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Source="https://christitus.com/images/logo-full.png" Margin="10"/>
<ToggleButton HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="{TabButtonHeight}" Width="{TabButtonWidth}"
<ToggleButton HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="{TabButtonHeight}" Width="{TabButtonWidth}"
Background="{ButtonInstallBackgroundColor}" Foreground="white" FontWeight="Bold" Name="WPFTab1BT">
Background="{ButtonInstallBackgroundColor}" Foreground="white" FontWeight="Bold" Name="WPFTab1BT">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user