2024-06-28 16:13:12 -05:00
This Script is used as a target for the https://christitus.com/windev alias.
It queries the latest winget release (no matter if Pre-Release, Draft or Full Release) and invokes It
This Script provides a simple way to always start the bleeding edge release even if it's not yet a full release.
This function should be run with administrative privileges.
Because this way of recursively invoking scripts via Invoke-Expression it might very well happen that AV Programs flag this because it's a common way of mulitstage exploits to run
2024-06-28 17:15:39 -05:00
irm https://christitus.com/windev | iex
2024-06-28 16:13:12 -05:00
Run in Admin Powershell > ./windev.ps1
# Function to fetch the latest release tag from the GitHub API
function Get-LatestRelease {
try {
$releases = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://api.github.com/repos/ChrisTitusTech/winutil/releases'
2024-06-29 06:46:52 -05:00
$latestRelease = $releases | Where-Object {$_.prerelease -eq $true} | Select-Object -First 1
2024-06-28 16:13:12 -05:00
return $latestRelease.tag_name
} catch {
Write-Host "Error fetching release data: $_" -ForegroundColor Red
2024-07-08 15:02:53 -05:00
return $latestRelease.tag_name
2024-06-28 16:13:12 -05:00
# Function to redirect to the latest pre-release version
function RedirectToLatestPreRelease {
$latestRelease = Get-LatestRelease
if ($latestRelease) {
2024-08-07 21:06:42 -05:00
$url = "https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil/releases/download/$latestRelease/winutil.ps1"
2024-06-28 16:13:12 -05:00
} else {
Write-Host 'Unable to determine latest pre-release version.' -ForegroundColor Red
2024-07-08 15:02:53 -05:00
Write-Host "Using latest Full Release"
$url = "https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil/releases/latest/download/winutil.ps1"
2024-06-28 16:13:12 -05:00
2024-09-05 15:56:17 -05:00
$script = Invoke-RestMethod $url
# Elevate Shell if necessary
if (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
Write-Output "Winutil needs to be run as Administrator. Attempting to relaunch."
$powershellcmd = if (Get-Command pwsh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { "pwsh" } else { "powershell" }
$processCmd = if (Get-Command wt.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { "wt.exe" } else { $powershellcmd }
Start-Process $processCmd -ArgumentList "$powershellcmd -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -Command $(Invoke-Expression $script)" -Verb RunAs
Invoke-Expression $script
2024-06-28 16:13:12 -05:00
# Call the redirect function
2024-07-08 15:02:53 -05:00