2024-09-10 13:02:22 -05:00
Function Install-WinUtilProgramWinget {
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Runs the designated action on the provided programs using Winget
. PARAMETER Programs
A list of programs to process
. PARAMETER action
The action to perform on the programs , can be either 'Install' or 'Uninstall'
The triple quotes are required any time you need a " in a normal script block.
The winget Return codes are documented here : https : / / github . com / microsoft / winget-cli / blob / master / doc / windows / package-actionr / winget / returnCodes . md
param (
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[ Parameter ( Mandatory , Position = 0 ) ] $Programs ,
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[ Parameter ( Mandatory , Position = 1 ) ]
[ ValidateSet ( " Install " , " Uninstall " ) ]
[ String ] $Action
Function Invoke-Winget {
Invokes the winget . exe with the provided arguments and return the exit code
. PARAMETER wingetId
The Id of the Program that Winget should Install / Uninstall
Determines the installation mode . Can be " user " or " machine " ( For more info look at the winget documentation )
. PARAMETER credential
The PSCredential Object of the user that should be used to run winget
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Invoke Winget uses the public variable $Action defined outside the function to determine if a Program should be installed or removed
param (
[ string ] $wingetId ,
[ string ] $scope = " " ,
[ PScredential ] $credential = $null
$commonArguments = " --id $wingetId --silent "
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$arguments = if ( $Action -eq " Install " ) {
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" install $commonArguments --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements $( if ( $scope ) { " --scope $scope " } ) "
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} else {
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" uninstall $commonArguments "
$processParams = @ {
FilePath = " winget "
ArgumentList = $arguments
Wait = $true
PassThru = $true
NoNewWindow = $true
if ( $credential ) {
$processParams . credential = $credential
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return ( Start-Process @processParams ) . ExitCode
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Function Invoke-Install {
Contains the Install Logic and return code handling from winget
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The Winget ID of the Program that should be installed
param (
[ string ] $Program
$status = Invoke-Winget -wingetId $Program
if ( $status -eq 0 ) {
Write-Host " $( $Program ) installed successfully. "
return $true
} elseif ( $status -eq -1978335189 ) {
Write-Host " $( $Program ) No applicable update found "
return $true
Write-Host " Attempt installation of $( $Program ) with User scope "
$status = Invoke-Winget -wingetId $Program -scope " user "
if ( $status -eq 0 ) {
Write-Host " $( $Program ) installed successfully with User scope. "
return $true
} elseif ( $status -eq -1978335189 ) {
Write-Host " $( $Program ) No applicable update found "
return $true
$userChoice = [ System.Windows.MessageBox ] :: Show ( " Do you want to attempt $( $Program ) installation with specific user credentials? Select 'Yes' to proceed or 'No' to skip. " , " User credential Prompt " , [ System.Windows.MessageBoxButton ] :: YesNo )
if ( $userChoice -eq 'Yes' ) {
$getcreds = Get-Credential
$status = Invoke-Winget - wingetId $Program -credential $getcreds
if ( $status -eq 0 ) {
Write-Host " $( $Program ) installed successfully with User prompt. "
return $true
} else {
Write-Host " Skipping installation with specific user credentials. "
Write-Host " Failed to install $( $Program ) . "
return $false
Function Invoke-Uninstall {
Contains the Uninstall Logic and return code handling from winget
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The Winget ID of the Program that should be uninstalled
param (
[ psobject ] $Program
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try {
$status = Invoke-Winget -wingetId $Program
if ( $status -eq 0 ) {
Write-Host " $( $Program ) uninstalled successfully. "
return $true
} else {
Write-Host " Failed to uninstall $( $Program ) . "
return $false
} catch {
Write-Host " Failed to uninstall $( $Program ) due to an error: $_ "
return $false
$count = $Programs . Count
$failedPackages = @ ( )
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Write-Host " =========================================== "
Write-Host " -- Configuring winget packages --- "
Write-Host " =========================================== "
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for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $count ; $i + + ) {
$Program = $Programs [ $i ]
$result = $false
Set-WinUtilProgressBar -label " $Action $( $Program ) " -percent ( $i / $count * 100 )
$sync . form . Dispatcher . Invoke ( [ action ] { Set-WinUtilTaskbaritem -value ( $i / $count ) } )
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$result = switch ( $Action ) {
" Install " { Invoke-Install -Program $Program }
" Uninstall " { Invoke-Uninstall -Program $Program }
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default { throw " [Install-WinUtilProgramWinget] Invalid action: $Action " }
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if ( -not $result ) {
$failedPackages + = $Program
Set-WinUtilProgressBar -label " $( $Action ) ation done " -percent 100
return $failedPackages