2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
#region Configurable Variables
Use this section to configure testing variables. IE if the number of tabs change in the GUI update that variable here.
All variables need to be global to be passed between contexts
$global:FormName = "Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility"
#endregion Configurable Variables
#region Load Variables needed for testing
#Config Files
2022-11-14 15:48:10 -06:00
$global:configs = @{}
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
2022-11-14 15:48:10 -06:00
) | ForEach-Object {
$global:configs["$PSItem"] = Get-Content .\config\$PSItem.json | ConvertFrom-Json
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
$global:inputXML = get-content MainWindow.xaml
$global:inputXML = $global:inputXML -replace 'mc:Ignorable="d"', '' -replace "x:N", 'N' -replace '^<Win.*', '<Window'
[xml]$global:XAML = $global:inputXML
$global:reader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $global:xaml)
2022-11-14 15:48:10 -06:00
$global:Form = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load( $global:reader )
$global:xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | ForEach-Object { Set-Variable -Name "Global:WPF$($_.Name)" -Value $global:Form.FindName($_.Name) -Scope global }
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
#dotsource original script to pull in all variables and ensure no errors
$script = Get-Content .\winutil.ps1
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
$output = $script[0..($script.count - 4)] | Out-File .\pester.ps1
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
#endregion Load Variables needed for testing
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
# Tests - Application Installs
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
Describe "Application Installs" {
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
Context "Application installs" {
It "Imports with no errors" {
2022-11-14 15:48:10 -06:00
$global:configs.Applications | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
Context "Winget Install" {
$global:configs.applications.install | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | ForEach-Object {
$TestCase = @{ name = $psitem.name }
It "$($psitem.name) should include Winget Install" -TestCases $TestCase{
$null -eq $global:configs.applications.install.$name.winget | should -Befalse -because "$name Did not include a Winget Install"
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
Context "GUI Applications Checkbox" {
(get-variable | Where-Object {$psitem.name -like "*install*" -and $psitem.value.GetType().name -eq "CheckBox"}).name -replace 'Global:','' | ForEach-Object {
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
$TestCase = @{ name = $psitem }
It "$($psitem) should include application.json " -TestCases $TestCase{
$null -eq $global:configs.applications.install.$name | should -Befalse -because "$name Does not have entry in applications.json"
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
# Tests - Tweak Presets
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
Describe "Tweak Presets" {
Context "Json Import" {
It "Imports with no errors" {
$global:configs.preset | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
# Tests - GUI
Describe "GUI" {
Context "XML" {
It "Imports with no errors" {
$global:XAML | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Title should be $global:FormName" {
$global:XAML.window.Title | should -Be $global:FormName
Context "Form" {
It "Imports with no errors" {
2022-11-14 15:48:10 -06:00
$global:Form | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
It "Title should match XML" {
2022-11-14 15:48:10 -06:00
$global:Form.title | should -Be $global:XAML.window.Title
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
# Tests - GUI Functions
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
Describe "GUI Functions" {
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
BeforeEach -Scriptblock {. ./pester.ps1}
2022-10-23 13:28:55 -05:00
It "GUI should load with no errors" {
$WPFTab1BT | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFundoall | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFPanelDISM | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFPanelAutologin | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFUpdatesdefault | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFFixesUpdate | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFUpdatesdisable | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFUpdatessecurity | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFFeatureInstall | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFundoall | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFDisableDarkMode | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFEnableDarkMode | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFtweaksbutton | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFminimal | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFlaptop | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFdesktop | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFInstallUpgrade | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$WPFinstall | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
2022-11-14 15:48:10 -06:00
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
Context "Get-CheckBoxes" {
It "Get-CheckBoxes Install should return data" {
. .\pester.ps1
2022-11-14 15:48:10 -06:00
2022-11-29 17:27:36 -06:00
$TestCheckBoxes = @(
$OutputResult = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
$TestCheckBoxes | ForEach-Object {
$global:configs.applications.Install.$psitem.winget -split ";" | ForEach-Object {
$OutputResult = Sort-Object -InputObject $OutputResult
$TestCheckBoxes | ForEach-Object {(Get-Variable $PSItem).value.ischecked = $true}
$Output = Get-CheckBoxes -Group WPFInstall | Sort-Object
$Output | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because "Output did not containe applications to install"
$Output | Should -Not -Be $OutputResult -Because "Output contains duplicate values"
$Output | Should -Be $($OutputResult | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object) -Because "Output doesn't match"
$TestCheckBoxes | ForEach-Object {(Get-Variable $PSItem).value.ischecked | should -be $false}
2022-11-14 15:48:10 -06:00
2022-11-29 17:54:18 -06:00
Context "Set-Presets" {
$global:configs.preset | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | ForEach-Object {
$TestCase = @{ name = $psitem.name }
It "preset $($psitem.name) should modify the correct values" -TestCases $TestCase {
Set-Presets $name
get-variable $global:configs.preset.$name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ischecked | Where-Object {$psitem -eq $false} | should -BeNullOrEmpty