2024-10-25 03:56:50 -05:00
function Microwin-RemovePackages {
2024-10-07 16:22:16 -05:00
try {
$pkglist = ( Get-WindowsPackage -Path " $scratchDir " ) . PackageName
$pkglist = $pkglist | Where-Object {
$_ -NotLike " *ApplicationModel* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *indows-Client-LanguagePack* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *LanguageFeatures-Basic* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *Package_for_ServicingStack* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *.NET* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *Store* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *VCLibs* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *AAD.BrokerPlugin " ,
$_ -NotLike " *LockApp* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *Notepad* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *immersivecontrolpanel* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *ContentDeliveryManager* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *PinningConfirMationDialog* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *SecHealthUI* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *SecureAssessmentBrowser* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *PrintDialog* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *AssignedAccessLockApp* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *OOBENetworkConnectionFlow* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *Apprep.ChxApp* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *CBS* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *OOBENetworkCaptivePortal* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *PeopleExperienceHost* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *ParentalControls* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *Win32WebViewHost* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *InputApp* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *DirectPlay* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *AccountsControl* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *AsyncTextService* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *CapturePicker* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *CredDialogHost* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *BioEnrollMent* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *ShellExperienceHost* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *DesktopAppInstaller* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *WebMediaExtensions* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *WMIC* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *UI.XaML* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *Ethernet* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *Wifi* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *FodMetadata* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *Foundation* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *LanguageFeatures* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *VBSCRIPT* " -AND
$_ -NotLike " *License* "
$failedCount = 0
$erroredPackages = [ System.Collections.Generic.List[ErroredPackage] ] :: new ( )
foreach ( $pkg in $pkglist ) {
try {
$status = " Removing $pkg "
Write-Progress -Activity " Removing Packages " -Status $status -PercentComplete ( $counter + + / $pkglist . Count * 100 )
Remove-WindowsPackage -Path " $scratchDir " -PackageName $pkg -NoRestart -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} catch {
# This can happen if the package that is being removed is a permanent one
$erroredPackages . Add ( [ ErroredPackage ] :: new ( $pkg , $_ . Exception . Message ) )
$failedCount + = 1
Write-Progress -Activity " Removing Packages " -Status " Ready " -Completed
if ( $failedCount -gt 0 )
Write-Host " $failedCount package(s) could not be removed. Your image will still work fine, however. Below is information on what packages failed to be removed and why. "
if ( $erroredPackages . Count -gt 0 )
$erroredPackages = $erroredPackages | Sort-Object -Property ErrorMessage
$previousErroredPackage = $erroredPackages [ 0 ]
$counter = 0
Write-Host " "
Write-Host " - $( $previousErroredPackage . ErrorMessage ) "
foreach ( $erroredPackage in $erroredPackages ) {
if ( $erroredPackage . ErrorMessage -ne $previousErroredPackage . ErrorMessage ) {
Write-Host " "
$counter = 0
Write-Host " - $( $erroredPackage . ErrorMessage ) "
$counter + = 1
Write-Host " $counter ) $( $erroredPackage . PackageName ) "
$previousErroredPackage = $erroredPackage
Write-Host " "
} catch {
Write-Host " Unable to get information about the packages. MicroWin processing will continue, but packages will not be processed "
Write-Host " Error information: $( $_ . Exception . Message ) " -ForegroundColor Yellow