This is a pre-release and should be treated as such. It exists for developers to test the utility and report or fix bugs before they get added to the stable release. Don't use it in production!
* If you encounter any challenges or problems with the script, I kindly request that you submit them via the "Issues" tab on the GitHub repository. By filling out the provided template, you can provide specific details about the issue, allowing me (and others in the community) to promptly address any bugs or consider feature requests.
* Pull requests are now handled directly on the **MAIN branch**. This was done since we can now select specific releases to launch via releases in GitHub.
Do not use a code formatter, make massive amounts of line changes, or make multiple feature changes. EACH FEATURE CHANGE SHOULD BE IT'S OWN PULL REQUEST!
* When creating pull requests, it is essential to thoroughly document all changes made. This includes, but is not limited to, documenting any additions made to the `tweaks` section and corresponding `undo tweak`, so users are able to remove the newly added tweaks if necessary, and comprehensive documentation is required for all code changes. Document your changes and briefly explain why you made your changes in your Pull Request Description. Failure to adhere to this format may result in the denial of the pull request. Additionally, any code lacking sufficient documentation may also be denied.
* This is a guide for beginners. If you are still having issues, look at the following official GitHub documentation:
* [Commit through WEB](
* [Commit through GitHub Desktop](
* [Create a Pull Request](
### Overview
``` mermaid
graph LR
A[Fork Project] --> B[Clone Repository];
B --> C[Create New Branch];
C --> D[Make Changes];
D --> G[Test Changes];
G --> H{Tests Passed?};
H -->|Yes| E[Commit Changes];
E --> F[Push Branch];
H -->|No| J[Fix Issues];
F --> K[Create Pull Request];
K --> L[Fill out PR template];
J --> G;
!!! info
This is a diagram to guide you through the process. It may vary depending on the type of change you're making.
While you can make your changes directly through the Web, we recommend cloning the repo to your device using the application GitHub Desktop (available in WinUtil) to test your fork easily.
* Install GitHub Desktop if it is not already installed.
* Log in using the same GitHub account you used to fork WinUtil.
* After seeing that your changes work properly, feel free to commit the changes to the repository and make a PR. For help on that, follow the documentation below.
* To make a PR on your repo under a new branch linking to the main branch, a button will show and say Preview and Create pull request. Click that button and fill in all the information that is provided on the template. Once all the information is filled in correctly, check your PR to make sure there is not a WinUtil.ps1 file attached to the PR. Once everything is good, make the PR and wait for Chris (the maintainer) to accept or deny your PR. Once it is accepted by Chris, you will be able to see your changes in the "/windev" build.
* If you do not see your feature in the main "/win" build, that is fine. All new changes go into the /windev build to make sure everything is working OK before going fully public.