import argparse import subprocess import re import os import sys import select import termios import tty import pty class Kbuilder: def __init__(self, KConfig=None, KPath=None, KVersion="", KHostname="localhost"): self.BaseDir = os.getcwd() + "/" self.LogDir = self.BaseDir + "log/" self.KVersion = KVersion # The kernel version if KConfig is not None: self.KConfig = KConfig else: self.KConfig="config/example.KConfig" # Default KConfig location if KPath is not None: self.KPath = KPath else: self.KPath = f"{self.BaseDir}kernel/linux-{KVersion}/" # Path to this kernel self.ImgPath = self.KPath + "img/" self.KHostname = KHostname self.isDownloaded = False # Is the tarball downloaded? self.isExtracted = False # Is the tarball extracted? self.nproc = int(["nproc"], capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8").split("\n")[0]) self.runkPath = self.ImgPath + "" self.runkScript = "#!/bin/bash\n" self.runkScript += f"qemu-system-x86_64" self.runkScript += f" -m 2G" self.runkScript += f" -smp 2" self.runkScript += f" -kernel {self.KPath}/arch/x86/boot/bzImage" self.runkScript += f" -append \"console=ttyS0 root=/dev/sda earlyprintk=serial net.ifnames=0 nokaslr\"" self.runkScript += f" -drive file={self.ImgPath}bullseye.img,format=raw" self.runkScript += f" -net user,host=,hostfwd=tcp:" self.runkScript += f" -net nic,model=e1000" self.runkScript += f" -nographic" self.runkScript += f" -enable-kvm" self.runkScript += f" -cpu host" self.runkScript += f" -s" self.runkScript += f" -pidfile {self.ImgPath}" self.runkScript += f" 2>&1 | tee {self.ImgPath}vm.log" self.runkScript += f"\n" def logb(self, msgType, inMsg, quiet=False): endFmt = "\x1b[0m" startFmt = "" if msgType == "fail": col1 = "\x1b[38;5;124m" col2 = "\x1b[38;5;197m" logChar = "!" if msgType == "good": col1 = "\x1b[38;5;46m" col2 = "\x1b[38;5;154m" logChar = "+" if msgType == "warn": col1 = "\x1b[38;5;208m" col2 = "\x1b[38;5;220m" logChar = "-" if msgType == "info": col1 = "\x1b[38;5;51m" col2 = "\x1b[38;5;159m" logChar = "i" if msgType == "log": col1 = "\x1b[38;5;51m" col2 = "\x1b[38;5;159m" logChar = "+" if msgType == "q": col1 = "\x1b[38;5;63m" col2 = "\x1b[38;5;171m" logChar = "?" startFmt = f"{col1}[{col2}{logChar}{col1}]{col2} " outmsg = f"{startFmt}{inMsg}{endFmt}" if quiet == False: print(outmsg) return outmsg def run(self, cmd, rcwd=None): # This is a wrapper around subprocess.Popen that follows the output # cmd = A list containing the command to run # rcwd = current working dir for this command # returns retcode [int] retcode = -1 if rcwd == None: rcwd = self.BaseDir if cmd is not None: try: self.logb("log", f"Executing {cmd}") subproc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=rcwd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) err = '' while subproc.poll() is None: line = subproc.stderr.readline().decode('utf-8') err += line sys.stderr.write(line) sys.stderr.flush() exitcode = subproc.poll() return exitcode except Exception as e: print("[!] Error!") print(e) return retcode def KDownload(self): if self.KVersion: # This means we're downloading a mainline kernel version_checker = r"^([3-6])\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?$" # support major versions 3,4,5,6 version = re.match(version_checker, self.KVersion) if not version: self.logb("fail","Invalid or unsupported kernel version!") return major_ver = full_ver = tarball_url = f"{major_ver}.x/linux-{full_ver}.tar.xz" file_name = f"linux-{full_ver}" cwd = os.getcwd() download_path = f"{cwd}/kernel/" # TODO: Grab this from the class instead!! archive_name = f"{file_name}.tar.xz" extracted_path = download_path + file_name # This is where the kernel source is extracted, kernel/linux-version/ archive_path = download_path + archive_name if os.path.isfile(archive_path): confirm_overwrite = self.logb("warn", f"Warning - already downloaded archive for version {full_ver}. Overwrite? [y/n] (Default=n)", quiet=True) archiveOverwrite = input(f"{confirm_overwrite} ") self.isDownloaded = False if archiveOverwrite.lower() == "y" else True # Trigger redownload # try to download tarball for target kernel version if self.isDownloaded == False: self.logb("good",f"Downloading {tarball_url} to {archive_path}") dlcmd =["curl", "-s", "--fail", tarball_url, "-o", archive_path]) if dlcmd != 0: self.logb("warn", f"Warning - attempt to download archive for kernel version {full_ver} was unsuccessful. plz check your version") self.isDownloaded = False return else: self.isDownloaded = True if os.path.isdir(extracted_path): self.logb("warn", f"Warning - extracted directory already exists for version {full_ver}.") self.isExtracted = True if self.isExtracted == False: self.logb("good", f"Extracting the tarball for {self.KVersion}")["tar", "xf", archive_path, "-C", download_path]) if not os.path.isdir(extracted_path): # Check if extracted files are where we expect self.logb("warn", f"Warning - tarball downloaded to {archive_path}, but archive extraction was unsuccessful") else: self.logb("warn", f"You must set self.KVersion before using KDownload().") def KConfigure(self): cmdret =["make", "defconfig"], rcwd=self.KPath) cmdret =["make", "kvm_guest.config"], rcwd=self.KPath) self.logb("log",f"Appending {self.KConfig} to {self.KPath}.config") KConfigFile = open(self.KConfig, "r") ConfigFile = open(f"{self.KPath}.config", "a+") # This is the config file to write ConfigFile.write( ConfigFile.close() KConfigFile.close() cmdret =["make", "olddefconfig"], rcwd=self.KPath) def KCompile(self): self.logb("warn","Warning: Building the kernel, this may take a while...") cmdret =["make", "-j", f"{self.nproc}"], rcwd=self.KPath) def DebImageBuild(self): self.logb("log", f"Building Debian Image - Version: {self.KVersion} Hostname: {self.KHostname}") try: self.logb("log",f"Making the debian image path {self.ImgPath}") os.mkdir(self.ImgPath) # this should create the dir, needs testing except FileExistsError: self.logb("warn", f"Dir exists, skipping...") cmdret =["cp", f"{self.BaseDir}kernel/", self.ImgPath]) cmdret =[f"{self.ImgPath}","-n", self.KHostname], rcwd=self.ImgPath) runkScript = open(self.runkPath, "w") runkScript.write(self.runkScript) runkScript.close() self.logb("good", f" written to {self.runkPath}.") # Also need to print ssh config entry for it def DebImageRun(self): self.logb("log", f"Running Debian Image in {self.ImgPath}") cmdret =["/bin/bash", self.runkPath], rcwd=self.ImgPath) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="easylkb - Easy Linux Kernel Builder") # Configuration parser.add_argument('-k', dest='KVersion', help='Kernel Version - Downloads a mainline kernel') parser.add_argument('-p', dest='KPath', help='Path to Linux kernel, use instead of -k') parser.add_argument('--kconfig', dest='KConfig', help='KConfig, default is example.KConfig') # Actions parser.add_argument('-d', dest='KDownload', action="store_true", help='Downloads the source of the kernel') parser.add_argument('-c', dest='KConfigure', action="store_true", help='Runs kernel configuration commands') parser.add_argument('-m', dest='KCompile', action="store_true", help='Compiles the kernel') parser.add_argument('-i', dest='DebImageBuild', action="store_true", help='Builds bootable Debian image from a built kernel') parser.add_argument('-r', dest='DebImageRun', action="store_true", help='Run image with QEMU') parser.add_argument('-a', dest='DoAll', action="store_true", help='Do All: Download (or use source specified by -p), Configure, Compile, Build Image, and Run Image') args = parser.parse_args() if args.KVersion is None and args.KPath is None: print('Please provide a kernel version with -k, or a kernel path with -p') exit(1) myKVersion = args.KVersion myKPath = args.KPath myKConfig = args.KConfig Kb = Kbuilder(KVersion=myKVersion, KPath=myKPath, KConfig=myKConfig) if args.DoAll: if myKPath is not None: args.KDownload = False # Disable download if a path is specified elif myKVersion is not None: args.KDownload = True else: print('Please provide a kernel version with -k, or a kernel path with -p') exit(1) # Set all the options args.KConfigure = True args.KCompile = True args.DebImageBuild = True args.DebImageRun = True if args.KDownload: Kb.KDownload() # Download specified kernel tarball if args.KConfigure: Kb.KConfigure() # This applies kernel configurations we need to boot and debug the kernel. if args.KCompile: Kb.KCompile() # Compile the kernel if args.DebImageBuild: Kb.DebImageBuild() # This builds the debian image from the compiled kernel if args.DebImageRun: Kb.DebImageRun()