#!/bin/bash # What to backup. bfiles=".local/bin .ssh .gnupg .config .xstefenrc .gitconfig \ .bashrc .inputrc .nanorc .xprofile \ .android-certs android/utils android/stock" # Where to backup to. bdest="/mnt/seagate/Backups/" # Create archive filename. bdate=$(date +%Y%m%d) bhost=$(hostname -s) barchive="$bhost-$bdate.tgz" # Print start status message. echo "Backing up $bfiles to $bdest/$barchive" date echo # Backup the files using tar. tar czf $bdest/$barchive $bfiles # Print end status message. echo echo "Backup finished" date # Long listing of files in $dest to check file sizes. ls -lh $bdest