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53 lines
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-- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2
-- * (c) 2010, Adrian C. <>
-- * (c) 2009, Lucas de Vries <>
-- {{{ Grab environment
local tonumber = tonumber
local io = { popen = io.popen }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local string = { match = string.match }
local helpers = require("vicious.helpers")
-- }}}
-- FS: provides file system disk space usage
-- vicious.widgets.fs
local fs = {}
-- Variable definitions
local unit = { ["mb"] = 1024, ["gb"] = 1024^2 }
-- {{{ Filesystem widget type
local function worker(format, warg)
-- Fallback to listing local filesystems
if warg then warg = "" else warg = "-l" end
local fs_info = {} -- Get data from df
local f = io.popen("LC_ALL=C df -kP " .. helpers.shellquote(warg))
for line in f:lines() do -- Match: (size) (used)(avail)(use%) (mount)
local s = string.match(line, "^.-[%s]([%d]+)")
local u,a,p = string.match(line, "([%d]+)[%D]+([%d]+)[%D]+([%d]+)%%")
local m = string.match(line, "%%[%s]+([%p%w]+)")
if u and m then -- Handle 1st line and broken regexp
helpers.uformat(fs_info, m .. " size", s, unit)
helpers.uformat(fs_info, m .. " used", u, unit)
helpers.uformat(fs_info, m .. " avail", a, unit)
fs_info["{" .. m .. " used_p}"] = tonumber(p)
fs_info["{" .. m .. " avail_p}"] = 100 - tonumber(p)
return fs_info
-- }}}
return setmetatable(fs, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })