#!/usr/bin/env bash # Polybar launcher script written by Nathaniel Maia for use in ArchLabs # Will launch bars depending on WM # Can also be used to reload openbox session with [--reload] or [-r] # Enter your bar names here (seperated by spaces) eg. BARS=(bar bar1 my-bar) # This will be combined with CUR_WM in WMS below eg. openbox-bar, bspwm-bar1, i3-my-bar etc. # by default it is set up in WM-BAR naming format BARS=(bar) CONFIG=$HOME/.config/polybar/config WMS=(bspwm i3 openbox) HELP="\nUSAGE:\n\tstart-polybar [OPTIONS] \nOPTIONS:\n\t--reload, -r\tIf running in openbox, will reload the session \t--help, -h\tPrint this usage message and exit \n\tWith no options the script will stop and reload polybar" for i in ${WMS[@]}; do if [[ "$(wmctrl -m | grep -i name | awk '{print tolower($2)}')" == "$i" ]]; then WM=$i && break elif [[ "$(xprop -root -notype | grep "WM_NAME =" | tr -d '"' | awk '{print tolower($3)}')" == "$i" ]]; then WM=$i && break elif [[ "$(awk '{print tolower($0)}' <<< $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP)" == "$i" ]]; then WM=$i && break fi done case "$@" in *help|-h) echo -e $HELP && exit 0 ;; *reload|-r) if [[ "$CUR_WM" == "openbox" ]]; then openbox --restart al-compositor --restart && al-tint2restart fi ;; *) : ;; esac if pgrep tint2 >/dev/null; then echo "Tint is running... Exiting" && exit 0 else while pgrep polybar >/dev/null; do pkill polybar && sleep 0.5 done echo "Using $CUR_WM... Launching Bars" for bar in "${BARS[@]}"; do polybar -r --config=$CONFIG ${CUR_WM}-$bar & done echo "Bars launched..." fi