-- {{{ init environment local wakka = {} local capi = { mouse = mouse, screen = screen } -- {{{ display -- formats the lines for the notify local function display() local lines = "Bitcoin:\n" local tick = "Ask:\n" local f = io.popen("bitcoind getbalance", "r") local t = io.popen("curl -q -s https://api.bitcoinaverage.com/ticker/global/AUD/ask", "r") local s = f:read('*all') local g = t:read('*all') line = lines .. "\n" .. s .. "\n" ticker = tick .. "\n" .. g .. "\n" f:close() t:close() -- return line, ticker return string.format('%s%s',line, ticker) end function wakka.addToWidget(mywidget) mywidget:add_signal('mouse::enter', function () run_display = display() usage = naughty.notify({ text = string.format('%s', "monospace", run_display), timeout = 0, hover_timeout = 0.5, screen = capi.mouse.screen }) end) mywidget:add_signal('mouse::leave', function () naughty.destroy(usage) end) end return wakka