# Generated by fluxbox-generate_menu
# If you read this it means you want to edit this file manually, so here
# are some useful tips:
# - You can add your own menu-entries to ~/.fluxbox/usermenu
# - If you miss apps please let me know and I will add them for the next
#   release.
# - The -r option prevents removing of empty menu entries and lines which
#   makes things much more readable.
# - To prevent any other app from overwriting your menu
#   you can change the menu name in ~/.fluxbox/init to:
#     session.menuFile: ~/.fluxbox/my-menu
[begin] (Fluxbox-1.3.7)
[encoding] {UTF-8}
      [exec] (Run) {rofi -show run}
      [exec] (Terminal) {exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator}
      [exec] (File Manager) {exo-open --launch FileManager}
      [exec] (Browser) {exo-open --launch WebBrowser}
      [exec] (Mail) {exo-open --launch MailReader}
[submenu] (Settings)
      [exec] (Wallpaper) {nitrogen}
      [exec] (Xfce Appearance) {xfce4-appearance-settings}
      [exec] (Screenshot JPG) {scrot -q 100 '%B_%s_$wx$h.jpg' -e 'mv $f ~/Pictures/'}
      [exec] (Screenshot PNG) {scrot -q 100 '%B_%s_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Pictures/'}
      [exec] (Screenshot PNG 5 sec.) {scrot -q 100 -cd 5 '%B_%s_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Pictures/'}
      [exec] (Screenshot PNG select) {scrot -s -q 100 '%B_%s_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Pictures/'}
      [exec] (Screenshot PNG multidisp) {scrot -m -q 100 '%B_%s_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Pictures/'}
[submenu] (Fluxbox menu)
      [config] (Configure)
[submenu] (System Styles) {Choose a style...}
      [stylesdir] (/usr/share/fluxbox/styles)
[submenu] (User Styles) {Choose a style...}
      [stylesdir] (~/.fluxbox/styles)
      [workspaces] (Workspace List)
      [commanddialog] (Fluxbox Command)
      [reconfig] (Reload config)
      [restart] (Restart)
      [exec] (About) {(fluxbox -v; fluxbox -info | sed 1d) | xmessage -file - -center}
      [exit] (Exit)
      [reconfig] (Reload config)
      [restart] (Restart)
      [exec] (End Session) {rofi_run -l}