# sxhkdrc for use with dk ######################################################### # terminal emulator super + Return al-terminal alt + shift + Return al-terminal super + t al-terminal # program launcher alt + p rofi_run -r alt + F1 rofi_run -r super + @space rofi_run -r # make sxhkd reload its configuration files: super + shift + r pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd # quit dk alt + shift + q dkcmd exit # reload dkrc alt + shift + r dkcmd reload # restart dk alt + ctrl + shift + r dkcmd restart # focus next or previous window alt + {j,k} dkcmd win focus {next,prev} # close window, swap tiled window in/out of master, cycle tiled windows in place alt + {q,space,Tab} dkcmd win {kill,swap,cycle} # toggle fullscreen and fake fullscreen (enable manipulating fullscreen window) {_,alt + }F11 dkcmd win {full,fakefull} # toggle floating or sticky alt + shift + {space,s} dkcmd win {float,stick} # move window, signed (+/-) for relative changes alt + shift + {h,j,k,l} dkcmd win resize {x=-20,y=+20,y=-20,x=+20} # resize window, signed (+/-) for relative changes alt + ctrl + {h,j,k,l} dkcmd win resize {w=-20,h=+20,h=-20,w=+20} # move the active window up/down the stack alt + {Up,Down} dkcmd win mvstack {up,down} # view, send, or follow to a workspace (by number) alt + {_,shift + ,ctrl + }{1-9,0} dkcmd ws {view,send,follow} {1-9,10} # view, send, or follow to the next, previous, last active, # next non-empty, or prev non-empty workspace alt + {_,shift + ,ctrl + }{bracketleft,bracketright,BackSpace,Left,Right} dkcmd ws {view,send,follow} {prev,next,last,prevne,nextne} # view, send, or follow to the next, previous, or last active monitor alt + {_,shift + ,ctrl + }{comma,period,backslash} dkcmd mon {view,send,follow} {prev,next,last} # change active workspace layout alt + {t,r,m,g,s,w,f,u} dkcmd set layout {tile,rtile,mono,grid,spiral,dwindle,none,tstack} # change number of windows in master or first stack alt + {_,shift + }{i,d} dkcmd set {master,stack} {+1,-1} # change gap width alt + {equal,minus} dkcmd set gap width {+5,-5} # change border widths alt + ctrl + {_,shift + }{equal,minus} dkcmd set border {width,outer_width} {+1,-1}