#!/usr/bin/env bash # # A script to upgrade existing installations of ArchLabs # # Written by Nathaniel Maia # REPOS=' [archlabs_repo] Server = https://archlabs.github.io/archlabs_repo/$arch Server = https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/archlabs-repo/archlabs_repo/$arch' HOME_FILES=("$HOME/bin" "$HOME/.config" "$HOME/.themes" "$HOME/.gorice" "$HOME/.Xresources" "$HOME/.Xresources.template" "$HOME/.mozilla" "$HOME/.zshrc" "$HOME/.bashrc" "$HOME/.local" "$HOME/.xprofile" "$HOME/.xinitrc" "$HOME/.icons" "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0" ) SKEL_FILES=('/etc/skel/bin' '/etc/skel/.config' '/etc/skel/.themes' '/etc/skel/.Xresources' '/etc/skel/.gorice' '/etc/skel/.icons' '/etc/skel/.gtkrc-2.0' '/etc/skel/.xprofile' '/etc/skel/.xinitrc' '/etc/skel/.mozilla' '/etc/skel/.Xresources.template' ) WMS=(i3 openbox) for i in "${WMS[@]}"; do if [[ "$(wmctrl -m | grep -i name | awk '{print tolower($2)}')" == "$i" ]]; then WM=$i && break elif [[ "$(xprop -root -notype | grep "WM_NAME =" | tr -d '"' | awk '{print tolower($3)}')" == "$i" ]]; then WM=$i && break elif [[ "$(awk '{print tolower($0)}' <<< "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP")" == "$i" ]]; then WM=$i && break fi done # Loop until network connected while ! [[ $(ping -c1 ]]; do echo -e "Please Connect to a Network Before Continuing" clear; sleep 1 done setup_keyring() { KEYS=('AEFB411B072836CD48FF0381AE252C284B5DBA5D' '9E4F11C6A072942A7B3FD3B0B81EB14A09A25EB0' '35F52A02854DCCAEC9DD5CC410443C7F54B00041' ) sudo dirmngr /dev/null 2>&1 } backup_configs() { if ! [[ -e "$HOME/Downloads/$USER-backup.tar.gz" ]]; then tar czvf "$HOME/Downloads/$USER-backup.tar.gz" "${HOME_FILES[@]}" >/dev/null 2>&1 else echo "[WARNING] Backup already exists... Not overwriting" sleep 2 fi } setup_configs() { sudo pacman -S clutter-gtk libgee archlabs-jgmenu --needed --noconfirm sudo pacman -S gdk-pixbuf2 pango python-yaml --needed --noconfirm cp -rf "${SKEL_FILES[@]}" "$HOME/" cp -f /etc/skel/.{bashrc,zshrc} "$HOME/" } new_configs() { clear printf "\nThis step will get the latest configs for polybar, openbox, i3 etc. \n\nYour existing configs will be archived to: \n\t$HOME/Downloads/$USER-backup.tar.gz\n\n\n\nDo you want to continue? [y/N]:" read -r answer case "$answer" in y|yes|Y|YES) backup_configs if [[ -e $HOME/Downloads/$USER-backup.tar.gz ]]; then setup_configs fi rm -f "$HOME/.config/keypack" sed -i '/keypack/d' "$HOME/.config/openbox/autostart" ~/.config/setup esac } setupKeyring if ! pacman -Q archlabs-user-skel >/dev/null 2>&1; then sudo rm -rf "${SKEL_FILES[@]}" sudo pacman -S archlabs-user-skel --needed --noconfirm else sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm fi new_configs clear echo "########################################################## ######## Setup Completed ######### ##########################################################" exit 0