Terminal emulator Mod+t Web browser Mod+w Text editor Mod+e File manager Mod+f Dock show/hide Mod+d Notification center Mod+c Application launcher Alt+F1|Ctrl+Space Kill task Alt+q Exit menu Mod+x Reload sway Mod+Shift+C Switch workspace Mod+number Move to workspace Mod+Shift+number Move focus Mod+arrow Move container Mod+Shift+arrow Previous workspace Mod+Alt+left Next workspace Mod+Alt+rigth Toggle split Mod+Tab Toggle layout Alt+Tab Toggle floating Mod+Shift+Space Fullscreen Mod+Shift+F Resize container Alt+arrow Change inner gaps Mod+plus/minus Change outer gaps Mod+Shift+plus/minus Move to scratchpad Mod+Shift+Z Show scratchpad Mod+Z Screenshot display Ctrl+PrtScr Screenshot region Shift+Ctrl+PrtScr Screenshot window Mod+Shift+Ctrl+PrtScr Show/hide help Alt+h Move help to front/back Alt+Shift+H