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2019-08-25 12:48:40 -05:00
local awful = require("awful")
local gears = require("gears")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local xresources = require("beautiful.xresources")
local dpi = xresources.apply_dpi
-- Set colors
local active_color = beautiful.cpu_bar_active_color or "#5AA3CC"
local background_color = beautiful.cpu_bar_background_color or "#222222"
-- Configuration
local update_interval = 5 -- in seconds
local cpu_bar = wibox.widget{
max_value = 100,
value = 50,
forced_height = dpi(10),
margins = {
top = dpi(8),
bottom = dpi(8),
forced_width = dpi(200),
shape = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
bar_shape = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
color = active_color,
background_color = background_color,
border_width = 0,
border_color = beautiful.border_color,
widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
-- Mouse control
-- cpu_bar:buttons(gears.table.join(
-- --
-- awful.button({ }, 1, function ()
-- end),
-- --
-- awful.button({ }, 2, function ()
-- end),
-- --
-- awful.button({ }, 3, function ()
-- end),
-- --
-- awful.button({ }, 4, function ()
-- end),
-- awful.button({ }, 5, function ()
-- end)
-- ))
local function update_widget(cpu_idle)
-- Use this if you want to display usage percentage
-- cpu_bar.value = 100 - cpu_idle
-- Use this if you want to idle percentage
cpu_bar.value = tonumber(cpu_idle)
-- Signals
-- cpu_bar:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function ()
-- update_widget()
-- end)
-- update_widget()
local cpu_idle_script = [[
bash -c "
vmstat 1 2 | tail -1 | awk '{printf \"%d\", $15}'
"]], update_interval, function(widget, stdout)
-- local cpu_idle = stdout:match('+(.*)%.%d...(.*)%(')
local cpu_idle = stdout
cpu_idle = string.gsub(cpu_idle, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1')
return cpu_bar