#!/bin/bash # This program is free software, provided under the GNU GPL # Written by Nathaniel Maia for use in Archlabs # Some ideas and code reworked from other resources # AIF, Cnichi, Calamares, Arch Wiki.. Credit where credit is due VER="2.0.30" # installer version DIST="ArchLabs" # linux distributor MNT="/mnt" # install mountpoint ANS="/tmp/ans" # dialog answer file # --------------------------------------------- # # if you manually mount your partitions then you # need to set these values to avoid issues. # --------------------------------------------- # # root partition, eg/ /dev/sda2 ROOT_PART='' # boot partition, required on UEFI eg. /dev/sda1 BOOT_PART='' # device used for some bootloader install process, eg. /dev/sda BOOT_DEV='' # bootloader to use, can be: # UEFI: grub, syslinux, efistub, systemd-boot, refind-efi # BIOS: grub, syslinux BOOTLDR='' # directory to mount the boot partition (if any) for most bootloaders # this will need to be 'boot' however a popular one for grub is 'boot/efi' BOOTDIR='boot' # swap partition or file path SWAP_PART='' # swap size, only used when creating a swapfile SWAP_SIZE='' # --------------------------------------------- # # bulk default values { EXMNT='' # holder for additional partitions while mounting EXMNTS='' # when an extra partition is mounted append it's info FONT="ter-i16n" # font used in the linux console HOOKS="shutdown" # list of additional HOOKS to add in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf LOGINRC='' # login shell rc file, eg. .zprofile, .bash_profile, .profile LOGIN_WM='' # default login session, used only for xinit LOGIN_TYPE='' # login manager can be: lightdm, xinit INSTALL_WMS='' # space separated list of chosen wm and de UCODE='' # cpu microcode (if any), eg. amd-ucode, intel-ucode KERNEL='' # can be linux, linux-lts, linux-zen, or linux-hardened MYSHELL='' # full path for the shell, eg. /usr/bin/zsh WM_PKGS='' # full list of packages added during wm/de choice PACKAGES='' # list of all packages to install including WM_PKGS USER_PKGS='' # packages selected by the user during install NEWUSER='' # username for the primary user USER_PASS='' # password for the primary user ROOT_PASS='' # root password LUKS='' # empty when not using luks encryption LUKS_DEV='' # boot parameter string for LUKS LUKS_PART='' # partition used for encryption LUKS_PASS='' # encryption password LUKS_UUID='' # encrypted partition UUID LUKS_NAME='' # name used for encryption LVM='' # empty when not using lvm VGROUP_MB=0 # available space in volume group LVM_PARTS='' # partitions used for volume group WARN='' # issued mounting/partitioning warning SEP_BOOT='' # separate boot partition for BIOS AUTOLOGIN='' # enable autologin for xinit CONFIG_DONE='' # basic configuration is finished BROADCOM_WL='' # fixes for broadcom cards eg. BCM4352 FORMATTED='' # partitions we formatted and should allow skipping AUTO_ROOT_PART='' # root value from auto partition AUTO_BOOT_PART='' # boot value from auto partition # iso base, pacstrap when running the installer from a stock arch iso ISO_BASE="arch-install-scripts b43-firmware b43-fwcutter broadcom-wl clonezilla dhclient dhcpcd ethtool " ISO_BASE+="exfat-utils f2fs-tools gptfdisk vim hdparm ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw nfs-utils nilfs-utils ntfs-3g " ISO_BASE+="pacman-contrib parted rsync sdparm smartmontools wget wireless_tools wpa_actiond xl2tpd dialog parted " ISO_BASE+="alsa-firmware alsa-lib alsa-plugins pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa networkmanager w3m htop wireless-regdb " ISO_BASE+="wpa_supplicant lm_sensors lsb-release p7zip pamixer reflector unrar ranger terminus-font ttf-dejavu archlabs-keyring" # archlabs base packages AL_BASE_PKGS="archlabs-skel-base archlabs-themes archlabs-dARK archlabs-icons archlabs-wallpapers" # baseline (usually installed in the background) BASE_PKGS="base-devel xorg xorg-drivers sudo git gvfs gtk3 gtk-engines gtk-engine-murrine pavucontrol tumbler " BASE_PKGS+="playerctl ffmpeg gstreamer libmad libmatroska gst-libav gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good scrot" # extras for window managers WM_BASE_PKGS="arandr archlabs-networkmanager-dmenu xdg-user-dirs nitrogen polkit-gnome volumeicon xclip exo " WM_BASE_PKGS+="xdotool compton wmctrl gnome-keyring dunst feh gsimplecal xfce4-power-manager xfce4-settings laptop-detect" SEL=0 # currently selected menu item ERR="/tmp/errlog" # error log used internally DBG="/tmp/debuglog" # debug log when passed -d RUN="/run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/boot" # path for live /boot VM="$(dmesg | grep -i "hypervisor")" # is the system a vm SYS='Unknown' export DIALOGOPTS="--cr-wrap" # } # giant ugly variable container :P { # RAM in the system in MB SYS_MEM="$(awk '/MemTotal/ { print int($2 / 1024)"M" }' /proc/meminfo)" # locales from /etc/locale.gen LOCALES="$(awk '/\.UTF-8/ { gsub(/# .*|#/, "") if ($1) { print $1 " - " } }' /etc/locale.gen)" # linux console keyboard mappings CMAPS="$(find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps -name '*.map.gz' | awk '{ gsub(/\.map\.gz|.*\//, "") print $1 " - " }' | sort)" # terminal size definitions # { [[ $LINES ]] || LINES=$(tput lines) [[ $COLUMNS ]] || COLUMNS=$(tput cols) SHL=$((LINES - 20)) # } # associative arrays # { # commands used to install each bootloader (most get modified during runtime) { declare -A BCMDS=( [refind-efi]='refind-install' [grub]='grub-install --recheck --force' [syslinux]='syslinux-install_update -i -a -m' [efistub]='efibootmgr -v -d /dev/sda -p 1 -c -l' [systemd-boot]='bootctl --path=/boot install' ) # } # executable name for each wm/de { declare -A WM_SESSIONS=( [dwm]='dwm' [i3-gaps]='i3' [bspwm]='bspwm' [plasma]='startkde' [xfce4]='startxfce4' [gnome]='gnome-session' [fluxbox]='startfluxbox' [openbox]='openbox-session' [cinnamon]='cinnamon-session' ) # } # packages installed for each wm/de { declare -A WM_EXT=( [gnome]='' [plasma]='kdebase-meta' [bspwm]='sxhkd archlabs-skel-bspwm rofi archlabs-polybar' [fluxbox]='archlabs-skel-fluxbox archlabs-polybar jgmenu rofi lxmenu-data' [i3-gaps]='i3status perl-anyevent-i3 archlabs-skel-i3-gaps rofi archlabs-polybar' [openbox]='obconf archlabs-skel-openbox jgmenu archlabs-polybar tint2 conky rofi lxmenu-data' [xfce4]='xfce4-goodies xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin network-manager-applet volumeicon rofi archlabs-skel-xfce4' ) # } # files that can be edited after install is complete { declare -A EDIT_FILES=( [login]='' [fstab]='/etc/fstab' [sudoers]='/etc/sudoers' [crypttab]='/etc/crypttab' [pacman]='/etc/pacman.conf' [console]='/etc/vconsole.conf' [mkinitcpio]='/etc/mkinitcpio.conf' [hostname]='/etc/hostname /etc/hosts' [bootloader]="/boot/loader/entries/$DIST.conf" [locale]='/etc/locale.conf /etc/default/locale' [keyboard]='/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf /etc/default/keyboard' ) # } # mkfs command for formatting each offered filesystem { declare -A FS_CMDS=( [f2fs]='mkfs.f2fs' [jfs]='mkfs.jfs -q' [xfs]='mkfs.xfs -f' [ntfs]='mkfs.ntfs -q' [ext2]='mkfs.ext2 -q' [ext3]='mkfs.ext3 -q' [ext4]='mkfs.ext4 -q' [vfat]='mkfs.vfat -F32' [nilfs2]='mkfs.nilfs2 -q' [reiserfs]='mkfs.reiserfs -q' ) # } # mount options for each offered filesystem (if any { declare -A FS_OPTS=( [vfat]='' [ntfs]='' [ext2]='' [ext3]='' [jfs]='discard errors=continue errors=panic nointegrity' [reiserfs]='acl nolog notail replayonly user_xattr off' [ext4]='discard dealloc nofail noacl relatime noatime nobarrier nodelalloc' [xfs]='discard filestreams ikeep largeio noalign nobarrier norecovery noquota wsync' [nilfs2]='discard nobarrier errors=continue errors=panic order=relaxed order=strict norecovery' [f2fs]='discard fastboot flush_merge data_flush inline_xattr inline_data noinline_data inline_dentry no_heap noacl nobarrier norecovery noextent_cache disable_roll_forward disable_ext_identify' ) # } # PKG_EXT: if you add a package to $PACKAGES in any dialog { # and it uses/requires some additional packages, # you can add them here to keep it simple: [package]="extra" # duplicates are removed with `uniq` before install declare -A PKG_EXT=( [vlc]='qt4' [mpd]='mpc' [mupdf]='mupdf-tools' [qt5ct]='qt5-styleplugins' [vlc]='qt5ct qt5-styleplugins' [zathura]='zathura-pdf-poppler' [noto-fonts]='noto-fonts-emoji' [cairo-dock]='cairo-dock-plug-ins' [qutebrowser]='qt5ct qt5-styleplugins' [qbittorrent]='qt5ct qt5-styleplugins' [transmission-qt]='qt5ct qt5-styleplugins' [kdenlive]='kdebase-meta dvdauthor frei0r-plugins breeze breeze-gtk qt5ct qt5-styleplugins' ) # } # } # text variables # { # Basics (somewhat in order) _keymap="\nPick which keymap to use for the system from the list below\n\nThis is used once a graphical environment is running (Xorg).\n\nSystem default: us" _vconsole="\nSelect the console keymap, the console is the tty shell you reach before starting a graphical environment (Xorg).\n\nIts keymap is seperate from the one used by the graphical environments, though many do use the same such as 'us' English.\n\nSystem default: us" _device="\nSelect a device to use from the list below.\n\nDevices (/dev) are the available drives on the system. /sda, /sdb, /sdc ..." _resize="\nSelect a new filesystem size in MB, a new partition will be created from the free space but will be left unformatted.\nThe lowest size is just enough to fit the currently in use space on the partition while the default is set to split the free space evenly.\n\nUse Tab or the arrow keys move the cursor between the buttons and the value, when the cursor is on the value, you can edit it by:\n\n - left/right cursor movement to select a digit to modify\n - +/- characters to increment/decrement the digit by one\n - 0 through 9 to set the digit to the given value\n\nSome keys are also recognized in all cursor positions:\n\n - Home/End set the value to its maximum or minimum\n - Pageup/Pagedown increment the value so that the slider moves by one column." _mount="\nUse [Space] to toggle mount options from below, press [Enter] when done to confirm selection.\n\nNot selecting any and confirming will run an automatic mount." _warn="\nIMPORTANT:\n\nChoose carefully when editing, formatting, and mounting partitions or your DATA MAY BE LOST.\n\nTo mount a partition without formatting it, select 'skip' when prompted to choose a filesystem during the mounting stage.\nThis can only be used for partitions that already contain a filesystem and cannot be the root (/) partition, it needs to be formatted before install.\n" _part="\nFull device auto partitioning is available for beginners otherwise cfdisk is recommended.\n\n - All systems will require a root partition (8G or greater).\n - UEFI (and BIOS using LUKS without LVM) require a separate boot partition (100-512M)." _uefi="\nSelect the EFI boot partition (/boot), required for UEFI boot.\n\nIt's usually the first partition on the device, 100-512M, and will be formatted as vfat/fat32 if not already." _bios="\nDo you want to use a separate boot partition? (optional)\n\nIt's usually the first partition on the device, 100-512M, and will be formatted as ext3/4 if not already." _biosluks="\nSelect the boot partition (/boot), required for LUKS.\n\nIt's usually the first partition on the device, 100-512M, and will be formatted as ext3/4 if not already." _format="is already formatted correctly.\n\nFor a clean install, previously existing partitions should be reformatted, however this removes ALL data (bootloaders) on the partition so choose carefully.\n\nDo you want to reformat the partition?\n" _swapsize="\nEnter the size of the swapfile in megabytes (M) or gigabytes (G).\n\neg. 100M will create a 100 megabyte swapfile, while 10G will create a 10 gigabyte swapfile.\n\nFor ease of use and as an example it is filled in to match the size of your system memory (RAM).\n\nMust be greater than 1, contain only whole numbers, and end with either M or G." _expart="\nYou can now choose any additional partitions you want mounted, you'll be asked for a mountpoint after.\n\nSelect 'done' to finish the mounting step and begin unpacking the base system in the background." _exmnt="\nWhere do you want the partition mounted?\n\nEnsure the name begins with a slash (/).\nExamples include: /usr, /home, /var, etc." _user="\nEnter a name and password for the new user account.\n\nThe name must not use capital letters, contain any periods (.), end with a hyphen (-), or include any colons (:)\n\nNOTE: Use the [Up] and [Down] arrows to switch between input fields, [Tab] to toggle between input fields and the buttons, and [Enter] to accept." _hostname="\nEnter a hostname for the new system.\n\nA hostname is used to identify systems on the network.\n\nIt's restricted to alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).\nIt can contain hyphens (-) BUT NOT at the beggining or end." _locale="\nLocale determines the system language and currency formats.\n\nThe format for locale names is languagecode_COUNTRYCODE\n\neg. en_US is: english United States\n en_GB is: english Great Britain" _timez="\nThe time zone is used to set the system clock.\n\nSelect your country or continent from the list below" _timesubz="\nSelect the nearest city to you or one with the same time zone.\n\nTIP: Pressing the first letter of the city name repeatedly will navigate between entries beggining with that letter." _sessions="\nUse [Space] to toggle available sessions, use [Enter] to accept the selection and continue.\n\nA basic package set will be installed for compatibility and functionality." _login="\nSelect which of your session choices to use for the initial login.\n\nYou can be change this later by editing your ~/.xinitrc" _packages="\nUse [Space] to move a package into the selected area and press [Enter] to accept the selection.\n\nPackages may be installed by your DE/WM (if any), or for the packages you select." _edit="\nBefore exiting you can select configuration files to review/change.\n\nIf you need to make other changes with the drives still mounted, use Ctrl-z to pause the installer, when finished type 'fg' and [Enter] or Ctrl-z again to resume the installer, if you want to avoid the automatic reboot using Ctrl-c will cleanly exit." # LUKS _luksnew="Basic LUKS Encryption" _luksadv="Advanced LUKS Encryption" _luksopen="Open Existing LUKS Partition" _luksmenu="\nA seperate boot partition without encryption or logical volume management (LVM) is required (except BIOS systems using grub).\n\nBasic uses the default encryption settings, and is recommended for beginners. Advanced allows cypher and key size parameters to be entered manually." _luksomenu="\nEnter a name and password for the encrypted device.\n\nIt is not necessary to prefix the name with /dev/mapper/,an example has been provided." _lukskey="Once the specified flags have been amended, they will automatically be used with the 'cryptsetup -q luksFormat /dev/...' command.\n\nNOTE: Do not specify any additional flags such as -v (--verbose) or -y (--verify-passphrase)." # LVM _lvmmenu="\nLogical volume management (LVM) allows 'virtual' hard drives (volume groups) and partitions (logical volumes) to be created from existing device partitions.\n\nA volume group must be created first, then one or more logical volumes within it.\n\nLVM can also be used with an encrypted partition to create multiple logical volumes (e.g. root and home) within it." _lvmnew="Create Volume Group and Volume(s)" _lvmdel="Delete an Existing Volume Group" _lvmdelall="Delete ALL Volume Group(s) and Volume(s)" _lvmvgname="\nEnter a name for the volume group (VG) being created from the partition(s) selected." _lvmlvname="\nEnter a name for the logical volume (LV) being created.\n\nThis is similar to setting a label for a partition." _lvmlvsize="\nEnter what size you want the logical volume (LV) to be in megabytes (M) or gigabytes (G).\n\neg. 100M will create a 100 megabyte volume, 10G will create a 10 gigabyte volume." _lvmdelask="\nConfirm deletion of volume group(s) and logical volume(s).\n\nDeleting a volume group, will delete all logical volumes within it.\n" # Errors _errexpart="\nCannot mount partition due to a problem with the mountpoint.\n\nEnsure it begins with a slash (/) followed by atleast one character.\n" _errpart="\nYou need create the partiton(s) first.\n\n\nBIOS systems require at least one partition (ROOT).\n\nUEFI systems require at least two (ROOT and EFI).\n" _lukserr="\nA minimum of two partitions are required for encryption:\n\n 1. root (/) - standard or LVM.\n 2. boot (/boot) - standard (unless using LVM on BIOS systems).\n" _lvmerr="\nThere are no viable partitions available to use for LVM, a minimum of one is required.\n\nIf LVM is already in use, deactivating it will allow the partition(s) to be used again.\n" _lvmerrvgname="\nInvalid name entered.\n\nThe volume group name may be alpha-numeric, but may not contain spaces, start with a '/', or already be in use.\n" _lvmerlvname="\nInvalid name entered.\n\nThe logical volume (LV) name may be alpha-numeric, but may not contain spaces or be preceded with a '/'\n" _lvmerrlvsize="\nInvalid value Entered.\n\nMust be a numeric value with 'M' (megabytes) or 'G' (gigabytes) at the end.\n\neg. 400M, 10G, 250G, etc...\n\nThe value may also not be equal to or greater than the remaining size of the volume group.\n" # } # } ############################################################################### # selection menus select_main() { (( SEL < 12 )) && (( SEL++ )) tput civis dialog --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --title " Prepare " --default-item $SEL --cancel-label 'Exit' --menu "$_prep" 0 0 0 \ 1 "Device tree (optional)" \ 2 "Partitioning (optional)" \ 3 "LUKS setup (optional)" \ 4 "LVM setup (optional)" \ 5 "Mount partitions" \ 6 "System bootloader" \ 7 "User and password" \ 8 "System configuration" \ 9 "Select WM/DE (optional)" \ 10 "Select Packages (optional)" \ 11 "View configuration (optional)" \ 12 "Start the installation" 2>"$ANS" read -r SEL < "$ANS" [[ -z $WARN && $SEL =~ (2|5) ]] && { msg "Data Warning" "$_warn"; WARN=true; } case $SEL in 1) part_show ;; 2) part_menu || (( SEL-- )) ;; 3) luks_menu || (( SEL-- )) ;; 4) lvm_menu || (( SEL-- )) ;; 5) select_menu || (( SEL-- )) ;; 6) prechecks 0 && { select_boot || (( SEL-- )); } ;; 7) prechecks 1 && { select_mkuser || (( SEL-- )); } ;; 8) prechecks 2 && { select_config || (( SEL-- )); } ;; 9) prechecks 3 && { select_sessions || (( SEL-- )); } ;; 10) prechecks 3 && { select_packages || (( SEL-- )); } ;; 11) prechecks 3 && select_show ;; 12) prechecks 3 && install_main ;; *) yesno "Exit" "\nUnmount partitions (if any) and exit the installer?\n" && die 0 esac } select_boot() { if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' ]]; then dlg BOOTLDR menu "BIOS Bootloader" "\nSelect which bootloader to use." \ "grub" "The Grand Unified Bootloader, standard among many Linux distributions" \ "syslinux" "A collection of boot loaders for booting drives, CDs, or over the network" || return 1 else dlg BOOTLDR menu "UEFI Bootloader" "\nSelect which bootloader to use." \ "systemd-boot" "A simple UEFI boot manager which executes configured EFI images" \ "grub" "The Grand Unified Bootloader, standard among many Linux distributions" \ "refind-efi" "A UEFI boot manager that aims to be platform neutral and simplify multi-boot" \ "efistub" "Boot the kernel image directly (no chainloading support)" \ "syslinux" "A collection of boot loaders for booting drives, CDs, or over the network (no chainloading support)" || return 1 fi setup_${BOOTLDR} } select_show() { local mnt="none" local cmd="${BCMDS[$BOOTLDR]}" local pkgs="${USER_PKGS// / } ${PACKAGES// / }" [[ $BOOT_PART ]] && mnt="/$BOOTDIR" [[ $INSTALL_WMS == *dwm* ]] && pkgs="dwm st dmenu $pkgs" msg "Show Configuration" " ---------- PARTITION CONFIGURATION ------------ Root: ${ROOT_PART:-none} Boot: ${BOOT_PART:-${BOOT_DEV:-none}} Swap: ${SWAP_PART:-none} Size: ${SWAP_SIZE:-none} LVM: ${LVM:-none} LUKS: ${LUKS:-none} Extra: ${EXMNTS:-${EXMNT:-none}} Hooks: ${HOOKS:-none} ---------- BOOTLOADER CONFIGURATION ----------- Bootloader: ${BOOTLDR:-none} Mountpoint: ${mnt:-none} Command: ${cmd:-none} ------------ SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ------------- Locale: ${MYLOCALE:-none} Keymap: ${KEYMAP:-none} Hostname: ${MYHOST:-none} Timezone: ${ZONE:-none}/${SUBZ:-none} ------------ USER CONFIGURATION -------------- User: ${NEWUSER:-none} Shell: ${MYSHELL:-none} Session: ${LOGIN_WM:-none} Autologin: ${AUTOLOGIN:-none} Login Method: ${LOGIN_TYPE:-none} ------------ PACKAGES AND MIRRORS ------------- Kernel: ${KERNEL:-none} Sessions: ${INSTALL_WMS:-none} Packages: $(print4 "${pkgs:-none}") " } select_login() { dlg LOGIN_TYPE menu "Login Management" "\nSelect which login management to use." \ "xinit" "Console login without a display manager" \ "lightdm" "Lightweight display manager with a gtk greeter" || return 1 if [[ $LOGIN_TYPE == 'lightdm' ]]; then WM_PKGS+=" lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings accountsservice" EDIT_FILES[login]="/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf" AUTOLOGIN='' else if (( WM_NUM == 1 )); then LOGIN_WM="${WM_SESSIONS[$INSTALL_WMS]}" else dlg LOGIN_WM menu "Login Management" "$_login" $LOGIN_CHOICES || return 1 LOGIN_WM="${WM_SESSIONS[$LOGIN_WM]}" fi local txt="\nDo you want autologin enabled for $NEWUSER?\n\nIf so the following two files will be created (disable autologin by remove them):\n\n - /home/$NEWUSER/$LOGINRC (this runs startx when logging in on tty1)\n - /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf (this logs in $NEWUSER without a password)\n" yesno "Autologin" "$txt" && AUTOLOGIN=true || AUTOLOGIN='' WM_PKGS+=" xorg-xinit" EDIT_FILES[login]="/home/$NEWUSER/.xinitrc /home/$NEWUSER/.xprofile" fi } select_config() { local i=0 CONFIG_DONE='' until [[ $CONFIG_DONE ]]; do case $i in 0) dlg MYSHELL menu "Shell" "\nChoose which shell to use." \ /usr/bin/zsh 'A very advanced and programmable command interpreter (shell) for UNIX' \ /bin/bash 'The GNU Bourne Again shell, standard in many GNU/Linux distributions' \ /usr/bin/mksh 'The MirBSD Korn Shell - an enhanced version of the public domain ksh' || return 1 ;; 1) dlg MYHOST input "Hostname" "$_hostname" "${DIST,,}" limit || { i=0; continue; } ;; 2) dlg MYLOCALE menu "Locale" "$_locale" $LOCALES || { i=1; continue; } ;; 3) ZONE='' SUBZ='' until [[ $ZONE && $SUBZ ]]; do dlg ZONE menu "Timezone" "$_timez" America - Australia - Asia - Atlantic - Africa - Europe - Indian - Pacific - Arctic - Antarctica - || break dlg SUBZ menu "Timezone" "$_timesubz" $(awk '/'"$ZONE"'\// {gsub(/'"$ZONE"'\//, ""); print $3 " - "}' /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab | sort) || continue yesno "Timezone" "\nConfirm time zone: $ZONE/$SUBZ\n" || unset ZONE done [[ $ZONE && $SUBZ ]] || { i=2; continue; } ;; 4) dlg KERNEL menu "Kernel" "\nChoose which kernel to use." \ linux 'Vanilla linux kernel and modules, with a few patches applied' \ linux-lts 'Long-term support (LTS) linux kernel and modules' \ linux-zen 'A effort of kernel hackers to provide the best kernel for everyday systems' \ linux-hardened 'A security-focused linux kernel with hardening patches to mitigate exploits' || { i=3; continue; } CONFIG_DONE=true ;; esac (( i++ )) done case $MYSHELL in '/bin/bash') LOGINRC='.bash_profile' ;; '/usr/bin/zsh') LOGINRC='.zprofile' ;; '/usr/bin/mksh') LOGINRC='.profile' ;; esac return 0 } select_mkuser() { NEWUSER='' local v='' u='' p='' p2='' rp='' rp2='' until [[ $NEWUSER ]]; do i=0 tput cnorm dialog --insecure --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --separator $'\n' --title " User " --mixedform "$_user" 0 0 0 \ "Username:" 1 1 "$u" 1 11 "$COLUMNS" 0 0 \ "Password:" 2 1 '' 2 11 "$COLUMNS" 0 1 \ "Password2:" 3 1 '' 3 12 "$COLUMNS" 0 1 \ "--- Root password, if left empty the user password will be used ---" 6 1 '' 6 68 "$COLUMNS" 0 2 \ "Password:" 8 1 '' 8 11 "$COLUMNS" 0 1 \ "Password2:" 9 1 '' 9 12 "$COLUMNS" 0 1 2>"$ANS" || return 1 while read -r line; do case $i in 0) u="$line" ;; 1) p="$line" ;; 2) p2="$line" ;; 3) rp="$line" ;; 4) rp2="$line" ;; esac (( i++ )) done < "$ANS" # root passwords empty, so use the user passwords [[ -z $rp && -z $rp2 ]] && { rp="$p"; rp2="$p2"; } # make sure a username was entered and that the passwords match if [[ ${#u} -eq 0 || $u =~ \ |\' || $u =~ [^a-z0-9] ]]; then msg "Invalid Username" "\nIncorrect user name.\n\nPlease try again.\n"; u='' elif [[ -z $p ]]; then msg "Empty Password" "\nThe user password cannot be left empty.\n\nPlease try again.\n" elif [[ "$p" != "$p2" ]]; then msg "Password Mismatch" "\nThe user passwords do not match.\n\nPlease try again.\n" elif [[ "$rp" != "$rp2" ]]; then msg "Password Mismatch" "\nThe root passwords do not match.\n\nPlease try again.\n" else NEWUSER="$u" USER_PASS="$p" ROOT_PASS="$rp" fi done return 0 } select_keymap() { dlg KEYMAP menu "Keyboard Layout" "$_keymap" \ us English cm English gb English au English gh English \ za English ng English ca French 'cd' French gn French \ tg French fr French de German at German ch German \ es Spanish latam Spanish br Portuguese pt Portuguese ma Arabic \ sy Arabic ara Arabic ua Ukrainian cz Czech ru Russian \ sk Slovak nl Dutch it Italian hu Hungarian cn Chinese \ tw Taiwanese vn Vietnamese kr Korean jp Japanese th Thai \ la Lao pl Polish se Swedish is Icelandic 'fi' Finnish \ dk Danish be Belgian in Indian al Albanian am Armenian \ bd Bangla ba Bosnian 'bg' Bulgarian dz Berber mm Burmese \ hr Croatian gr Greek il Hebrew ir Persian iq Iraqi \ af Afghani fo Faroese ge Georgian ee Estonian kg Kyrgyz \ kz Kazakh lt Lithuanian mt Maltese mn Mongolian ro Romanian \ no Norwegian rs Serbian si Slovenian tj Tajik lk Sinhala \ tr Turkish uz Uzbek ie Irish pk Urdu 'mv' Dhivehi \ np Nepali et Amharic sn Wolof ml Bambara tz Swahili \ ke Swahili bw Tswana ph Filipino my Malay tm Turkmen \ id Indonesian bt Dzongkha lv Latvian md Moldavian mao Maori \ by Belarusian az Azerbaijani mk Macedonian kh Khmer epo Esperanto \ me Montenegrin || return 1 if [[ $CMAPS == *"$KEYMAP"* ]]; then CMAP="$KEYMAP" else dlg CMAP menu "Console Keymap" "$_vconsole" $CMAPS || return 1 fi if [[ $DISPLAY && $TERM != 'linux' ]]; then setxkbmap "$KEYMAP" >/dev/null 2>&1 else loadkeys "$CMAP" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi return 0 } select_sessions() { LOGIN_CHOICES='' dlg INSTALL_WMS check "Sessions" "$_sessions\n" \ i3-gaps "A fork of i3wm with more features including gaps" "$(ofn i3-gaps "${INSTALL_WMS[*]}")" \ openbox "A lightweight, powerful, and highly configurable stacking wm" "$(ofn openbox "${INSTALL_WMS[*]}")" \ bspwm "A tiling wm that represents windows as the leaves of a binary tree" "$(ofn bspwm "${INSTALL_WMS[*]}")" \ dwm "A fork of dwm, with more layouts and features" "$(ofn dwm "${INSTALL_WMS[*]}")" \ fluxbox "A lightweight and highly-configurable window manager" "$(ofn fluxbox "${INSTALL_WMS[*]}")" \ gnome "A desktop environment that aims to be simple and easy to use" "$(ofn gnome "${INSTALL_WMS[*]}")" \ cinnamon "A desktop environment combining traditional desktop with modern effects" "$(ofn cinnamon "${INSTALL_WMS[*]}")" \ plasma "A kde software project currently comprising a full desktop environment" "$(ofn plasma "${INSTALL_WMS[*]}")" \ xfce4 "A lightweight and modular desktop environment based on gtk+2/3" "$(ofn xfce4 "${INSTALL_WMS[*]}")" || return 1 WM_NUM=0 while IFS=' ' read -r i; do (( WM_NUM++ )) done <<< "$INSTALL_WMS" WM_PKGS="${INSTALL_WMS/dwm/}" # remove dwm from package list WM_PKGS="${WM_PKGS// / }" # remove double spaces WM_PKGS="${WM_PKGS# }" # remove leading space # add archlabs base when choosing any session [[ $WM_PKGS ]] && WM_PKGS+=" $AL_BASE_PKGS" for i in $INSTALL_WMS; do LOGIN_CHOICES+="$i - " [[ ${WM_EXT[$i]} && $WM_PKGS != *"${WM_EXT[$i]}"* ]] && WM_PKGS+=" ${WM_EXT[$i]}" done select_login || return 1 while IFS=' ' read -r pkg; do [[ $PACKAGES != *"$pkg"* ]] && PACKAGES+=" $pkg" done <<< "$WM_PKGS" return 0 } select_packages() { dlg USER_PKGS check " Packages " "$_packages" \ abiword "A Fully-featured word processor" "$(ofn abiword "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ alacritty "A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator" "$(ofn alacritty "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ atom "An open-source text editor developed by GitHub" "$(ofn atom "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ audacious "A free and advanced audio player based on GTK+" "$(ofn audacious "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ audacity "A program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms" "$(ofn audacity "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ cairo-dock "Light eye-candy fully themable animated dock" "$(ofn cairo-dock "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ calligra "A set of applications for productivity" "$(ofn calligra "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ chromium "An open-source web browser based on the Blink rendering engine" "$(ofn chromium "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ clementine "A modern music player and library organizer" "$(ofn clementine "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ cmus "A small, fast and powerful console music player" "$(ofn cmus "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ deadbeef "A GTK+ audio player for GNU/Linux" "$(ofn deadbeef "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ deluge "A BitTorrent client written in python" "$(ofn deluge "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ docky "Full fledged dock for opening applications and managing windows" "$(ofn docky "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ emacs "An extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor" "$(ofn emacs "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ epiphany "A GNOME web browser based on the WebKit rendering engine" "$(ofn epiphany "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ evince "A document viewer" "$(ofn evince "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ evolution "Manage your email, contacts and schedule" "$(ofn evolution "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ file-roller "Create and modify archives" "$(ofn file-roller "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ firefox "A popular open-source web browser from Mozilla" "$(ofn firefox "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ gcolor2 "A simple GTK+2 color selector" "$(ofn gcolor2 "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ geany "A fast and lightweight IDE" "$(ofn geany "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ geary "A lightweight email client for the GNOME desktop" "$(ofn geary "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ gimp "GNU Image Manipulation Program" "$(ofn gimp "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ gnome-disk-utility "Disk Management Utility" "$(ofn gnome-disk-utility "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ gnome-system-monitor "View current processes and monitor system state" "$(ofn gnome-system-monitor "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ gparted "A GUI frontend for creating and manipulating partition tables" "$(ofn gparted "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ gpick "Advanced color picker using GTK+ toolkit" "$(ofn gpick "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ gpicview "Lightweight image viewer" "$(ofn gpicview "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ guvcview "Capture video from camera devices" "$(ofn guvcview "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ hexchat "A popular and easy to use graphical IRC client" "$(ofn hexchat "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ inkscape "Professional vector graphics editor" "$(ofn inkscape "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ irssi "Modular text mode IRC client" "$(ofn irssi "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ kdenlive "A popular non-linear video editor for Linux" "$(ofn kdenlive "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ krita "Edit and paint images" "$(ofn krita "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ libreoffice-fresh "Full featured office suite" "$(ofn libreoffice-fresh "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ lollypop "A new music playing application" "$(ofn lollypop "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ mousepad "A simple text editor" "$(ofn mousepad "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ mpd "A flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music" "$(ofn mpd "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ mpv "A media player based on mplayer" "$(ofn mpv "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ mupdf "Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer" "$(ofn mupdf "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ mutt "Small but very powerful text-based mail client" "$(ofn mutt "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ nautilus "The default file manager for Gnome" "$(ofn nautilus "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ ncmpcpp "A mpd client and almost exact clone of ncmpc with some new features" "$(ofn ncmpcpp "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ neovim "A fork of Vim aiming to improve user experience, plugins, and GUIs." "$(ofn neovim "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ nicotine+ "A graphical client for Soulseek" "$(ofn nicotine+ "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ noto-fonts "Google Noto fonts" "$(ofn noto-fonts "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ noto-fonts-cjk "Google Noto CJK fonts (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)" "$(ofn noto-fonts-cjk "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ obs-studio "Free opensource streaming/recording software" "$(ofn obs-studio "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ openshot "An open-source, non-linear video editor for Linux" "$(ofn openshot "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ opera "A Fast and secure, free of charge web browser from Opera Software" "$(ofn opera "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ pcmanfm "A fast and lightweight file manager based in Lxde" "$(ofn pcmanfm "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ pidgin "Multi-protocol instant messaging client" "$(ofn pidgin "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ plank "An elegant, simple, and clean dock" "$(ofn plank "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ qbittorrent "An advanced BitTorrent client" "$(ofn qbittorrent "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ qpdfview "A tabbed PDF viewer" "$(ofn qpdfview "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ qt5ct "GUI for managing Qt based application themes, icons, and fonts" "$(ofn qt5ct "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ qutebrowser "A keyboard-focused vim-like web browser based on Python and PyQt5" "$(ofn qutebrowser "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ rhythmbox "A Music playback and management application" "$(ofn rhythmbox "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ rxvt-unicode "A unicode enabled rxvt-clone terminal emulator" "$(ofn rxvt-unicode "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ sakura "A terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE" "$(ofn sakura "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ simplescreenrecorder "A feature-rich screen recorder" "$(ofn simplescreenrecorder "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ steam "A popular game distribution platform by Valve" "$(ofn steam "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ surf "A simple web browser based on WebKit2/GTK+" "$(ofn surf "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ terminator "Terminal emulator that supports tabs and grids" "$(ofn terminator "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ termite "A minimal VTE-based terminal emulator" "$(ofn termite "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ thunar "A modern file manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment" "$(ofn thunar "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ thunderbird "Standalone mail and news reader from mozilla" "$(ofn thunderbird "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ tilda "A GTK based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix" "$(ofn tilda "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ tilix "A tiling terminal emulator for Linux using GTK+ 3" "$(ofn tilix "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ transmission-cli "Free BitTorrent client CLI" "$(ofn transmission-cli "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ transmission-gtk "Free BitTorrent client GTK+ GUI" "$(ofn transmission-gtk "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ transmission-qt "Free BitTorrent client Qt GUI" "$(ofn transmission-qt "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ ttf-anonymous-pro "A family fixed-width fonts designed with code in mind" "$(ofn ttf-anonymous-pro "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ ttf-fira-code "Monospaced font with programming ligatures" "$(ofn ttf-fira-code "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ ttf-font-awesome "Iconic font designed for Bootstrap" "$(ofn ttf-font-awesome "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ ttf-hack "A hand groomed typeface based on Bitstream Vera Mono" "$(ofn ttf-hack "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ vlc "A free and open source cross-platform multimedia player" "$(ofn vlc "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ weechat "Fast, light and extensible IRC client" "$(ofn weechat "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ xarchiver "A GTK+ frontend to various command line archivers" "$(ofn xarchiver "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ xfce-terminal "A terminal emulator based in the Xfce Desktop Environment" "$(ofn xfce-terminal "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ xterm "The standard terminal emulator for the X window system" "$(ofn xterm "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \ zathura "Minimalistic document viewer" "$(ofn zathura "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" if [[ $USER_PKGS ]]; then for i in $USER_PKGS; do [[ ${PKG_EXT[$i]} && $USER_PKGS != *"${PKG_EXT[$i]}"* ]] && USER_PKGS+=" ${PKG_EXT[$i]}" done fi return 0 } ############################################################################### # partition menus part_menu() { check_background_install || return 0 local device choice devhash devhash="$(lsblk -f | base64)" umount_dir $MNT part_device || return 1 device="$DEVICE" while true; do choice="" if [[ $DISPLAY && $TERM != 'linux' ]] && hash gparted >/dev/null 2>&1; then dlg choice menu "Edit Partitions" "$_part" \ "auto" "Whole device automatic partitioning" \ "resize" "Resize an existing ext2/3/4 or ntfs partition" \ "gparted" "GUI front end to parted" \ "cfdisk" "Curses based variant of fdisk" \ "parted" "GNU partition editor" \ "fdisk" "Dialog-driven creation and manipulation of partitions" \ "done" "Return to the main menu" || return 0 else dlg choice menu "Edit Partitions" "$_part" \ "auto" "Whole device automatic partitioning" \ "resize" "Resize an existing ext2/3/4 or ntfs partition" \ "cfdisk" "Curses based variant of fdisk" \ "parted" "GNU partition editor" \ "fdisk" "Dialog-driven creation and manipulation of partitions" \ "done" "Return to the main menu" || return 0 fi if [[ $choice == 'done' ]]; then return 0 elif [[ $choice == 'resize' ]]; then part_resize "$device" elif [[ $choice == 'auto' ]]; then local root_size txt table boot_fs root_size=$(lsblk -lno SIZE "$device" | awk 'NR == 1 { if ($1 ~ "G") { sub(/G/, "") print ($1 * 1000 - 512) / 1000 "G" } else { sub(/M/, "") print ($1 - 512) "M" } }') txt="\nWARNING:\n\nALL data on $device will be destroyed and the following partitions will be created\n\n- " if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' ]]; then table="msdos" boot_fs="ext4" txt+="An $boot_fs boot partition with the boot flag enabled (512M)\n- " else table="gpt" boot_fs="fat32" txt+="A $boot_fs efi boot partition (512M)\n- " fi txt+="An ext4 partition using all remaining space ($root_size)\n\nDo you want to continue?\n" yesno "Auto Partition" "$txt" && part_auto "$device" "$table" "$boot_fs" "$root_size" else clear tput cnorm $choice "$device" fi if [[ $devhash != "$(lsblk -f | base64)" ]]; then msg "Probing Partitions" "\nInforming the kernel of partition changes using partprobe.\n" 0 partprobe >/dev/null 2>&1 fi done } part_show() { local txt if [[ $IGNORE_DEV ]]; then txt="$(lsblk -o NAME,MODEL,SIZE,TYPE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk "!/$IGNORE_DEV/"' && /disk|part|lvm|crypt|NAME/')" else txt="$(lsblk -o NAME,MODEL,SIZE,TYPE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/disk|part|lvm|crypt|NAME/')" fi msg "Device Tree" "\n\n$txt\n\n" } part_swap() { if [[ $1 == "$MNT/swapfile" && $SWAP_SIZE ]]; then fallocate -l $SWAP_SIZE "$1" 2>$ERR errshow "fallocate -l $SWAP_SIZE $1" chmod 600 "$1" 2>$ERR errshow "chmod 600 $1" fi mkswap "$1" >/dev/null 2>$ERR errshow "mkswap $1" swapon "$1" >/dev/null 2>$ERR errshow "swapon $1" return 0 } part_auto() { local device="$1" table="$2" boot_fs="$3" size="$4" dev_info="" dev_info="$(parted -s "$device" print)" msg "Auto Partition" "\nRemoving partitions on $device and setting table to $table\n" 1 swapoff -a while read -r PART; do parted -s "$device" rm "$PART" >/dev/null 2>&1 done <<< "$(awk '/^ [1-9][0-9]?/ {print $1}' <<< "$dev_info" | sort -r)" [[ $(awk '/Table:/ {print $3}' <<< "$dev_info") != "$table" ]] && parted -s "$device" mklabel "$table" >/dev/null 2>&1 msg "Auto Partition" "\nCreating a 512M $boot_fs boot partition.\n" 1 if [[ $SYS == "BIOS" ]]; then parted -s "$device" mkpart primary "$boot_fs" 1MiB 513MiB >/dev/null 2>&1 else parted -s "$device" mkpart ESP "$boot_fs" 1MiB 513MiB >/dev/null 2>&1 fi sleep 0.5 BOOT_DEV="$device" AUTO_BOOT_PART=$(lsblk -lno NAME,TYPE "$device" | awk 'NR==2 {print "/dev/" $1}') if [[ $SYS == "BIOS" ]]; then mkfs.ext4 -q "$AUTO_BOOT_PART" >/dev/null 2>&1 else mkfs.vfat -F32 "$AUTO_BOOT_PART" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi msg "Auto Partition" "\nCreating a $size ext4 root partition.\n" 0 parted -s "$device" mkpart primary ext4 513MiB 100% >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 0.5 AUTO_ROOT_PART="$(lsblk -lno NAME,TYPE "$device" | awk 'NR==3 {print "/dev/" $1}')" mkfs.ext4 -q "$AUTO_ROOT_PART" >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 0.5 FORMATTED+="$AUTO_BOOT_PART $AUTO_ROOT_PART " msg "Auto Partition" "\nProcess complete.\n\n$(lsblk -o NAME,MODEL,SIZE,TYPE,FSTYPE "$device")\n" } part_find() { local regexp="$1" err='' # string of partitions as /TYPE/PART SIZE if [[ $IGNORE_DEV ]]; then PARTS="$(lsblk -lno TYPE,NAME,SIZE | awk "/$regexp/"' && !'"/$IGNORE_DEV/"' { sub(/^part/, "/dev/") sub(/^lvm|^crypt/, "/dev/mapper/") print $1$2, $3 }')" else PARTS="$(lsblk -lno TYPE,NAME,SIZE | awk "/$regexp/"' { sub(/^part/, "/dev/") sub(/^lvm|^crypt/, "/dev/mapper/") print $1$2 " " $3 }')" fi # number of partitions total COUNT=0 while read -r line; do (( COUNT++ )) done <<< "$PARTS" # ensure we have enough partitions for the system and action type case "$str" in 'part|lvm|crypt') [[ $COUNT -lt 1 || ($SYS == 'UEFI' && $COUNT -lt 2) ]] && err="$_errpart" ;; 'part|crypt') (( COUNT < 1 )) && err="$_lvmerr" ;; 'part|lvm') (( COUNT < 2 )) && err="$_lukserr" ;; esac # if there aren't enough partitions show the relevant error message [[ $err ]] && { msg "Not Enough Partitions" "$err" 2; return 1; } return 0 } part_mount() { local part="$1" mountp="${MNT}$2" fs="" fs="$(lsblk -lno FSTYPE "$part")" mkdir -p "$mountp" if [[ $fs && ${FS_OPTS[$fs]} && $part != "$BOOT_PART" ]] && select_mntopts "$fs"; then mount -o "$MNT_OPTS" "$part" "$mountp" >/dev/null 2>&1 else mount "$part" "$mountp" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi part_mountconf "$part" "$mountp" || return 1 part_cryptlv "$part" return 0 } part_format() { local part="$1" fs="$2" delay="$3" msg "Format" "\nFormatting $part as $fs\n" 0 ${FS_CMDS[$fs]} "$part" >/dev/null 2>$ERR errshow "${FS_CMDS[$fs]} $part" || return 1 FORMATTED+="$part " sleep "${delay:-0}" } part_resize() { part="" typeset -i size num local device="$1" fs="" part_find "${device##*/}[^ ]" || return 1 (( COUNT == 1 )) && part="$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "${PARTS[@]}" )" if (( COUNT == 1 )) || dlg part menu "Resize" "\nWhich partition on $device do you want to resize?" $PARTS && [[ $part ]]; then fs=$(lsblk -lno FSTYPE "$part") case "$fs" in ext[2-4]|ntfs) num="${part: -1}" end=$(parted -s "$device" print | awk '/^\s*'"$num"'/ {print $3}') devsize=$(parted -s "$device" print | awk '/Disk '"${device//\//\\/}"':/ {print $3}') mount "$part" $MNT >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 0.5 min=$(df "$part" | awk '/'"${part//\//\\/}"'/ {print int($3 / 1024)}') # used max=$(df "$part" | awk '/'"${part//\//\\/}"'/ {print int($4 / 1024)}') # available umount $MNT >/dev/null 2>&1 tput cnorm if dialog --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --title " Resize: $part " --rangebox "$_resize" 17 "$COLUMNS" "$min" "$max" $((max / 2)) 2>$ANS; then (( (size = $(< "$ANS")) + 1025 <= max )) || return 1 size=$((( (size * 1024) / 4 ) * 4)) # 4K block alignment else return 1 fi clear case "$fs" in ext[2-4]) e2fsck -f "$part"; sleep 0.5 resize2fs -f "$part" ${size}K 2>$ERR errshow "resize2fs -f $part ${size}K" || return 1 ;; ntfs) ntfsresize -f -s ${size}K "$part" 2>$ERR errshow "ntfsresize -f -s ${size}K $part" || return 1 ;; esac sleep 0.5 (( size += 1024 )) parted "$device" resizepart "$num" ${size}Kib || return 1 sleep 0.5 if (( ++size < (max * 1024) )); then if [[ $devsize == "$end" ]]; then parted -s "$device" mkpart primary ext4 ${size}Kib 100% 2>$ERR else parted -s "$device" mkpart primary ext4 ${size}Kib "$end" 2>$ERR fi errshow "parted -s $device mkpart primary ext4 ${size}Kib 100%" || return 1 fi sleep 1 msg "Resize Complete" "\n$part has been successfully resized to $(( (size - 1025) / 1024 ))M.\n" ;; *) msg "Invalid Filesystem: $fs" "\nCurrently resizing is only supported for ext2/3/4 and ntfs filesystems.\n\nFor unformatted partitions, cfdisk can be used without the need to resize the filesystem.\n" ;; esac fi } part_device() { if [[ $DEV_COUNT -eq 1 && $SYS_DEVS ]]; then DEVICE="$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "$SYS_DEVS")" elif (( DEV_COUNT > 1 )); then if [[ $1 ]]; then dlg DEVICE menu "Boot Device" "\nSelect the device to use for bootloader install." $SYS_DEVS else dlg DEVICE menu "Select Device" "$_device" $SYS_DEVS fi [[ $DEVICE ]] || return 1 elif [[ $DEV_COUNT -lt 1 && ! $1 ]]; then msg "Device Error" "\nNo available devices.\n\nExiting..\n" 2; die 1 fi [[ $1 ]] && BOOT_DEV="$DEVICE" return 0 } part_bootdev() { BOOT_DEV="${BOOT_PART%[1-9]}" BOOT_PART_NUM="${BOOT_PART: -1}" [[ $BOOT_PART = /dev/nvme* ]] && BOOT_DEV="${BOOT_PART%p[1-9]}" if [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then parted -s $BOOT_DEV set $BOOT_PART_NUM esp on >/dev/null 2>&1 else parted -s $BOOT_DEV set $BOOT_PART_NUM boot on >/dev/null 2>&1 fi return 0 } part_cryptlv() { local part="$1" devs="" devs="$(lsblk -lno NAME,FSTYPE,TYPE)" # Identify if $part is LUKS+LVM, LVM+LUKS, LVM alone, or LUKS alone if lsblk -lno TYPE "$part" | grep -q 'crypt'; then LUKS='encrypted' LUKS_NAME="${part#/dev/mapper/}" for dev in $(awk '/lvm/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print "/dev/mapper/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do if lsblk -lno NAME "$dev" | grep -q "$LUKS_NAME"; then LUKS_DEV="$LUKS_DEV cryptdevice=$dev:$LUKS_NAME" LVM='logical volume' break fi done for dev in $(awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print "/dev/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do if lsblk -lno NAME "$dev" | grep -q "$LUKS_NAME"; then LUKS_UUID="$(lsblk -lno UUID,TYPE,FSTYPE "$dev" | awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print $1}')" LUKS_DEV="$LUKS_DEV cryptdevice=UUID=$LUKS_UUID:$LUKS_NAME" break fi done elif lsblk -lno TYPE "$part" | grep -q 'lvm'; then LVM='logical volume' VNAME="${part#/dev/mapper/}" for dev in $(awk '/crypt/ && /lvm2_member/ {print "/dev/mapper/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do if lsblk -lno NAME "$dev" | grep -q "$VNAME"; then LUKS_NAME="${dev/\/dev\/mapper\//}" break fi done for dev in $(awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print "/dev/"$1}' <<< "$devs" | uniq); do if lsblk -lno NAME "$dev" | grep -q "$LUKS_NAME"; then LUKS_UUID="$(lsblk -lno UUID,TYPE,FSTYPE "$dev" | awk '/part/ && /crypto_LUKS/ {print $1}')" LUKS_DEV="$LUKS_DEV cryptdevice=UUID=$LUKS_UUID:$LUKS_NAME" LUKS='encrypted' break fi done fi } part_countdec() { for i in "$@"; do if (( COUNT > 0 )); then PARTS="$(sed "/${i//\//\\/}/d" <<< "$PARTS")" (( COUNT-- )) fi done } part_mountconf() { if grep -qw "$1" /proc/mounts; then msg "Mount Success" "\nPartition $1 mounted at $2\n" 1 part_countdec "$1" return 0 else msg "Mount Fail" "\nPartition $1 failed to mount at $2\n" 2 return 1 fi } ############################################################################### # mounting menus select_menu() { check_background_install || return 0 lvm_detect umount_dir $MNT part_find 'part|lvm|crypt' || { SEL=2; return 1; } [[ $LUKS && $LUKS_PART ]] && part_countdec $LUKS_PART [[ $LVM && $LVM_PARTS ]] && part_countdec $LVM_PARTS select_root_partition || return 1 if [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then select_efi_partition || { BOOT_PART=''; return 1; } elif (( COUNT > 0 )); then select_boot_partition || { BOOT_PART=''; return 1; } fi if [[ $BOOT_PART ]]; then part_mount "$BOOT_PART" "/$BOOTDIR" && SEP_BOOT=true || return 1 part_bootdev fi select_swap || return 1 select_extra_partitions || return 1 install_background || return 1 return 0 } select_swap() { dlg SWAP_PART menu "Swap Setup" "\nSelect whether to use a swapfile, swap partition, or none." \ "none" "Don't allocate any swap space" \ "swapfile" "Allocate $SYS_MEM at /swapfile" \ $PARTS if [[ -z $SWAP_PART || $SWAP_PART == "none" ]]; then SWAP_PART='' return 0 elif [[ $SWAP_PART == "swapfile" ]]; then local i=0 until [[ ${SWAP_SIZE:0:1} =~ [1-9] && ${SWAP_SIZE: -1} =~ (M|G) ]]; do (( i > 0 )) && msg "Swap Size Error" "\nSwap size must be 1(M|G) or greater, and can only contain whole numbers\n\nSize entered: $SWAP_SIZE\n" 2 dlg SWAP_SIZE input "Swap Setup" "$_swapsize" "$SYS_MEM" || { SWAP_PART=''; SWAP_SIZE=''; return 1; } (( i++ )) done part_swap "$MNT/$SWAP_PART" SWAP_PART="/$SWAP_PART" elif [[ $PARTS == *"$SWAP_PART"* ]]; then part_swap $SWAP_PART part_countdec $SWAP_PART SWAP_SIZE="$(lsblk -lno SIZE $SWAP_PART)" else return 1 fi return 0 } select_mntopts() { local fs="$1" opts='' local title="${fs^} Mount Options" for i in ${FS_OPTS[$fs]}; do opts+="$i - off " done until [[ $MNT_OPTS ]]; do dlg MNT_OPTS check "$title" "$_mount" $opts [[ $MNT_OPTS ]] || return 1 MNT_OPTS="${MNT_OPTS// /,}" yesno "$title" "\nConfirm the following options: $MNT_OPTS\n" || MNT_OPTS='' done return 0 } select_mountpoint() { EXMNT='' until [[ $EXMNT ]]; do dlg EXMNT input "Extra Mount $part" "$_exmnt" "/" || return 1 if [[ ${EXMNT:0:1} != "/" || ${#EXMNT} -le 1 || $EXMNT =~ \ |\' || $EXMNTS == *"$EXMNT"* ]]; then msg "Mountpoint Error" "$_errexpart" EXMNT='' fi done return 0 } select_filesystem() { local part="$1" fs='' cur='' local txt="\nSelect which filesystem to use for: $part\n\nDefault: ext4" cur="$(lsblk -lno FSTYPE "$part" 2>/dev/null)" until [[ $fs ]]; do if [[ $cur && ($part != "$ROOT_PART" || $FORMATTED == *"$part"*) ]]; then dlg fs menu "Filesystem" "$txt\nCurrent: $cur" skip - ext4 - ext3 - ext2 - vfat - ntfs - f2fs - jfs - xfs - nilfs2 - reiserfs - || return 1 else dlg fs menu "Filesystem" "$txt" ext4 - ext3 - ext2 - vfat - ntfs - f2fs - jfs - xfs - nilfs2 - reiserfs - || return 1 fi [[ $fs == 'skip' ]] && return 0 yesno "Filesystem" "\nFormat $part as $fs?\n" || fs='' done part_format "$part" "$fs" } select_efi_partition() { if (( COUNT == 1 )); then BOOT_PART="$(awk 'NF > 0 {print $1}' <<< "$PARTS")" elif [[ $AUTO_BOOT_PART ]]; then BOOT_PART="$AUTO_BOOT_PART" return 0 # were done here else dlg BOOT_PART menu "EFI Partition" "$_uefi" $PARTS fi [[ $BOOT_PART ]] || return 1 if grep -q 'fat' <<< "$(fsck -N "$BOOT_PART")"; then local txt="\nIMPORTANT:\n\nThe EFI partition $BOOT_PART $_format" if yesno "Format EFI Partition" "$txt" "Format $BOOT_PART" "Skip Formatting" 1; then part_format "$BOOT_PART" "vfat" 2 fi else part_format "$BOOT_PART" "vfat" 2 fi return 0 } select_boot_partition() { if [[ $AUTO_BOOT_PART && ! $LVM ]]; then BOOT_PART="$AUTO_BOOT_PART"; return 0 # were done here elif [[ $LUKS && ! $LVM ]]; then dlg BOOT_PART menu "Boot Partition" "$_biosluks" $PARTS [[ $BOOT_PART ]] || return 1 else dlg BOOT_PART menu "Boot Partition" "$_bios" "skip" "don't use a separate boot" $PARTS [[ -z $BOOT_PART || $BOOT_PART == "skip" ]] && { BOOT_PART=''; return 0; } fi if grep -q 'ext[34]' <<< "$(fsck -N "$BOOT_PART")"; then local txt="\nIMPORTANT:\n\nThe boot partition $BOOT_PART $_format" if yesno "Format Boot Partition" "$txt" "Format $BOOT_PART" "Skip Formatting" 1; then part_format "$BOOT_PART" "ext4" 2 fi else part_format "$BOOT_PART" "ext4" 2 fi return 0 } select_root_partition() { if [[ $AUTO_ROOT_PART && ! $LVM && ! $LUKS ]]; then ROOT_PART="$AUTO_ROOT_PART" elif (( COUNT == 1 )); then ROOT_PART="$(awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' <<< "$PARTS")" else dlg ROOT_PART menu "Mount Root" "\nSelect the root (/) partition, this is where $DIST will be installed.\n\nDevices smaller than 8G will not be shown here." $PARTS fi [[ $ROOT_PART ]] || return 1 select_filesystem "$ROOT_PART" || { ROOT_PART=''; return 1; } part_mount "$ROOT_PART" || { ROOT_PART=''; return 1; } return 0 } select_extra_partitions() { local part while (( COUNT > 0 )); do part='' dlg part menu 'Mount Boot' "$_expart" 'done' 'finish mounting step' $PARTS || break if [[ $part == 'done' ]]; then break elif select_filesystem "$part" && select_mountpoint && part_mount "$part" "$EXMNT"; then EXMNTS+="$part: $EXMNT " [[ $EXMNT == '/usr' && $HOOKS != *usr* ]] && HOOKS="usr $HOOKS" else return 1 fi done return 0 } ############################################################################### # installation install_main() { clear tput cnorm install_base genfstab -U $MNT >$MNT/etc/fstab 2>$ERR errshow 1 "genfstab -U $MNT >$MNT/etc/fstab" [[ -f $MNT/swapfile ]] && sed -i "s~${MNT}~~" $MNT/etc/fstab install_packages install_mkinitcpio install_boot chrun "hwclock --systohc --utc" || chrun "hwclock --systohc --utc --directisa" install_user install_login chrun "chown -Rf $NEWUSER:users /home/$NEWUSER" sleep 1 while true; do dlg choice menu "Finalization" "$_edit" \ finished "exit the installer and reboot" \ keyboard "${EDIT_FILES[keyboard]}" \ console "${EDIT_FILES[console]}" \ locale "${EDIT_FILES[locale]}" \ hostname "${EDIT_FILES[hostname]}" \ sudoers "${EDIT_FILES[sudoers]}" \ mkinitcpio "${EDIT_FILES[mkinitcpio]}" \ fstab "${EDIT_FILES[fstab]}" \ crypttab "${EDIT_FILES[crypttab]}" \ bootloader "${EDIT_FILES[bootloader]}" \ pacman "${EDIT_FILES[pacman]}" \ login "${EDIT_FILES[login]}" if [[ -z $choice || $choice == 'finished' ]]; then [[ $DEBUG == true && -r $DBG ]] && vim $DBG die 127 else local exists='' for f in ${EDIT_FILES[$choice]}; do [[ -e ${MNT}$f ]] && exists+=" ${MNT}$f" done if [[ $exists ]]; then vim -O $exists else msg "File Error" "\nFile(s) do not exist.\n" fi fi done } install_base() { if [[ $RSYNC_PID || $MIRROR_PID ]]; then while kill -0 "$RSYNC_PID" 2>/dev/null || kill -0 "$MIRROR_PID" 2>/dev/null; do clear; printf "\nOne or more background install processes are still running...\n"; sleep 1 done trap - EXIT unset RSYNC_PID MIRROR_PID elif [[ -d /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs/etc/skel ]]; then rsync -ahv /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs/ $MNT/ 2>$ERR errshow 1 "rsync -ahv /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs/ $MNT/" install_mirrorlist "$MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" chrun "pacman -Syyu --noconfirm && pacman -S $BASE_PKGS --needed --noconfirm" else mkdir -p /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist install_mirrorlist "/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" pacstrap $MNT base $ISO_BASE 2>$ERR errshow 1 "pacstrap $MNT base $KERNEL $ISO_BASE" mkdir -p $MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist cp -f "/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" "$MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" chrun "pacman -Syyu --noconfirm && pacman -S $BASE_PKGS --needed --noconfirm" fi rm -rf $MNT/etc/mkinitcpio-archiso.conf find $MNT/usr/lib/initcpio -name 'archiso*' -type f -delete sed -i 's/volatile/auto/g' $MNT/etc/systemd/journald.conf find $MNT/boot -name '*-ucode.img' -delete if [[ $VM ]]; then find $MNT/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ -name '*.conf' -delete elif lspci | grep ' VGA ' | grep -q 'Intel'; then cat > $MNT/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf << EOF Section "Device" Identifier "Intel Graphics" Driver "intel" Option "TearFree" "true" EndSection EOF fi [[ -e /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs && $KERNEL == 'linux' ]] && cp -vf $RUN/x86_64/vmlinuz $MNT/boot/vmlinuz-linux cp -fv /etc/resolv.conf $MNT/etc/ [[ -e /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections ]] && cp -rvf /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections $MNT/etc/NetworkManager/ echo "LANG=$MYLOCALE" > $MNT/etc/locale.conf cp -f $MNT/etc/locale.conf $MNT/etc/default/locale sed -i "s/#en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/g; s/#${MYLOCALE}/${MYLOCALE}/g" $MNT/etc/locale.gen chrun "locale-gen" chrun "ln -svf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$ZONE/$SUBZ /etc/localtime" if [[ $BROADCOM_WL ]]; then echo 'blacklist bcma' >> $MNT/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf rm -f $MNT/etc/modprobe/ fi cat > $MNT/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf << EOF # Use localectl(1) to instruct systemd-localed to update it. Section "InputClass" Identifier "system-keyboard" MatchIsKeyboard "on" Option "XkbLayout" "$KEYMAP" EndSection EOF cat > $MNT/etc/default/keyboard << EOF # KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION FILE # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page. XKBMODEL="" XKBLAYOUT="$KEYMAP" XKBVARIANT="" XKBOPTIONS="" BACKSPACE="guess" EOF printf "KEYMAP=%s\nFONT=%s\n" "$CMAP" "$FONT" > $MNT/etc/vconsole.conf echo "$MYHOST" > $MNT/etc/hostname cat > $MNT/etc/hosts << EOF localhost $MYHOST ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters EOF } install_boot() { if [[ $ROOT_PART == /dev/mapper* ]]; then ROOT_PART_ID="$ROOT_PART" else local uuid_type="UUID" [[ $BOOTLDR =~ (systemd-boot|refind-efi|efistub) ]] && uuid_type="PARTUUID" ROOT_PART_ID="$uuid_type=$(blkid -s $uuid_type -o value $ROOT_PART)" fi if [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then find $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -iname "$DIST" -type d -delete find $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -iname 'boot' -type d -delete fi prerun_$BOOTLDR chrun "${BCMDS[$BOOTLDR]}" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "${BCMDS[$BOOTLDR]}" if [[ -d $MNT/hostrun ]]; then umount $MNT/hostrun/udev >/dev/null 2>&1 umount $MNT/hostrun/lvm >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $MNT/hostrun >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then # some UEFI firmware requires a generic esp/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI mkdir -pv $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/BOOT if [[ $BOOTLDR == 'grub' ]]; then cp -fv $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/$DIST/grubx64.efi $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI elif [[ $BOOTLDR == 'syslinux' ]]; then cp -rf $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/syslinux/* $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/BOOT/ cp -f $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/syslinux/syslinux.efi $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI elif [[ $BOOTLDR == 'refind-efi' ]]; then sed -i '/#extra_kernel_version_strings/ c extra_kernel_version_strings linux-hardened,linux-zen,linux-lts,linux' $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/refind/refind.conf cp -fv $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/refind/refind_x64.efi $MNT/$BOOTDIR/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI fi fi return 0 } install_user() { chrun "chpasswd <<< 'root:$ROOT_PASS'" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "set root password" if [[ $MYSHELL != *zsh ]]; then chrun "usermod -s $MYSHELL root" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "usermod -s $MYSHELL root" if [[ $MYSHELL == "/usr/bin/mksh" ]]; then cp -fv $MNT/etc/skel/.mkshrc /root/.mkshrc fi fi local groups='audio,autologin,floppy,log,network,rfkill,scanner,storage,optical,power,wheel' chrun "groupadd -r autologin" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "groupadd -r autologin" chrun "useradd -m -u 1000 -g users -G $groups -s $MYSHELL $NEWUSER" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "useradd -m -u 1000 -g users -G $groups -s $MYSHELL $NEWUSER" chrun "chpasswd <<< '$NEWUSER:$USER_PASS'" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "set $NEWUSER password" if [[ $USER_PKGS == *neovim* ]]; then mkdir -p $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.config/nvim cp -fv $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.vimrc $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.config/nvim/init.vim cp -rfv $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.vim/colors $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.config/nvim/colors fi if [[ $MYSHELL == '/usr/bin/mksh' ]]; then cat >> $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.mkshrc << EOF # colors in less (manpager) export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\e[01;31m' export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\e[01;31m' export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\e[0m' export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\e[0m' export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\e[01;44;33m' export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\e[0m' export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\e[01;32m' export EDITOR=$([[ $USER_PKGS == *neovim* ]] && printf "n")vim # source shell configs for f in "\$HOME/.mksh/"*?.sh; do . "\$f" done al-info EOF fi [[ $INSTALL_WMS == *dwm* ]] && install_suckless [[ $LOGIN_WM =~ (startkde|gnome-session) ]] && sed -i '/super/d' $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.xprofile /root/.xprofile return 0 } install_login() { SERVICE="$MNT/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d" # remove welcome message sed -i '/printf/d' $MNT/root/.zshrc # remove unneeded shell files from installation case $MYSHELL in "/bin/bash") rm -rf $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.{zsh,mksh}* $MNT/root/.{zsh,mksh}* ;; "/usr/bin/mksh") rm -rf $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.{zsh,bash}* $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.inputrc $MNT/root/.{zsh,bash}* $MNT/root/.inputrc ;; "/usr/bin/zsh") rm -rf $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.{bash,mksh}* $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.inputrc $MNT/root/.{bash,mksh}* $MNT/root/.inputrc ;; esac install_${LOGIN_TYPE:-xinit} } install_xinit() { if [[ -e $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.xinitrc ]] && grep -q 'exec' $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.xinitrc; then sed -i "/exec/ c exec ${LOGIN_WM}" $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.xinitrc else printf "exec %s\n" "$LOGIN_WM" >> $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.xinitrc fi [[ ${EDIT_FILES[login]} == *"$LOGINRC"* ]] || EDIT_FILES[login]+=" /home/$NEWUSER/$LOGINRC" if [[ $AUTOLOGIN ]]; then sed -i "s/root/${NEWUSER}/g" $SERVICE/autologin.conf cat > $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/$LOGINRC << EOF # ~/$LOGINRC # sourced by ${MYSHELL##*/} when used as a login shell # automatically run startx when logging in on tty1 [[ -z \$DISPLAY && \$XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && exec startx -- vt1 EOF else rm -rf $SERVICE rm -rf $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.{profile,zprofile,bash_profile} fi } install_lightdm() { rm -rf $SERVICE rm -rf $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/.{xinitrc,profile,zprofile,bash_profile} chrun 'systemctl set-default graphical.target && systemctl enable lightdm.service' 2>$ERR errshow 1 "systemctl set-default graphical.target && systemctl enable lightdm.service" cat > $MNT/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf << EOF # LightDM GTK+ Configuration [greeter] active-monitor=0 default-user-image=/usr/share/icons/ArchLabs-Dark/64x64/places/distributor-logo-archlabs.png background=/usr/share/backgrounds/archlabs/archlabs.jpg theme-name=Adwaita-dark icon-theme-name=Adwaita font-name=DejaVu Sans Mono 11 position=30%,end 50%,end EOF } install_packages() { local rmpkg="" local inpkg="$PACKAGES $USER_PKGS" if pacman -Qsq 'archlabs-installer' >/dev/null 2>&1; then rmpkg+=" archlabs-installer" elif [[ -e "$MNT/usr/bin/archlabs-installer" ]]; then rm -f "$MNT/usr/bin/archlabs-installer" fi [[ $UCODE ]] && inpkg+=" $UCODE" [[ $MYSHELL == *mksh ]] && inpkg+=" mksh" [[ $KERNEL == 'linux' ]] || { inpkg+=" $KERNEL"; rmpkg+=" linux"; } [[ $inpkg =~ (term|urxvt|tilix|alacritty|sakura|tilda|plasma|cinnamon) || $INSTALL_WMS == *dwm* ]] || inpkg+=" xterm" [[ $MYSHELL == '/usr/bin/zsh' ]] && inpkg+=" zsh-completions" [[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ ^(plasma|gnome|cinnamon)$ ]] || inpkg+=" archlabs-ksuperkey" [[ $INSTALL_WMS =~ (openbox|bspwm|i3-gaps|dwm|fluxbox) ]] && inpkg+=" $WM_BASE_PKGS" chrun "pacman -Syyu --noconfirm" [[ $rmpkg ]] && chrun "pacman -Rns $rmpkg --noconfirm" chrun "pacman -S iputils --noconfirm" chrun "pacman -S $inpkg --needed --noconfirm" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "pacman -S $inpkg --needed --noconfirm" if [[ $BOOTLDR == 'grub' ]]; then if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' ]]; then chrun "pacman -S grub os-prober --needed --noconfirm" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "pacman -S grub os-prober --needed --noconfirm" else chrun "pacman -S grub os-prober efibootmgr --needed --noconfirm" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "pacman -S grub os-prober efibootmgr --needed --noconfirm" fi elif [[ $BOOTLDR == 'refind-efi' ]]; then chrun "pacman -S refind-efi efibootmgr --needed --noconfirm" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "pacman -S refind-efi efibootmgr --needed --noconfirm" elif [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]]; then chrun "pacman -S efibootmgr --needed --noconfirm" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "pacman -S efibootmgr --needed --noconfirm" fi sed -i "s/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/g" $MNT/etc/sudoers return 0 } install_suckless() { mkdir -pv $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/suckless for i in dwm dmenu st; do if chrun "git clone https://bitbucket.org/natemaia/$i /home/$NEWUSER/suckless/$i"; then chrun "cd /home/$NEWUSER/suckless/$i; rm -f config.h; make clean install; make clean" else printf "failed to clone %s repo\n" "$i" fi done if [[ -d $MNT/home/$NEWUSER/suckless/dwm && -x $MNT/usr/bin/dwm ]]; then printf "To configure dwm edit %s\n" "/home/$NEWUSER/suckless/dwm/config.h" printf "You can then recompile it with 'sudo make clean install'\n" sleep 2 fi } install_mkinitcpio() { local add='' # [[ $LUKS_UUID && $LUKS_PASS && $SYS == 'UEFI' && $BOOTLDR == 'grub' ]] && luks_keyfile [[ $LUKS ]] && add="encrypt" [[ $LVM ]] && { [[ $add ]] && add+=" lvm2" || add+="lvm2"; } sed -i "s/block filesystems/block ${add} filesystems ${HOOKS}/g" $MNT/etc/mkinitcpio.conf chrun "mkinitcpio -p $KERNEL" 2>$ERR errshow 1 "mkinitcpio -p $KERNEL" } install_mirrorlist() { mfile="$1" if hash reflector >/dev/null 2>&1; then reflector --score 120 -l 50 -f 5 --sort rate --save "$mfile" elif hash rankmirrors >/dev/null 2>&1; then i="$(json 'ip' "check&?access_key=5f29642060ab983b31fdf4c2935d8c56&fields=ip")" c="$(json 'country_code' "${i}?access_key=5f29642060ab983b31fdf4c2935d8c56&fields=country_code")" if [[ $c && $c =~ (CA|US) ]]; then m="https://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=US&country=CA&use_mirror_status=on" elif [[ $c ]]; then m="https://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=${c}&use_mirror_status=on" else m="https://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=US&country=CA&country=NZ&country=GB&country=AU&use_mirror_status=on" fi curl -s "$m" | sed -e 's/^#Server/Server/' -e '/^#/d' | rankmirrors -t -n 10 - | tail -n 10 >"$mfile" fi return 0 } install_background() { if [[ -d /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs/etc/skel ]] && grep -qw "$MNT" /proc/mounts && (grep -qw "$MNT/$BOOTDIR" /proc/mounts || [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' && -z $LUKS ]]); then yesno "Background Install" "\nSome parts of the install can be done in the background now, base unpack, mirrorlist sort, system update, and base packages.\n\nDo you want to start the background process?\n" || return 0 rsync -a /run/archiso/sfs/airootfs/ $MNT/ & RSYNC_PID=$! ( install_mirrorlist "$MNT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" && chrun "pacman -Syyu $BASE_PKGS --needed --noconfirm" ) >/dev/null 2>&1 & MIRROR_PID=$! trap "kill $RSYNC_PID 2>/dev/null; kill $MIRROR_PID 2>/dev/null" EXIT fi return 0 } ############################################################################### # bootloader setup setup_grub() { EDIT_FILES[bootloader]="/etc/default/grub" if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' ]]; then [[ $BOOT_DEV ]] || { part_device 1 || return 1; } BCMDS[grub]="grub-install --recheck --force --target=i386-pc $BOOT_DEV" else if [[ $ROOT_PART == */dev/mapper/* && ! $LVM && ! $LUKS_PASS ]]; then luks_pass "$_luksopen" 1 || return 1 fi BCMDS[grub]="mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars >/dev/null 2>&1 grub-install --recheck --force --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/$BOOTDIR --bootloader-id=$DIST" grep -q /sys/firmware/efi/efivars /proc/mounts || mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars >/dev/null 2>&1 fi BCMDS[grub]="mkdir -p /run/udev /run/lvm && mount --bind /hostrun/udev /run/udev && mount --bind /hostrun/lvm /run/lvm && ${BCMDS[grub]} && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg && sleep 1 && umount /run/udev /run/lvm" return 0 } prerun_grub() { sed -i "s/GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=.*/GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=\"${DIST}\"/g; s/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=.*/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\"/g" $MNT/etc/default/grub if [[ $LUKS_DEV ]]; then sed -i "s~#GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK~GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK~g; s~GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*~GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"${LUKS_DEV}\"~g" $MNT/etc/default/grub 2>$ERR errshow 1 "sed -i 's~#GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK~GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK~g; s~GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*~GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"${LUKS_DEV}\"~g' $MNT/etc/default/grub" fi if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' && $LVM && -z $SEP_BOOT ]]; then sed -i "s/GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=.*/GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=\"lvm\"/g" $MNT/etc/default/grub 2>$ERR errshow 1 "sed -i 's/GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=.*/GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=\"lvm\"/g' $MNT/etc/default/grub" fi # setup for os-prober module mkdir -p /run/{lvm,udev} mkdir -p $MNT/hostrun/{lvm,udev} mount --bind /run/lvm $MNT/hostrun/lvm mount --bind /run/udev $MNT/hostrun/udev return 0 } setup_efistub() { EDIT_FILES[bootloader]="" } prerun_efistub() { BCMDS[systemd-boot]="mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars >/dev/null 2>&1 efibootmgr -v -d $BOOT_DEV -p $BOOT_PART_NUM -c -L '${DIST} Linux' -l /vmlinuz-${KERNEL} \ -u 'root=$ROOT_PART_ID rw $([[ $UCODE ]] && printf 'initrd=\%s.img ' "$UCODE")initrd=\initramfs-${KERNEL}.img'" return 0 } setup_syslinux() { if [[ $SYS == 'BIOS' ]]; then EDIT_FILES[bootloader]="/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg" else EDIT_FILES[bootloader]="/boot/EFI/syslinux/syslinux.cfg" BCMDS[syslinux]="mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars >/dev/null 2>&1 efibootmgr -v -c -d $BOOT_DEV -p $BOOT_PART_NUM -l /EFI/syslinux/syslinux.efi -L $DIST" fi } prerun_syslinux() { local c="$MNT/boot/syslinux" s="/usr/lib/syslinux/bios" d=".." [[ $SYS == 'UEFI' ]] && { c="$MNT/boot/EFI/syslinux"; s="/usr/lib/syslinux/efi64/"; d=''; } mkdir -pv "$c" && cp -rfv $s/* "$c/" && cp -f "$RUN/syslinux/splash.png" "$c/" cat > "$c/syslinux.cfg" << EOF UI vesamenu.c32 MENU TITLE $DIST Boot Menu MENU BACKGROUND splash.png TIMEOUT 50 DEFAULT $DIST # see: https://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php/Comboot/menu.c32 MENU WIDTH 78 MENU MARGIN 4 MENU ROWS 4 MENU VSHIFT 10 MENU TIMEOUTROW 13 MENU TABMSGROW 14 MENU CMDLINEROW 14 MENU HELPMSGROW 16 MENU HELPMSGENDROW 29 MENU COLOR border 30;44 #40ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR title 1;36;44 #9033ccff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR sel 7;37;40 #e0ffffff #20ffffff all MENU COLOR unsel 37;44 #50ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR help 37;40 #c0ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR timeout_msg 37;40 #80ffffff #00000000 std MENU COLOR timeout 1;37;40 #c0ffffff #00000000 std MENU COLOR msg07 37;40 #90ffffff #a0000000 std MENU COLOR tabmsg 31;40 #30ffffff #00000000 std LABEL $DIST MENU LABEL $DIST Linux LINUX $d/vmlinuz-$KERNEL APPEND root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && printf "%s " "$LUKS_DEV")rw INITRD $([[ $UCODE ]] && printf "%s" "$d/$UCODE.img,")$d/initramfs-$KERNEL.img LABEL ${DIST}fallback MENU LABEL $DIST Linux Fallback LINUX $d/vmlinuz-$KERNEL APPEND root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && printf "%s " "$LUKS_DEV")rw INITRD $([[ $UCODE ]] && printf "%s" "$d/$UCODE.img,")$d/initramfs-$KERNEL-fallback.img $([[ $SYS == 'BIOS' ]] && printf "\n%s" "# examples of chainloading other bootloaders #LABEL grub2 #MENU LABEL Grub2 #COM32 chain.c32 #APPEND file=$d/grub/boot.img #LABEL windows #MENU LABEL Windows #COM32 chain.c32 #APPEND hd0 3") EOF return 0 } setup_refind-efi() { EDIT_FILES[bootloader]="/boot/refind_linux.conf" BCMDS[refind-efi]="mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars >/dev/null 2>&1 refind-install" } prerun_refind-efi() { cat > $MNT/boot/refind_linux.conf << EOF "$DIST Linux" "root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && printf "%s " "$LUKS_DEV")rw add_efi_memmap $([[ $UCODE ]] && printf "initrd=%s " "/$UCODE.img")initrd=/initramfs-$KERNEL.img" "$DIST Linux Fallback" "root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && printf "%s " "$LUKS_DEV")rw add_efi_memmap $([[ $UCODE ]] && printf "initrd=%s " "/$UCODE.img")initrd=/initramfs-$KERNEL-fallback.img" EOF mkdir -p $MNT/etc/pacman.d/hooks cat > $MNT/etc/pacman.d/hooks/refind.hook << EOF [Trigger] Operation = Upgrade Type = Package Target = refind-efi [Action] Description = Updating rEFInd on ESP When = PostTransaction Exec = /usr/bin/refind-install EOF } setup_systemd-boot() { EDIT_FILES[bootloader]="/boot/loader/entries/$DIST.conf" BCMDS[systemd-boot]="mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars >/dev/null 2>&1 bootctl --path=/boot install" } prerun_systemd-boot() { mkdir -p $MNT/boot/loader/entries cat > $MNT/boot/loader/loader.conf << EOF default $DIST timeout 5 editor no EOF cat > $MNT/boot/loader/entries/$DIST.conf << EOF title $DIST Linux linux /vmlinuz-${KERNEL}$([[ $UCODE ]] && printf "\ninitrd %s" "/$UCODE.img") initrd /initramfs-$KERNEL.img options root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && printf "%s " "$LUKS_DEV")rw EOF cat > $MNT/boot/loader/entries/$DIST-fallback.conf << EOF title $DIST Linux Fallback linux /vmlinuz-${KERNEL}$([[ $UCODE ]] && printf "\ninitrd %s" "/$UCODE.img") initrd /initramfs-$KERNEL-fallback.img options root=$ROOT_PART_ID $([[ $LUKS_DEV ]] && printf "%s " "$LUKS_DEV")rw EOF mkdir -p $MNT/etc/pacman.d/hooks cat > $MNT/etc/pacman.d/hooks/systemd-boot.hook << EOF [Trigger] Type = Package Operation = Upgrade Target = systemd [Action] Description = Updating systemd-boot When = PostTransaction Exec = /usr/bin/bootctl update EOF systemd-machine-id-setup --root="$MNT" return 0 } ############################################################################### # lvm functions lvm_menu() { check_background_install || return 1 lvm_detect local choice dlg choice menu "Logical Volume Management" "$_lvmmenu" \ "$_lvmnew" "vgcreate -f, lvcreate -L -n" \ "$_lvmdel" "vgremove -f" \ "$_lvmdelall" "lvrmeove, vgremove, pvremove -f" \ "back" "return to the main menu" case "$choice" in "$_lvmnew") lvm_create || return 1 ;; "$_lvmdel") lvm_delgroup && yesno "$_lvmdel" "$_lvmdelask" && vgremove -f "$DEL_VG" >/dev/null 2>&1 ;; "$_lvmdelall") lvm_del_all ;; esac return 0 } lvm_detect() { local v pv pv="$(pvs -o pv_name --noheading 2>/dev/null)" v="$(lvs -o vg_name,lv_name --noheading --separator - 2>/dev/null)" VGROUP="$(vgs -o vg_name --noheading 2>/dev/null)" if [[ $VGROUP && $v && $pv ]]; then msg "Logical Volume Management" "\nActivating existing logical volume management (LVM).\n\n" 1 modprobe dm-mod >/dev/null 2>$ERR errshow 'modprobe dm-mod' vgscan >/dev/null 2>&1 vgchange -ay >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } lvm_create() { VGROUP='' LVM_PARTS='' VGROUP_MB=0 umount_dir $MNT lvm_mkgroup || return 1 local txt="\nThe last (or only) logical volume will automatically use all remaining space in the volume group." dlg VOL_COUNT menu "$_lvmnew" "\nSelect the number of logical volumes (LVs) to create in: $VGROUP\n$txt" 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 [[ $VOL_COUNT ]] || return 1 lvm_extra_lvs || return 1 lvm_volume_name "$_lvmlvname\nNOTE: This LV will use up all remaining space in the volume group (${VGROUP_MB}MB)" || return 1 lvcreate -l +100%FREE "$VGROUP" -n "$VNAME" >/dev/null 2>$ERR errshow "lvcreate -l +100%FREE $VGROUP -n $VNAME" || return 1 LVM='logical volume'; sleep 0.5 txt="\nDone, volume: $VGROUP-$VNAME (${VOLUME_SIZE:-${VGROUP_MB}MB}) has been created.\n" msg "$_lvmnew (LV:$VOL_COUNT)" "$txt\n$(lsblk -o NAME,MODEL,TYPE,FSTYPE,SIZE $LVM_PARTS)\n" return 0 } get_lv_size() { local txt="${VGROUP}: ${SIZE}$SIZE_UNIT (${VGROUP_MB}MB remaining).$_lvmlvsize" while true; do ERR_SIZE=0 dlg VOLUME_SIZE input "$_lvmnew (LV:$VOL_COUNT)" "$txt" '' if [[ -z $VOLUME_SIZE ]]; then ERR_SIZE=1 break # allow bailing with escape or an empty choice elif (( ${VOLUME_SIZE:0:1} == 0 )); then ERR_SIZE=1 # size values can't begin with '0' else # walk the string and make sure all but the last char are digits local lv=$((${#VOLUME_SIZE} - 1)) for (( i=0; i= VGROUP_MB )) && ERR_SIZE=1 || VGROUP_MB=$((VGROUP_MB - m)) ;; [Mm]) (( ${VOLUME_SIZE:0:$lv} >= VGROUP_MB )) && ERR_SIZE=1 || VGROUP_MB=$((VGROUP_MB - s)) ;; *) ERR_SIZE=1 esac ;; *) ERR_SIZE=1 esac fi fi if (( ERR_SIZE )); then msg "Invalid Logical Volume Size" "$_lvmerrlvsize" else break fi done return $ERR_SIZE } lvm_mkgroup() { local named='' local txt="\nConfirm creation of volume group: $VGROUP\n\nwith the following partition(s):" until [[ $named ]]; do lvm_partitions || return 1 lvm_group_name || return 1 yesno "$_lvmnew" "$txt $LVM_PARTS\n" && named=true done vgcreate -f "$VGROUP" $LVM_PARTS >/dev/null 2>$ERR errshow "vgcreate -f $VGROUP $LVM_PARTS" || return 1 SIZE=$(vgdisplay "$VGROUP" | awk '/VG Size/ { gsub(/[^0-9.]/, ""); print int($0) }') SIZE_UNIT="$(vgdisplay "$VGROUP" | awk '/VG Size/ { print substr($NF, 0, 1) }')" if [[ $SIZE_UNIT == 'G' ]]; then VGROUP_MB=$((SIZE * 1000)) else VGROUP_MB=$SIZE fi msg "$_lvmnew" "\nVolume group: $VGROUP ($SIZE $SIZE_UNIT) has been created\n" return 0 } lvm_del_all() { local v pv pv="$(pvs -o pv_name --noheading 2>/dev/null)" v="$(lvs -o vg_name,lv_name --noheading --separator - 2>/dev/null)" VGROUP="$(vgs -o vg_name --noheading 2>/dev/null)" if [[ $VGROUP || $v || $pv ]]; then if yesno "$_lvmdelall" "$_lvmdelask"; then for i in $v; do lvremove -f "/dev/mapper/$i" >/dev/null 2>&1; done for i in $VGROUP; do vgremove -f "$i" >/dev/null 2>&1; done for i in $pv; do pvremove -f "$i" >/dev/null 2>&1; done LVM='' fi else msg "Delete LVM" "\nNo LVMs to remove...\n" 2 LVM='' fi } lvm_delgroup() { DEL_VG='' VOL_GROUP_LIST='' for i in $(lvs --noheadings | awk '{print $2}' | uniq); do VOL_GROUP_LIST+="$i $(vgdisplay "$i" | awk '/VG Size/ {print $3$4}') " done [[ $VOL_GROUP_LIST ]] || { msg "No Groups" "\nNo volume groups found."; return 1; } dlg DEL_VG menu "Logical Volume Management" "\nSelect volume group to delete.\n\nAll logical volumes within will also be deleted." $VOL_GROUP_LIST [[ $DEL_VG ]] } lvm_extra_lvs() { while (( VOL_COUNT > 1 )); do lvm_volume_name "$_lvmlvname" && get_lv_size || return 1 lvcreate -L "$VOLUME_SIZE" "$VGROUP" -n "$VNAME" >/dev/null 2>$ERR errshow "lvcreate -L $VOLUME_SIZE $VGROUP -n $VNAME" || return 1 msg "$_lvmnew (LV:$VOL_COUNT)" "\nDone, logical volume (LV) $VNAME ($VOLUME_SIZE) has been created.\n" (( VOL_COUNT-- )) done return 0 } lvm_partitions() { part_find 'part|crypt' || return 1 PARTS="$(awk 'NF > 0 {print $0 " off"}' <<< "$PARTS")" dlg LVM_PARTS check "$_lvmnew" "\nSelect the partition(s) to use for the physical volume (PV)." $PARTS [[ $LVM_PARTS ]] } lvm_group_name() { VGROUP='' until [[ $VGROUP ]]; do dlg VGROUP input "$_lvmnew" "$_lvmvgname" "mygroup" if [[ -z $VGROUP ]]; then return 1 elif [[ ${VGROUP:0:1} == "/" || $VGROUP =~ \ |\' ]] || lsblk | grep -q "$VGROUP"; then msg "LVM Name Error" "$_lvmerrvgname" VGROUP='' fi done return 0 } lvm_volume_name() { VNAME='' local txt="$1" default="mainvolume" (( VOL_COUNT > 1 )) && default="extravolume$VOL_COUNT" until [[ $VNAME ]]; do dlg VNAME input "$_lvmnew (LV:$VOL_COUNT)" "\n$txt" "$default" if [[ -z $VNAME ]]; then return 1 elif [[ ${VNAME:0:1} == "/" || $VNAME =~ \ |\' ]] || lsblk | grep -q "$VNAME"; then msg "LVM Name Error" "$_lvmerlvname" VNAME='' fi done return 0 } ############################################################################### # luks functions luks_menu() { local choice check_background_install || return 1 dlg choice menu "LUKS Encryption" "$_luksmenu" \ "$_luksnew" "cryptsetup -q luksFormat" \ "$_luksopen" "cryptsetup open --type luks" \ "$_luksadv" "cryptsetup -q -s -c luksFormat" \ "back" "Return to the main menu" case "$choice" in "$_luksnew") luks_basic || return 1 ;; "$_luksopen") luks_open || return 1 ;; "$_luksadv") luks_advanced || return 1 ;; esac return 0 } luks_open() { modprobe -a dm-mod dm_crypt >/dev/null 2>&1 umount_dir $MNT part_find 'part|crypt|lvm' || return 1 if (( COUNT == 1 )); then LUKS_PART="$(awk 'NF > 0 {print $1}' <<< "$PARTS")" else dlg LUKS_PART menu "$_luksopen" "\nSelect which partition to open." $PARTS fi [[ $LUKS_PART ]] || return 1 luks_pass "$_luksopen" || return 1 msg "$_luksopen" "\nOpening encrypted partition: $LUKS_NAME\n\nDevice or volume used: $LUKS_PART\n" 0 cryptsetup open --type luks "$LUKS_PART" "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$LUKS_PASS" 2>$ERR errshow "cryptsetup open --type luks $LUKS_PART $LUKS_NAME" || return 1 LUKS='encrypted'; luks_show return 0 } luks_pass() { LUKS_PASS='' local t="$1" op="$2" v='' p='' p2='' until [[ $LUKS_PASS ]]; do i=0 tput cnorm if [[ $op ]]; then dialog --insecure --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --separator $'\n' --title " $t " \ --mixedform "\nEnter the password to decrypt $ROOT_PART\n\nThis is needed to create a keyfile." 0 0 0 \ "Password:" 1 1 '' 1 11 "$COLUMNS" 0 1 \ "Password2:" 2 1 '' 2 12 "$COLUMNS" 0 1 2>"$ANS" || return 1 else dialog --insecure --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --separator $'\n' --title " $t " --mixedform "$_luksomenu" 0 0 0 \ "Name:" 1 1 "${LUKS_NAME:-cryptroot}" 1 7 "$COLUMNS" 0 0 \ "Password:" 2 1 '' 2 11 "$COLUMNS" 0 1 \ "Password2:" 3 1 '' 3 12 "$COLUMNS" 0 1 2>"$ANS" || return 1 fi while read -r line; do if [[ $op ]]; then case $i in 0) p="$line" ;; 1) p2="$line" ;; esac else case $i in 0) n="$line" ;; 1) p="$line" ;; 2) p2="$line" ;; esac fi (( i++ )) done < "$ANS" if [[ -z $op && -z $n ]]; then msg "Name Empty" "\nEncrypted device name cannot be empty.\n\nPlease try again.\n" 2 elif [[ -z $p || "$p" != "$p2" ]]; then [[ $op ]] || LUKS_NAME="$n" msg "Password Mismatch" "\nThe passwords entered do not match.\n\nPlease try again.\n" 2 else [[ $op ]] || LUKS_NAME="$n" LUKS_PASS="$p" fi done return 0 } luks_show() { sleep 0.5 msg "$_luksnew" "\nEncrypted partition opened and ready for mounting.\n\n$(lsblk -o NAME,MODEL,SIZE,TYPE,FSTYPE "$LUKS_PART")\n\n" } luks_setup() { modprobe -a dm-mod dm_crypt >/dev/null 2>&1 umount_dir $MNT part_find 'part|lvm' || return 1 if [[ $AUTO_ROOT_PART ]]; then LUKS_PART="$AUTO_ROOT_PART" elif (( COUNT == 1 )); then LUKS_PART="$(awk 'NF > 0 {print $1}' <<< "$PARTS")" else dlg LUKS_PART menu "$_luksnew" "\nSelect the partition you want to encrypt." $PARTS fi [[ $LUKS_PART ]] || return 1 luks_pass "$_luksnew" } luks_basic() { luks_setup || return 1 msg "$_luksnew" "\nCreating encrypted partition: $LUKS_NAME\n\nDevice or volume used: $LUKS_PART\n" 0 cryptsetup -q luksFormat "$LUKS_PART" <<< "$LUKS_PASS" 2>$ERR errshow "cryptsetup -q luksFormat $LUKS_PART" || return 1 cryptsetup open "$LUKS_PART" "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$LUKS_PASS" 2>$ERR errshow "cryptsetup open $LUKS_PART $LUKS_NAME" || return 1 LUKS='encrypted'; luks_show return 0 } luks_keyfile() { if [[ ! -e $MNT/crypto_keyfile.bin ]]; then # printf "Creating LUKS keyfile /crypto_keyfile.bin\n" local n n="$(lsblk -lno NAME,UUID,TYPE | awk "/$LUKS_UUID/"' && /part|crypt|lvm/ {print $1}')" local mkkey="dd bs=512 count=8 if=/dev/urandom of=/crypto_keyfile.bin" mkkey="$mkkey && chmod 000 /crypto_keyfile.bin" mkkey="$mkkey && cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/$n /crypto_keyfile.bin <<< '$LUKS_PASS'" chrun "$mkkey" sed -i 's/FILES=()/FILES=(\/crypto_keyfile.bin)/g' $MNT/etc/mkinitcpio.conf 2>$ERR fi return 0 } luks_advanced() { if luks_setup; then local cipher dlg cipher input "LUKS Encryption" "$_lukskey" "-s 512 -c aes-xts-plain64" [[ $cipher ]] || return 1 msg "$_luksadv" "\nCreating encrypted partition: $LUKS_NAME\n\nDevice or volume used: $LUKS_PART\n" 0 cryptsetup -q $cipher luksFormat "$LUKS_PART" <<< "$LUKS_PASS" 2>$ERR errshow "cryptsetup -q $cipher luksFormat $LUKS_PART" || return 1 cryptsetup open "$LUKS_PART" "$LUKS_NAME" <<< "$LUKS_PASS" 2>$ERR errshow "cryptsetup open $LUKS_PART $LUKS_NAME" || return 1 luks_show return 0 fi return 1 } ############################################################################### # helper functions ofn() { [[ "$2" == *"$1"* ]] && printf "on" || printf "off" } die() { local exitcode="$1" trap - INT trap - TSTP tput cnorm if [[ -d $MNT ]] && command cd /; then umount_dir $MNT if (( exitcode == 127 )); then umount -l /run/archiso/bootmnt sleep 0.5 systemctl -i reboot fi fi # restore custom linux console 0-15 colors when not rebooting if [[ $TERM == 'linux' ]]; then colors=("\e]P0191919" "\e]P1D15355" "\e]P2609960" "\e]P3FFCC66" "\e]P4255A9B" "\e]P5AF86C8" "\e]P62EC8D3" "\e]P7949494" "\e]P8191919" "\e]P9D15355" "\e]PA609960" "\e]PBFF9157" "\e]PC4E88CF" "\e]PDAF86C8" "\e]PE2ec8d3" "\e]PFE1E1E1") printf "%b" "${colors[@]}" && clear && unset col fi exit "$exitcode" } dlg() { local var="$1" dialog_type="$2" title="$3" body="$4" n=0 shift 4 (( ($# / 2) > SHL )) && n=$SHL tput civis case "$dialog_type" in menu) dialog --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --title " $title " --menu "$body" 0 0 $n "$@" 2>"$ANS" || return 1 ;; check) dialog --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --title " $title " --checklist "$body" 0 0 $n "$@" 2>"$ANS" || return 1 ;; input) tput cnorm local def="$1" shift if [[ $1 == 'limit' ]]; then dialog --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --max-input 63 --title " $title " --inputbox "$body" 0 0 "$def" 2>"$ANS" || return 1 else dialog --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --title " $title " --inputbox "$body" 0 0 "$def" 2>"$ANS" || return 1 fi ;; esac [[ -s "$ANS" ]] && printf -v "$var" "%s" "$(< "$ANS")" } msg() { local title="$1" body="$2" tput civis if (( $# == 3 )); then dialog --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --sleep "$3" --title " $title " --infobox "$body\n" 0 0 else dialog --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --title " $title " --msgbox "$body\n" 0 0 fi } json() { curl -s "http://api.ipstack.com/$2" | python3 -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['$1'])" } yesno() { local title="$1" body="$2" yes='Yes' no='No' (( $# >= 3 )) && local yes="$3" (( $# >= 4 )) && local no="$4" tput civis if (( $# == 5 )); then dialog --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --defaultno --title " $title " --yes-label "$yes" --no-label "$no" --yesno "$body\n" 0 0 else dialog --backtitle "$DIST Installer - $SYS - v$VER" --title " $title " --yes-label "$yes" --no-label "$no" --yesno "$body\n" 0 0 fi } chrun() { arch-chroot "$MNT" bash -c "$1" } debug() { export PS4='| ${BASH_SOURCE} LINE:${LINENO} FUNC:${FUNCNAME[0]:+ ${FUNCNAME[0]}()} |> ' set -x exec 3>| $DBG BASH_XTRACEFD=3 DEBUG=true } sigint() { printf "\n^C caught, cleaning up...\n" die 1 } print4() { local str="$*" if [[ $COLUMNS -ge 110 && ${#str} -gt $((COLUMNS - 30)) ]]; then str="$(awk '{ i = 2; p1 = p2 = p3 = p4 = ""; p1 = $1; q = int(NF / 4) for (; i <= q; i++) { p1 = p1 " " $i } for (; i <= q * 2; i++) { p2 = p2 " " $i } for (; i <= q * 3; i++) { p3 = p3 " " $i } for (; i <= NF; i++) { p4 = p4 " " $i } printf "%s\n %s\n %s\n %s", p1, p2, p3, p4 }' <<< "$str")" printf "%s\n" "$str" elif [[ $str ]]; then printf "%s\n" "$str" fi } errshow() { exit_code="$?" (( exit_code == 0 )) && return 0 local fatal=0 err="" err="$(sed 's/[^[:print:]]//g; s/\[[0-9\;:]*\?m//g; s/==> //g; s/] ERROR:/]\nERROR:/g' "$ERR")" (( $1 == 1 )) && { fatal=1; shift; } local txt="\nThe command exited abnormally:\n\n$1\n\n" if [[ $err ]]; then txt+="With the following message:\n\n$err\n\n" else txt+="With no error message:\n\n" fi if (( fatal == 1 )); then txt+="Errors at this stage are fatal and the install cannot continue.\n" else txt+="Errors at this stage are non-fatal and can be either fixed or ignored depending on the error.\n" fi msg "Install Error" "$txt" if (( fatal == 1 )); then [[ -r $DBG && $TERM == 'linux' ]] && less "$DBG" die 1 fi return 1 } load_bcm() { msg "Broadcom Wireless Setup" "\nDetected chipset is Broadcom BCM4352\n\nDisabling bcma/b43 modules and loading wl module.\n" 1 { rmmod wl; rmmod bcma; rmmod b43; rmmod ssb; modprobe wl; depmod -a; } >/dev/null 2>&1 BROADCOM_WL=true } prechecks() { if [[ $1 -ge 0 ]] && ! grep -qw "$MNT" /proc/mounts; then msg "Not Mounted" "\nPartition(s) must be mounted first.\n" 2 SEL=4 return 1 elif [[ $1 -ge 1 && -z $BOOTLDR ]]; then msg "No Bootloader" "\nBootloader must be selected first.\n" 2 SEL=5 return 1 elif [[ $1 -ge 2 && (-z $NEWUSER || -z $USER_PASS) ]]; then msg "No User" "\nA user must be created first.\n" 2 SEL=6 return 1 elif [[ $1 -ge 3 && -z $CONFIG_DONE ]]; then msg "Not Configured" "\nSystem configuration must be done first.\n" 2 SEL=7 return 1 fi return 0 } umount_dir() { swapoff -a [[ -d $1 ]] && umount -R "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 return 0 } chk_connect() { msg "Network Connect" "\nVerifying network connection\n" 1 curl -sIN --connect-timeout 5 'https://www.archlinux.org/' | sed '1q' | grep -q '200' } net_connect() { if chk_connect; then return 0 else if hash nmtui >/dev/null 2>&1; then tput civis [[ $TERM == 'linux' ]] && printf "%b" "\e]P1191919" "\e]P4191919" nmtui-connect [[ $TERM == 'linux' ]] && printf "%b" "\e]P1D15355" "\e]P4255a9b" chk_connect else return 1 fi fi } system_devices() { IGNORE_DEV="$(lsblk -lno NAME,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/\/run\/archiso\/bootmnt/ {sub(/[1-9]/, ""); print $1}')" if [[ $IGNORE_DEV ]]; then SYS_DEVS="$(lsblk -lno NAME,SIZE,TYPE | awk '/disk/ && !'"/$IGNORE_DEV/"' {print "/dev/" $1 " " $2}')" else SYS_DEVS="$(lsblk -lno NAME,SIZE,TYPE | awk '/disk/ {print "/dev/" $1 " " $2}')" fi if [[ -z $SYS_DEVS ]]; then msg "Device Error" "\nNo available devices...\n\nExiting..\n" 2 die 1 fi DEV_COUNT=0 while read -r line; do (( DEV_COUNT++ )) done <<< "$SYS_DEVS" } system_identify() { if [[ $VM ]]; then UCODE='' elif grep -q 'AuthenticAMD' /proc/cpuinfo; then UCODE="amd-ucode" elif grep -q 'GenuineIntel' /proc/cpuinfo; then UCODE="intel-ucode" fi modprobe -q efivarfs >/dev/null 2>&1 _prep="\nOnce a step is finished a step you will be returned here, if the step was successful the cursor will be advanced to the next step.\nIf a step is unsuccessful the cursor will be placed on the step required to advance (when possible).\n\nTo begin the install you should have:\n\n - A root (/) partition mounted." if [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ]]; then export SYS="UEFI" grep -q /sys/firmware/efi/efivars /proc/mounts || mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars _prep+="\n - An EFI boot partition mounted." else export SYS="BIOS" fi _prep+="\n\nOnce finished mounting, a portion of the install can be done in the background while you continue configuring the system:\n" _prep+="\n - Choose the system bootloader.\n - Create a user and password." _prep+="\n - Basic system configuration, kernel, shell, login, packages, etc..\n\nOnce you're happy with the choices and the required steps are complete, the main install can be started." } check_background_install() { [[ $RSYNC_PID || $MIRROR_PID ]] || return 0 msg "Install Running" "\nA background install process is currently running.\n" 2 return 1 } ############################################################################### # entry point if (( UID != 0 )); then msg "Not Root" "\nThis installer must be run as root or using sudo.\n\nExiting..\n" 2 die 1 elif ! grep -qwm 1 'lm' /proc/cpuinfo; then msg "Not x86_64 Architecture" "\nThis installer only supports x86_64 architectures.\n\nExiting..\n" 2 die 1 elif [[ $1 =~ (-d|--debug) ]]; then debug fi trap sigint INT # ^C trap cleanup system_identify system_devices msg "Welcome to the $DIST Installer" "\nThis will help you get $DIST setup on your system.\nHaving previous GNU/Linux and shell experience will be an asset, however we try our best to keep things simple.\n\nIf you are unsure about an option, a default will be listed or\nthe first selected option will usually be the default (excluding language and timezone).\n\n\nMenu Navigation:\n\n - Select items with the arrow keys or the option number.\n - Use [Space] to toggle options and [Enter] to confirm.\n - Switch between buttons using [Tab] or the arrow keys.\n - Use [Page Up] and [Page Down] to jump whole pages\n - Press the highlighted key of an option to select it.\n" select_keymap || { clear; die 0; } if lspci -vnn -d 14e4: | grep -q 'BCM4352'; then load_bcm fi if ! net_connect; then msg "Not Connected" "\nThis installer requires an active internet connection.\n\nExiting..\n" 2 die 1 fi while true; do select_main done # vim:fdm=marker:fmr={,}