# ArchLabs Installer Shell script to install Arch Linux based distributions with a focus on customization #### Features - Minimal dependencies. - LUKS and/or LVM support. - Btrfs and subvolume support. - Full device auto partitioning. - Mirror selection and sorting. - Self updating with persistent settings. - Base packages install in the background for faster installs. - Choose your own kernel, file system, bootloader, packages, sessions, shell, login manager, etc. #### Requirements - `awk` - `sed` - `curl` - `bash` - `dialog` - `parted` - `coreutils` - `findutils` - `util-linux` - `arch-install-scripts` #### Manual Installation ``` curl -fSL https://bitbucket.org/archlabslinux/installer/raw/master/installer -o /usr/local/bin/installer ```