Add more optional packages and optional branding change as per issue #4

This commit is contained in:
natemaia 2019-08-26 23:02:45 -07:00
parent af36aedb2b
commit da5fc031cc

View File

@ -5,8 +5,17 @@
# Some ideas and code reworked from other resources
# AIF, Cnichi, Calamares, Arch Wiki.. Credit where credit is due
VER="2.0.59" # installer version
DIST="ArchLabs" # linux distributor
# linux distributor, if unset will be ArchLabs
# this can be set in the environment prior to install, eg.
# $ DIST="My Distro" archlabs-installer
# will result in "My Distro Linux" used where needed
: ${DIST="ArchLabs"}
VER="2.0.60" # installer version
MNT="/mnt" # install mountpoint
ANS="/tmp/ans" # dialog answer file
@ -91,12 +100,12 @@ AUTO_BOOT_PART='' # boot value from auto partition
AL_BASE_PKGS="archlabs-skel-base archlabs-fonts archlabs-themes archlabs-dARK archlabs-icons archlabs-wallpapers archlabs-scripts"
# baseline (usually installed in the background)
BASE_PKGS="base-devel xorg xorg-drivers sudo git gvfs gtk3 gtk-engines gtk-engine-murrine pavucontrol tumbler "
BASE_PKGS+="playerctl ffmpeg gstreamer libmad libmatroska gst-libav gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good scrot"
BASE_PKGS="base-devel xorg xorg-drivers sudo git gvfs gtk3 gtk-engines gtk-engine-murrine pavucontrol tumbler xdg-user-dirs "
BASE_PKGS+="playerctl ffmpeg gstreamer libmad libmatroska gst-libav gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good scrot bash-completion"
# extras for window managers
WM_BASE_PKGS="arandr archlabs-networkmanager-dmenu xdg-user-dirs nitrogen polkit-gnome volumeicon xclip exo "
WM_BASE_PKGS+="xdotool compton wmctrl gnome-keyring dunst feh gsimplecal xfce4-power-manager xfce4-settings laptop-detect"
WM_BASE_PKGS="arandr archlabs-networkmanager-dmenu nitrogen polkit-gnome volumeicon xclip exo laptop-detect "
WM_BASE_PKGS+="xdotool compton wmctrl gnome-keyring dunst feh gsimplecal xfce4-power-manager xfce4-settings"
SEL=0 # currently selected menu item
@ -156,6 +165,7 @@ declare -A WM_SESSIONS=(
declare -A WM_EXT=(
[dwm]='' # NA
[gnome]='' # NA
[cinnamon]='gnome-terminal' # doesn't install a terminal on it's own
[plasma]='kdebase-meta' # base plasma application set
[awesome]='archlabs-skel-awesome' # see deps of archlabs-skel-awesome
[bspwm]='archlabs-skel-bspwm' # see deps of archlabs-skel-bspwm
@ -232,6 +242,7 @@ declare -A PKG_EXT=(
[qutebrowser]='qt5ct qt5-styleplugins'
[qbittorrent]='qt5ct qt5-styleplugins'
[transmission-qt]='qt5ct qt5-styleplugins'
[bluez]='bluez-libs bluez-utils bluez-tools bluez-plugins bluez-hid2hci'
[kdenlive]='kdebase-meta dvdauthor frei0r-plugins breeze breeze-gtk qt5ct qt5-styleplugins'
) # }
@ -597,6 +608,8 @@ select_packages()
atom "An open-source text editor developed by GitHub" "$(ofn atom "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
audacious "A free and advanced audio player based on GTK+" "$(ofn audacious "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
audacity "A program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms" "$(ofn audacity "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
blueman "GUI bluetooth device manager" "$(ofn blueman "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
bluez "Simple CLI based bluetooth support" "$(ofn bluez "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
cairo-dock "Light eye-candy fully themable animated dock" "$(ofn cairo-dock "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
calligra "A set of applications for productivity" "$(ofn calligra "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
chromium "An open-source web browser based on the Blink rendering engine" "$(ofn chromium "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
@ -615,6 +628,7 @@ select_packages()
geany "A fast and lightweight IDE" "$(ofn geany "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
geary "A lightweight email client for the GNOME desktop" "$(ofn geary "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
gimp "GNU Image Manipulation Program" "$(ofn gimp "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
gnome-calculator "GNOME Scientific calculator" "$(ofn gnome-calculator "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
gnome-disk-utility "Disk Management Utility" "$(ofn gnome-disk-utility "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
gnome-system-monitor "View current processes and monitor system state" "$(ofn gnome-system-monitor "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
gparted "A GUI frontend for creating and manipulating partition tables" "$(ofn gparted "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
@ -652,6 +666,7 @@ select_packages()
rhythmbox "A Music playback and management application" "$(ofn rhythmbox "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
rxvt-unicode "A unicode enabled rxvt-clone terminal emulator" "$(ofn rxvt-unicode "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
sakura "A terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE" "$(ofn sakura "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
simple-scan "Simple scanning utility" "$(ofn simple-scan "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
simplescreenrecorder "A feature-rich screen recorder" "$(ofn simplescreenrecorder "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
steam "A popular game distribution platform by Valve" "$(ofn steam "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
surf "A simple web browser based on WebKit2/GTK+" "$(ofn surf "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
@ -662,16 +677,19 @@ select_packages()
tilda "A GTK based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix" "$(ofn tilda "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
tilix "A tiling terminal emulator for Linux using GTK+ 3" "$(ofn tilix "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
transmission-cli "Free BitTorrent client CLI" "$(ofn transmission-cli "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
transmission-gtk "Free BitTorrent client GTK+ GUI" "$(ofn transmission-gtk "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
transmission-qt "Free BitTorrent client Qt GUI" "$(ofn transmission-qt "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
transmission-gtk "GTK+ Front end for transmission" "$(ofn transmission-gtk "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
transmission-qt "Qt Front end for transmission" "$(ofn transmission-qt "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
ttf-anonymous-pro "A family fixed-width fonts designed with code in mind" "$(ofn ttf-anonymous-pro "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
ttf-fira-code "Monospaced font with programming ligatures" "$(ofn ttf-fira-code "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
ttf-font-awesome "Iconic font designed for Bootstrap" "$(ofn ttf-font-awesome "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
ttf-hack "A hand groomed typeface based on Bitstream Vera Mono" "$(ofn ttf-hack "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
vlc "A free and open source cross-platform multimedia player" "$(ofn vlc "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
weechat "Fast, light and extensible IRC client" "$(ofn weechat "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
xapps "Common library for X-Apps project" "$(ofn xapps "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
xarchiver "A GTK+ frontend to various command line archivers" "$(ofn xarchiver "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
xed "A small and lightweight text editor. X-Apps Project." "$(ofn xed "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
xfce-terminal "A terminal emulator based in the Xfce Desktop Environment" "$(ofn xfce-terminal "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
xreader "Document viewer for files like PDF and Postscript. X-Apps Project." "$(ofn xed "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
xterm "The standard terminal emulator for the X window system" "$(ofn xterm "${USER_PKGS[*]}")" \
zathura "Minimalistic document viewer" "$(ofn zathura "${USER_PKGS[*]}")"
@ -1381,6 +1399,12 @@ install_base()
sed -i 's/volatile/auto/g' $MNT/etc/systemd/journald.conf
find $MNT/boot -name '*-ucode.img' -delete
if [[ $DIST != "ArchLabs" ]]; then
for f in $MNT/etc/{lsb-release,os-release}; do
sed -i "s/ArchLabs/$DIST/g" $MNT/etc/{lsb-release,os-release}
if [[ $VM ]]; then
find $MNT/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ -name '*.conf' -delete
elif lspci | grep ' VGA ' | grep -q 'Intel'; then